Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 117 Chongzhen ascends the throne

Chapter 117 Chongzhen ascends the throne
After these people go back, the number of casualties of the officers and soldiers will be greatly reduced. In exchange for these people, the officers and soldiers might not be able to agree to their conditions.

Li Jing thought for a while and said, "Just do as Uncle Shen said, Old Sun, tell the commander after you go back, as long as you agree to our conditions, these prisoners will be returned to him."

With that said, Li Jing handed Shen Zhenglie's list to Sun Meng.

Sun Meng took a look and exclaimed, "Oh my god! [-] catties of copper, [-] catties of pig iron, [-] catties of lead, and sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, Uncle Shen. Even if the guards are exhausted, they won't be able to produce so many things! I don't think even the entire Zhangde Mansion can produce so many things."

Shen Zheng nodded with a smile and said, "Then you said that if you only want [-]%, can they take it out?"

Sun Meng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "[-]% I think there are difficulties, but if it's [-]% I guess it's okay."

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "Then the bottom line is that all materials should not be less than [-]%."

After a pause, he continued, "Do you think I'm doing too much?"

Sun Meng nodded honestly.

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "Think about it, we have issued so many materials, obviously the officers and soldiers can't get them out, but if it reaches this level due to your efforts, the commander will definitely accept it very happily, In the future, I will definitely value you more. The most important thing is that all the captured soldiers are saved by you. Your prestige in the guard will be unmatched. If you can be more righteous and help those in need, I think the soldiers in the entire guard will obey your orders. One day, these people will be you, and also the most important arm of the head."

Sun Meng was suddenly taken aback when he heard this, he stretched out his thumb and said, "Uncle Shen, you are really cunning and cunning."

"Get lost! Are you praising me or scolding me?" Shen Zheng scolded.

"Hahaha!" Everyone present laughed for a moment.

After everyone laughed, Shen Zheng taught Sun Meng what to say when he went back, and finally Li Jing asked Sun Meng to threaten the commander, saying that if the officers and soldiers disagreed with Hongshanling's conditions, Hongshanling might attack the officers and soldiers .

Thinking about how the commander suffered consecutive defeats, he would definitely not dare to fight Hongshanling.

Sun Meng nodded again and again.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Sun Meng bid farewell and returned to the camp.

Back at the barracks, Sun Meng handed the list given to him by Shen Zheng to the commander and said, "My lord, this is the list of materials requested by the bandits."

The commander took the list, took a rough look, and was immediately furious: "Fuck, let alone our guards, even the entire Zhangde Mansion may not be able to get these supplies. Our family thinks that these bandits regard us as those who passed by. Are merchants coming to rob?"

"Don't be angry, my lord. The bandit leader said that if we promise to give them these materials, he will release all the more than a thousand soldiers we captured." Sun Meng said hastily.

"Release our captured soldiers?" The commander was overjoyed, but then he frowned and said, "It would be a good thing if the bandits released all our captured soldiers, so that we won't lose much in this defeat. But the key point Is it because we can’t take out these things on the list?”

Sun Meng smiled and said: "My lord, this list is a little too much, but we have suffered two defeats in a row, and now we have offered to negotiate peace with the bandits. As for the captured soldiers, the bandits seem to be more sincere in my humble opinion.”

The commander sighed and said: "Sun Qianhu, our family knows what you said, but we really can't get some things on this list. For example, our family doesn't even have a thousand catties of copper. Sulfur and saltpeter, you and I know what these things are for, he wants [-] catties for each, where can we get him? But our family can get [-] catties of lead, iron probably A [-]-jin problem shouldn’t be a big deal, but as for charcoal, you can get as much as you want.”

"My lord, this is embarrassing for the humble official. What you gave is not even a cent, and it is too far from what others want, right? How can you let the humble official talk to the bandits?" Seeing that the commander was silent, Sun Meng continued. Said: "The lowly post is actually worried. If we give so little, if the bandits get angry and attack us, how can we resist? You have seen how far the bandit artillery can hit and how powerful it is."

Hearing that the bandits might take the initiative to attack, the commander immediately turned pale with fright, and said hastily, "It's not that our family won't give them, the key is that our family can't get so many of these things for a while. Why don't you tell the bandits about it? Can we have a little time at home?"

"Then you have to give the humble official a certain number, so that the humble official can talk. Otherwise, the bandits will think that we are delaying and waiting for reinforcements. Once they attack us, we will not be able to stop them." Sun Meng said.

"Thirty percent, our family will give them thirty percent, Sun Qianhu, you know, if there is too much, you really can't get it!" the commander said anxiously.

"Then let's try again at the humble job! If it doesn't work, I hope you won't blame me." Sun Meng said.

"It can be done, it will definitely be done!" The commander said anxiously.

Sun Meng was noncommittal, just clasped his fists and paid out.

Not long after, Sun Meng returned to Hongshanling again.

Hearing that the commander was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, everyone laughed.

"It seems that the commander really can only provide [-]% of the supplies. I think that's it. Don't force him to jump the wall and fight us to the death. That's not worth the loss." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Li Jingjing nodded and said with a smile: "Three achievements are quite a lot. According to my opinion, getting one achievement is already very satisfying."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "Old Sun, you go back and tell the commander that we agree to the [-]% condition. We will be friends in the future, and we will not cause him any trouble in the Zhangde Mansion. Of course, I also hope that he will not come to trouble us in the future. How about this, you tell him that our people are only to the east of Dahu Mountain, and the troops from Zhangde Guards should not come to the west of Dahu Mountain. For the boundary."

"Hehe, he will definitely agree to this condition." Sun Meng laughed.

Gao Qi laughed and said, "It's okay if he doesn't agree. How many times has he suffered a loss at Dahushan, and he dare not come if he is asked to come."

Everyone laughed.

The eleventh day of the eighth month of the seventh year of the Ming Dynasty.

The Zhangde Guard sent Sun Meng to send a large amount of supplies to Hongshanling, and then took back a large number of captured soldiers, and then the Guard began to retreat back to Zhangde Mansion.

On the same day, Weihui Mansion agreed to Hongshanling's condition to withdraw its troops.

Li Jing was a little taken aback by the sudden retreat of the officers and soldiers of the two guards.

This action is too fast, it simply does not pay attention to money.

But then Li Jing received the news from Sun Meng and Liu Hong that Qian Zhong had returned to Kaifeng to command the Si Yamen, and Xu Baichuan also quieted down, never mentioning the matter of suppressing bandits.

Hearing these news, Li Jing faintly felt that something big might happen.

Soon Ma Wu heard the news from the capital that the emperor was dying and a new emperor was about to be passed on.

Hearing this news, Li Jing finally understood why Qian Zhong returned to Kaifeng, finally understood why Xu Baichuan had to die, and finally understood why the guards of the two prefectures were so eager to send him something and then retreated immediately.

Because the Ming Dynasty is about to change its master, who would dare to act rashly before the new emperor is settled?

There are still three fires for the new official to take office, let alone the new emperor?
Who knows if Eunuch Wei can still play with the new emperor?
If you can't play it well, Eunuch Wei and his filial sons and grandsons including Qian Zhong and Xu Baichuan may all be in bad luck.

At this time, the more honest the better.

The retreat of the officers and soldiers was good news for Hongshanling, but Li Jing seemed a little worried.

Li Jing couldn't help worrying, because he didn't know if the new emperor was the Chongzhen Emperor in history. If so, everything would be easy to talk about, but what if it wasn't?
Fortunately, within a few days, the news was confirmed.

On August 22, the Tianqi Emperor died, and the Xin Wang Zhu Youjian succeeded to the throne after three times of persuasion.

On August 24, Zhu Youjian held an enthronement ceremony, announcing his official accession to the throne, and named him Chongzhen.

Hearing this news, Li Jing finally let out a long breath.

Chongzhen, you unlucky boy finally became the emperor!

Chongzhen should deal with Wei Zhongxian immediately after becoming the emperor!
Li Jing knew that Wei Zhongxian died at the hands of Chongzhen in the end, but he didn't know how it worked.

If it was changed to before, Li Jing might still think that it must be very easy for the emperor to kill someone.

But it has been more than a year in this era, and Li Jingshen knows that Wei Zhongxian's power is too powerful, not to mention killing Wei Zhongxian, even if he is a little careless, he may die in Wei Zhongxian's hands.

While Li Jing was paying close attention to the court's movements, a piece of news came.

The new emperor ascends the throne, amnesty the world!
What does amnesty mean?

That is, as long as you don't commit the heinous crime, you will be pardoned!
Those like the Shen family who have no conclusive evidence for collaborating with bandits can be pardoned, even if they have conclusive evidence. Being a bandit and rebelling are two different things.

Like Li Jing, who beat up an official who was suspected of being a bandit, he was pardoned. Being a bandit has no name for rebellion, because if the name of rebellion is not caught, the county magistrate himself will be unlucky. charges of rebellion.Li Jing even contains the know-how of being an official in China for thousands of years.

All in all, all the bandits on the mountain, and all the bandits with criminal records in the Yamen were all pardoned.

This was a huge crisis for Li Jing, he didn't know if his group of people would continue to follow him as bandits, especially Shen Zheng and the Shen family.

Without the financial support of the Shen family, Li Jing knew very well that he would not be able to pay the bandits.

And through various signs, the Shen family is ready to return to Lin County. The Shen family has bought back the old house in Lin County, and even bought back the original land.

Looking at the information sent back by the spies stationed in Lin County, Li Jing felt that he had never been so irritable.

Li Jing couldn't stop the Shen family from leaving Hongshanling at all, and he couldn't stop it either.

(End of this chapter)

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