Chapter 107
As the officers and soldiers advanced step by step, the bandits began to retreat.

In the face of several times the enemy, and such a tight military formation, it is impossible for the bandits not to be afraid.

But Zhang Qianhu suddenly felt a little strange. He felt that the bandits didn't seem to be afraid at all. As for why he felt this way, he couldn't explain it himself.

"Old Deng, let's take a look with you guys. Why do I think there's something wrong with this group of bandits?" Zhang Qianhu turned around and said.

Deng Qianhu glanced into the valley after hearing the words, shook his head and said: "I don't think there is anything wrong, our brothers are advancing step by step, and the archers will be within range in a while. Just a round of arrow rain Come down, these bandits will have to confess here."

Zhang Qianhu shook his head. This Deng Qianhu didn't understand anything. Asking him such a question was tantamount to playing the piano against a cow.

"My lord, the bandits seem to be forming an array. You see, when they retreat, they seem to be running around, but they are actually looking for their own positions. Look, look. The bandits from the west stopped after running to the east. I came down, and a few people changed from the original position." A soldier suddenly pointed to the valley and said.

Zhang Qianhu suddenly realized when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Quickly let the drums be beat, and let the soldiers attack quickly, these bandits are deceitful."

"There are no drums. This is the top of the mountain, and our drums haven't been brought up." The soldier hurriedly said.

"Then shout! Hurry up! Shout loudly. Attack! Attack!" Zhang Qianhu shouted, pulling his neck.

The dozen or so soldiers hurriedly pulled their necks and shouted loudly: "Master Qianhu has an order, attack, attack."

As soon as the voices of the dozen or so personal soldiers fell, they heard a loud noise in the valley.

Zhang Qianhu only felt that the whole mountain was shaking, and his feet were unsteady, and he almost fell off his horse.

And the horse neighed up to the sky, its front hooves stomping non-stop.

After Zhang Qianhu managed to stabilize his figure, reined in the horse, and looked down, he was stunned.

I saw a group of soldiers lying down in front of the formation of officers and soldiers, as if the seedlings in the rice field had been swept around by a sickle, brushing the ground in unison.

Before Zhang Qianhu came back to his senses, there was another loud noise, followed by another...
After a dozen or so loud noises, the formation of the soldiers in the valley was already out of shape, and there was a lot of screaming in the valley.

Zhang Qianhu only felt that his eyes went dark for a while, he knew that he was finished, this time it was completely finished, almost all his soldiers were wiped out.

But a bigger blow was yet to come. At this time, a group of bandits suddenly appeared from the opposite mountain forest. They waved knives and rushed towards the officers and soldiers who were still in a daze.

These people were extremely fast, rushing from the forest to the officers and soldiers, it didn't even take half a cup of tea.

The officers and soldiers who were confused and didn't understand what happened were killed in a flash.The officers and soldiers who responded in a timely manner either turned around and fled or immediately abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

"It's not good, the bandit army is about to kill, my lord, run quickly." A soldier shouted hastily.

Only then did Zhang Qianhu come to his senses, turned his horse's head and hurried down the mountain.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Qianhu hurriedly called to the soldiers in charge of guarding the food and supplies: "Fire the guns quickly, fire the guns quickly."

This group of soldiers just heard loud noises coming from the mountain ahead, although they didn't know what happened, but seeing Lord Qianhu panicked, they knew that the officers and soldiers must have suffered a great loss.

Most of these soldiers participated in the last bandit suppression with Zhang Qianhu. Seeing that Zhang Qianhu suffered a big loss from the bandits again, they all cursed Zhang Qianhu in their hearts as an unlucky ghost, and they lost all battles with him.

However, the scolding was scolding, the hands and feet did not stop, and the cannon was unloaded from the car in a hurry.

When the soldiers hurriedly mounted the guns and loaded the gunpowder projectiles, they were suddenly dumbfounded.

Who are you going to shoot?

There were indeed a large number of bandits on the mountain, but there were still officers and soldiers running for their lives in front of the bandits. I don't know how many bandits can be knocked down by this cannonball. It is estimated that the officers and soldiers will fall.

Here are sixty tiger crouching cannons!
Once these sixty cannons were fired, it is estimated that few officers and soldiers who were fleeing for their lives would be able to return alive.

"My lord, light it, light it?" The soldier who lit the torch asked tremblingly.

At this time, Zhang Qianhu also saw the situation in front of him clearly. He did not expect so many soldiers to escape.

If there were only a dozen soldiers, he would have ordered the fire to be fired without hesitation, but there were hundreds of officers and soldiers in front, and there were several hundreds of households among them.These people are all his subordinates, they hang out together all day long, eat and drink, how could he do anything.

"Hurry up and put the cannon away, let's run too." Zhang Qianhu sighed.

After hearing this order, the soldiers were stunned.

Can you put the cannon away at this time?
I am afraid that before the cannons are cleared away, the bandits will kill them right in front of them.

Master Qianhu, was your head kicked by a donkey?

Seeing that the bandits were getting closer, seeing that it would be too late if they didn't run away, the soldiers suddenly yelled, turned around and started running away.As for those tiger crouching cannons, who would care about them?

The officers and soldiers abandoned artillery, food and grass and other supplies, and ran for several miles at a stretch before throwing off the bandits.

Zhang Qianhu counted the number of remaining soldiers, only feeling sad.The two thousand households belonged to nearly 2000 people, but in the end there were only more than 500 people left, and some of them were peasants who pushed carts and drove horses.

"Master Zhang, what should we do now?" Deng Qianhu asked hurriedly.

Zhang Qianhu sighed and said, "Oh! What else can we do? We can only go to meet up with Commander-in-Chief now. Could it be that we can wipe out the bandits with our little people?"

"But how do we explain our current state to the Commander? Could it be that we were chasing the enemy and ambushed accidentally?" Deng Qianhu asked.

Zhang Qianhu shook his head and said, "How much do you think we can survive if you say that?"

Without waiting for Deng Qianhu to answer, Zhang Qianhu continued: "Tell the brothers, just say that we were ambushed while marching. The bandits used a large number of powerful landmines, so we suffered heavy losses."

"Is it possible to say that?" Deng Qianhu questioned.

Deng Qianhu's suspicion was not unreasonable. You must know that the officers and soldiers did not line up when they marched, but formed a long line.Two thousand officers and soldiers, plus vehicles carrying artillery, food, grass, and other supplies, as well as mules and horses, stretched for at least three miles. No matter how powerful the mines were, they couldn't cover such a long distance, could they?

And how did the landmine detonate?Could it be detonated together if they step on the hair?That can only be used to pull hair.But you need ropes to pull the mines. How are so many ropes hidden?And how far away are the people who fired the landmines from the officers and soldiers?Don't so many officers and soldiers have eyes when they walk?

"It's okay, that's all I can say, and I know it might be unreasonable to say this, but there is no way, it's better than chasing the enemy and being ambushed." Zhang Qianhu sighed.

Deng Qianhu was silent after hearing this.

Now he and Zhang Qianhu are grasshoppers on the same rope. If they are unlucky, they will be unlucky together, and if they want to pass the test, they will pass it together.Therefore, the caliber of the two must be unified.

When Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu were having headaches, Li Jingzheng led people to load the artillery into the car.

Sixty tiger squatting cannons, a large amount of food, grass and supplies, and mules and horses pulling carts, this battle can be described as a complete victory.

On the surface, the victory of this battle was very easy, but in fact it was not so easy.

First of all, officers and soldiers must send out a large number of scouts to scout and explore the way. Li Jing arranges ambushes and lays mines, so he must avoid these officers and soldiers.

But Li Jing knew that it was not so easy to avoid the eyes of the scouts. The only way to do this was to fight scouts against scouts and wipe out all the scouts of the officers and soldiers.Only in this way can the officers and soldiers be blinded and deafened.

It can be said that the first confrontation between officers and bandits was actually the scout troops of both sides.

The result is self-evident, Li Jing not only sent the fourth scout team, but also used half of the assault team.

Scouts are good at detecting the enemy's situation, and assault squads are good at ambushes and assassinations. When the two are combined, the assault squad will pre-ambush based on the information sent back by the scouts, and then launch a sudden attack.

It was precisely because the assault team and the scouts successfully hunted down the officers and soldiers' scouts that Li Jing's follow-up actions could be carried out.

When Li Jing got everything ready, he ordered the assault team and the scout team not to attack and kill the scouts of the officers and soldiers.

At this time, he needed the scouts of the officers and soldiers to discover his team. If the officers and soldiers found traces of more than 200 bandits, they would definitely not let them go.

Everything was as Li Jing imagined, and the officers and soldiers really caught up.

In order to attract officers and soldiers to take the bait, Li Jing deliberately asked people to call out his identity when encountering officers and soldiers.

In addition, the baggage prepared by Li Jing in advance also came in handy. When the bandits escaped, they would inevitably encounter bumps and bumps. When the time came to spread out the baggage and throw it out, it would attract the attention of the officers and soldiers, and then they could escape calmly.

What is more miraculous is that none of the bandits were left behind or injured during their escape.

Only then did the bandits who had just come up to the mountain realize that Li Jing was not trying to torment them by letting them run around the training ground every day. This training was really the number one skill to save their lives on the battlefield.

Li Jing's plan was implemented very smoothly, and the officers and soldiers were finally led to the place where the mines were laid.

Then there is the last step, let the officers and soldiers gather.

So Li Jing asked the bandits to put on a stubborn posture. When the officers and soldiers saw the bandits gathered together, they immediately formed formations.

In fact, Li Jing didn't ask the bandits to form a formation, but just told them not to step on the rope that triggered the mine.

However, the bandits have also been trained, and they naturally want to maintain the usual training formation when they stand in line.

As for the detonation of the mine, there was a small mistake.

As the dozen or so officers and soldiers on the mountain suddenly shouted to attack, a bandit who was in charge of detonating the mine was nervous, and even set off the mine without waiting for Li Jing's order.

When he reacted, the mine had already exploded.

Fortunately, Li Jing responded in a timely manner. Before the officers and soldiers woke up from the shock, he ordered the mine to be sounded.Otherwise, the officers and soldiers would disperse in a hurry, and it would no longer be possible to cause massive damage to the officers and soldiers.

When Zhou Hu led his troops to attack, the battle basically came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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