Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 120 Wanting Her to Change

Chapter 120 Wanting Her to Change

This is a girl who has never suffered, and has not even seen others suffer.

Maybe she has a kind heart, but she will never think too much about those poor people. After all, this is caused by her living habits.

And this is exactly what Li Jing wanted her to change.

Li Jing's living conditions are very simple, and his life is also very poor. It's not that Li Jing has no ability or conditions to change, but Li Jing wants everyone to see this, and at the same time, don't forget the hard times in the past.

Li Jing didn't want these people on the mountain to forget their origins. If these people forgot their origins, they would degenerate sooner or later.

Li Jing hopes that these people under his command will live a good life, but he doesn't want them to live in extravagance.

Therefore, Li Jing refused all the things Shen Zheng sent.

Li Jing hopes to let everyone understand his painstaking efforts through his own example.

It should be said that the effect is still good, Li Jingguo's life is poor, and the people below are embarrassed to be extravagant.

But if Li Jing married Shen Ying, the living conditions would definitely change.

Li Jing didn't want Shen Ying to live a life of poverty like her own, but she definitely couldn't be as extravagant as before.

However, Shen Ying didn't realize this, and asked Xiaodie to send him some good things from time to time.

Like the big cloak I gave last year, it cost dozens of taels of silver.

It's not that Li Jing can't afford the clothes, the key is that he doesn't want to wear such expensive clothes. If Zhang Ao didn't find the words embroidered inside, Li Jing would not want to get back that cloak after giving it away.

Li Jing knew that Shen Ying's living habits were difficult to change, and Li Jing only hoped that Shen Ying would restrain herself a little after seeing how people outside lived.

Li Jing wanted to take Shen Ying out to meet the world, but Shen Zheng couldn't refuse.

However, if you bring the female relatives with you, you will also need to bring a large amount of silver when you return, and a large number of people will be required for escort.

In order to be sure, Li Jing decided to bring half an assault team, a scout team, and members of the personal guards.

These people can be said to be the most elite members on the mountain, without three or five hundred people, don't even think about taking them down.

By the time everything was negotiated, the sky had already darkened.

At this time, Chen Dahu and others had already run over.

When they saw Zhuzi, Duhu and the others couldn't help exchanging pleasantries.

Li Jing didn't pay any attention to these guys fighting for wine, his current thoughts were all on how to get Yuan Keli to follow him up the mountain.

Li Jing knew the value of Yuan Keli very well.

Yuan Keli is not a famous general, but he can definitely be called a strategist. Yuan Keli looks at the overall situation in his work and lays out the overall situation, and he is good at specific matters.

But what Li Jing lacks is strategic vision. In many cases, Li Jing just takes one step at a time.

Li Jing will not underestimate himself, but he still has self-knowledge. He knows that Hongshanling can develop into what it is now, mainly because of his little knowledge of history and some luck.

But when the historical trend slowly changed, the strategic layout became very important. At this time, Li Jing needed someone like Yuan Keli to guide him.

That's why Li Jingcai desperately hoped that Yuan Keli could go up the mountain with him.

September [-]th of the seventh year of the Apocalypse. (Chongzhen's year name was actually started from the next year)
This day is suitable for traveling and visiting friends.

On this day, Shen Shen was leaving Hongshanling with his whole family.

And Li Jing took all the brothers on the mountain to send the Shen family down the mountain.

After Shen Zheng and others left, Li Jing told everyone that he had to go down the mountain to do some things. After leaving, Gao Qi and Zhang Ao would handle all the things on the mountain.

Afterwards, Li Jing took half of the assault team led by Chen Erhu, a scout team, and more than 50 personal guards down the mountain.

Li Jing caught up with Shen Zheng and others at Guozhuang, ten miles south of Hongshanling.

At the same time, there were also [-] officers and soldiers sent by Sun Meng waiting here.

Naturally, Li Jing would not take the safety of Mrs. Shen lightly. He had informed Sun Meng two days ago and asked Sun Meng to send someone to protect Mrs. Shen and his family.

Sun Meng naturally knew the importance of Mrs. Shen. After receiving Li Jing's order, he immediately brought two confidantes and more than 200 people with absolute confidantes to greet him near Hongshanling.

Seeing Li Jing coming, Sun Meng hurriedly stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Brother, brothers have been waiting for a long time, do you want to meet everyone?"

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that the people Sun Meng was referring to were his confidants.

Needless to say those two cronies, Sun Meng brought more than 50 officers and soldiers with him when he went up the mountain.

Later, when Sun Meng went to Lin County to take office, Li Jing feared that Sun Meng would be alone in Lin County, so he arranged for more than ten people to accompany Sun Meng to take office, among them were these two people, whose families all lived in Hongshanling now.

As Sun Meng gradually gained a firm foothold in Lin County, he naturally wanted to promote his relatives and trust officers at the grassroots level. Most of the people he brought with him back then were either from hundred households or general banners.

With the help of these people, Sun Meng easily controlled the officers and soldiers below.

However, Sun Meng seems to be a rough man, but in fact he knows very well what is going on with his thousand households.

Why are these subordinates so loyal to him?That's because Li Jing gave him a steady stream of money and military salaries to the following people.

Sun Meng knew very well that these people were under the control of Li Jing, and they had to know who the real leader was.

If the people below don't know who their real boss is, and who they should serve for, then he is probably the boss of Qianhu.

Sun Meng also started as a soldier, he knew very well the thoughts of soldiers, whoever gave money and whoever treated him well would work for him.

However, it is impossible for Sun Meng to let all the more than 1000 people below know, because the more people who know, the greater the possibility of leaking out.

Sun Meng can only selectively tell those who are absolutely loyal to him.

These more than 200 people were carefully selected by Sun Meng, each of them was simple-minded and strong, and all of them had received Sun Meng's favor.

After many tests, Sun Meng saw that these people were determined to be loyal to him, so he told them the truth of the matter.

Only then did these people know that the person who gave them military pay and helped them was Li Jing, the bandit leader in Hongshanling.

After Sun Meng and those cronies continued to indoctrinate them, these people finally knew who they should serve, and of course they were serving Sun Meng on the surface.

However, these people had never met Li Jing, the leader behind the scenes. The main purpose of Sun Meng bringing them out this time was actually to let them meet Li Jing.

Li Jing knew Sun Meng's purpose very well, and Sun Meng's actions were actually showing his loyalty to him.

To be honest, Li Jing likes Sun Meng's approach very much, no matter who it is, he doesn't want his subordinates to be more powerful than himself.

A minister does not lose his body and a king does not lose his country. Ever since Shen Ying explained the meaning of this sentence tactfully through Xiaodie, Li Jing has carefully pondered the meaning of this sentence.

If the superior cannot control the subordinates, it is actually a manifestation of Junbumi.But if you control it too much, it won't do. Li Jing still understands the truth that too much is too much.

Li Jing patted Sun Meng's shoulder lightly and smiled, "Old Sun, we two brothers have made it clear to each other, I will see everything you do, and I have absolute trust in you, so you don't have to be so careful in the future."

"Hey, that's right, my son is yours now, so there's no need to talk about our friendship, but Old Sun is still not confused, and knows what to do and what not to do." Sun Meng laughed.

Li Jing punched Sun Meng lightly, turned his head and smiled at Shen Zheng: "Uncle, many people on the mountain say that Old Sun is a rough man. In my opinion, Old Sun has a shrewd mind!"

Shen Zheng smiled lightly and said: "If he is not smart, can you send him out? This job is impossible for ordinary people."

After thinking for a while, Shen Zheng continued: "These people are the first group of people that Lao Sun brought here, and it's also the first time I've seen you, so we can't be shabby, how about a reward of five taels of silver per person?"

"Hehe, Uncle, you can figure it out, you are always the God of Wealth." Li Jing laughed.

Shen Zheng smiled and waved his hands, then turned his head and said to Sun Meng: "Go and tell these brothers, just say that when the head of the family meets the brothers for the first time, each person will be rewarded with five taels of silver, and the military salary will be increased by one tael every month."

Sun Meng laughed and said, "Hahaha, no wonder the eldest brother said that you are always the God of Wealth, and you are generous in your actions. Later, I will send you their roster up the mountain."

Shen Zheng nodded.

Sending the roster up the mountain means that these people have officially joined the team.

However, these people did not formally go up the mountain after all, so Shen Zhengcai set their military pay at two taels, which was equivalent to being between the main soldiers and the auxiliary soldiers.

Immediately, Sun Meng led the way, and then introduced the identities of Li Jing and Shen Zheng in front of everyone.

When Sun Meng finally said that Li Jing would reward everyone with silver and increase the military pay, more than two hundred officers and soldiers cheered thunderously.Under the leadership of several officers, he fell to his knees and said some words of gratitude and swearing allegiance to the death.

Li Jingjing nodded, said a few words of encouragement, and ended the interview.

Before leaving, Li Jing confessed to Sun Meng that no one should show mercy to anyone who dares to plot against Mrs. Shen.However, when protecting, act as low-key as possible, and only need to protect it secretly.

After Shen Zheng briefly explained to Mrs. Shen, Li Jing ordered Sun Meng to take someone to escort Mrs. Shen back to the old house in Lin County, and the rest of the people began to turn to Zhengzhou.

The horses that Li Jing used to go down the mountain this time were extorted from the guards of Zhangde and Weihui a month ago, but the military horses of these two prefectures are also limited, and the two together only collected about a hundred horses.

There is no way, the horses in the guard are more valuable than the people, and if you send too many, it will be difficult for the commander to do business.

Why is it blackmail?Because the horses were not originally included in Li Jing's conditions, but were temporarily added by Li Jing later.

The horses in Hongshanling have long been insufficient. Ma Wu has established information points in many places, and he must ride a horse if he wants to pass the news quickly. Therefore, most of the horses stored in Hongshanling before have been assigned to Ma Wu.

Since most of the horses were taken away by Ma Wu, most of the scouts in Hongshanling had to rely on walking to inquire about the news.

Although the hinterland of Hongshanling is mostly mountain roads, the speed of walking is not slower than that of riding a horse.But if it's too far away, sending messages won't work.

With these horses, the problem of slow message delivery is solved.

But this time Li Jing went down the mountain and solved the problem of travel difficulties.

Of course, in order to express his gratitude, Li Jing gave 500 taels of silver to each of the two commanders to show his sincerity in making friends.

As for how the two commanders felt after receiving the 500 taels of silver, Li Jing didn't know.

With horses, the speed of travel is much faster, and the momentum of the team is also reflected.

There is nothing unusual about the clothes of these people, they are just the most common cotton clothes, but these young lads exuded a fierce spirit from the bottom of their bones, and with the background of the horses, they looked even more awe-inspiring. Which high-ranking official came down to inspect.

Li Jing led the crowd southward, and arrived at Zhengzhou City the next day. They stopped at Shopkeeper Wang for a short time and explained some matters. They then turned to the east and headed for Kaifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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