Chapter 128
Seeing the new atmosphere in Hongshanling, and listening to Li Jing's talk about several new measures implemented on the mountain, Yuan Keli was very pleased, and even praised Li Jing as a child.

Of course, what surprised Yuan Keli the most was the military factory built next to the reservoir.

Seeing the pitch-black machinery and equipment under the reservoir, and looking at the new-style cannons and shiny shells, even Yuan Keli felt itchy, and it took Zhao Shuangxi to fire more than ten cannons in a row before he was satisfied.

After seeing these weapons, Yuan Keli finally understood why Li Jing was so confident, and his confidence in Li Jing also increased greatly.

But when asked about the cost of a cannonball, Yuan Keli knew that although such a cannonball was powerful, it was also consumed quickly. With the existing resources of Hongshanling, it could be said that it could not be consumed at all. Only then did Yuan Keli understand why Li Jing was so anxious to think about it. Occupy various minerals.

But Yuan Keli knew that there are some things that cannot be rushed, and the more this situation is the more stable it is.

Yuan Keli listened to Li Jing's description of the future historical trend again, and then told Li Jing the twelve-character policy: accumulate strength, develop slowly, and wait for troubled times.

After hearing this, Li Jing was deeply convinced.

Immediately, Li Jing appointed Yuan Keli as the Shanzhai military adviser in public, of course only in the name of Mr. Li Jing, as for Yuan Keli's real name, he could not let everyone know.

In fact, apart from Shen Zheng, Gao Qi, Zhu Zi and more than a dozen people on the mountain, no one knew that this new military adviser turned out to be the Minister of the Ministry of War who had been appointed by the imperial court years ago.

After Yuan Keli went up the mountain, apart from making a suggestion to Li Jing and adding the twelve-character policy, he spent the rest of his time paying attention to the court's movements.

On October [-]th of the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Yang Weiyuan, the supervisory censor of Yunnan, wrote a letter to impeach Cui Chengxiu. Zhu Youjian scolded Yang Weiyuan and rejected Cui Chengxiu's request for resignation.

But a few days later, this Yang Weiyuan wrote to impeach Cui Chengxiu again, but this time he praised Wei Zhongxian, Zhu Youjian scolded Yang Weiyuan again, and then rejected Cui Chengxiu's request.

In fact, Yuan Keli has seen through these information that the new emperor can completely take down Cui Chengxiu, but the new emperor still does not take action because Yang Weiyuan, who wrote the letter, is an eunuch and a member of Wei Zhongxian. The new emperor does not know Wei Zhongxian Whatever the intention, don't dare to act rashly.

But on October 23, Lu Chengyuan, head of the Ministry of Industry, suddenly wrote a letter to impeach Cui Chengxiu and Wei Zhongxian. Zhu Youjian criticized Lu Chengyuan as usual, but when Cui Chengxiu offered to resign as usual, this time Zhu Youjian agreed.

"Jimin, do you know why the new emperor suddenly agreed to Cui Chengxiu's resignation?" Yuan Keli asked Li Jing pointing to the information.

Jimin was Yuan Keli's name for Li Jing. Li Jing became Yuan Keli's student, and he could be regarded as entering the ranks of Ming Dynasty literati.

How can a literati have no words?It is the teacher's responsibility to choose characters.

Yuan Keli chose the word Jimin for Li Jing, which means that Li Jing can help the world and the people.

Li Jing took the information from Yuan Keli and looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't understand. Could it be that Zhu Youjian's wings are full? It seems that it can't be so fast, right?"

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "The wings are not full, but he has been the emperor for two months, and it is impossible for Wei Zhongxian to take him down again."

"Then he should do it as soon as possible, why are you so dawdling?" Li Jing asked puzzled.

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "You have always been the leader on the mountain, and you are the biggest on the mountain. No one can threaten you, and you dare not threaten you, so you can't understand the difficulties of the new emperor at all. It’s like this, but does the new emperor dare to take this risk?”

Li Jing thought for a while, then nodded silently.

This principle is like the fact that it is impossible for a multi-millionaire to fight with local hooligans. Local hooligans can use bricks and knives to fight, but can multi-millionaires?Both have the same life, but the value is different. The life of a multi-millionaire is much more valuable than a hooligan, so naturally he is unwilling to play with the hooligan.

"Then why did the emperor dare to do something this time?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

Yuan Keli put together the information from the past few days and said: "It's because of these. The information here tells me that the impeachment of Cui Chengxiu these few times is not a temptation, but Wei Zhongxian's strategy. Wei Zhongxian wants to give up the car to protect the handsome what!"

"Give up the car to protect the handsome? Wei Zhongxian is courting death, right? He still wants to protect the handsome without a car?" Li Jing laughed.

"That's right! Wei Zhongxian shouldn't be far from death. The new emperor is very scheming despite his young age. It's amazing! You should learn this from Jimin." Yuan Keli sighed.

Li Jing nodded repeatedly, listening to Yuan Keli's analysis of the situation in the court, Li Jing originally wanted to learn these political methods.

In Hongshanling, except for Gao Qi and Shen Zheng who dared to play tricks on him, how dare others deceive him?Even Gao Qi and Shen Zheng played tricks on him because they were afraid of him, and even for his benefit.As for the real political struggle, he couldn't learn it on the mountain, but Li Jing had to learn politics.

The fight between Chongzhen and Wei Zhongxian was an opportunity for him to learn, and it could even be said to be a rare opportunity. Although Li Jing was not in it, he could clearly see any changes between the two sides. The parties involved are much deeper.

This will lay the foundation for him to display his political ambitions in the future. Otherwise, if he deals with politicians of the Ming Dynasty in the future, he will not be played to death?
The development in the court was as Yuan Keli expected. In the next few days, people began to write letters to impeach Wei Zhongxian. At first, Emperor Chongzhen was unmoved, but after people without party affiliation began to write letters, Emperor Chongzhen finally moved!Because the people who wrote the letter at this time meant that they would stand on the side of the emperor, and the new emperor finally began to have his own team.

On October 28, Wei Zhongxian offered to resign, and Emperor Chongzhen agreed.

On the first day of November, Emperor Chongzhen ordered Wei Zhongxian to go to Fengyang to guard the ancestral grave.

This result should be considered very good for Wei Zhongxian, but it is a pity that Wei Zhongxian did a stupid thing, and this is also the last stupid thing he did.

They were all sent to guard the tomb, so they should pack up their bags and leave honestly, but this guy actually prepared for three days before going on the road.

In the past three days, he packed all his belongings into a full forty carts.

More than 40 cars of gold and silver treasures, and more than 1000 people were used to guard them. Isn't this courting death?

On the sixth day of November, Emperor Chongzhen was furious when he got the news, and finally issued an arrest warrant.

After learning that the emperor had issued an arrest warrant, Wei Zhongxian knew that he was completely finished, so he hanged himself that night.

The tree falls and the hozen scatter!

After Wei Zhongxian died, his former team began to fall, including Governor Guo Zengguang of Henan, Governor Xu Baichuan of Weihui, and the prefect of Zhangde Prefecture.

In fact, Xu Baichuan was far from Wei Zhongxian's direct lineage, but there was no doubt that he was an eunuch.

The biggest reason Xu Baichuan was dismissed from office was to serve as an official locally, and this was absolutely not allowed in the Ming Dynasty.The Ming Dynasty had strict regulations that northerners must serve as magistrates in the south, and likewise, southerners must serve as magistrates in the north.

But because Xu Baichuan bribed Wei Zhongxian's cronies and took refuge in Cui Chengxiu's sect, no one questioned him when he was a local official. Of course, with the power of Wei Zhongxian and Cui Chengxiu at that time, no one dared to question him.

But when Wei Zhongxian fell, this issue was brought out, and Xu Baichuan's fate was self-evident, he was dismissed from office.

And the magistrate of Zhangde Mansion is Xu Baichuan's nephew and son-in-law, so he was naturally implicated, but his fate would be better, and he could be transferred to another position.

Xu Baichuan's dismissal was a happy event for Li Jing. This enemy finally fell, and now no one in Weihui Mansion would take the initiative to make trouble with Hongshanling.

Xu Baichuan returned to his hometown in Lin County, but Li Jing was not going to deal with him anymore, because he was no longer a threat to Li Jing!
In addition, Li Jing didn't want to irritate the new magistrate. After all, the crime of murdering the previous magistrate was not small, and Li Jing didn't want to find trouble for himself.

With a good external environment, Li Jing began to devote himself to the construction of Hongshanling.

Hongshanling is Li Jing's base, and Li Jing plans to build Hongshanling into an indestructible fortress.

Only in this way, when Li Jing starts to act externally, can he have no worries.

In addition, after receiving Yuan Keli's advice, Li Jing ordered people to post notices in Weihui Mansion and other places, and hired a secretary.

As Yuan Keli expected, a large number of scholars came to apply for the job, and most of these people were born as children or scholars.

With these scholars joining in, the construction of Hongshanling will go smoothly.

Everything in Hongshanling is in order, Li Jing finally has free time to study with Yuan Keli.

Yuan Keli didn't teach Li Jing the Four Books and Five Classics. What he taught Li Jing was mainly practical knowledge such as historical books and classics.

Li Jing received a higher education in modern times, and his comprehension ability is much higher than that of people in this era. What's more, the things he learned are not boring. The only thing that makes Li Jing a headache is that he has to write with a brush every day.

But at this time, Yuan Keli showed his stern side. He would suffer if he couldn't complete the task by writing every day, or if he dealt with it hastily, Li Jing had no choice but to practice hard every day.

Strange to say, after writing calligraphy for a period of time, Li Jing found himself more and more calm, and could calmly consider many urgent matters before making decisions.

Yuan Keli was very relieved to see that Li Jing's demeanor became more and more stable, and his consideration became more and more careful.

Hongshanling is developing in an orderly manner, but there is a major event that must be done.

The reason is that Chen Dahu's wife Tweety is pregnant.

Chen Dahu's wife is pregnant, and of course Old Man Chen is the happiest.

But when he was happy, old man Chen began to worry about Li Jing.

Li Jing will be 26 next year. It is unimaginable in this era that he has not yet started a family at this age.

Li Jing had no father or mother in this era, and since Li Jing always treated old man Chen as his own uncle, the responsibility for Li Jing's marriage fell on old man Chen.

 There are two days left in the push, urgently looking for support!

(End of this chapter)

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