Chapter 115
With Qian Zhong's status, he can barely use the handsome flag, but his handsome flag is now in Weihui Mansion, in Xu Baichuan's government office.

In addition, when besieging a small hill like Hongshanling, the role of the flag is actually not obvious. Because the battlefield area is too small, the number of people is not large, and the two sides have not fought, as long as a dozen or so people shout together, everyone can hear it, which is completely unnecessary. Command with a flag.

Therefore, the direction of the flags around Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu has basically not changed, and it has always pointed to the front.

Commanding officers use flags, while commanding soldiers use drums and gongs.

The sound of the drum will advance, and the sound of gold will retreat.

Gold is a gong, and when the gold rings to withdraw troops, it means to beat the gong to let everyone come back and rest, and stop playing with others.

The use of gongs is to withdraw troops, while the use of drums is to advance and attack.

There are actually many kinds of drums, some are used to command soldiers to march, and some are used to command soldiers to attack.

The drums used to command soldiers to march were generally snare drums, and were almost always used on recruits.

When recruits first enter the battlefield, it is inevitable that they will be nervous, and it is easy to make mistakes while marching, thus destroying the formation.

This kind of small drum is used to direct them to walk. During normal training, the recruits walk with the drumbeat of the small drum.

When you are on the battlefield, even if you make a mistake at the beginning, after listening to the drums for a while, you will slowly correct yourself.

The veterans don't use the snare drum to command much when they go to the battlefield, and they are already familiar with how to walk.

The drums used to command soldiers to attack were big drums, even giant drums.

The sound of the drum can be heard for miles.

But this kind of drum is not played casually, and it must not be played until the time is right.Because the sound of the drum means an attack, a charge.

For the drummer who plays this kind of drum, it is definitely both physical work and skill work.

The person who beats the drum can't lose energy after just a few beats, and he can't beat it indiscriminately.

Generally speaking, the soldiers responsible for beating the drums are all big-bodied and strong-bodied.

In addition, a better drummer will also know a little bit of rhythm, a clever drummer will also calculate the distance between the two sides, so as to control the rhythm of the drum, and the most skilled drummer will also observe the situation on the battlefield.

In fact, when the drum sounds and the attack begins, the drummer is the real commander on the battlefield.

A good drummer can beat the drum so that people's blood boils, can really inspire the soldiers, and can try to last the time of the first drum.

The so-called drumming is to test the physical strength and skills of the drummers.

When beating the drums, first slow down, let the soldiers get ready after hearing it, and then gradually speed up, so that the soldiers will move forward with the rhythm of the drums.When the drums become louder and denser, it is time to charge. Since the soldiers are ready and their morale is fully mobilized, they can crush the enemy with overwhelming momentum.

Zhang Qianhu gave the order to beat the drum, telling his soldiers to prepare to charge.

And as long as trained soldiers know what this drumming means.

When the drums sounded, the soldiers were followed by the supervising team. Those who did not rush would die, and those who retreated would die.

For soldiers, they would rather die in the hands of the enemy than in the hands of the supervising team.

The officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain began to beat drums, and everyone on the mountain could hear them clearly.

This was the first time Li Jing heard the sound of drums in battle.

However, when old man Chen and later Gao Qi were training their subordinates, they repeatedly warned the meaning and importance of the drums.

In addition, a big drum was also built on the mountain. Although it was only played in training and never used in actual combat, everyone on the mountain knew what the drumming represented.

In fact, Hongshanling fought several battles with officers and soldiers, but Li Jing was either sneak attacking, attacking, or luring the enemy into ambush, so the drum was useless at all.

This is because Li Jing's way of fighting is completely different from that of people in this era, and the situation also requires Li Jing not to fight head-on with officers and soldiers.

Li Jing naturally understood what the officers and soldiers meant by beating the drums. Seeing that the officers and soldiers had rushed to the halfway up the mountain, Li Jing suddenly waved his hands and shouted: "Raise the fire!"

Following Li Jing's order, dozens of bandits quickly took out flint and flint and lit torches.

Seeing the torches lit, Li Jing then shouted: "The first team is ready!"

Immediately, dozens of bandits came forward, each holding an oval object made of mud: a grenade.

Seeing that the distance between the officers and soldiers was getting closer, and some officers and soldiers had already started to take down their bows and arrows, Li Jing shouted: "Light it up, throw it!"

Following Li Jing's order, these people set fire to the grenade in their hands, then took a few steps forward, and then threw the grenade forcefully.

If it was thrown on flat ground, these people would not be able to throw it so far, but now they are on the mountain, condescending, and the throwing distance is virtually increased.

And grenades are not like mines.

Landmines cannot be planted in front of the enemy, as that will lose their effect, so it will be over after detonation.

But grenades can be thrown casually as long as they are available.

Li Jing made thousands of grenades last time, and he couldn't finish throwing them all in a while.

In addition, in order to achieve continuous throwing, Li Jing divided the throwers into three teams, and specially sent people to hold the fire, in order to make it easier for them to ignite the fuze.

When the throwers of the first team finished throwing and retreated, the second team came up, followed by the third team, and then the first team went up again. It was really continuous without any stagnation.

Dozens of hundreds of grenades exploded non-stop. The scene was quite spectacular and the effect was amazing.

Although some people didn't throw enough distance due to lack of arm strength, and some grenades exploded in mid-air, but a considerable number of them fell beside the officers and soldiers, and the officers and soldiers who rushed to the front were immediately blown upside down.

Seeing the officers and soldiers rushing up one by one, and being blown down one after another, Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu both sighed at the same time.

"Retreat! If you don't retreat, everyone will die!" Deng Qianhu said with red eyes suddenly.

Zhang Qianhu nodded, waved his hand to stop the drummer, and then said to a soldier next to him, "Mingjin!"

"Dang Dang Dang!" With the sound of the gong, the officers and soldiers retreated from the mountain like a tide.

Outside Hongshan Lingnan Army Camp.

I saw the officers and soldiers fleeing down the mountain throwing away their helmets and armor.

The commander glanced at Sun Meng and said, "Sun Qianhu, do you think these people are still bandits? Why are their weapons more powerful than the officers and soldiers?"

"I don't know about the lowly position." Sun Meng bowed and said.

After a pause, Sun Meng continued: "My lord, now that all our tiger squat cannons are gone, it will be even more difficult to attack the mountain."

The commander nodded, sighed and said, "That's right, it's like this when you attack a mountain with artillery, how can you fight this battle without artillery?"

Sun Meng glanced at the commander, then looked around a few times, hesitated for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Master Commander, why don't we negotiate peace with the bandit leader?"

The commander glanced around and saw that the left and right were far apart, so he asked softly, "Negotiate peace? Negotiate peace with the bandits?"

Sun Meng nodded, pointed in the direction of Hongshanling and said in a low voice: "My lord, you have also seen that we are definitely not able to defeat the bandits with our strength, so if we want to destroy the bandits, we can only report to the imperial court, but after reporting, I'm afraid it will be bad for your future. There is only one way to go, and that is to reach an agreement with the bandits in private, so that they will not make trouble in our situation."

"But we just lost the battle, can the bandits agree to our conditions?" the commander said hesitantly.

Sun Meng smiled and said: "My lord, if the bandits are smart, they will definitely agree. After all, they are bandits. If they provoke the imperial court to send a large army to encircle and suppress them, even if the bandits are powerful, they will not be able to stop them. And we can also let the bandits Let’s open the conditions, anyway, as long as it doesn’t affect the future of the adults, as for the government office, I have to rely on the adults to figure out a way.”

"Don't worry about the official yamen. There are bandits in their jurisdiction, and they can't get away with it. How could they foolishly report to the court to ask for trouble?" The commander thought for a while.

"Then send someone to contact the bandits?" Sun Meng stared at the commander's face and asked cautiously.

The commander nodded and said: "However, we must be careful about this matter, and we must not let the wind leak. This is a gangster. Once it is leaked, neither of us can escape."

Sun Meng hurriedly said: "My lord, don't worry, I understand. But since we want to negotiate peace with the bandits, we have to show some sincerity. I think, should we retreat five miles and give way to the bandits' way out of the mountain?"

"I'm afraid that if Qian Chong finds out, he will report it to the commander of the capital, and I will be responsible for that." The commander thought for a while.

Sun Meng said with a smile: "Hehe, my lord is worrying too much. We know exactly what name Qian Zhong came in. From what I have seen in my humble position, the Commander probably doesn't like him very much. Otherwise, why does he always stay here?" The magistrate of the Weihui Mansion doesn’t even come to the barracks? I think he’s also afraid of getting involved!”

The commander suddenly said: "It makes sense, then do as you say, let's retreat five miles and make way for the passage."

Sun Meng said hastily: "I obey the order!"

Shaoqing Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu came back with the remnants of the defeated generals.

The commander gave the two of them a cold look, snorted, and turned back to the camp.

"Master Sun, what does Commander-in-Chief mean?" Zhang Qianhu wondered.

Sun Meng said with a smile: "The two lords attacked bravely, and the Commander saw it in his eyes. We lost this battle because our weapons were no match for the bandit army. But after all, you two were defeated, so should the Commander reward you? ?”

Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu hurriedly shook their heads: "As long as you don't punish them, you will be thankful."

After a pause, Zhang Qianhu sighed: "It's just a pity that Master Sun's forty cannons have all fallen into the hands of the bandit army this time. How will we fight future battles!"

Sun Meng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you and my brothers, what's the difference between you and me? Besides, even if we have artillery in our hands, can we defeat the bandit army? The range of the bandit army's artillery is more than twice as far as ours. Do we have these? Guns are useless."

Knowing that Sun Meng was comforting himself, Zhang Qianhu cupped his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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