Chapter 137
Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Then you should settle the previous account first! Then the cash on the mountain will all belong to the Shen family, and the money is considered to be borrowed by me for the time being."

Shen Zheng smiled and shook his head and said: "The balance of these accounts is your business, anyway, it's all your own money, it has nothing to do with the Shen family, and the silver deposit on the mountain is not the Shen family's, but my daughter's." , you want to borrow money from my daughter."

Li Jingqi said: "Why?"

Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled and said, "Isn't there a dowry for the Shen family to marry their daughter? Have you read the gift list for my daughter's dowry? I guess you haven't either! Forget it, let me tell you, the old master ordered you to borrow it from the Shen family before." Money is my daughter’s dowry. In addition, the silver brought up the mountain this time is also the Shen family’s dowry. Also, there are more than 20 taels of silver in Luoyang, which is also my daughter’s dowry silver. If you want to use money in the future, don’t look for me again. Now, go find your wife!"

Li Jing was shocked when he heard the words. The money was basically all the belongings of the old lady of the Shen family and the big house of the Shen family. If all the remaining belongings were sold, they might not be sold for less than 10 taels of silver. The family funded Li Jing.

Then Shen Zheng sighed and said, "My son-in-law, I only have one daughter and the step-son Jixian, and the rest of the property will be left to Jixian in the future. After a hundred years, I hope you can take care of Jixian, and neither do I." Ask for nothing else, as long as you don't let him be bullied."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Father-in-law, you are sure to live a long life, don't say such depressing words! Don't worry, one day, as long as Li Jing is still around, no one will dare to bully Jixian!"

Shen Zheng nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Jixian, this kid still has some brains, what kind of business do you think he wants to do?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "What are you going to do?"

Shen Zheng smiled and said, "He wants to open two grocery stores in the mountains."

"Grocery store?" Li Jingqi asked.

"Yes, Jixian said that the mountain is different today. Everyone has a lot of spare money, but it is not convenient for everyone to buy the items they need. Jixian suggested that I appoint a merchant to purchase supplies related to people's livelihood. Then open two shops in the mountains, so that everyone can buy the items they need without going out of the mountains, which is convenient for everyone and profitable for the merchants, so I first said that he wants this purchasing right." Shen Zheng said.

"Okay, there are thousands of people in the mountains now, and his business is not small! You tell Jixian, I agree to this matter, and I can send someone to escort him when he buys." Li Jing said with a smile.

Shen Zheng nodded and said: "Besides, Jixian said that he will definitely pay taxes on time, but I hope your tax rate will be lower."

Li Jing laughed and said: "Hahaha, it's natural. The Shen family has made great contributions to the mountain, and the tax must be preferential. In fact, it doesn't matter whether a small grocery store pays tax or not, but this is the first one on our mountain." The merchant, and the members of the Shen family, must set an example."

Shen Zheng said with a smile: "I thought so too, it seems that the two of us have thought of going to one place."

Li Jing thought for a while and said: "Since we are going to do it first, let him make it bigger. Let him do the cloth business, rice business, porcelain business, etc. These things are what the common people need, and there should be some profits."

Shen Zheng was overjoyed: "If these businesses can be operated together, the profits will definitely not be low."

Li Jing said with a smile: "It's fine if you can earn money, and leave it to Jixian to do it. Anyway, no one else on the mountain has the ability to manage it."

Shen Zheng nodded.

While talking, Shen Ying and Xiaodie came out with an account book. When Li Jing saw it, he was taken aback. He was afraid that Shen Ying would tell her about Ma Wu's shortfall in front of everyone, so Ma Wu would not be able to step down. .

Li Jing said hastily: "Madam, you will equalize the silver taels that Fifth Brother paid in the capital. In addition, this year, Fifth Brother's expenses are all paid out of his own pocket. We can't let Fifth Brother lose money."

Shen Ying nodded and said: "I just wanted to tell my husband about this matter. I checked the account just now and found that uncle spent all his own money this year. How can uncle spend his own money for doing things on the mountain? I think, let's give uncle 1000 taels of silver."

Li Jingwen was overjoyed when he heard this, and couldn't help but admire Shen Ying for being reasonable.

I don't want Ma Wu to wave his hands again and again after hearing this: "1000 taels is too much, and it's hard for me to hold so much money. My sister-in-law will just give me a hundred or so taels."

Li Jing and the others were dumbfounded when they heard this. This was the first time they were tired of hearing people take money.

However, Li Jing and others also knew that what Ma Wu said was indeed true.

In the Ming Dynasty, one catty was 16 taels, and the weight of one catty was slightly lower than the modern one catty two taels (one catty was about 595 grams). The weight of 1000 taels of silver is about 75 catties.

In an era when transportation is basically based on walking, the money on the back of the house weighs seventy or eighty catties, so you can imagine how tiring it will be.

Suddenly, Li Jing's heart skipped a beat.

When Li Jing was in Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, he had seen several money shops. At that time, Li Jing also asked Shen Zheng, and he knew that the main business of the money shops was the mutual exchange of silver and copper coins and external lending.

However, Shen Zheng did not say at the time that the money shop had joint accounts in two or more places to exchange money, and to withdraw money from different places by ticket.

If you open a multi-region joint money shop, will it solve the problem that merchants need to carry a large amount of silver when doing business in various places?

You know, 1000 taels of silver can be carried by people, but if it is more, it is not a problem of people carrying it, and it is necessary to arrange for protection, which is not a small fee.

Li Jing believed that if Qianpu had such a business, it would definitely tempt merchants to deposit their money in Qianpu.

Of course, the premise is that the reputation of Qianpu must be outstanding.

But as long as the signboard is opened, there will be a lot of money in the future.

Is there anything more profitable than a bank in this world?Li Jing knows how profitable the banks of later generations are.

Compared with banks, the businesses that Shen Zheng did before were all pediatrics.

Li Jing thought about bringing up this idea, and Yuan Keli, Shen Zheng and the others all had bright eyes when they heard this.

Yuan Keli stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect Jimin to have a business mind. This is a good idea."

Shen Zheng also said with a smile: "The business of the money shop does make money. I also had the idea of ​​opening a money shop before, but because the money shop involves the business of borrowing money, I was afraid that someone would not repay the loan, so I didn't dare to operate it. But Jimin opened a money shop, so no one would dare to borrow money and not repay it!"

Ma Wu smiled and said: "Hey, that's right, my elder brother opened a money shop and wanted to borrow money and not pay it back, so he didn't want to live anymore! We have thousands of brothers up and down the mountain, and we haven't broken his bones yet!"

Li Jing looked at Ma Wu with a smile and said, "Fifth brother, you are making fun of me as a bandit, don't forget that you are too!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

At the moment, everyone began to discuss the establishment of a money shop.

Li Jing opened a money shop, and the silver taels needed in the early stage were not a problem. Now there are 60 taels of silver on the mountain alone, and the money shop didn't need so much money at all in the early stage.

According to Shen Zheng's estimate, when the money shop was first established, it was enough to have a few thousand to 1 taels of silver for each shop, and the use of these silver was mainly for exchange and lending.

Only after the reputation is established, will there be merchants deposit money into the money shop, and it will not be too late to mobilize the money at that time.

Moreover, Li Jing also has a car and horse dealership to run back and forth, so transporting money is not a problem at all.

Considering that Shen Ying's car trip is under preparation, Shen Zheng and Shen Ying's father and daughter decided to start the two projects at the same time.

When it comes to specific details, Li Jing and others can't do it. It is mainly Shen Zheng and his daughter Shen Ying who are planning.

And the father and daughter acted extremely quickly, and it took only a few days to make a specific plan.

With a plan in place, Hongshanling quickly moved up and down.

First of all, it was Gao Qi who arranged a three-day assessment for the promotion of the auxiliary soldiers to the full-time soldiers on the mountain. The results were very satisfactory, and more than half of the people turned into regular soldiers.

When Gao Qi announced that these people had become soldiers, the entire Red Mountain burst into cheers.

Immediately, Li Jing selected 300 soldiers from among the newly promoted soldiers, and appointed Tang Shuanzi, who had performed well in the recruitment, as the leader, and let him be in charge of the management of these people. .

At the same time, Sun Meng and Liu Hong each selected 300 people from their subordinates. Among them, the leader appointed by Sun Meng was Wang Rui, a Zhengzhou veteran who had joined the cottage long ago, and the manager appointed by Liu Hong was Liu Ming.

Then Sun Meng personally went to the Qianhu Office in Zhengzhou, greeted Qianhu who was in charge of the Zhengzhou Office, gave him some money, and asked him to arrange a hundred soldiers to work part-time at the bank and the chariot and horse dealership. Second occupation (security guard).

How could the thousands of households in Zhengzhou refuse such a good thing?You have to know whether the people below are obedient or not, mainly depends on whether the people above will give you money. Those thousands of households worry about military pay are almost turning white. I heard that there are [-] part-time jobs, and all kinds of treatment are generous. Naturally, I know This is an opportunity for him to buy people's hearts.

Especially when he learned that a group of people could be arranged to do some odd jobs in the carriage and horse dealership, he immediately agreed.

Of course, that Qianhu also understood that he and his subordinates took advantage of others to work for others. On the ground in Zhengzhou, it was their responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of these shops. Otherwise, why would they give He benefits.

Originally, the thousand households wanted to help Sun Meng get through the relationship, but in Zhengzhou, the foundation of the Shen family is still good, and since shopkeeper Wang came forward, he didn't have to worry about the corresponding formalities at the government.

A few days later, Jingji Bank was listed and established in Zhengzhou.

But this is just the beginning, and then branch offices will be opened in other prefectures and counties, especially the two cities of Kaifeng and Luoyang. Half of the wealth in Henan is concentrated in these two cities.

This time it was King Zhou who helped.

In fact, it was Zhu Huiyu, the owner of Minde County, who helped.

Zhu Huiyi left Hongshanling on the second day of Shen Ying's marriage. After listening to the news all night, Zhu Huiyu was really embarrassed to meet Shen Ying. The next day, Shen Ying and Li Jing happened to offer tea to Yuan Keli. Yuan Keli stayed there all morning, but Zhu Huiling went down the mountain with his maid and guards without notifying the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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