Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 132 The Great Day

Chapter 132 The Great Day
Shen Ying stared at the candles on the candlestick infatuatedly, nodded slightly, with a trace of shame on her face: "Actually, it's not only my luck that I can know Brother Li, but also the luck of our whole family..."

Shen Ying softly told the Shen family and how she knew Li Jing in detail.

In the end, Shen Ying said: "If there was no Big Brother Li, our Shen family would be over long ago, and I'm afraid I would have married that dude of the Xu family long ago."

Zhu Huiling listened attentively to Shen Ying's story of her acquaintance with Li Jing, and it was not until Shen Ying finished speaking that she suddenly understood, and immediately exclaimed: "You mean Brother Li is a bandit? Hongshanling is a bandit den? You You married the leader of the bandit, and you became the Mrs. Yazhai of the bandit leader?"

"Ah?" Shen Ying just came to her senses at this moment, and because she was so happy, she actually told Zhu Huiyu the secret of Li Jing and Hong Shanling.

For a moment, Shen Ying was so anxious that she was about to cry, she hurriedly grabbed Zhu Huiyu's hand and said, "Sister, don't say that, I beg you, don't say this, otherwise, the officers and soldiers will come again attack us."

"Again? Did the officers and soldiers come to suppress you? What was the result? Oh, I'm so stupid. You just said that Brother Li rescued you from the officers and soldiers. Of course, Brother Li won the battle!" Zhu Huiyu said excitedly. .

Suddenly Zhu Huiling turned to look at Shen Ying: "Why should I say it? Do I let the officers and soldiers encircle and suppress you? You and I are sisters, how could we do such a thing?"

Shen Ying was overjoyed, and hurriedly held Zhu Huiyu's hand and said repeatedly: "Thank you sister, thank you sister, I know that sister treats me the best!"

"Are we sisters? Just like real sisters, how can I harm you? Unfortunately, I can't meet such an interesting thing, and I don't know when God will take care of me." Suddenly, a lonely expression flashed, and he sighed lightly.

Shen Ying saw it, lightly patted the back of Zhu Huiyu's hand and said: "Sister, you are the princess, so beautiful, so smart, and knowledgeable, you will definitely find Mr. Ruyi in the future."

Zhu Huiling shook his head and sighed softly.

After a while, Zhu Huiling patted Shen Ying's hand lightly and said, "It's getting late, go to bed early, I'll be tired tomorrow."

"Hee hee, you seem to be very clear, have you ever been married?" Shen Ying laughed softly.

"I've never been married, but I have a lot of sisters, and they've all been married. I've asked, so I know, huh? You're making fun of me. See if I can forgive you?" Zhu Huiling said. Hah, got up and scratched Shen Ying's armpit.

Shen Ying's body softened and she curled up into a ball, begging for mercy with a coquettish smile.

It's spring all over the room.

November 28, the seventh year of Tianqi, is an auspicious day for marriage.

In the early morning of this day, the gongs and drums of the Hongshan Ridge were so loud that the whole mountain seemed to be in motion.

At this time, Li Jing had already woken up, bathed, incensed, worshiped ancestors, etc. under the guidance of old man Chen and others, and then changed into new clothes with the help of others.

The ancient wedding etiquette is too complicated, Li Jing can't even understand the modern wedding ceremony, let alone ancient times?He can only do what other people say.

But when the auspicious time came, Li Jing was still taken aback when he went out.

Zhu Zi actually led a horse and waited outside the door.

"What is this for?" Li Jing pointed at Ma Dao.

Zhu Zi smiled and said, "Of course it's for you to ride, brother, you're not going to walk there, are you?"

Li Jing raised his eyes and looked at the gate of Shen's courtyard, which was less than fifty steps away, and said in embarrassment, "I still need to ride a horse for these few steps? I'm afraid I'll get there by the time I get on the horse."

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about, why don't you get on your horse!" Yuan Keli scolded with a smile.

Li Jing smiled wryly, and was about to get on his horse, when he suddenly looked down at his clothes, showing embarrassment.

Without him, the groom's clothes are fat and big, and it is impossible to jump on the horse.

"Hehe, brother, come on!" Zhuzi laughed.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zi leaned down, ready to let Li Jing step on his back to get on the horse.

Li Jing shook his head, and had no choice but to step on the back of the pillar. The pillar stood up, and Li Jing took advantage of the momentum to get on the horse's back.

"Let's drive!" Zhu Zi shouted loudly.

As soon as Zhuzi's words fell, the gongs, drums and suona resounded through the mountains again.

Zhuzi led the horse and walked towards the Shen family's house, followed by Gao Qi, Sun Meng, Chen Dahu and other brothers laughing and booing, and they seemed more excited than the married Li Jing.

Riding on the horse, Li Jing could only smile helplessly in his heart!
In a trance, he suddenly heard the shouts of the crowd, but he arrived in front of Shen's house.

Li Jing turned over and got off the horse, and saw several people get out from the crack of the door, and then the door closed with a bang, and then one of them laughed and said: "Hey, everyone, look, who is here?"

Li Jing took a closer look and found that it was Shen Jixian and his brothers.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing? Open the door quickly!" Li Jing scolded with a smile.

"Hey, I won't listen to you today, you can open the door, you can! Bring the money!" Shen Jixian said with a smile.

"Money? What kind of money?" Li Jing questioned.

Shen Jixian smiled and said, "Of course it's the money to open the door. If you don't send us away, don't even try to open this door."

"Ah?" Li Jing was sweating profusely, why did this happen, and no one told him!
Not to mention silver, Li Jing didn't even have a copper coin.

Li Jing softly begged a few words, but it didn't work, Shen Jixian seemed to be unwilling to accept soft and hard things today.Judging by Shen Jixian's posture, it must be impossible not to pay the money.

Li Jing had no choice but to look at the people behind him, but the people behind him all put on a posture of having no money, which made Li Jing feel so angry, is this place far from home?Go back and get some silver and come over to die.

Seeing that Li Jing's eyes were about to burst into flames, Gao Qi suddenly stepped forward, took out a few ingots of small ingots from his body, and handed them to Shen Jixian's brothers.Then Gao Qi turned around and said to Li Jing: "Brother, each person has ten taels of silver, a total of 40 taels of silver, please remember to return it to me."

Li Jing looked at Gao Qi suspiciously and said, "How can I see that you gave me five taels of small ingots?"

"You read it wrong, it's twelve taels!" Gao Qi said hastily.

Li Jing didn't bother with Gao Qi, and was about to ask Shen Jixian and others to open the door, but found that the Shen brothers who got the silver had left happily.

Li Jing stayed in front of the door for a while, then came to his senses and shouted, "Hey! Where are you guys going? Hurry up and ask someone to open the door!"

Shen Jixian said as he walked: "The door is not bolted, you can't get in by yourself!"

"Ah!" Li Jing was completely dumbfounded this time, and he was tricked by these boys.

Although Li Jing hated his teeth itchingly, but he also knew that this was not the time to settle accounts with these boys, so he collected himself, Li Jing stretched out his hand to push the door, when the door opened, only the pillar shouted loudly: "The newcomer is here! "

Then, Li Jing saw Shen Zheng and his wife standing behind the door, looking at him with a smile.

Li Jing was very embarrassed, knowing that what he said outside the door had been heard clearly by Shen Zheng and his wife.

Li Jingzheng straightened his hat, bowed deeply to Shen Zheng and his wife and said, "Uncle, Auntie, I'm here."

Shen Zheng was taken aback when he heard this address, and hurriedly touched Li Jing on the pillar next to him, and said in a low voice, "Why are you still called Uncle!"

Only then did Li Jing come to his senses, and hastily saluted again: "My son-in-law pays respects to his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"Hahaha! Good! My son-in-law, please come in, the old man is still waiting for you!" Shen Zhengwen laughed loudly.

Li Jingjing nodded, and walked towards the middle hall, and saw Mrs. Shen sitting in the middle of the hall from a distance.

Li Jing stepped forward quickly, knelt down in front of old Mrs. Shen, kowtowed respectfully three times, and then said loudly: "Son-in-law Li Jing, kowtow to the old man."

Old Mrs. Shen suffered from a serious illness last year, and her health is not as good as before, but she is not much less happy than Shen Zheng. Seeing Li Jing kowtow, the old man was overjoyed and said: "Your son-in-law, please come and reward me!"

Someone nearby had already handed over a snow-white Yu Ruyi. Li Jing bowed and thanked him, then took it and handed it to the pillar beside him.

Zhu Zi took it, winked at Gao Qi and the others, and then put Ruyi into his arms.

At this time, Xi Niang and Xiao Die helped Shen Ying, who was wearing a red hijab, out from the back hall.

Seeing Zhu Huiling standing next to Xiaodie with a smile, Li Jing was puzzled, but it was not easy to ask anything at this time, so he could only follow her heart.

After the bride came out, Li Jing followed Xi Niang's arrangements for everything. After completing the ceremony, Shen Ying, wearing a red hijab, got into the wedding sedan chair with the support of Xi Niang and Xiaodie.

After Zhuzi and others shouted to pick up the bride, the gongs, drums and suona sounded again, the crops were scattered on the ground, and firecrackers sounded, Li Jing remounted his horse, guarding the sedan chair and heading towards the remodeled house.

After arriving at the door of the new house, Shen Ying got out of the sedan chair after another toss.

Then there are three bows, one of which is that the bride and groom face the hall with their backs facing the courtyard, and then turn around and bow to the man's parents, which is called the second bow to the high hall.

Li Jing has no parents, so Yuan Keli can only play the role of Gao Tang. Finally, after the couple bows to each other, the ceremony is completed, and the bride and groom are sent to the bridal chamber.

After being sent into the bridal chamber, you have to toss, pick up the hijab, sit on the tent, also called sitting blessing, spread the tent, and sprinkle various happy fruits on the bed, mainly jujubes, chestnuts, longan, etc., which means early childbirth, that is, early childbirth. mean.

Next is to drink Hejiu wine, also known as Jiaobei wine, and then to tie hair, that is, the man cuts a strand of hair on the left side, and the woman cuts a strand of hair on the right side and tie it together.

Fortunately, it has been a year and a half since Li Jing came to the Ming Dynasty, and his hair has grown very long. Otherwise, there is no way to tie it back. However, after a little comparison, the cut hair is much shorter after all.

After tossing about this procedure, Li Jing and Shen Ying were basically exhausted.

After all the procedures were finally finished, Li Jing couldn't bear it anymore, tore off the red flower on his chest, and ran out to toast with the guests!
Seeing Li Jing running away, Xiaodie and Zhu Huiling laughed in unison.

Li Jing came out to toast, the brothers naturally would not let him go, one after another lined up to drink with him, but today Li Jing couldn't refuse, so he had to drink one cup after another, although the wine at this time The alcohol content is slightly lower, but if it goes on like this, no matter how good Li Jing's drinking capacity is, he can't stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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