Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 121 Princess Minder

Chapter 121 Princess Minder
Li Jing's goal is to change the destiny of the Chinese nation.

To be honest, this goal is a bit big, and it is a bit too difficult to complete this task.

But Li Jing had to complete this seemingly impossible task.Even if it cannot be completed, a concept must be formed and then completed by future generations.

In order to accomplish this task, Li Jing once brewed a detailed plan.

But Li Jing gradually discovered that this plan was not so easy to implement.

The biggest reason for this is the human factor.

Managing ten people is completely different from managing a hundred people, and managing a hundred people is different from managing a thousand people. The more people you manage, the more complicated it becomes.

Because the more people, the more ideas.

And how many people do you need to manage to achieve Li Jing's goal?

Millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people.

This is not something that can be solved only with power and strength.

Of course, only with supreme power and strength that no one can shake can he completely change this country.

But with power he must also have political savvy.

Without political skills and political ideas, it will definitely not work.

Li Jing knows very well that becoming an outstanding politician is by no means so easy.

Almost all the politicians that Li Jing knows have gone through many ups and downs before gradually growing up.

Li Jing knew that he was not a political genius. He knew that before doing big things, he had to learn from doing small things first.

And Hongshanling is where Li Jing learned and practiced, he had to learn bit by bit.

Li Jing first learned to manage dozens of people, then hundreds of people, and now he started to manage thousands of people.

From the current point of view, Li Jing is doing pretty well.

In order to manage these people well and gain a foothold, Li Jing has gradually changed unconsciously.

But Li Jing knows that this is far from enough, he has to continue to change and continue to learn.

In order for the Chinese nation not to be enslaved, and for future generations not to be bullied, he must continue to change himself, and he must make himself stronger and stronger.

In this way, the Chinese nation will flourish and will not be invaded by foreigners.

Of course, no matter how strong he is, one person is not enough, he still needs a lot of talents to help him.

Shen Zheng, Gao Qi, Sun Meng, Zhu Zi... are his helpers.

In addition to these people, there is another person who has greatly helped his growth.

This is Shen Ying.

Although what Shen Ying told him was based on what she read from the book, she also added some of her own understanding, some of which might still be naive.

But undoubtedly, Shen Ying's reminder was of great help to him.

Under Shen Ying's reminder, Li Jing found that the details he had overlooked before were likely to be fatal.

Shen Ying is not only his favorite woman, but also his capable arm.

Therefore, Zhuzi did not express any opinion on Shen Ying's protection of Li Jing.

Therefore, Shen Ying was going to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense, Li Jing must not let Shen Ying have any surprises.

He wants to stay and protect this woman himself.

Xiangguo Temple is in the center of Kaifeng City. Opposite Xiangguo Temple is Tianhanzhou Bridge, which is the place where Yang Zhi sells knives. Around this bridge is the commercial center of Kaifeng.

Kaifeng in the Ming Dynasty may not have been as prosperous as the Northern Song Dynasty, but it is still very lively.

Under the guard of Li Jing and others, a small sedan chair came to Xiangguo Temple.

But when he saw the plaque of the temple, Li Jing was taken aback. He pointed to the plaque and asked, "Chongfa Temple? Isn't it Xiangguo Temple?"

"Hehe, Chongfa Temple is Daxiangguo Temple. The name was changed during the Chenghua period, but everyone is used to calling it Xiangguo Temple." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Li Jing felt ashamed, it turned out that he had changed his name.

The scale of Xiangguo Temple is extremely grand, and the temples seen by Li Jing's later generations are far from it.

The main buildings of Xiangguo Temple in later generations include Tianwang Hall, Daxiong Hall, Arhat Hall and Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There is a pavilion in the temple, and there is a bronze bell in it, which was cast during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, but it has not yet appeared at this time.

As for the mountain gate in the front yard, the Bell and Drum Tower, etc. were all built later.

Seeing the temple in front of him and thinking about the temples of later generations, Li Jing sighed in his heart. If the Buddha really appeared, how could this thousand-year-old temple be destroyed by natural disasters and wars repeatedly, and finally completely destroyed by a flood.

The so-called blessing of the Buddha is just some mediocre people looking for spiritual sustenance, and it's just self-consolation.

But Li Jing never dared to say these words.

If he dared to speak out, not to mention that he only had less than eighty guards, even if there were ten times more guards, they would not be able to protect him comprehensively.

What's more, it is Shen Ying who is going to burn incense and fulfill her wish now.

The place where incense is burned to fulfill one's wish is generally in the Daxiong Hall, which is the main hall.

Generally speaking, if there are more people in side halls like the Heavenly King Hall, then there will definitely be more people in the Daxiong Hall.

But it is very strange that there is no one outside the Daxiong Hall today, and it seems very quiet.

When he stepped into the courtyard outside the hall, Li Jing finally understood why there was no one here.

Guards, there are guards outside the hall.

And it's a real guard.

As soon as Li Jing and the others entered the courtyard, they heard the guard shout: "Master Minde is offering incense here, who dares to harass him? Hurry up and back down."

Li Jing was startled: "Princess? That's the prince's daughter. Could it be the daughter of King Zhou?"

In Kaifeng, the most powerful person is not the prince, but the governor. Below the governor are the chief envoys, who are all commanding envoys.

The prince has no real power.

But the prince is the prince, and although he has no real power, the above-mentioned people dare not offend the prince.

The old Zhu's house is very interesting. Because they were afraid of the vassal kings' rebellion, they were confined in the fief and were not allowed to come out. They were only allowed to move within the city.

Who can bear not being allowed to come out for several years?So these people like to make troubles in the city, but as long as they don't kill people, the emperor doesn't care at all. You can do whatever you like, anyway, it's your own territory.

If the emperor doesn't care about it, the local officials below naturally don't dare to control it, so the vassal king has always been lawless in the fief.

Hearing that the Princess is offering incense, Shen Ying said: "Brother Li, let me wait a while."

Li Jing nodded.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a crisp voice from the hall: "The princess has an order, please invite this girl to come in and offer incense."

Hearing this voice, several guards hurriedly retreated.

Li Jing hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly when he saw Shen Ying's expectant eyes.

Li Jing knew very well that Shen Ying wanted to meet the princess.

Everyone has curiosity, let alone Shen Ying. She never had the chance to see a woman of the princess's level before. Now that she has the opportunity, she naturally wants to take a look.

Shen Ying and Xiaodie entered the main hall one by one, the pillar waved his hand immediately, and all the guards quickly dispersed, guarding outside the hall.

This is a good move, the two groups of guards outside the Daxiong Palace sealed the gate of the palace tightly.

Li Jing didn't pay attention to it, but just observed the environment around the Daxiong Hall with his hands behind his back.

Zhu Huiyu is the youngest daughter of King Zhou Zhu Suqin. She is 19 years old and was born when King Zhou was 47 years old.

Zhu Suqin had a daughter in his later years and loved her very much. When she was ten years old, he asked Emperor Wanli for the title of Princess Minde.

It's a pity that the princess Min is Min, but he doesn't have much to do with virtue, he is really stubborn.

It is said that the rest of the children of the King of Zhou could not make a fuss by herself.

Of course, the little princess would not do such stupid things as digging birds out of trees and fishing in rivers, as that would be demeaning of her ladylike demeanor.

And even if these things are done at most, they are just naughty, far from being naughty.

It is said that the little princess is naughty mainly because she is studying.

The books that the little princess read are not ordinary books.

The books that women read in ancient times are generally "Women's Precepts", "Internal Training", "Nv Analects", "Nv Fanjielu" and other books that educate women on three obediences and four virtues.

Shen Ying basically memorized these books by heart.

But the little princess doesn't read these books at all. She reads novels like "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin".

The little princess likes to read, no matter what kind of book she is reading, as long as she can calm down, King Zhou didn't care.

There is nothing else in Zhou Wangfu, but if you want to tell a story, you can have as many as you want.

However, the little princess may have realized something from the novel, and started to read "Zuo Zhuan", "Historical Records", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and other books.

If you are talking about reading novels, it is not a big deal, but the next few books are terrible. This is not a book that a little girl should read.

But the more frightening thing is yet to come. This little girl somehow started to read Cheng Zhu's Neo Confucianism again. No matter how many people who have read poetry and books in Cheng Zhu's Neo Confucianism can't figure out what these writings mean.

But the little girl understood, and then the problem came.

For example, the most famous sentence of Old Master Zhu, "preserve the principles of nature and get rid of human desires."

The little princess first asked her husband: What is heaven?Why?How to save?What is human desire?how to go?

The teacher who taught was knowledgeable and talented, and he talked about it immediately.

But the little princess defeated him with one sentence.

Is eating considered human desire?Does dressing count as desire?
The husband pondered for a long time and nodded. Of course, eating and dressing should be considered human desires.

The little princess said next: Didn't Old Master Zhu say to get rid of human desires?Then why does he still have to dress and eat? Wouldn't it be over if he just saved his heavenly principles?
Mr. dumbfounded.

The husband couldn't answer, so the little princess went to ask his father, and then his brother.

The king of Zhou and his sons tried their best to get this problem out of the way.

Then the little princess came up with another question: how to learn from things?

This time King Zhou and the others suddenly had a big head.

Even Master Zhu couldn't figure out how to learn from things, so how could they figure it out?
No one can avoid the little princess's question, because even if you don't answer today, she will come to you tomorrow, if you don't answer tomorrow, she will come to you the day after tomorrow.

King Zhou and his sons had to be questioned every day, and each of them was really miserable.

But they didn't want to directly tell the little princess that they didn't understand either. In that case, it would be too embarrassing for the father and the elder brother.

King Zhou worked hard and finally found a book and handed it to the little princess.

And told the little princess that there are some things that cannot be explained and need to be understood by oneself. Take this book and read it. If you understand it, you will understand it.

But Zhou Wang never expected that the book he showed the little princess would cause him even more trouble.

 During the strong push period, please give your full support, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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