Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 136 Shen Ying's Dowry

Chapter 136 Shen Ying's Dowry

Ma Wu was startled, and suddenly his eyes became wet, and after wiping his eyes, Ma Wu choked up and said, "Brother, Ma Wu has no skills, I just want to do my best to do what my brother asked me to do, but I don't want to be too tired to make my brother worry about it. Don’t hide it from my brother, in fact, every month I see the following people come to report the account, but it’s not good if I don’t read it. I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake and I won’t be able to explain it to my brother, so I bite the bullet and read it every time. To be honest, I'm really tired, if my sister-in-law can take over this stall, I really wish for it."

Ma Wu acted swiftly and resolutely. After speaking, he wanted to go back and fetch the general book, as if those properties were hot potatoes.Yuan Keli and Li Jing held Ma Wu back with a smile.

Yuan Keli smiled and said, "Even if you don't want to do it, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right? Don't be busy, let's talk after dinner."

Ma Wu scratched his head in embarrassment, knowing that he was a little reckless.

After lunch, while the three of them were drinking tea, Ma Wu went back to his residence and brought the general book with him through his urine.

Seeing Ma Wu running back panting and holding a pile of account books, Yuan Keli and Li Jing clicked their tongues secretly. No wonder Ma Wu didn't want to do it anymore. How long will it take to finish reading this!

Putting down the account books, Ma Wu wiped off his sweat, picked up the tea on the table and drank it dry, then flipped through the account books and said to Li Jing: "Brother, these two are the general ledger, which is a summary of the accounts of various industries. These are the distribution accounts of industries in various places, including normal labor expenses and expenses for inquiring about information, as well as various expenses and monthly balances, etc. These are the contracts of various shops and houses. Wrong, I'm about to have a job."

Li Jing counted carefully, and there were more than 30 account books in total. He was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, don't bother me with this thing. You have a big head, but I have a big head. Throw it to your sister-in-law!"

Speaking of which, Li Jing asked Xiaodie to call Shen Ying over, and then handed over the account book to Shen Ying and said, "Among them, you should make a separate account for the expenses of Fifth Brother's intelligence personnel. No matter how much Fifth Brother wants, You don't even have to ask, just give him the amount Fifth Brother said."

Shen Ying nodded, took the account book and went back to sort it out.

After Shen Ying left, Li Jing turned around and said to Ma Wu: "Fifth brother, brother has already married, and fifth brother is still single. This is my brother's fault. I wonder if fifth brother has someone he likes? If not, then I But I'm going to find a place for you, and when the house on the Tiger Ridge is finished, I'll help Fifth Brother with the marriage."

Ma Wu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No hurry, no hurry, let's talk about it after my affairs have stabilized. Hehe, I won't hide it from my elder brother. Ma Wu is not a good person, and he took a concubine in the capital."

Yuan Keli and Li Jingwen laughed loudly, and Li Jing pointed at Ma Wu and said with a smile: "Fifth Brother, this is your fault, Fifth Brother Xiao Dengke didn't notify me, you should be punished, you should be punished!"

Ma Wu scratched his head and said, "Actually, I can't help it. In a house as big as the capital, if there is no woman, it won't make sense to others. I also have no choice but to take in a concubine for appearance. At that time I wanted to inform you, but I really can’t afford to entertain you, the prices in the capital are expensive, and the concubine I married almost used up all my salary for a year, so there is no money left to entertain everyone.”

Li Jing sighed and said, "Fifth brother, this is because my brother didn't think carefully about this matter. You should not only give you a little salary when you are traveling. Later, ask your sister-in-law to give you the title deed of the capital house, and the house will be given away." Here it is, just as a reward for your hard work this year, and tell me how much you need to spend each month, and I will ask your sister-in-law to leave a sum of money for you alone."

Ma Wu hastily waved his hand and said, "I don't want the house anymore. I don't live there often, and I can't afford it. What if I have to support a large group of people? But the salary you give is really not enough. I guess at least a month. If there is a deficit of ten taels of silver, I will not hide it from my elder brother. For the property in the capital, I have to pay an extra ten taels of silver every month. Up to now, there is a deficit of 80 taels of silver. I can’t pay this money for a while, elder brother Help me level up!"

Hearing that Ma Wu asked him to help him settle the accounts, Li Jing couldn't help but hold Ma Wu's hand and said, "Fifth brother is suffering!"

Yuan Keli couldn't help sighing secretly when he heard this, and thought: "This Ma Wu's subordinates are in charge of hundreds of people, and what they do is still intelligence work, and they spend countless money. It's really not easy for them to not fill their own pockets and even cause a famine. !"

After thinking for a while, Yuan Keli said: "Jimin, Ma Wu is doing official business, so he can't let him put money into it. This account must be settled. In addition, Ma Wu doesn't seem to have saved a penny this year. Do you have to make up for the account too?"

Li Jing nodded hastily and said, "Pack it up! Make it up! I'll tell my father-in-law to make it up for Brother Wu right away."

Yuan Keli shook his head and said, "You have to make up the money yourself."

Li Jing was taken aback, and thought, "Where do I have money?"

But then I realized that it is really not possible to go to the public account to make up money for Ma Wu, and it is unreasonable for others to see.

After thinking about it, when Shen Ying married here, she brought a lot of dowry, so she should be rich, so it seems that she has to borrow some money from Shen Ying.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Keli continued: "Jimin, you have no money, right? How come you have no money? All the people on this mountain have their salaries, why are you the only one without them? There are some things you don't understand!"

Li Jing was stunned for a moment: "Why do I need money? No, I used to be alone. I didn't care if I had money or not. I couldn't starve myself anyway. But it's different now. I have a wife to support, and I will have to support her in the future." My child, I still have to support my family. If I don’t have any money, what can I do to support so many people? If I used to use the money from the Shen family, it would make sense if I didn’t get any money, but now there is a tax on the mountain, and even Shen Zheng has set it for himself. A salary. If you don’t take it yourself, will others think that the rest is yours? This is obviously not acceptable!”

Thinking of modern times, the heads of state of various countries have to get wages. Although the current emperor has no wages, the emperor has his own income.

The biggest income of the emperor comes from the mine tax, which is the part collected by the mine supervisor. In addition, the Ministry of Households allocates a special fund to the emperor every year, that is, gold flowers and silver, plus income from Huangzhuang. Money, but the income of Jinhuayin and Huangzhuang is not much, and some may be spent before reaching the emperor's account.

The emperor's internal money is used to support the family, and of course it can also be used for rewards.

Even the emperor has internal money, Li Jing thought how could he not even have money?

From what happened to Ma Wu today, it can be seen that sometimes Li Jing also needs to use money to maintain his prestige, and it is his own money, not the money of the Shen family, let alone the public funds of the Shanzhai.

Using the Shen family's money will lose his loyalty to help Ma Wu, and using public funds seems to disregard public and private interests, and in the future, if someone else has such a situation, will they be equalized?So use only your own money.

After thinking about it, Li Jing hurriedly summoned Zhuzi and asked Zhuzi to invite Shen Zheng, and at the same time asked Shen Zheng to bring the account books of the cottage.

Li Jing needs to calculate how much money the Shanzhai has cost the Shen family.

Yuan Keli's reminder made Li Jing understand that the accounts on the mountain must be separated.

This is Yuan Keli's brilliance. He only wakes up Li Jing through such and such small things, so that Li Jing can understand where he went wrong and where he needs to improve, instead of bluntly speaking of Li Jing's mistakes, which not only maintains Li Jing's prestige , and helped Li Jing again.

Yuan Keli was actually telling Li Jing that Li Jing could temporarily borrow the Shen family's money, even if it was on Li Jing's account, but he must not disturb the eggplant, as it is unclear now.

Shen Zheng came very quickly, although he didn't understand why Li Jing suddenly wanted to look at the accounts, but Shen Zheng had obviously made preparations long ago, and all the data had been calculated clearly.

So far, the biggest expenses on the mountain are mainly: the military pay is more than 7 taels, including the military pay of more than 1000 auxiliary soldiers recruited later and more than [-] officers and soldiers under Sun Meng.

It cost nearly 14 taels of silver to buy food, cotton cloth, salt and other daily necessities, including materials that were not transported back to the mountain from Luoyang. Those who went up the mountain accounted for the majority. In the past, only about 3 taels were used on the mountain.

It cost more than [-] taels of silver to buy military supplies. The reason for the small amount of money was mainly because they couldn't afford it.

Sun Meng was transferred and bribed Liu Hong and others for a total of more than [-] taels.

Ma Wu spent more than 15 taels in total on buying brothels, restaurants and other industries for intelligence investigation, as well as buying houses in the capital and other places.

More than [-] taels of silver were spent on bribing court officials in the capital and various places.

The above totaled more than 45 taels of silver.

The income on the mountain is: the income obtained when capturing Hongshanling is equivalent to more than [-] taels of silver.

The income from the attack on Motianling was equivalent to more than [-] taels of silver.

Li Jing realized more than 31 taels of jewelry in Xu Fushun.

In the name of bandits, he went down the mountain and robbed sixteen wealthy households, earning more than 3 taels.

After repelling the officers and soldiers this fall, [-] wealthy households paid a total of more than [-] taels of tax.

The profits of industries in various parts of Mawu exceeded [-] taels.

Not counting Li Jing's personal illegal income, the Shanzhai's income was more than 13 taels of silver.

Now there are nearly 60 taels of silver deposited on the mountain. When the silver from Luoyang is shipped back, the current silver can reach about 80 taels.

After reading the accounts, Li Jing closed his eyes and calculated. If he filled in the part he got, he could basically equalize the money paid by the Shen family.

But in that case, I would lose a tael of silver in my hand, and I would have to borrow money from the Shen family in the future.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing decided to balance the accounts first, and to prevent famine in the future.

"Father-in-law, do the math, if the Shen family's money is withdrawn, how much money is still owed to the Shen family?" Li Jing said.

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "All the money you got yourself is given to the Shen family, basically it's not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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