Chapter 133

Fortunately, Yuan Keli discovered it in time, and stopped everyone's bad behavior. But at this time, Li Jing could not stand still, and he started to wobble when he walked.

Seeing that Li Jingleng was standing upright, Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and others stretched out their thumbs together and even praised the big brother, but they didn't get down.

Li Jing leaned on the wall and walked forward step by step. After walking for a long time, he couldn't find the door to the bridal chamber. It wasn't because Li Jing was so drunk that he didn't know the way. Not familiar with the various rooms here.

Fortunately, Zhu Zi kept staring at him, and hurried over to support him: "Brother, where do you want to go?"

"Go back to the bridal chamber, brat, you won't block two drinks for me even if your brother drinks like this." Li Jing said, squinting at the pillar.

"How dare I stand in their way when they toast you? Besides, I can't drink too much! Brother, I'll help you go back!" Zhu Zi hurriedly said.

Li Jingjing nodded, and slowly walked back to the bridal chamber while supporting Zhuzi's arm.

At the door, Zhu Zi knocked on the door and said to Li Jing: "Brother, I'm going back first, you should rest well."

Li Jing waved his hand, Zhu Zhu turned and ran back to the front yard.

Before Zhuzi could sit down, Gao Qi and the others hurriedly asked, "How is it? Are you still awake?"

"It's not sober, I can't even find the bridal chamber." Zhu Zi laughed.

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed after hearing this.

"Everyone drink slowly, and when it gets late, everyone will go to the bridal chamber!" Gao Qi laughed.

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

But it was said that Shen Ying, Zhu Huiyu and Xiaodie were talking in the new house. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and then heard the voice of the pillar, knowing that it was Li Jing who had returned.

Xiaodie hurriedly ran over to open the door, and saw that Li Jing was so drunk that he could not stand still, she hurried out to help Li Jing into the room, and then Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu also rushed over, and the three of them worked together to help Li Jing onto the chair and sit down .

When Li Jing sat down, Xiao Die hurriedly said: "I'll get my uncle a basin of water to wash his face!"

Shen Ying nodded, went to pour a cup of tea and brought it over, and then, with the help of Zhu Huiling, asked Li Jing to drink the tea.

After Li Jing finished drinking the tea, Xiao Die came over with a basin of warm water, and after washing the towel, he was about to wipe Li Jing's face. Li Jing was already sober after drinking the tea. Seeing that Xiao Die was about to wipe his face, he immediately took the towel Said: "I will do it myself!"

Li Jing rubbed it on a few times, but he probably didn't feel it was enough, so he suddenly plunged his head into the copper basin.

After a while, Li Jing raised his head slowly, and then took a long breath and said, "These bastards, they were almost forced to death today!"

Seeing Li Jing's hair dripping water from his face, Shen Ying hurriedly took a towel from Xiaodie, walked to Li Jing's side and gently wiped off the water droplets on his face and hair.

Seeing Shen Ying's gentle movements and gentle face, Li Jing stared blankly, momentarily bewildered.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly, an untimely voice sounded, and then Zhu Huiyu said in a panic: "Oh, it's getting late, I have to go back!"

"Where are you going back? Let's live with Xiaodie tonight." Shen Ying said.

Zhu Huiling was taken aback, yes, where should I go?Shen Ying is already married, how can she live in Shen's house again?She can only live in Shen Ying's house, which is Li Jing's house, but it seems inconvenient to live in Xiaodie's room, right?
Remembering that Xiaodie's room was connected to this one, Zhu Huiyu's face turned red for a moment.

Xiaodie's room is connected to this room because Xiaodie is Shen Ying's personal maid, the dowry personal maid, to put it bluntly, she is the housemaid.

The meaning of Tongfang maid is that once the mistress is inconvenient, she can sleep with the hostess. Since most men took concubines in ancient times, it is actually a means for the mistress to sleep with the hostess.

Because a wife is not as good as a concubine, the wife needs to find a helper for herself.

The maidservant of the mistress has the highest status among the maidservants, but even if she is a concubine, her status is not as high as that of a concubine, but she has more power than a concubine, because she represents the mistress.

In fact, there are two maids who came with Xiaodie as a dowry, sent by Shen's mother, but those two are just ordinary maids, not house maids, of course, if Shen Ying agrees, they can also sleep with her.

Housemaids like Xiaodie have their own separate rooms, but they must be outside the mistress's room, so that they can hear orders to serve the master at any time.

As for the two ordinary maids, they can only live together, and the facilities in the room are far inferior to Xiaodie's.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhu Huiyu to live with those two maids. In fact, living with Xiaodie would damage her identity.

But there is no way, who told Li Jing that this new house was remodeled in a hurry?There are only so many rooms, and Shen Zheng never expected that a county chief would live here.

Of course, the newly remodeled house will not only have such a few rooms, but the other rooms belong to the rooms where the servants live, not to mention the princess, even the maids of the princess are impossible to live in.

Seeing that he could only live in Xiaodie's house, Zhu Huiyu sighed helplessly, that was the only way to go.

At this time, Zhu Huiyu didn't care about the four maids he brought, so let them live with the two maids.

Zhu Huiyu waved to Xiaodie, and Xiaodie finally came to her senses, hurriedly lit the candles in the room, then put away the towel, picked up the washbasin, and followed Zhu Huiyu out of Shen Ying's room.

At this time, there were only Li Jing and Shen Ying left in the room. Li Jing raised his eyes to look at Shen Ying, and saw that Shen Ying's face was shining with a faint light under the candlelight. It was really charming and charming.

"Yingying!" Li Jing called softly.

"Yeah!" Shen Ying lowered her head and responded softly, feeling her face was very hot!
Li Jing smiled, reached out and gently grabbed Shen Ying's jade hand in his palm, and then felt Shen Ying's whole body tremble.

"Brother Li Li!" Shen Ying called softly.

"Do you still call me big brother? You want to call me Husband, or Xianggong! Huh?" Li Jing drank a lot of wine today. Although he was sober after washing his face just now, he was still drunk, and his words were inevitably frivolous.

Shen Ying nodded slightly, and called out in a low voice, "Husband."

It's just that the voice is too small, maybe even she can't hear it, it's like a mosquito humming!
"Hehe!" Li Jing smiled, and gently shook Shen Ying's little hand, feeling extremely warm in his heart for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound outside the window. Although the sound was extremely low, the room was too quiet at this time, so the sound came in clearly.

Li Jing and Shen Ying lightly clasped their hands, and the atmosphere in the room was extremely warm, but a sudden voice broke the atmosphere in an instant.

Shen Ying was startled, and hurriedly asked softly, "What's the sound outside?"

Li Jing waved his hand lightly, gestured for silence, and then listened.

After a while, there was only the faint sound of breathing outside the window, and the sound of slight footsteps moving.

Li Jinglue pondered for a while, knowing that his brothers were listening to the corner outside the window. After pondering for a while, Li Jing vaguely guessed who they were.

After thinking about it, Li Jing suddenly shouted: "Gao Qi!"

At this time, only one person outside the window responded subconsciously: "Yes! What's your order, brother!"

"You and the brothers outside the window will double your training tomorrow!" Li Jing shouted with a smile on his face.

"Ah?" Gao Qi was shocked, only then did he realize that he had been fooled and was blackmailed by Li Jing.

Then I heard a person outside the window questioning: "Does anyone outside the window know?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he heard a crackling sound coming from outside the window.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I don't know about others, but I know there must be you, Liu Erlian. Since Liu Erlian is present, Chen Dahu can't escape!"

Outside the window, Liu Er was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

Then there was another crackling sound outside the window, and one of them cursed in a low voice while beating: "You idiot, of course the elder brother can tell it's you if you speak!"

The person who spoke was Chen Dahu.

Li Jing couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

At this time, Gao Qi outside the window also woke up, and hurriedly said: "Brother, today is your day of great joy. The brothers are afraid that you have drunk too much, so they come here to take a look. You are so noble, let the brothers go!"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Brothers want to see if I am drunk?"

"Hahaha!" A burst of laughter came from outside the window.

"Get lost!" Li Jing shouted suddenly.

Hearing Li Jing shout, everyone ran away immediately, and there was no movement outside the window in a blink of an eye.

Shaking his head, Li Jing smiled and said to Shen Ying: "These bastards want to see our jokes, so ignore them."

Shen Ying's face was slightly red, and she nodded lightly. She naturally knew what the people outside the window wanted to hear.

Li Jing gently took Shen Ying's little hand, got up and walked to the bed.

"Husband, you... what are you doing?" Shen Ying felt shy in her heart.

Li Jing felt that Shen Ying was really cute at this time, squeezed Shen Ying's little hand, and said with a soft smile: "You call me husband, what do you think I want to do?"

Shen Ying was so ashamed that she twitched her little hand lightly, but she didn't want Li Jing to hold it so tightly that she didn't pull it out.

Shen Ying tugged hard, but she didn't want Li Jing to let go suddenly. Shen Ying's footing was not stable, and she was about to fall, but Li Jing had already expected it, stretched out his arms and gently wrapped her waist, and then hugged her in his arms.

Shen Ying didn't expect that Li Jing would tease her, she felt extremely shy for a moment, she fell into Li Jing's arms and never dared to raise her head again.

Feeling the trembling of the person in his arms, Li Jing's eyes were full of love, he gently picked up Shen Ying and put her on the bed, then turned around and blew out the candle.

The room suddenly became dark, and after a while there was a rustling sound in the room.

The next morning, Shen Ying got up early, and after taking a bath, she began to prepare a meal, and then followed Li Jing to Yuan Keli's room to help Yuan Keli get up.

"Beautiful son and beautiful wife, it's rare that you have such filial piety, and you don't have to be like this in the future!" Yuan Keli sighed after standing up.

"Sir, you are my husband's husband, you are our elder, we should respect you." Shen Ying said after serving tea.

Yuan Keli shook his head and said, "It's fine if you have this intention, you don't need to be mere formality, I know you are smart and capable, you should focus more on how to help Jimin."

Shen Ying nodded slightly when she heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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