Chapter 106
Zhang Qianhu nodded, and Lord Deng immediately ordered a few scouts to go out.

After two sticks of incense, the two spies reported that there was no trace of any bandits in the first three miles.

After a while, two more scouts turned around and reported that no bandits were found in the first five miles.

After listening to the scouts' report, Master Deng smiled and said, "Master Zhang, I said you were overthinking, right? The two groups of scouts in front have not come back so far, they must have gone into the Red Mountain Ridge to find out information."

Zhang Qianhu nodded, turned around and shouted: "The whole army is mobilized, keep going!"

The soldiers sitting around hurriedly got up and lined up when they heard the sound, and then started to move forward.

After walking for about five miles, a scout suddenly reported: "I would like to report to the two adults of Qianhu. Some people were found in the first five miles. There were more than 200 people. Judging from their flustered appearance, they may be bandits who abandoned the mountain and fled."

Deng Qianhu burst out laughing when he heard this: "Hahaha, you are very well-informed even if you don't know about the bandits! You actually know that we are here to suppress the bandits. This group of people must have been frightened by us. Damn it, I just remembered now." It's too late to escape, these people are all worthless money now. Send me an order, the former army will attack, and I must wipe out this group of bandits."

"Wait!" Zhang Qianhu hastily waved his hand to stop the actions of the former army, then looked at the scout and asked, "You said that more than 200 bandits fled in a panic, so let me ask you, from which direction did the bandits flee?" Here, which direction are you planning to flee to? Also, are the bandits fleeing in a chaotic manner, or in an orderly manner?"

The scout hurriedly said: "My lord, judging by the chaotic appearance of these people, there is no doubt that these people are bandits who have abandoned the mountain and fled. The direction of these people is the direction of Hongshanling. I followed behind for a while, thinking that they are going to flee The direction of the Huguan."

"Master Zhang, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and send someone after him!" Deng Qianhu hurriedly said.

Zhang Qianhu glared at Deng Qianhu and said, "What's the hurry? If the bandits run for their lives, can we catch up? If we want to wipe out this group of bandits, we must surround them so that we can catch them."

"Yes! Yes! You have to surround them to catch them." Deng Qianhu hurriedly said.

Zhang Qianhu called several hundreds of households, pointed to the mountains ahead, and gave them some soft instructions.

Those hundreds of households all showed joy when they heard this, nodded repeatedly, and then led their subordinates to the direction Zhang Qianhu said.

After the hundreds of households led the people away, Zhang Qianhu smiled at Deng Qianhu: "When they have ambushed, we will intercept the bandits from the side and drive them into our ambush circle."

"Hahaha, it's still Zhang Qianhu who is good at fighting, and my brother admires him." Deng Qianhu laughed.

Zhang Qianhu waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's just a trick, it's nothing."

Immediately ordered the officers and soldiers to change direction, leave the main road, and head towards the mountains.

It's just that thousands of officers and soldiers are marching on the mountain road, trying to maintain their formation, the speed of the march can be imagined.

Fortunately, Zhang Qianhu was not in a hurry, but directed the officers and soldiers to move forward slowly.

After walking for about half an hour, I saw a group of bandits approaching from a distance.

Just as the officers and soldiers discovered the bandits, the bandits also saw the officers and soldiers.

Only one person in the distance shouted: "The head of the family, it's not good, there are officers and soldiers in front."

Nothing can stimulate officers and soldiers more than the three words "Da Dang Jia".

Xu Baichuan offered a reward of 5000 taels of silver for the capture and death of the bandit leader Li Jing. All the officers and soldiers of the guards in the two prefectures knew about it. When they heard these three words, they were more effective than Zhang Qianhu's military order.

Only an officer and soldier in the team shouted: "Brothers, catch Li Jing and get the reward!"

Then the officers and soldiers began to rush towards the bandits on the opposite side.

Zhang Qianhu only heard a faint sound coming from the opposite side, "No, brothers, run away", and then the voices of officers and soldiers shouted in his ears.

What is the comparison between officers and soldiers catching bandits?
The comparison is actually the strength of the feet, and the comparison is who can run faster.

Under normal circumstances, even if everyone has the same foot strength, the fleeing party will definitely run faster than the chasing party.

If you run for your life, if you don't run fast, you will either be killed or captured, so the motivation is far stronger than that of the chasing party.

But there are also special circumstances, and that is the current situation.

In the eyes of the officers and soldiers, these fleeing bandits are alive and kicking silver coins. If you don't chase after them desperately, the silver coins will disappear.

One side wants to escape, the other side wants money, this race is inextricably divided, both sides ran more than two miles in a blink of an eye.

"Huh? No, why does the bandit seem to be running in the direction of Hongshanling?" Zhang Qianhu said after looking around for a while.

"Hehe, what's so strange about this? When they saw us, these guys might have forgotten what they were going to do. Don't worry about it, just chase them like this, at worst, chase them all the way to their lair, and catch them all. En , I don’t think ambush is necessary, let them chase together, lest when they get it, they won’t get the reward and complain about our brothers.” Deng Qianhu laughed.

"Alright, anyway, we can't stop the soldiers now, so let's do it." Zhang Qianhu nodded.

But there was no need for Zhang Qianhu to order.

The officers and soldiers in ambush waited for a long time and did not see the bandits. They only heard shouts from a distance, and the voices became farther and farther away. These hidden officers and soldiers immediately understood that the bandits were not coming in their direction.

Hearing words such as chasing, killing, and taking rewards coming from a distance from time to time, these people couldn't hold back immediately, and rushed out one by one without waiting for the officer's order.

There were thousands of officers and soldiers chasing the bandits on a small hill, and suddenly hundreds of people appeared all around. The scene was as chaotic as it needed to be.Because officers and soldiers are not only chasing bandits, they are also picking up things.

In order to escape for their lives, the bandits threw away the packages they carried with them one after another. I don’t know if the package was not fastened or for other reasons. Once the package fell to the ground, it would inevitably be scattered. The clothes, cloth, silk, satin, shoes, copper coins, etc. Broken silver and so on were scattered all over the ground.

The officers and soldiers didn't doubt anything about this. It would be suspicious if the bandits abandoned the mountain and fled without these things.

The bandits threw things everywhere, and the officers and soldiers naturally stepped forward to pick them up.

You must know that the lives of officers and soldiers are also very poor. Many people can't even wear trousers. It is common for several members of a family to wear a pair of trousers or a piece of clothing.

Sometimes, two officers and soldiers or several officers and soldiers have started fighting for the same piece of clothing or fabric.As for the competition, there are many people who tear their clothes to pieces.

The soldiers in front went to great lengths to scramble for things, but those behind couldn't intervene to snatch them, so they could only continue to chase, and rejoined the chasing team after the snatchers had decided the winner.

Zhang Qianhu watched the scene from afar, and yelled curses from time to time.

Zhang Qianhu could see very clearly that the officers and soldiers had a chance to catch up with the bandits. The nearest one could catch up with only a dozen steps away, but whenever they were about to catch up, the bandits would drop a burden, and then the officers and soldiers would start to catch up. To rob, wait until the officers and soldiers have finished robbing and the bandits are safe, then everyone continues the race.

The bandits and officers and soldiers chased and fled, and turned over a mountain in a short while.

Seeing the bandits and officers and soldiers gradually disappearing from his sight, Zhang Qianhu was startled, could it be that the bandits lured the enemy?
"Ming Jin, Ming Jin!" Zhang Qianhu shouted.

"Stop shouting, it's useless, Mingjin's people are all running after the bandits." Deng Qianhu said with a wry smile: "These bastards saw others robbing things, so they followed them."

Zhang Qianhu turned around and looked around, only to find that there were only a dozen or so cronies left around him, and seeing that the supply troops guarding the artillery and food and grass were still there, Zhang Qianhu felt a little relieved.

"Quick, quick, catch up with them, tell the brothers not to chase, and be careful in ambush." ​​Zhang Qianhu hurriedly said to the people around him.

Zhang Qianhu himself was afraid of death, and he didn't want his subordinates to die.

It's not that he loves soldiers like a son, it's that if he suffers another defeat this time, then his thousand households may be the end.

The last time I used the excuse of evil spirits attacking the camp, because it was night, but now it is daytime, no matter how ruthless the evil spirits are, they will not come out during the day, right?
Zhang Qianhu's confidant, Deling, was about to step forward when he heard a person on the mountain shouting, "Brothers, hurry up, the bandits have entered the valley and there is no way to escape. Chase! Kill!"

Zhang Qianhu was taken aback. Is it a valley to climb over this mountain?If it is true what this person said, then it is not impossible to wipe out this group of bandits.

Zhang Qianhu was eager to go up the mountain to see what happened, so he immediately urged his horse to gallop up the mountain.

After a while, Zhang Qianhu came to the top of the mountain and looked down, only to see that there was indeed a valley below the mountain, and the bandits were still running vaguely, but at the end of the valley was a big mountain.

Now that officers and soldiers are pouring into the valley from three sides, it is almost impossible for the bandits to escape around the mountain. The only way is to climb over the mountain.

But the mountain on the opposite side was far higher and steeper than the one Zhang Qianhu was standing on. Such a mountain was not so easy to climb.

At this moment, Zhang Qianhu suddenly became a little excited, maybe these bandits could really be wiped out in the valley.

But Zhang Qianhu rubbed his eyes suddenly, why did those bandits stop suddenly?Are they ready to surrender?
But Zhang Qianhu immediately dismissed this idea because he saw the bandits showing their knives.

"Hahaha, I really laughed to death. Old Zhang, look at these bandits who are ready to fight in the end." Deng Qianhu laughed.

Zhang Qianhu looked back at Deng Qianhu, and said calmly: "Because they know that they have no way out, and they also know that even if they surrender, they will not escape death, so they might as well go all out."

"Hehe, it's a pity that they won't have a chance to go all out." Deng Qianhu shook his head and smiled.

Indeed, the officers and soldiers began to form a formation slowly during the encirclement process, with shields in front and guns in the back. The archers had already held the arrows in their hands, and were ready to draw the bow and release the arrow as soon as they entered the range.

Officers and soldiers are officers and soldiers, no matter how bad they are, they are still officers and soldiers, even if they don't usually train much, they are still officers and soldiers.

The routine of fighting has long been ingrained in their hearts. At this time, in order to avoid casualties, they naturally began to form an array, and then pressed forward step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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