Chapter 129
But old man Chen knew very well that Li Jing's marriage was not up to him. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Li Jing would definitely marry Shen Zheng's daughter, and of course old man Chen knew that too.

If Li Jing was looking for a girl from an ordinary family, then old man Chen would not have any scruples at all, and he might have come to propose marriage long ago.

But old man Chen knew his identity, he was not qualified to propose marriage to Shen Zheng yet.

The Shen family is Hongshanling and has paid too much for Li Jing. To marry the Shen family, the person who proposes marriage must have enough weight, so that the Shen family will have face.

In this way, not only will the Shen family look good, but Li Jing will also get a lot of extra points.

When old man Chen was at his wit's end, one day he overheard Shen Zheng calling Mr. Yuan Keli Yuan in private. At that time, old man Chen was taken aback, then ecstatically.

Yuan Keli was Li Jing's teacher. The ancients said that a teacher for one day would be a father for life. Yuan Keli was fully qualified to be the master of Li Jing's marriage.Yuan Keli was Hongshanling's military adviser, and Shen Zheng also called him Mr. Yuan, so this person's status must be sufficient, so old man Chen put Li Jing's marriage on Yuan Keli.

Yuan Keli knew at this time that the Shen family provided a lot of financial support for the cottage, and also knew that marrying the Shen family was indeed very beneficial to both Li Jing and the Shen family.

So after hearing old man Chen's request, Yuan Keli agreed.

It should be said that Yuan Keli went to the Shen family to propose marriage, and in some respects he flattered the Shen family.

You know, this is the Ming Dynasty, which implemented the national policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce. No matter how rich the Shen family is, they are nothing in front of Yuan Keli, a literati who was once an important member of the imperial court.

However, Yuan Keli was still a little worried after all, he had to meet Shen Zheng's daughter in person before he could confirm whether Shen Zheng's daughter was suitable for Li Jing.

Yuan Keli knew what Li Jing was going to do in the future, and his wife had to be like everyone else.

You want the whole crooked melon and split dates to be Li Jing's wife, so how will Li Jing take her out to meet people in the future?

On this day, Yuan Keli looked at Shen Zheng's idleness and came to Shen Zheng's house.

Seeing Yuan Keli's visit, Shen Zheng hastily greeted him, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty Yuan is here, I am sorry to welcome you from a distance, forgive me!"

"Brother Shen, you are being polite. This old man is no longer an adult. Now that you and I work together, the previous titles will be removed!" Yuan Keli laughed.

"Hehe, if Mr. Yuan doesn't dislike Shen's background as a businessman, how about I call you uncle?" Shen Zheng said hastily.

"It's over, it's over, Jimin is my student, he called you Uncle Shi, wouldn't it be a generational difference if you called me Uncle Shi? Hahaha!" Yuan Keli laughed.

"It's a bit unreasonable." Shen Zheng hurriedly said humbly.

"It's right, it's right! I'm afraid you and I can become in-laws in the future, why not?" Yuan Keli laughed.

Shen Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he knew Yuan Keli's intentions, and immediately said happily: "Brother Yuan, please! Come here! Serve tea! Serve good tea!"

After a while, the servants brought tea.

"Brother Yuan, please use tea!" Shen Zheng stretched out his hand to signal.

Yuan Keli took a sip from the teacup, and then praised: "Good tea, I didn't expect Brother Shen to still have such good tea."

Shen Zheng hurriedly waved his hands and laughed: "Where is that! Actually, I don't know much about tea, but my daughter likes to drink tea, and she is very good at tea ceremony. My daughter often tells me that tea can calm the mind. If you encounter difficult things, or If you can’t make up your mind about something, you might as well drink a cup of tea, and when you calm down, you can deal with it calmly. After hearing what my little girl said, I asked someone to buy some good tea in the south, and drink a cup when I am free.”

"Oh? I didn't expect Ling'ai to have such insights? Well, at this age, I want to meet Ling'ai, is it abrupt or not?" Yuan Keli said, twirling his beard.

Shen Zheng smiled, and said in his heart: You know that you want to meet abruptly, how can I refuse?
Waving his hands, Shen Zheng said with a smile: "Brother Yuan, you are an elder, how can you say that you are abrupt when you see a junior? Besides, the young girl admires Brother Yuan very much. She often said that if the court uses Master Yuan early, she will not be bullied by the golden man." So far. It's a pity that the court is so stupid and ignorant of people's understanding. If the little girl knows that she can see Brother Yuan, she will be very happy." Shen Zheng said.

The so-called thousand clothes and ten thousand clothes, flattery does not wear clothes, even a noble man like Yuan Keli, after hearing such words, he couldn't help but smile.

Shen Zheng waved to the servant girl to call the lady out to meet the guests, and after a while, Shen Ying brought the maid Xiaodie to the front hall.

"Daughter, come and meet Uncle Yuan!" Shen Zheng said as soon as he saw Shen Ying coming in.

"I've met Uncle Yuan." Shen Ying came to Yuan Keli and gave three blessings.

"Your niece is welcome, please hurry up." Yuan Keli held her up.

What Shen Ying did to him was formal courtesy, presumably Shen Ying was reminded by a servant to know who the visitor was, and judging from these three courtesy, what Shen Zheng just said was true.

If it is not true respect, this is not a formal occasion, just a blessing is enough.

After Shen Ying got up, Yuan Keli began to take a closer look.

I saw Shen Ying's graceful figure and extremely beautiful face, which was never seen in her life.

As for speech and manners, there is no need to talk about it, the three rituals just now are enough.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Keli took off a piece of jade pendant from his body and said: "Okay! Okay! Brother Shen is really admirable to have this beautiful son. The old man came in a hurry and has nothing. Let this jade be a gift for my niece and daughter!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the jade to Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng was well-informed about jade wares. When he saw the jade pendant that Yuan Keli took out, he was shocked. The jade was flawless, crystal clear and moist, and it was the best jade. It was presumably given to Yuan Keli by the emperor back then.

"Brother Yuan, how do you do this?" Shen Zheng hurriedly waved his hands.

Seeing that Shen Zhengjian refused to accept his resignation, Yuan Keli smiled and said: "Brother Shen, this is not for you, but for your niece. If you don't accept it, then I will go back."

Shen Zheng was taken aback, thinking about the meaning of Yuan Keli's words, but saw Shen Yingfu said, "Thank you Uncle Yuan"

When Shen Zheng saw his daughter talking, he was slightly surprised, why was his daughter so rude?Suddenly seeing Shen Ying's face flushed slightly, she suddenly realized something in her heart.

She thought that Shen Ying already understood the meaning of Yuan Keli's gift of jade, and she was afraid that she would not understand, so she used this to remind herself that if she refused to accept it, it would be tantamount to politely rejecting Yuan Keli's intention to come.

Shen Ying's expression naturally fell into Yuan Keli's eyes. Yuan Keli smiled with his beard, and sighed secretly in his heart: "This girl is very intelligent, far beyond the reach of others. I only give you a gift, and she knows why she is here. It's a pity that she is a girl. If it is a man, he can be the commander of thousands of troops when he is in the army, and he can be the minister of the country when he is studying, and he can help the people with this beautiful woman!"

Knowing the meaning of Yuan Keli's gift of jade, Shen Zheng immediately accepted it and handed it over to his daughter: "I have something to discuss with you Uncle Yuan, you can go down."

"Yes!" Shen Ying replied, gave Yuan Keli another blessing, and then turned and left.

After Shen Ying left, Yuan Keli smiled and said, "Brother Shen probably knows my purpose for coming this time, right?"

Shen Zheng smiled wryly: "Brother Yuan's betrothal has already been accepted by the little girl, if I don't know it at this time, I will be a fool!"

"Since that's the case, I'll ask Jimin to send me the horoscope of his birthday. How about meeting with Mr. Shen?" Yuan Keli said with a smile.

Shen Zheng smiled and said, "Then I'll have to trouble Brother Yuan."

Yuan Keli didn't talk too much, and immediately got up to leave.

This marriage proposal can be said to be quite clever, Yuan Keli didn't say a word about the marriage proposal, and the woman had already understood it.

Yuan Keli went back to find Li Jing, and told the story of meeting Shen Ying just now, praising Shen Ying while talking, and said that if Li Jing married this woman back, it would be an adviser in major matters and a decision in minor matters.

He knew Shen Ying and Li Jing well, but he didn't know that Yuan Keli had gone to the Shen family to propose a marriage, so he couldn't agree with him.

It wasn't until Yuan Keli asked Li Jing to report his birth date that Li Jing knew that Yuan Keli had just gone to the Shen family to propose marriage.

Hearing that Yuan Keli asked for his birth date, Li Jing nodded first, but was taken aback for a moment.

Li Jing did know his own birth date, but he went to the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago. If he took out the original birth date, the Mr. with horoscopes would probably be confused after reading it.

Fortunately, Yuan Keli knew that Li Jing came from later generations, so he calculated based on Li Jing's age, and found out Li Jing's birth year in this era.

The two were busy for a long time, and finally got the birth date figured out, and then sent it to the Shen family, which was considered a fool's errand.

Shen Zheng didn't hesitate, and immediately sent someone to invite the gentleman to come and see.

To Li Jing's surprise, he didn't know what the Mr. He Ba Zi thought, but he concluded that Li Jing and Miss Shen's family were a match made in heaven, which really made Li Jing dumbfounded.

The next step is to hire.

This made Li Jing stumped. Although Li Jing became a bandit leader, he didn't have any personal property. If he wanted to produce something decent, he had to use the property of the cottage.

But how can Li Jing use the cottage's property?Li Jing still understands the distinction between public and private, and the rule that no one can take the property of the cottage is set by himself. How can he take the lead in breaking the rules?

What's more, most of the property in the cottage was funded by Shen Zheng, and if it was given to the Shen family, it would be a shame.

Seeing Li Jing's embarrassment, Yuan Keli sighed, knowing that Li Jing was devoted to saving the world and did not accumulate any property for himself.

Patting Li Jing on the shoulder, Yuan Keli sighed, "Jimin, leave everything to the teacher."

Li Jingting nodded, then shook his head again.

To hire the Shen family, without thousands of taels of silver, it is impossible to offer it.

Yuan Keli came to the cottage alone, so naturally he would not bring any belongings, and he would not go to find old man Chen, how much money can old man Chen's family give?

The only way is to find Shen Zheng and ask him not to accept the bride price.

Ask Mr. Yuan to beg Shen Zheng?

Li Jing was at a loss. Mr. Yuan had never begged anyone in his life, but this time he had to beg for a student's marriage. How could he open his mouth?

Unexpectedly, Yuan Keli had no intention of opening his mouth at all. After he found Shen Zheng, he said bluntly: "Brother Shen, Jimin has no money, not even a big son, and he can't afford a betrothal gift. You can figure it out!"

Shen Zheng was stunned, Yuan Keli would never lie to him, but he had no idea that Li Jing had no money!

(End of this chapter)

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