Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 143 The Overbearing Maid

Chapter 143 The Overbearing Maid

Li Jing knew very well that fighting a war was the property of both sides, money alone was not enough.

If you have money, you can’t change bullets and shells right away. This thing is finished after you shoot it. If you want to use it, you have to rebuild it. But rebuilding takes time. Create it and then fight again.

And although Hongshanling is rich now, it depends on who he compares with.

If compared with Chongzhen's individual, it may be a little more cash than Chongzhen's individual, but it is far from the whole country, and Chongzhen represents the whole country.

When fighting, the warring parties not only compare numbers, technology, money, but also resources. Although Chongzhen has little money, the resources he can mobilize are much higher than Li Jing. .

The reason why the peasant army always lost in the early stage of the rebellion is that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is not as good as that of the officers and soldiers. The main reason is that their wealth is not as good as that of the imperial court. For those that are worn out, the peasant army is mobile and does not even have a place to repair them. It can only be replaced by pinching the soft persimmons of the officers and soldiers.

In addition, if it weren't for natural disasters and man-made disasters and Hou Jin's horizontal intervention, it would be impossible for Li Zicheng to break into Beijing and overthrow the Ming Dynasty.

Had it not been for Houjin always attacking the Ming Dynasty at critical moments, causing Chongzhen to repeatedly mobilize a large number of troops from the troops encircling and suppressing the rebels to guard against Houjin, Li Zicheng would have died long ago.

Now the Ming Dynasty has not yet reached the point where it will collapse at the first push, and there are too many famous generals, Hong Chengchou, Cao Wenzhao, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, etc. are all famous generals.Who can say that Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others are not famous generals who can beat them to the ground, and even surrender repeatedly?As for Yuan Keli's old friend Sun Chengzong, he is even more famous among famous generals.

To fight against these powerful people, Li Jing knew that he would never be their opponent if he didn't have an absolute advantage in weapons and sufficient wealth.

That's why Li Jingcai tried every means to save his family's wealth and various materials, population, food, bullets, artillery shells, gunpowder, and steel that could support continuous warfare.
Zhu Huiling has been in Hongshanling for a long time, and during this time he has been helping Shen Ying manage the car dealership, money bank and other businesses.

Although Zhu Huiyu was not very good at business, Shen Ying couldn't match her ability to make decisions. This was mainly related to the books she read and what she learned.

Zhu Huiyu studied philosophy, and in some respects, Zhu Huiyu belonged to the successor of Wang Shouren's theory of mind.

Generally speaking, people who study philosophy must basically meet two conditions. First, they must have a high IQ, which cannot be studied by mentally retarded idiots with cerebral palsy; second, they must have nothing to do after eating.

It happened that Zhu Huiyu was satisfied with both of these points. This little girl is a princess, and she is the representative of having nothing to do when she is full. She is extremely smart, and it is suitable for her to study philosophy.

Philosophy is the foundation of all sciences, that is to say, as long as you step into the threshold of philosophy, you will get twice the result with half the effort to learn other subjects.

Wang Shouren's philosophy of mind advocates the unity of knowledge and action. The so-called unity of knowledge and action is explained in modern terms as the combination of theory and practice. Shen Ying's car and horse dealership and bank business just gave Zhu Huiyu the opportunity to practice.

Given such an opportunity, Zhu Huiyu naturally would not let it go. Judging by her enthusiasm, she was obviously much higher than Shen Ying. Ever since the establishment of the first car dealership and money bank, Zhu Huiyu had been very busy. land.

But when the car and horse dealership and the money bank gradually got on the right track, Zhu Huiyu was free at this time, because the rest was all about daily detail management. In this respect, Zhu Huiyu was no match for Shen Ying. It's very self-aware.

Zhu Huiling became restless when he was free, and dragged Shen Ying around the mountains all day long.

Shen Ying knew that Zhu Huiyu was very tired during this time, so Zhu Huiyu naturally wanted to accompany her if he wanted to relax.

But within two days, Shen Ying couldn't hold on any longer, because Zhu Huiyu was too good at wandering around, Shen Ying couldn't afford to accompany her, and although the businesses of various companies were on the right track, after all, there were still many things that Shen Ying needed to deal with. Shen Ying really didn't have much time to wander around with Zhu Huiling.

Seeing that Shen Ying didn't have time to accompany her, Zhu Huiling had no choice but to take her maid for a walk in the mountains.

There are many places in Tiger Ridge that outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave, especially the military factory, even their own people are not allowed to enter casually.

It happened that Zhu Huiyu came to the military factory on this day.

When he reached the outskirts of the military factory, Zhu Huiyu was blocked.

Who is Zhu Huiyu?No one dared to stop her from coming out of the house, let alone here!

However, Zhu Huiyu respected his identity, and he would not argue with the guards in person, and the disputes were handled by his maids.

Zhu Huiyu actually knew that she was in the wrong and argued with the guards only because of face. Originally, she was going to let the servant girl say a few words to save face and go back. After a bit of sarcasm, the guard guard became annoyed, even though the princess in front of him is a good friend of the sister-in-law, he immediately said that unless the head of the family agreed, otherwise even if the king came, he would not want to go in.

Hearing the harsh words from the guards, Zhu Huiling was completely annoyed and wanted to force his way in, so the two sides were at a stalemate at the gate of the military factory.

The sister-in-law's friend had a dispute with the guards guarding the military factory. Zhao Shuangxi couldn't control this matter, and even Chen Erzhuang, the head of the guards in charge of guarding the military factory, couldn't control it, so the two hurriedly sent someone to notify Li Jing.

Hearing that Zhu Huiling had a dispute with the guards at the gate of the military factory, Li Jing couldn't help but frowned.

Although Li Jing has no contact with Zhu Huiyu himself, through Shen Ying, Li Jing still knows the princess very well, and knows that Zhu Huiyu has worked hard for Shen Ying's business, and many decisions are made by Zhu Hui I helped Shen Ying.

Li Jing could tell that Zhu Huiyu really treated Shen Ying like a sister, and was very loyal to Shen Ying. For a princess, it was really rare to be able to do this.

If Zhu Huiyu wanted to look at other places today, I am afraid that Li Jing would smile and wave his hand and let her go, but the military factory is not good. Most of the secrets in the mountains are almost in the military factory. Did you see it?

Originally, Li Jing wanted someone to inform Shen Ying to call Zhu Huiyu back, but considering that the guards were involved and the guards' actions were completely correct, once Zhu Huiyu said in front of Shen Ying that he shouldn't In other words, Shen Ying had to protect Zhu Huiyu's face and also take care of the guard's emotions, which might not be easy to handle.

So Li Jing thought about it, and finally decided to handle this matter himself.

When they arrived outside the military factory, the guards saw Li Jing approaching and hurried over to salute. Li Jing smiled and waved his hands to stop everyone.

And Zhu Huiyu was a little embarrassed when he saw Li Jing's visit, and immediately ordered the servant girl to shut up, but the princess's face was still a bit thin after all, and Zhu Huiyu finally didn't come to greet Li Jing.

Sometimes, if you are not afraid of bad things, you are afraid of bad people.

There is a saying that you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. This is the case now.

Seeing Li Jing coming, Zhu Huiyu told the servant girl to shut up obviously to back off, but the servant girl couldn't see this at all, and when she saw Li Jing coming, she shouted to Li Jing, "It's just in time for you to come, take a look." Who are your subordinates, how dare you stop my princess!"

Li Jing was stunned, and wondered: "This maid is so ignorant, how dare she talk to me like this in her own territory?"

But Li Jing couldn't care less about a maid after all, so he just looked at Zhu Huiyu with a frown.

Li Jing's silence doesn't mean others don't. Seeing the maid's rude words, the pillar behind Li Jing immediately shouted: "You are so brave, you dare to talk to my elder brother like that. Believe it or not, I will throw you out of the mountain!"

"What are you? How dare you speak like that in front of my princess! Do you believe that my princess has someone smoothed out your bump?" The maid retorted.

"You!" Zhu Zi was furious, clenched his fists and was about to step forward, but seeing that the other party was a girl, he hesitated for a while, and finally he didn't have the nerve to make a move.

Li Jing shook his head, looked at Zhu Huiyu with a light smile and said, "Is this the maid you discipline?"

Seeing Li Jing's sarcasm, Zhu Huiyu's face flushed red, and after holding back for a long time, he finally said: "Your subordinates are not very disciplined. I am a guest, and he wants to beat my maid!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Since you know that you are a guest, you should know that guests should abide by the rules of the master. How can you let your own temper mess around?"

Seeing that Zhu Huiyu was still arguing, Li Jing waved his hand lightly and said, "You are Yingying's friend, so I can't blame you, but I would like to advise you, don't look at some things that you shouldn't look at. It's no good."

Although Li Jing spoke with a smile, his tone of voice was extremely blunt. At last Zhu Huiyu couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately shouted: "You don't need to remind me, what's so great, just pretend I don't know you are Who is it? You are a bandit, or a bandit leader, what secrets can be hidden here so that no one can see it? Isn’t it something like a weapon for rebellion? I can guess it even if I don’t look at it!”

Hearing Zhu Huiyu's words, Li Jing's smile gradually subsided, and his knife-like eyes pierced Zhu Huiyu's face coldly.

Suddenly stared at by Li Jing's eyes, Zhu Huiyu suddenly felt chills all over, and only then realized that he had slipped his words.

Zhu Huiyu was flustered in her heart and didn't know how Li Jing would deal with her. She didn't want Li Jing to stare at her for a while, his eyes suddenly softened, and then Li Jing sighed and said, "Forget it, anyway, you They are all good friends and sisters of Yingying, and they have helped Yingying a lot during this period of time. How can I be ungrateful and do things that are not good for you. However, if you act like this, you can't stay on this mountain any longer , pack up, I'll send someone to take you down the mountain!"

"You send me down the mountain, aren't you afraid that I will report what happened here?" Zhu Huiyu said.

Li Jing shook his head, and said lightly: "If you want to report to the police, that's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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