Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 142 Live Fire Training

Chapter 142 Live Fire Training
Du Laojiu was shocked when he heard this. It takes about two to thirty taels of silver to open a small grocery store like his house. Jingji Bank can open tens of thousands of stores, which means that Jingji Bank has at least several 30 taels of silver.

Even if the bankers are exaggerating, they still have tens of thousands of taels of silver.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of taels of silver? The annual tax of Qi County is only more than 1000 taels of silver, which is equal to the tax of Qi County for decades.

If Jingji Bank has tens of thousands of taels of silver in reserve, then there will be no problem in implementing banknotes in Qi County.

Now there is only one last question left, and that is whether Jingji Bank is willing to issue banknotes in Qi County.

Du Laojiu knew that the shopkeeper of the bank in Qi County was probably not qualified to deal with this issue, and only the real boss of Jingji Bank could decide such a big matter.

Few people knew who the behind-the-scenes boss of Jingji Bank was, but Du Laojiu heard that Hongshanling issued paper money just now, so it is certain that the behind-the-scenes boss of Jingji Bank should be in Hongshanling.

Where is Hongshanling?That's the lair of bandits!

Although Li Jing tried his best to conceal Hongshanling's behavior of blocking people, the encirclement and suppression of the two defeated officers and soldiers was too loud. Almost all the people around Hongshanling knew that there was a group of bandits living in Hongshanling.

But the common people are not afraid of this group of bandits, because they have never heard of any evil things done by this group of bandits. On the contrary, what they have heard are all good things done by the bandits.

After thinking about it, Du Laojiu decided to take a gamble. If he won the bet, he would be rich in money in the future, but if he lost the bet, he would lose his life. Du Laojiu decided to take a trip to Hongshanling.

What Du Laojiu didn't expect was that he actually met the bandit leader whom he had only heard about in rumors.

When he first met Li Jing, Du Laojiu couldn't believe that this thin young man could be the bandit leader of Hongshanling, and his conversation didn't look like a bandit at all.

But when he saw that everyone respectfully called this young man Big Brother, he knew that this young man in front of him was indeed the leader of the gang.

Li Jing listened patiently to Du Laojiu's suggestion, then discussed with several people around him for a long time, and finally agreed to Du Laojiu's suggestion.

When Du Laojiu went down the mountain, he felt like he was going to float when he walked.

3000 taels of silver. When going down the mountain, Li Jing ordered people to prepare banknotes of various denominations worth 3000 taels of silver for Du Laojiu. Du Laojiu knew very well that these could be exchanged at Jingji Bank at any time. He was given 3000 taels of silver.

There was a group of people accompanying Du Laojiu down the mountain, the leader of which was a young man who seemed to be called Shen Jixian.

After Du Laojiu returned home, he immediately started posting notices and buying various supplies, which were basically things from the homes of ordinary people in Qi County.

The common people who could not sell anything for a long time were overjoyed when they heard that Du Laojiu had received the goods, and they went home one after another to sell their remaining supplies.

However, the common people immediately discovered that what Du Laojiu paid them was not silver or copper coins, but banknotes, and the common people naturally refused to forgive them.

Du Laojiu didn't argue with them, but pointed to the people in the nearby bank and said, "This can be exchanged for silver."

The common people obviously didn't understand why Du Laojiu said to exchange silver, and they didn't understand until the time of exchange, because the bank didn't have so much copper coins for them.

You must know that the supplies that ordinary people sell are only a few hundred copper coins at most. If you want to exchange for silver, you need to go home to get things and sell them to make up the whole number, and the other is to collect broken silver or banknotes.

However, what the common people are most unwilling to accept is broken silver. The reason is very simple, broken silver will be lost when it is spent, and it will be lost after three cuts and two cuts.

Now ordinary people have only two choices when selling things, either accept the broken silver, or accept the banknotes and spend them.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they definitely don't believe in these banknotes. Seeing that they can't be exchanged for copper coins, they have to spend them. After all, ordinary people also need to buy daily necessities.

And it wasn't until then that Du Laojiu knew what the young man named Shen Jixian who came with him was doing.

This young man named Shen Jixian obviously expected this to happen a long time ago, and actually brought in a large amount of daily necessities, and sold them on the spot here, and he only accepted banknotes and copper coins, and he didn't want any silver. He bought things with silver. You have to go to the bank to change it into banknotes and buy it.

Ask him why he doesn’t want silver, and the explanation is very simple, it’s too laborious to settle with silver, and you have to weigh and cut, and you don’t have the time to do these things.

The matter of Du Laojiu and others doing business with banknotes made a lot of noise. Many shopkeepers in Qi County came to watch. At first they laughed at Du Laojiu, the common people who sold goods, and joked that they sell goods here. Shen Jixian and others.

But after a few days, they stopped laughing, because more and more people came to sell goods, and Shen Jixian and Du Laojiu sold more and more goods. In the past, Du Laojiu's small grocery store was separated by several We only buy once every day, but now we have to buy every other day, and we have to buy on the same day when we sell the most.

And those banknotes were exchanged for white money right under their noses.

At this time, if these merchants don't know how to do it, they will be fools. These people hurried back to their shops, and immediately pasted the words that they can buy with banknotes on the door of the shop.

When all merchants began to accept banknotes, banknotes became popular in Qi County.

Later, everyone found that banknotes were far more convenient than silver and copper coins, and they could be exchanged for silver at any time. At this time, they were no longer in a hurry to exchange banknotes for silver, so the currency of Qi County began to replace silver and copper coins with paper banknotes.

After the banknotes succeeded in Qi County, Du Laojiu came to Hongshanling again because Li Jing wanted to see him.

Li Jing didn't talk to Du Laojiu, but asked him straight to the point if he would like to do it with him.

Du Laojiu agreed almost without thinking, so Jingji Bank was in charge of banknote promotion and handed over to Du Laojiu.

Du Laojiu did not live up to Li Jing's expectations. According to Qi County's model, paper money was soon promoted in Hui County, Lin County and other places.

The promotion of banknotes has allowed Hongshanling to obtain a large amount of cash, and most importantly, a large amount of copper coins.

After having the copper coins, Li Jing immediately ordered Zhao Shuangxi and others to melt them down, and then make shells and bullets.

Li Jing asked Zhao Shuangxi to make bullets according to the standard of 100 guns. Li Jing originally thought that making [-] million rounds of bullets would be enough, but soon Li Jing found that he had overlooked a very critical issue.

Because the new firearms seem to be much more advanced, but the accuracy is still not enough, that is to say, the power of individual combat is not great. If you want to use the power of the guns, you have to rely on the formation to shoot intensively.

Li Jing knew exactly what the problem was, because the gun had no rifling, no front sight, or even a butt.

This time, Li Jing not only mobilized Zhao Shuangxi and other craftsmen, but also mobilized all skilled craftsmen, including carpenters, to study together.

After months of hard work, a gun that is very close to modern guns was born.

The latest guns have rifling, sights, butts, etc. After shooting, there is no smoke, the chamber will not explode, and they can even be automatically ejected, but they cannot be fired continuously.

After the guns were successfully developed, Li Jing ordered the production to start immediately. After the first batch of guns were produced, Li Jing then began to let his men conduct live ammunition training.

Needless to say the effect of the new gun, except for Li Jing, almost no one is not excited. Everyone knows what it means to have a unit with this gun. If the cavalry encounters such a unit, there is only one end!
To slaughter is to be slaughtered!

But then everyone started to have a headache. The power of the new gun is indeed powerful, but the consumption of training soldiers is also huge.

The old brothers of Jinniuling who were the first to use this kind of guns each fired at least a few hundred rounds, only half of the hit rate. The reason is very simple, the recoil is too strong, and the recoil cannot be solved at present.

Li Jing is very clear about this, because even in modern times, the problem of recoil has not been completely solved. If you want to shoot accurately, you can only rely on live ammunition training, but live ammunition training requires a lot of bullets.

According to Li Jing's plan, only 5000 people will be trained. When their hit rate reaches 100%, [-] million rounds of bullets may not be enough.

It takes at least three or four million copper coins to make one million rounds of bullets. It doesn't take much to convert three or four million copper coins into silver. The key is where to get so many copper coins?

And what if the 100 million rounds of ammunition are finished?If you want to continue production, you need a lot of copper coins.

Shen Zhenggaoqi and others knew very well how to get the copper coins in the mountains. To put it bluntly, they got them at the cost of destroying the economy of a place.

Fortunately, the shells can be recycled, although there will be some wear and tear.

Therefore, Li Jing strictly ordered that the bullet casings must be collected during training, and each person must turn in as many bullet casings as they fired, and exchange the bullet casings for bullets.

Due to the limitation of bullets, each soldier is equipped with a rifle while each soldier is equipped with a knife. This is to prevent the infantry with guns from losing their combat effectiveness when the enemy approaches.

At first, Li Jing wanted to equip the soldiers with bayonets, but to install bayonets on the guns, the craftsmanship of the guns needed to be changed. In addition, Li Jing was really worried about the bayonets made of the current steel. Li Jing estimated that such a bayonet would not take two It has to be bent or broken. If it is specially forged, it is better to make a knife directly.

Seeing that under the current conditions, the level of firearms has reached its peak, so Li Jing asked Zhao Shuangxi and others to improve the gun-making process.The cannons that were bulky and bulky and whose power and volume were seriously inconsistent were improved into light and nimble small cannons.

The small cannon weighed less than [-] kilograms, and soldiers could run away with it on their backs.

However, although small cannons are small, they cost more money to use. The main reason is that the shells cannot be used. Therefore, Li Jing only built a hundred small cannons and dared not make them again.

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(End of this chapter)

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