Chapter 134

After thinking for a while, Yuan Keli continued: "Jimin, your sister Qinghe is in charge of some property in Weihui Mansion, right?"

Li Jing nodded.

Yuan Keli said: "Let's see it this way. From now on, I will leave all matters related to these industries to her! She is a woman, and she is more suitable for dealing with these people than you and me."

Li Jing had a headache on how to deal with Qing He's gang of brothel girls, and he also intended to leave these things to Shen Ying. Yuan Keli's proposal hit the mark, and he nodded immediately.

Yuan Keli turned to Shen Ying and said: "You have to remember that although those people are brothel girls, they are of great use to us. We get a lot of news through them, so you have to be careful. In addition, we operate a For business, don’t always do business at a loss. In recent years, we need to develop with peace of mind. The financial resources on the mountain are all supported by the Shen family. I’m afraid it’s not enough, so it’s always good to earn more.”

"Yes!" Shen Ying replied.

After a pause, Shen Ying continued: "Sir, a few days ago, my husband welcomed Mr. back and escorted a batch of money and supplies when he was in Kaifeng. I thought about it at the time, can we set up several carriages and horses?" Okay, it’s connected to our industry. First, it’s convenient to transmit news. Second, it’s unobtrusive to transport materials by chariots. Third, it can travel in all directions by chariots and horses. It can also help others transport materials and deliver letters. , and earn some profit.”

Yuan Keli heard this, thought about it silently, and suddenly stretched out his thumb and smiled and praised: "Hahaha! Gao Ming! Jimin! Congratulations on getting a good wife! We didn't expect these problems."

Li Jing patted the back of Shen Ying's hand lightly, nodded to Yuan Keli with a smile and said, "She is very smart, I already knew that."

In fact, Li Jing knew in his heart that Shen Ying's abilities were not limited to this, this was just her first show!

Hearing Li Jing's praise, Shen Ying's heart was filled with joy.

The three of them immediately began to discuss the specific operation, and had long forgotten the purpose of coming here today.

After working all morning, he finally decided on a specific plan. Yuan Keli breathed a sigh of relief, and then he woke up that today is the bride serving tea to honor her parents-in-law, and he actually tossed about work matters with the bride and groom all morning.

Yuan Keli felt ashamed in his heart, and said: "I'm so confused, I forgot all the business, today is the first day of your wedding, and you have been fooling around with me, an old man, for a long time."

Seeing Yuan Keli's tired face, Shen Ying hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Yuan Keli, while Li Jing turned behind Yuan Keli, patted Yuan Keli's back lightly and said, "Sir, it's the student's fault, you shouldn't be so tired. "

Yuan Keli waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's good for the elderly to do more things, and they won't die from exhaustion."

Li Jing felt sad, knowing that Yuan Keli said this to reassure himself.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said to Shen Ying: "I remember my mother-in-law sent two maids here, right? We have a small family, so we don't need so many people to take care of us. I think that Xiaomei is very clever, so let her take care of Mr. Xiaodie together. "

"Well, everything is according to my husband's arrangement." Shen Ying nodded.

"No, why arrange two maids for me? I'm not too old to move." Yuan Keli waved his hands.

Shen Ying smiled and said, "Sir, having them serve you tea and water, spread paper and ink, save you a lot of work, don't you? What's more, if someone comes, you have to be served here."

Yuan Keli shook his head, and said with a helpless look: "It's rare that the two of you are filial, so let's do it!"

Immediately, Yuan Keli picked up the plan written by Shen Ying just now about the car and horse travel and said to Li Jing with a smile: "Look, this handwriting is much better than yours, you have to practice hard when you go back."

Li Jing was most afraid that Yuan Keli would ask him to write calligraphy, so he nodded hurriedly and said, "I'll go back to practice calligraphy." After speaking, he pulled Shen Ying and turned around to leave Yuan Keli's room.

Seeing Li Jing leaving in a hurry, Yuan Keli was stunned and thought, "I'm just talking, why are you so nervous?"

Shaking his head, Yuan Keli tidied up the things he wrote just now, and was about to tell Shen Zheng and others to do it, but Li Jing suddenly pushed the door in and said, "Sir, it's time for lunch! Xiaodie is ready and looking for us."

Yuan Keli nodded, looked up and saw Li Jing was alone, Yuan Keli asked in surprise, "Where is your wife?"

Li Jing scratched his head and said, "She forgot to cook at noon, she was embarrassed to come here again, and went back by herself."

"Hahaha!" Yuan Keli laughed out loud.

The carriage and horse trip plan formulated by Li Jing and others started to be implemented on the second day after returning from the Three Dynasties, but the news was told to Shen Zheng on the day of returning.

When they learned that this plan was proposed by Shen Ying, and it was formulated at Yuan Keli's place on the morning of the second day of their marriage, all members of Shen Zheng's family were dumbfounded.

Shen Zheng and the two brothers looked at each other, and said in their hearts, the young couple's behavior was too tough, beyond anyone's guess.

Mrs. Shen secretly rejoiced that Li Jing didn't have parents, otherwise, what impression would her daughter-in-law have on her parents-in-law if she didn't even cook the next day?
For this reason, Mrs. Shen taught Shen Ying a lesson after the meal.

However, Mrs. Shen never imagined how much enthusiasm Shen Ying would burst out because she could help Li Jing do things.

Shen Ying started to act the next day.

Li Jing got married, Ma Wu, Sun Meng and others naturally had to go back to the mountain to congratulate, and the principals from various places including Qing Homer Shouye also came back.Even Liu Hong came to the mountain that day, but Liu Hong, Qing He and others went back the next day.

Only Ma Wu didn't go back to the mountain for nearly a year, so Li Jing asked him to stay for a longer period of time, which was considered a holiday for Ma Wu.

The car and horse business that Shen Ying wanted to run needed to cooperate closely with Ma Wu's intelligence department, so Shen Ying asked Li Jing to summon Ma Wu and others.

Hearing that Li Jing summoned everyone to discuss matters, how dare they be negligent, but when they arrived at Li Jing's residence, they found that the person in charge today seemed to be not the elder brother, but the elder sister-in-law.

Of course, the opening scene is naturally narrated by Li Jing, which is a bit similar to the host in the current meeting.

After the host said some innocuous words, the leader began to speak amid applause.

The routines are basically the same, the difference is that this leader really doesn't look like a leader at all.

Because the leader is too young, all the people present are older than her, and the leader's appearance is too beautiful, a bit overwhelming.

But the level of leadership has never been linked to age and appearance, the key depends on level.

Shen Ying's level is definitely not low. Although she was a little stage fright at the beginning, because she is a sister-in-law, no one dared to make fun of her even if she was a little stage fright.

In the respectful attitude of everyone, Shen Ying's aura became stronger and stronger, and finally she completely got rid of the identity of sister-in-law, and completed the switch between the roles of sister-in-law and leader.

In fact, the most important reason why Shen Ying's car and horse travel plan was supported by Li Jing was that Li Jing knew that it would not be long before Chongzhen canceled the postal communication agency.

Li Jing was able to know the news because he knew Li Zicheng's background.

Li Zicheng was born as a postman. It was because the court abolished the post station and his job was smashed that he embarked on the road of rebellion.

In Shen Ying's plan, the function of the chariot and horse company is to combine transportation and communication. Communication is equivalent to grabbing food from the national post. This is extremely difficult, but once the post station is abolished, the car and horse company can replace it The role of the post station is immediately reflected in its usefulness.

In this era when communication basically relies on shouting and transportation basically relies on walking, without post stations, it is difficult for the imperial court to pass messages down, let alone ordinary people?
As long as the car and horse dealership industry is used properly and the publicity is in place, I am afraid that the local government will support and protect the operation of this industry.

There are actually two aspects involved in the transportation industry. The first one is a bit like an escort agency, which helps to transport and provide protection during long-distance transportation according to the needs of customers.

The second function is equivalent to the current fixed-point distribution, such as loading goods from place A to place B at regular intervals every day, and then loading goods from place B to place A.

However, the current fixed-point distribution is generally small, and Shen Ying's plan is the first step to cover the whole of Henan, and then cover the whole country.

The goal looks big, but it's actually not big at all.

Because the population was small at this time, and there were few big cities. Now many prefecture-level cities were just counties at that time, and prefectures also had different sizes. Those smaller than prefectures were called prefectures, and prefectures were already big cities at that time.

Taking Henan as an example, there are actually not many prefectural cities in Henan.

The largest is Kaifeng Prefecture, which governs four prefectures, namely Chenzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou and Zhengzhou.

The second is Henan Prefecture, which governs Shanzhou. The prefectural city is in Luoyang, but Luoyang was a county at that time.

Guide Mansion governs Suizhou, and the city of Guide is in Shangqiu, which was also a county at that time.

Runing Prefecture governs Xinyang Prefecture and Guangzhou, and the prefectural city is in Ruyang County.

Nanyang Prefecture governs Dengzhou and Yuzhou, and the prefectural city is in Nanyang County.

Zhangde Mansion, under the jurisdiction of Cizhou, is located in Anyang County.

The remaining Weihui Mansion and Huaiqing Mansion have no state government, only counties. The capital of Weihui Mansion is in Ji County, and the capital of Huaiqing Mansion is in Hanoi County.

There is also Ruzhou, which is simply not enough for the state government and even the government.

The carriage and horse business that Shen Ying is planning to build mainly revolves around these prefectures and states.

In Henan, only six lines are needed. From Kaifeng to Zhengzhou to Luoyang, this is one line. From Kaifeng to Zhengzhou to Weihui Mansion and then to Zhangde, this is one line. From Luoyang to Zhengzhou to Weihui and then to Zhangde. It is a line, from Nanyang to Xuzhou to Zhengzhou and then diverted, from Xinyang to Xuzhou to Zhengzhou and then diverted, from Guide (Shangqiu) to Kaifeng to Zhengzhou and then diverted, so that almost the whole of Henan is covered.

These six lines seem to require a lot of manpower, but in fact, it is enough to transport the goods to Zhengzhou, because Zhengzhou is located in the center of Henan, and you can set up a transit here, and then run from Zhengzhou to various places, which means that the manpower is mainly Concentrate in one place in Zhengzhou, and the rest of the places don't need so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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