Chapter 131
While notifying Kaifeng Shen Yi, Shen Ying sent someone to send a letter to Princess Minde Zhu Huilai, telling her friend that she was going to get married.

But what Shen Ying never expected was that Princess Minde actually came, and she came with Shen Yi's family, but this time the princess's ostentation was much smaller. Guards, and a courtesy car.

Princess Minde came to Hongshanling, saying that it is a big event is not a big event, even if it is a small matter, it is definitely not a small matter.

It's not a big deal because Princess Minde didn't alarm anyone along the way, and probably didn't dare to alarm anyone.

Although the imperial family of the Ming Dynasty did not supervise the princess so strictly, after all, without the emperor's permission, they could not pass through the county with great fanfare. Princess Minde came here in a low-key manner, avoiding Hongshanling from being noticed by the government.

It is not a trivial matter because although Princess Minde came to Hongshanling secretly, King Zhou should know, otherwise there would be no guards.

Moreover, when Princess Minde comes to the mountain, she will definitely discover many secrets that are not humane, especially the dozen or so guards under her.

You must know that defensive facilities are being built at the mountain pass of Hongshanling. The princess and his party will definitely see these facilities when they enter the mountain. There are more secrets.

Now this is the time when Li Jingtao bids his time, and he is most afraid of the attention of the government, let alone someone with the status of King Zhou.Although the king of Zhou has no right, but the chief of the county wants to tell what he saw in Hongshanling, I am afraid that the whole Henan will have to follow suit, and it will be a disaster for Hongshanling.

Therefore, when Li Jing learned of the arrival of Princess Minde, Li Jing's head was as big as a bucket.

At this time, Shen Ying also knew that she had done something wrong and she should not have informed this friend.

But it's no wonder, although Shen Ying is smart, after all, she is only a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old. She hides at home all day and has no friends at all. She finally got to know Zhu Huiyu. It's a sympathy for each other, although the two of them have known each other for a short time, they are already as good as sisters, how can such a big event as Shen Ying's marriage not be notified to this boudoir friend?

In fact, the same is true for Zhu Huiyu. Although there are many people in the palace, the unmarried princess has a detached status in the palace. With Zhu Huiyu's character and the things she learned are incompatible with others, it is impossible for Zhu Huiyu to look at the surroundings. Those people don't have any good sisters in the palace.

Although it was unthinkable for the princess to celebrate in person when a good friend got married, it was nothing to someone like Princess Minde who was used to being domineering in the palace.

What's more, Minde County mainly came with Shen Yi's family, how dare Shen Yi refuse?

But Zhu Huiling had already arrived, and there was no way to push him away, so he could only think of a way to deal with it.

Now Zhu Huiyu's side is easy to deal with. Two days before the wedding, Shen Ying will naturally not go out. She must accompany Shen Ying. The key is that the dozen or so guards under her must not let them mess around in the mountains. Walk.

This task was given to Zhuzi by Li Jing.

Li Jing ordered Zhuzi to bring more than a dozen people to accompany these guards all day long. The daily task was to feed them alcohol and let them sleep. They were not allowed to go anywhere except defecating.

Zhu Zi honorably accepted the task.

But early the next morning, Zhuzi came to Li Jing and insisted on resigning.

Li Jing was amazed and asked urgently what happened.

"Brother, those guys are too damn good to drink. The brothers I brought are not their opponents at all. Let alone getting drunk, we are lucky not to be drunk by them!" Zhu Zi said angrily.

"What? They almost force you down? Then what happened?" Li Jing asked hastily.

"If it wasn't for Chen Dahu, Liu Erlen and Dazhuang's brothers who came to me and I dragged them to the wine table to help, my brothers and I would have died of drunkenness yesterday." Zhuzi said.

Li Jingwen sweated profusely.

He thought that the guards of the palace must not be allowed to drink on weekdays, and these people should not be able to drink, but he did not want to be a master of alcohol.

It seems that a subjective error was made this time. The wine field is like a battlefield. If you don't know the enemy's situation in advance, and you don't know the people, it will be a crushing defeat.

Although this incident is small, it has taught Li Jingshen a lesson, that is, one should not act hastily in anything. This time it is a wine shop. If it is a battlefield, if he does not understand the enemy's situation and employs the wrong person, the consequences will be disastrous of.

"It's hard to know people are good! Jimin, you have to study hard in the future!" Yuan Keli came out of the room and laughed.

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that Yuan Keli had heard what Zhuzi said to him.

Yuan Keli went on to laugh and said: "Actually, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to know people well, and it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult. It is difficult because you need to understand your subordinates, you need to know what specialties they have, what hobbies they have , what kind of character they are, and their style of doing things, etc., after mastering these things, you can be able to know people well. Of course, this requires you to have keen insight, and you need to follow up with Communicate with your subordinates."

Seeing Li Jing nodded silently, Yuan Keli continued: "It's not difficult to say because there is another trick here. Everyone knows that the purpose of knowing people and doing things well is to do things, so you can first consider what the thing you want to do is For example, we are now building roads and various defense facilities on our mountain. You know that Zheng Yucheng will do this, so you can arrange him to be in charge of this matter. If you want to arrange pillars to do it, he will also find such a person If someone comes to do it, then it is better to find this person directly, so that there will be no link in the middle of a person who does not know how to direct, and a lot of trouble will be saved. This is called knowing people and doing good things."

After a pause, Yuan Keli continued: "For example, in yesterday's incident, if you want to arrange for someone to get those guards drunk, you have to find someone who can talk to the guards, and who has a good drinker to do it. It’s better than the pillars coming forward.”

Li Jing nodded silently and said: "I see, this matter should be done by people like Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and Zhou Huhu. If you don’t talk, you can still drink together. I can’t just ignore these people just because I’m afraid of drinking and making trouble.”

"That's it! Jimin, you have to remember that as a superior person, it is impossible to do everything by yourself, and it is impossible to do everything. What the superior person has to do is actually employ people. , Judging people by their appearance, the lost child. That is to say, you can't judge a person by his words, you can't judge a person by his appearance, but by his actions. In fact, everyone has their strengths, and you must learn to tap them In this way, when using people, we can maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that we can bring out the abilities of the people below. Only by letting the subordinates use their abilities to the fullest can the superiors handle various matters with ease." Yuan Keli nodded and said with a smile .

"Judge people by their words, lose Jaiyu, judge people by appearance, lose Ziyu. Everyone has strengths, the key is to tap their strengths?" Li Jing repeated in a murmur.

"Yes, you can use people by observing their words and deeds. Before the Taizu established the country, there was a general named Chang Yuchun under him. After the Taizu established the country, he was named the Duke of Hubei. When the Duke first came, his family name was unknown. When I met Taizu for the first time, I asked for the position of pioneer, but Taizu refused. However, in the battle of Caishiji, the Duke fought forward bravely, and finally Taizu won a big victory. This position has always been held by the Duke of the State, and the Duke of the State has gone through hundreds of battles in his life, and he has never lost a single defeat, which is truly true to his words." Yuan Keli sighed.

Hearing that Chang Yuchun had never lost a single defeat in his life, Li Jing's heart was agitated, and he suddenly felt admiration.

After a pause, Yuan Keli continued: "Grand E's words are true, but there is another person who is exaggerating. This person is Ma Di who joined the army of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period. Ma Di is actually only suitable for joining the army, and it is not enough to be a general. Quite right, Prime Minister Zhuge used him to defend Jieting, and failure was inevitable. Therefore, in the end, the Shu army retreated, and the Northern Expedition came to nothing. It can be said that although Ma Di was responsible for the defeat in this battle, the biggest responsibility was Zhuge Prime Minister, because he doesn't know people well."

Li Jingwen nodded silently.

The two examples cited by Yuan Keli both emphasized the use of people. Zhu Yuanzhang, who used the right people, won the world, and Zhuge Liang, who used the wrong people, failed and retreated.

At this moment, Li Jing suddenly felt that a door was slowly opening in front of him, and then the light outside began to come in through the crack of the door.

Seeing that Li Jing realized what he meant, Yuan Keli was very relieved.

After the class was over, things naturally had to continue. This time Li Jing ordered Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and Zhou Huhu to take the lead, and found a few people who could drink and brag.

These people's actions are really extraordinary. Under the continuous praise of these people, during the banquet at noon, the guards of the palace really couldn't find the north. They even took Chen Dahu and others as their confidantes, and they had long forgotten what they were doing when they came out. Before the food was over, the wine had already passed several rounds.

The result is self-evident, all lying under the table.

In the evening, Chen Dahu and others carried forward the fearless spirit of continuous combat, continued their efforts, and successfully poured down the guards again.

Zhu Huiyu didn't know that the guards were drunk, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

At this time, Shen Ying was the only one she cared about.

In Shen Ying's boudoir, Princess Minde Zhu Huiyu sat by the bed, took Shen Ying's hand, and said softly: "Sister, tomorrow you will marry someone, and you will marry the man you like. Sister really wants to marry you." you are happy!"

A look of joy appeared on Shen Ying's face, and after a while she said softly: "Actually, I didn't expect that I would meet Brother Li, maybe this is fate!"

Zhu Huiyu nodded lightly and said, "I've never asked you how you and Brother Li met before. You're going to marry him tomorrow. Tell me, how did you meet?"

(End of this chapter)

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