Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 138 Sun Meng's Promotion

Chapter 138 Sun Meng's Promotion
After returning to the palace, Zhu Huiyu's first thing was to write a letter to Shen Ying to report her safety, but after seeing Shen Ying's reply, Zhu Huiyu immediately regretted that she had returned from Hongshanling.

Because Shen Ying told her in the letter that all the properties in Hongshanling are now taken care of by herself, and Shen Ying is going to open a car dealership in the whole province of Henan.

Seeing this news, Zhu Huiyu was really envious.

You must know that women in this era are generally in charge, that is to say, only matters related to the inner house are managed by women. For example, the income of the farm can be managed by women, but the business outside the field will never be handed over to women. It's okay, just report to the mistress and settle the account.

But now Shen Ying is not only in charge of the problem, but also has full authority to take care of it. That is to say, what the people below must get the consent of Shen Ying. As for what business Shen Ying wants to do, she can do business, which is even more important. Difficult.

For a woman like Zhu Huiyu who is extremely independent, it is really a dream to do such a thing.

But before Zhu Huihou finished digesting the news, Shen Ying brought her an even more shocking news.

Shen Ying was about to open a bank again, and wanted Zhu Huiling to help, so she notified the Kaifeng government to take care of her.

Zhu Huiyu agreed almost without thinking about it, and went to King Zhou to tell him about it that day.

There is a rule in the Ming Dynasty that the royal family is not allowed to do business (not to interfere with the business of the people), but it is still no problem to find a local official to help a friend get a business license.In fact, local vassals have many industries, but they are just under the banner of others.

With the help of Zhu Huiling, Shen Ying quickly got the business licenses of the car dealership and the bank.

In fact, Shen Ying's letter to Zhu Huiyu was not to ask Zhu Huiyu to help him get a business license, but just to ask people from the Prince Zhou's Mansion to take care of him so that the local officials in Kaifeng would be less extortionate. arrange.

From this point, it can be seen that Zhu Huiyu is very loyal, and of course he is also very courageous (the clan and officials will never be separated), if this matter is exposed, it will cause big trouble.

Fortunately, the king of Zhou had a good reputation in Kaifeng, and he was helping the princess' friend, so the government didn't care.

But Zhu Huiling's subordinates were even more daring. This girl actually left home again, and brought the same people from last time to Hongshanling again.

And this time, looking at her posture, she actually planned to live permanently, and she actually brought some daily necessities, and even a whole carload of books.

Zhu Huiyu's going up the mountain completely disrupted Shen Ying's business plan. Shen Ying originally planned to run a car dealership and a bank steadily step by step, but not long after Zhu Huiyu arrived, the pace of development of these two businesses accelerated.

With Zhengzhou and Kaifeng as the centers, Jingji Chariots and Horses and Jingji Bank expanded rapidly, covering eight or nine prefectures and several prefectures and counties in Henan Province in less than three months.

It should be said that Zhu Huiyu and Shen Ying have completely different personalities and work styles. Shen Ying is delicate in mind and steady in her work, while Zhu Huiyu is sharp in mind and decisive in her work.

There is absolutely no problem for these two people with completely different styles to be friends, but it is a miracle to get together to do things, and to be able to cooperate together.

. .

Chariot and horse dealerships and money houses are new things, and they are not new things.

It is said that they are not new because these two industries have existed for a long time. There are chariot and horse shops and money shops in every prefecture in Henan. There are many differences, and some businesses are simply unacceptable to many people for a while.

Taking chariots and horses as an example, Jingji Chariots and Horses undertakes various delivery businesses, but in the initial stage of operation, many people do not believe his reputation, and most of them will send people to follow when delivering goods.

If you only deliver goods to one company, it’s okay to say, just go slowly, but if there are too many merchants who need to deliver goods, it will not work. Some have to go fast, and some have to go slowly, which will lead to disagreements.

It’s okay to go fast, but walking slowly will affect the efficiency of the carriages and horses. In this case, we can only split up, so obviously one convoy becomes two, or even more. In this way, the carriages and horses The utilization efficiency is greatly reduced.

Similarly, almost no one believes in the business of remittance in different places in the bank, and almost no merchants deposit money in the bank.

In order to change this situation, Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu thought of a very unique way, that is to use internal means of undertaking business for publicity.

There are many properties under the name of Jingji, such as Jingji Tianxiang Building in Weihui Mansion, Jingji Restaurant, etc. Shen Ying ordered all the properties under the name of Jingji to deposit their money in Jingji Bank, and let them go to other places The bank withdraws money.

Through their precepts and deeds, they tell everyone that it is not necessary to carry a large amount of silver when going out to do business. As long as everyone deposits money in Jingji Bank, then wherever there is Jingji Bank, everyone can get silver with a deposit check.

Through this method, many businessmen gradually knew that Jingji Bank could withdraw money from other places and had a good reputation, and they also understood the benefits of this approach.

Regarding the operation of the chariot and horse dealership, the same method is adopted. Some goods that can obviously be purchased locally must be purchased from other places. The industry in Zhengzhou purchases goods from Kaifeng or Luoyang, and there is no need to send people to follow them.

Those who escorted the goods with the chariots and horses quickly found that other merchants could receive the goods without sending people to follow the goods after following them a few times. This would save a lot of costs, so they followed suit .

Gradually everyone knew that the reputation of Jingji Chariots and Horses was guaranteed, and gradually everyone stopped sending people to follow them.

When the reputation of Jingji Chariots and Horses and Jingji Bank became more and more famous, more and more people believed in it, and the business also increased. Many businesses have exceeded the scope of Henan. Local operations began to show limitations.

So under Zhu Huiyu's suggestion, Jingji Chariot and Horse Company and Jingji Bank began to expand from Henan.

In the northern region, a number of branches have been established in Xi'an, Yan'an, Taiyuan, Datong, Shuntian (Beijing), Baoding, Hejian, Jinan, Dengzhou and other places.

In the southern region, a number of branches have been established in Chengdu, Nanchang, Wuchang, Chengtian, Yingtian, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Changde, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Guangzhou, Zhaoqing and other places.

So far, Jingji Company has gradually covered the entire Ming Dynasty.

Jingji Company is developing well, but at this time Li Jing has no energy to pay attention to these.

In March of the first year of Chongzhen, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu You prosecuted Wei Zhongxian and other eunuchs as rebels, and more than 260 people were convicted and sent to prison.

Once these people fell, many vacancies were left, and if there were vacancies, someone needed to be filled, so some people began to be promoted, including Zhang Dewei's commander.

According to the military system of the Ming Dynasty, all the soldiers and horses in the guards are under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Army Dudufu, but the Fifth Army Dudufu is only responsible for training and management, and has no right to transfer troops. The right to appoint and promote officers and transfer troops lies with the Ministry of War.

Each province has a commanding envoy, and all commanding envoys, all commanding colleagues, and all commanding officers are mostly promoted and appointed from hereditary officers, or appointed from among military officials.

The commander of the capital has a guard and office under the division, and the guard has a commander of the guard, the commander of the guard and the commander of the guard, and the commander of the guard.

Most of these officers are hereditary, but since Zhu Di became the emperor, the commander of the guards stationed in the fief of the vassal began to appoint eunuchs to take up this position, because eunuchs are the emperor's people, and it is basically impossible for the vassal, Zhangde Mansion The commander of the guard is the eunuch.

Of course, not too many eunuchs took up this position. The local eunuchs mainly served as mine supervisors to help the emperor make money.

Wei Zhongxian died, and Cui Chengxiu, the former minister of the Ministry of War, also died. A large number of officers who were promoted and appointed by him at the beginning naturally also fell. The first senior officer who followed Cui Chengxiu to fall in Henan was Qian Zhong.

But the guard commander of Zhangde Mansion did not fall, not only did he not fall, but he was promoted.

Chongzhen, like his predecessors in all dynasties, did not trust those civil officials, he only believed in eunuchs.

But not long after he became emperor, he didn't have so many eunuchs to use, so he pulled out the big ones from the box.

The guard commander of Zhangde Mansion has been stationed in Zhangde Mansion for many years and worked hard, so he was promoted. (In fact, the main reason is that you can spend money. If you have a good relationship with the eunuchs around Chongzhen, you will naturally be promoted).

The commander of the guards was promoted and transferred, and the position would naturally have to be replaced by someone, but no one thought that he would recommend Sun Meng.

When Li Jing heard the news, he discussed with Yuan Keli. Both of them believed that this position was very important and they must take it down.

When it comes to spending money, Li Jing's methods are not inferior to others. Back then, Sun Meng, a small general banner, let him buy thousands of households. This time, he was fighting for a higher position. Li Jing used money If you smash it, you have to take this position down.

So Li Jing ordered Ma Wu to mobilize all his connections and work on this matter with all his strength, and he must win this position at all costs.

With a slap in the face of money, Li Jing finally got his wish, allowing Sun Meng to sit on the throne of the Commander of Zhangde Mansion Guards, and his rank was upgraded from the original fifth rank to the third rank, and the speed of promotion caught up with the rocket.

In fact, Sun Meng's promotion speed is not the fastest, the fastest is Yuan Chonghuan.

According to the informant, Yuan Chonghuan has been promoted!
On November [-]th of the seventh year of Tianqi, just a few days after Wei Zhongxian's death, Yuan Chonghuan was rehabilitated and appointed as the imperial envoy of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the left servant of the Ministry of War, and the second rank.

Overnight, Yuan Chonghuan was promoted from an ordinary person to a senior official and deputy minister.

This is also the record for the fastest promotion in the Ming Dynasty.

Like Yuan Chonghuan, Sun Meng didn't realize it until he put on a new official uniform. Sun Meng never thought that he would become such a high official one day in his life.

To be promoted directly from the fifth rank to the third rank is like smoke rising from the ancestral grave!But Sun Meng knew that this was his elder brother, Li Jing!
But Sun Meng quickly realized what he should do now, and he returned to Hongshanling.

(End of this chapter)

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