Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 118 Pillar Zhangshan

Chapter 118
Not to mention the friendship between Li Jing and Shen Zheng, even for the sake of Mrs. Shen, Li Jing couldn't stop it.

Li Jing paced back and forth in the room. After thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind. If Shen Zheng was leaving the mountain, he would call all the bandits together and tell them that if they were willing to leave the mountain, they would be allowed to leave the mountain.

Li Jing believed that there would always be someone willing to stay.

For example, Zhao Shuangxi's group of craftsmen will definitely stay, because they are different from others, they got through the difficulties with Li Jing's support at the most difficult time.And if they leave Hongshanling, they will continue to live the previous hard life. As long as these people are not stupid, they will never leave Hongshanling.

As long as these people are around, Li Jing's weapons will have a stable source.

With weapons and some brothers who are loyal to him, he will gradually grow stronger in the future.

Li Jing also didn't believe that after a year of hard work, he would not have a few brothers who were loyal to him. In that case, it meant that he had failed too much in life, so he should just give up his ambitions.

Li Jing was thinking about who could stay, when Gao Qi suddenly asked to see him outside the door.

"Come in!" Li Jing said lightly.

When Gao Qi pushed the door and came in, Li Jing's expression had returned to his usual one.

"Is there something wrong, brother?" Li Jing asked with a smile.

"Brother, I saw that Uncle Shen's family seems to be moving. Are they leaving the mountain?" Gao Qi said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, Uncle Shen never told me about it."

"Ah? Uncle Shen didn't tell you? How could he do such a stupid thing? Doesn't he know that if he moves, it will cause people's instability?" Gao Qi asked anxiously.

"It's going to rain, Niang wants to marry, some things can't be forced. Brother, don't say it's Uncle Shen, even if you want to leave, I can't keep you." Li Jing said lightly.

Hearing Li Jing's dull tone, Gao Qi was taken aback, and suddenly knelt down in front of Li Jing: "Brother, you talk like this, don't you think that brother will also leave the mountain? Doesn't Gao Qi know that he is a big brother? Everyone is gone, and Gao Qi will stay with Big Brother."

Seeing that Gao Qi was choked up while speaking, Li Jing sighed, gently pulled Gao Qi up, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Good brother!"

"And me, I won't leave either. My life was saved by benefactor, even if I die, I will die on the mountain!" Zhang Ao walked in.

"Good brothers! As long as you are here, what am I, Li Jing, afraid of?" Li Jing said, patting Gao Qi and Zhang Ao heavily on the shoulders.

At this moment, Shen Zheng walked into the room, shook his head and smiled, "What are you doing? Why do you think I'm leaving? Who do you think I am, Shen Zheng?"

Then Shen Zheng pointed to Li Jing and said with a smile: "Nephew, we have known each other for more than a year, don't you know Shen's personality? If Shen is going to leave, why not call you in advance? "

Gao Qi wondered: "Then why did you make the move?"

Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled, "I'm just loading some things into the car, why? No way?"

Then Shen Zheng looked at Li Jing and said, "I know you must know that I bought back the old house in Lin County, and I also bought back the land under the name of the Shen family. Is it because of this?" Do you think Shen is going to leave? It seems that you still don’t know me very well! You know that those are the ancestral property of the Shen family, how can I just ignore them?”

Seeing Li Jing and the others nodding, Shen Zheng continued: "Actually, this time Shen made this move, it was my little girl's idea. She told me that I can use this to test everyone, especially you!"

As he said that, Shen Zheng nodded Li Jing with his hand, and then said with a smile: "Little girl said, those who achieve great things must be calm in the face of danger, be tenacious and courageous, if you panic because the Shen family is gone, or come to me If you talk, it means that you still need to practice more."

Immediately, Shen Zheng sighed and continued: "You've done a good job. The little girl said that people are panicking on the mountain now, but you can be as stable as a mountain and watch the changes. This skill of nourishing energy is much better than mine."

Gao Qi and Zhang Ao were shocked when they heard this.

During this period of time, Shen Ying often took her maid, Xiaodie, down the mountain to wander around. Although the people on the mountain did not dare to approach her, most of them had seen her.

Gao Qi and Zhang Ao never expected that such a timid young lady would have such insight.

The two stole glances at Li Jing, then at Shen Zheng, and said in their hearts: "If elder brother marries this young lady, I don't know what it will be like. I just don't understand why elder brother hasn't moved yet? "

The expressions of Gao Qi and Zhang Ao naturally couldn't escape Li Jing's eyes, and Li Jing knew exactly what the two were thinking.

Li Jing was about to speak, when suddenly a report came from outside the door, saying that the sentry at the foot of the mountain had caught three spies, but the three spies kept saying that they knew the head of the family, and one of them even called the head of the house brother.

Li Jing was taken aback, calling himself brother?
There are quite a few people who call him Big Brother, but no one has ever called him so affectionately?

No, there are two people who call themselves that.

One is Zhuzi and the other is Chen Erhu.But Chen Erhu seldom called himself that.

Could it be that the pillar is back?

"Are they all eighteen or nineteen-year-old young people? One of them is called Zhuzi?" Li Jing asked hastily.

"Yes!" said the messenger.

Li Jing waved his hands hastily: "Uncle, Gao Qi, Zhang Ao, Zhu Zi is back, let's go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jing walked out quickly.

Both Shen Zheng and Gao Qi knew Zhuzi, and knew that Zhuzi was actually Li Jing's most important person.Last winter when Yuan Keli went home, Li Jing sent Zhuzi to take care of him, which shows how assured Li Jing is of Zhuzi.

Seeing that Zhang Ao was in a daze, Gao Qi patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "This pillar is the person that the eldest brother is most optimistic about. You should be more careful in the future, and don't bully him because he is young."

Zhang Ao nodded hurriedly when he heard this, and went out following the footsteps of several people.

Li Jing walked down the mountain quickly. As soon as he reached the middle of the mountain, he saw several people coming up the mountain.

One of them is young and handsome, handsome and handsome, who is he if he is not a pillar?

Seeing Li Jing, Zhu Zi hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Li Jing's hand and said, "Brother! Why are you here? Are you in good health? Why are you thinner? You're also darker than before."

Hearing the deep concern in Zhuzi's tone, Li Jing was excited. He patted Zhuzi's shoulder lightly and smiled, "Good boy, he has grown taller and stronger. Are you okay with Mr. Yuan? I teach you Did you forget anything?"

"Can I forget that? I follow the training you taught every day, and I haven't missed a single day!" Zhuzi laughed.

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said, "It's good that you haven't forgotten it. Did you learn something from Mr. Yuan? Don't tell me that you still know the words you learned when you were on the mountain?"

"How can it be? I study with Mr. Yuan every day, and Mr. Yuan treats me very well." Zhu Zi hurriedly said.

"You are young, it is only good to learn more things. I want to learn from Mr. Yuan, but he is not willing to teach!" Li Jing laughed.

Zhuzi nodded, and suddenly said seriously: "Brother, Mr. Yuan is ill and wants to see you. Mr. Yuan asked me to come back to invite you when I go back to the mountain this time."

"Mr. Yuan is sick? Is it serious?" Li Jingwen asked hastily.

Zhu Zi shook his head lightly: "Mr. Yuan's body is fine, but his spirit has deteriorated a lot."

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that it was caused by Chongzhen's accession to the throne.

Xin Wang Zhu Youjian ascended the throne, and his reign name was Chongzhen, but this reign name Yuan Keli had heard Li Jing say it years ago.

What does this mean? It means that Li Jing is not lying.

Then Li Jing said later that Shaanxi will suffer a severe drought, and the people will be forced to rebel. The world will soon be in chaos, and it will soon be fulfilled. The Ming Dynasty will fall within 20 years.

Although Yuan Keli has retired, his loyalty has never changed. He doesn't want to watch Ming Dynasty go to ruin step by step, and he doesn't want to see the Manchus enter the customs and occupy the Han people's country.

Yuan Keli wanted to do something within his capacity, but Yuan Keli also knew that he was old and frail and could not do anything, so he suddenly fell ill due to worry.

After taking a few doses of medicine, Yuan Keli's health improved slightly, so he thought of Li Jing.

In Yuan Keli's mind, since Li Jing came from later generations, he would have a way to solve the problems of the Ming Dynasty, right?
So Yuan Keli hurriedly ordered Zhuzi to go back to the mountain and asked Li Jing to come to Sui County to meet.

Hearing that Yuan Keli wanted to go to Sui County by himself, Li Jing knew that Yuan Keli already believed what he said, so he wanted to ask himself what he planned to do in the future.As long as he can impress Yuan Keli, then Yuan Keli will definitely follow him up the mountain.

It's just that people's hearts are not stable on the mountain now. If I go to Sui County, I must first calm down my hearts.

Li Jing thought about it, and the three Zhuzi over there remembered that they hadn't greeted Shen Zheng and the others yet.

Zhu Zi leaned over and kowtowed three times in front of Shen Zheng, and then said: "Uncle Shen, Zhu Zi is rude, I forgot to kowtow to you just now, I hope you don't blame me."

Shen Zheng pulled up the pillar with a smile and said: "My good boy, what you said to your brother is a serious matter, not to mention that we men don't need these vain courtesy."

Zhuzi smiled and said: "Uncle Shen, I actually wanted to go back to the mountain to see my brother and your old man during the Chinese New Year, but I didn't dare to come back if my brother didn't write a letter. superior."

Shen Zhengwen laughed loudly after hearing this: "Hahaha, don't worry, it's fine if you have this heart. Good boy, you are more promising than a year ago. When you come back, you will be able to help your brother."

"Uncle Shen has to give more guidance." Zhuzi said hurriedly.

Shen Zheng smiled and nodded.

Then Zhuzi greeted Gao Qi again.

When Gao Qi followed Li Jing, it was Zhu Zi who contacted him. It should be said that Gao Qi was most familiar with Zhu Zi before he went up the mountain.

In addition, because Zhuzi is well-behaved and clever, Gao Qi also loves Zhuzi very much. Later, he learned that Li Jing valued Zhuzi very much and made friends deliberately, so the relationship between the two is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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