Chapter 116

Sun Meng paused and continued: "My lord Zhang, my lord Deng, if I lose this battle, I fear that the bandit army will really lay mines around my camp to seal it off. Just now I mentioned this matter to my lord Commander. What does your lord mean? Pull out the camp and retreat five miles to avoid conflict with the bandit army, what do you two adults think?"

Zhang Qianhu sighed and said, "Even if the bandits don't come to lay mines, how can we stop them?"

Deng Qianhu continued: "Yes, the bandit army's weapons are really powerful. I don't know what they still have. They explode when they hit the ground. Every blow can injure several of our brothers. If the bandit army attacks with this, what will happen to our army?" Resist? In my opinion, it is better to withdraw directly."

Sun Meng waved his hand and said, "It's not up to you or me to decide whether to withdraw the troops, it's up to the Commander to decide, we just need to explain the situation to the Commander, and the matter of withdrawing troops is free to negotiate with the above. Of course, we brothers must have the same caliber."

Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu clasped their fists at the same time and said, "It's only natural."

Sun Meng nodded and called the two back to camp.

That night, Sun Meng returned to Hongshanling, and told the things he had discussed with the commander.

"Hahaha, big brother is really good at calculating. The officers and soldiers suffered a defeat this time. When I told that dead eunuch, he immediately agreed to negotiate a peace, and then obediently retreated, giving way to the road out of the mountain." Sun Meng took a sip of his wine and laughed. road.

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "This matter is your credit, don't blame me."

Sun Meng laughed and said, "My old grandson knows nothing. If my elder brother hadn't taught me how to speak in advance, I wouldn't be able to explain those words clearly."

"You don't need to be humble. I never taught you to make peace with the bandits. I still wonder how you came up with this idea, and it's even more strange that the eunuch would agree." Li Jing laughed. .

"Hehe, my old grandson saw that dead eunuch helpless at the time, so he came up with this idea. I didn't expect him to agree without thinking about it." Sun Meng smiled, and then turned to look at Gao Qi: "Brother, your How is Bian? Is that boy Liu Hong moving?"

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Brother Sun, do you think Liu Hong is you? He hasn't joined the team yet! But logically, Liu Ming should come back to deliver the letter."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Weihui's mansion is not in a hurry. As long as they dare not encircle the mountain, this battle will be successful. What's more, Lao Sun has already given way to the way out of the mountain. We are already alive, so don't worry about it." Too many. The commander in Zhangde asked us to make conditions, everyone, think about what conditions we should make?"

"Brother, may I say a few words first?" Zhang Ao said suddenly.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Brother, if you have any suggestions, just speak up."

Zhang Ao nodded and said, "Brother, we have harvested a large amount of sweet potatoes this season. If we eat them ourselves, we can't finish them anyway. If we keep them as seeds, we don't have so much land to cultivate. Brother, can we Guan Guanjun wants some land to open up wasteland and cultivate land."

Li Jingjing nodded, then shook his head and smiled: "Brother, we need to occupy the land ourselves, and the officers and soldiers will never openly give us the land anyway. In addition, the matter of cultivating land is easy to handle. Don't we have six companies in our hands?" Are you a big family begging for our protection? Give them the seeds. They have a large piece of land in their hands and let them grow sweet potatoes. The seeds will be provided to them for free first, and they will be charged [-]% when harvesting, and the other half will be the seed money. .”

"I'm afraid they won't grow sweet potatoes." Zhang Ao said.

"Don't worry, tell them that if there is no harvest, I will not charge them this year's tax, and next year's tax will also be exempted. As long as they plant and see the harvest, it will be easy in the future." Li Jing said with a smile.

Zhang Ao thought for a while and said, "But you have to send someone to tell them about this. I'm afraid they won't listen to me."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Zhang Ao, I really need someone to help you with taxation. Uncle Shen, I think Zhang Ao should send a few people to suppress the situation, so that he can speak forcefully."

"Give him Shanzi and Shuanzi, they came out of Chenzhuang with you, don't worry." Shen Zheng nodded.

Li Jing thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, just the two of them. These two boys are honest and will not disobey. Zhang Ao, you have to remember that all matters involving logistics and materials on this mountain are handled by Uncle Shen. I will be in charge with you. I know you are worried that you will go up the mountain late, and that someone will disobey you. Let me tell you today, if you get angry, tell Uncle Shen. If Uncle Shen can’t make the decision for you, I will make the decision for you. "

"Thank you, brother!" Zhang Ao bowed deeply.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Brother, you don't need to be too polite, as long as you do your best, you will thank me. By the way, there is no law on our mountain. You have passed the examination of scholar, do you understand the law of Ming Dynasty?"

"It's a must-do homework to memorize the law of the Ming Dynasty. Although I dare not say that I have memorized it fluently, I still remember it." Zhang Ao smiled.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "When you are free, write down the Law of the Ming Dynasty and let me have a look. I think we also need to formulate a law, so that we can restrain those lawless guys on the mountain."

"Yes, I will write down the Law of Ming Dynasty when I turn back." Zhang Ao nodded.

Hearing that Li Jing was going to enact laws, everyone's hearts trembled.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Li Jing smiled and said, "Going off topic, let's move on to the matter of offering conditions to the officers and soldiers."

Shen Zheng thought for a while and said: "Nephew, in fact, if we want to make a condition, we first need to see if the officers and soldiers can come up with it. If the officers and soldiers can't come up with it, even if they agree, it's just a dead letter."

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that Shen Zheng was a businessman, and he was thinking about practical things.

It's not like Zhang Ao only looked at his own difficulties, but didn't think about whether the officers and soldiers could take them out.Want territory from the officers and soldiers?Even if the officers and soldiers are pig-headed, they dare not agree!

"Secondly, we also need to consider our needs. For example, the government and the army can give us a hundred tiger squatting guns, but why do we need so many guns? We have no gunpowder or lead pellets. The hundred tiger squatting guns can get us a lot of money. It's just a display." Shen Zheng continued.

"Hehe, and people need to maintain these cannons." Li Jing added with a smile.

Nodding his head, Li Jing said solemnly: "Uncle, I understand what you mean. We need to ask the officers and soldiers for things that we can use and that the officers and soldiers can produce."

"En! And you can't ask too much." Shen Zheng nodded.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Uncle, you can handle this matter. You can see what we need and make a list for Old Sun, and ask him to bring it to their commander to have a look."

Without any hesitation, Shen Zheng found a piece of paper, picked up a pen, dipped it in ink, and began to write.

After finishing writing, dry the ink on the paper and hand it to Li Jing.

Li Jing took it, and said with a smile to everyone: "It's still Uncle Shen, you don't need to think about what you need on the mountain, you have to learn from Uncle Shen in everything you do in the future."

Gao Qi, Sun Meng and the others nodded repeatedly.

After Li Jing finished speaking, he took the paper, and then looked carefully.

But just looking at it, Li Jing exclaimed: "Uncle Shen, you just said not to go too far, why are you driving so many things? Isn't this too outrageous?"

Shen Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "No matter how few we drive, the officers and soldiers will bargain with us. That's why I drive more, and there will definitely not be so many in the end."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Uncle, do you think this is a business? Are you still bargaining?"

Shen Zheng shook his head and said: "Negotiation is the same as doing business. The two sides must bargain. In addition, we have to show some benefits and sincerity that the officers and soldiers can see. Only in this way will the officers and soldiers be tempted, and we will Feel free to talk to us."

"We have something that the officers and soldiers are attracted to, unless you always pay for it." Li Jing laughed.

Shen Zheng hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't mention money to me, I have no money now, and you have lost it all. If you want money, get rid of the officers and soldiers quickly. I have to go to Kaifeng and Luoyang to get the money back." .”

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't use the Shen family's money when you are old. You can find a way to sell the jewelry I gave you last time, and pay back the famine I owe you. I guess there will be some leftover."

Shen Zheng stared: "What? You can still tell me so clearly? Why is there still a famine in the Shen family? Do you think the Shen family will not be needed in the future?"

Li Jing was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Uncle, that's not what I meant. There is an old man above you, and you are going to ruin the Shen family. How can I see the old man in the future?"

Hearing Li Jing mention Old Master Shen, Shen Zheng sighed and said, "If you really have the heart, then quickly fulfill the old man's wish."

Li Jing nodded hurriedly: "Uncle, don't worry, when the officers and soldiers leave, I will find a way to get the old man back to his hometown in Lin County."

Shen Zheng said angrily: "Play stupid with me, right?"

"Ah?" Li Jing was suddenly dumbfounded. Did he think wrongly?
Suddenly, Li Jing understood what Shen Zheng meant, and hurriedly coughed twice: "Ahem! Uncle, please don't worry about it. Miss is still young. Let's get down to business first. What do you say?" What visible benefits can we give the officers and soldiers?"

Shen Zheng sighed and said, "Didn't we capture many officers and soldiers as prisoners and wounded soldiers? We don't have so many places to raise these people, return them to the officers and soldiers."

Li Jing nodded.

The last time Li Jing and Gao Qi made an ambush, more than 1000 officers and soldiers and wounded soldiers were captured. These people, Li Jing has never recruited them, mainly because Li Jing cannot support so many people now, and the families of these soldiers Right at the guard station, if they surrendered, their family members would be in bad luck. Now Li Jing has absolutely no ability to get the families of these soldiers to the mountain.

Together with these people and the wounded soldiers captured today, there are more than 800 people. Treating these people is a lot of money.Returning them to the officers and soldiers can indeed not only show their sincerity, but also allow the officers and soldiers to see the benefits, and at the same time get rid of these burdens.

Because of defeat, hundreds of casualties and thousands of casualties are completely different concepts.

(End of this chapter)

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