Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 154 Taking the Road of Development

Chapter 154 Taking the Road of Development
Hearing Li Jing's analysis, Zhou Xianlong was stunned for a while, and he finally came to his senses after a while. He sighed and said, "The general is really wise. He can't hide anything from his eyes. The county magistrate of Lingchuan is indeed the son of the old man."

Li Jing shook his head and asked, "Where did your son go?"

Zhou Xianlong sighed and said, "After the rebel army broke through the city, they fled outside the city."

Li Jingqi said: "Why didn't you run away with your son?"

Zhou Xianlong shook his head and said: "Old man is old and loves his family, he doesn't want to run away just like that, and he doesn't want to give up those belongings that he has accumulated all his life, so he didn't run away."

Li Jingjing nodded, thought for a while and suddenly said, "Old man, do you know where your son is hiding outside the city?"

Zhou Xianlong was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "General, my son has never done anything corrupt or perverted, so you should just let him go!"

Li Jing shook his head with a smile and said: "You misunderstood me. I didn't seek your son to kill him, and I didn't need to kill him. In fact, you should also know that it is a serious crime to abandon the city as a county magistrate. Even if I don't kill him, can he survive? Can he hide forever? Therefore, if you still want him to survive, you'd better find him back."

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip of tea, and then signaled Zhou Xianlong to drink tea.

After Zhou Xianlong drank the tea, Li Jing continued: "Don't worry, as long as your son doesn't do anything harmful, I won't do anything to your son, and I won't pursue the past. You go and get your son back." , he still continues to be his county magistrate, and it is his credit for me to help him restore the city. Old man, how do you think?"

Zhou Xianlong also knew that what Li Jing said was right, when he heard that Li Jing promised to let his son come back to serve as county magistrate, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Thank you, General, for saving my son! Since the general has promised my son to come back and continue to serve as county magistrate, the old man will go immediately." Get that traitor back, if the general has anything to do, just tell him to do it."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Not busy! The two of you have been hiding in that secret room for at least one day and one night. I think you must be hungry and thirsty at this time. Hutou! Get some food and drink for the two of them, and wait for the old man to rest for a while , you send two people to go with him to find the county magistrate of this city, remember! Don’t scare the county magistrate Zhou."

"Yes!" Hutou responded and arranged for the soldiers to get food and drink for the two of them.

A small part of the ostensibly valuable belongings in the county government were taken away by the county magistrate, and the rest were snatched up by the rebels long ago. As for the food, needless to say, there must be none. Fortunately, the cooking stove is still there. Jing's soldiers carry food with them, and they can be eaten after a little cooking.

After a while, Zhou Xianlong and the servant girl had enough to eat and drink, and took a rest, Zhou Xianlong asked to find his son, Hutou immediately sent two soldiers to go with him.

Li Jing was not worried about what would happen if he only sent two people.

It has been more than five years since Li Jing came to the Ming Dynasty. Under Yuan Keli's teaching, he is very clear about the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, the county magistrate is responsible for guarding the soil!

In other words, unless the imperial court expressly ordered that the city be abandoned, otherwise the county seat would be lost, and the county magistrate would not be able to escape the fate of beheading.

Needless to say, County Magistrate Zhou was greedy for life and afraid of death, but it would be foolish to stop Gao Yingxiang's army with his county's strength. Fighting the enemy by defending the city can only lead to death.

And now Li Jing wanted to give him a way out, as long as County Magistrate Zhou was not stupid, he would definitely come back.

Li Jing asked County Magistrate Zhou to come back out of his own intentions. After five years of development, Hongshanling has gathered a lot of talents, but there are still not enough scholars. Even Yuan Keli's son Yuan Shu is unwilling to go up the mountain with Yuan Keli.

It should be said that although most of the scholars in the Ming Dynasty had no skills, they were quite upright.

If Li Jing wants to develop, it is definitely not enough to rely on his subordinates to be able to fight. Someone needs to help govern the place.

There are several advantages to having Magistrate Zhou come back.

First of all, County Magistrate Zhou is an official official of the imperial court. Recovering Lingchuan can erase his crime of abandoning the city, so that when Cao Wenzhao comes, Magistrate Zhou will deal with it without having to immediately turn against the court.

Second, County Magistrate Zhou has lived in Lingchuan for a long time and is very familiar with the geography and politics of Lingchuan. Li Jing can save a lot of trouble by implementing the policies formulated in Hongshanling in the name of County Magistrate Zhou.

Thirdly, when the rebel army captures Lingchuan, some officials will inevitably be killed. Officials are appointed by the court, but some officials and local officials can be appointed by themselves. Li Jing plans to recruit some capable people and scholars in the name of Zhou County Magistrate Come out and do things.

Poor and rich in literature and military, most of the scholars are poor people. In order to get rid of poverty and become rich, these people have only one way, and that is to obtain fame.

But they still have to eat before they get their honors, but most of the scholars are not diligent, and they don’t know the five grains. Basically, you don’t need to count on them for hard work, and these people are also ashamed to do what they think they are doing. It's menial work.

In this way, this group of people relied on their parents or wives to support them before they obtained their fame.In addition, not all scholars can obtain fame and fame, and those who can pass the examination of scholar are rare.Moreover, being a scholar in the examination does not qualify you to be an official. If you want to be an official, you must at least have the reputation of juren.

Scholars at the level of Juren and Jinshi are of course not in Li Jing's consideration. As long as there are scholars, he will be satisfied.

Of course, Li Jing, a nerd who only knows how to read dead books, will not reuse them. What he wants is both culture and ability.

Now that there is a shortage of officials in Lingchuan, recruiting these scholars to do clerical work is their specialty, and it will not insult their reputation.As long as they took Li Jing's money, they would be on Li Jing's boat, and Li Jing would naturally have a way to subdue them slowly.

However, even if County Magistrate Zhou comes back soon, it will take time to recruit people, and the newcomers will have to get familiar with their work for a while, so right now we can't count on these people to help Li Jing, and many problems will depend on Li Jing Solve it yourself.

Li Jing tapped the table lightly with his fingers, pondered for a while and said: "Hutou, you go back to the mountain and fetch Mr. Yuan. Forget it, Mr. is getting older, and his health has become worse in the past two years. The mountain is cool and cool, so I don't want to work for the old man anymore, so let your grandpa Shen come.

You go back and tell you Grandpa Shen and Uncle Zhang to send over some people who know how to clear the land on the mountain, and then send over 500 shi of grain, mainly sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn. I want to promote these crops in Lingchuan to make you strong Uncle with [-] escorts.Also, inform Du Laojiu and Shen Jixian to bring some people over as well. "

Hutou heard that he accepted the order, but he hesitated for a while when he turned around.

"Hutou, it's okay to say what you want to say." Li Jing said.

Hutou looked around and saw that Li Jing's soldiers were all around him, so he said, "Godfather, have you noticed that Grandpa Shen has aged very badly in the past two years?"

Li Jing's heart was shocked when he heard the words, and he focused on recalling Shen Zheng's face, and suddenly realized that Shen Zheng had indeed aged very quickly in the past two years, as Hutou said.

Li Jing sighed softly, knowing that the affairs on the mountain were complicated, and most of them were on Shen Zheng's body, and Shen Zheng was very tired.

Li Jing got up and stroked Hutou's head and said, "Hutou has grown up and knows how to care for others. It's not in vain for your grandpa Shen to love you."

Seeing Li Jing touching his head, Hutou shrank his neck, but he didn't escape after all.

Li Jing slapped him on the head with his backhand, and scolded with a smile: "Little bastard, what are you hiding?"

"Godfather, you said just now that I have grown up, why are you still touching my head?" Hutou shouted.

Li Jing laughed and scolded: "You little bastard, you will be my son when you are 80 years old. If I want to touch your head, I can touch it as I want."

Li Dingguo on the side couldn't help laughing softly.

Hutou glared at Li Dingguo and shouted, "What are you laughing at? Do you want to be beaten?"

Li Dingguo straightened his neck, stared at the tiger's head and said: "I'm not afraid of you, I can't beat you now, wait for two years when I grow up and see if I can't beat you to death!"

Seeing that Hutou was still talking, Li Jing glared and shouted: "What are you two doing? Hutou, you are the elder brother, don't bully your younger brother! Dingguo, you are the younger brother, you must respect your elder brother!"

Seeing that Li Jing was angry, Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo hurriedly put away their cross-eyed eyes and responded in unison.

Li Jing sighed, touched the heads of the two of them and said, "Although you two are not my own, I have always treated you two as my own sons. I hope you two can love each other like brothers. Remember , Brothers work together to cut gold, if you two don’t get along, you will be defeated by others.”

Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed a few times, and then said: "Father, my child is educated, and I will love my brother (younger brother) in the future."

Li Jingjing nodded, asked the two to get up, and then said: "Hutou, you go back immediately, do what I just said, and bring your Grandpa Shen here, I have something to discuss with him."

"Yes!" Tiger Head replied.

After Hutou left, Li Jing ordered Li Dingguo to prepare pen, ink and paper, sorted out his thoughts, and roughly wrote down what he planned to do in Lingchuan.

For a long time, Li Jing stayed in the valley of Hongshanling. Although he did a lot of planning and layout, Hongshanling is too small after all, and many things can only be imagined. It is difficult to implement, and even the development ideas have been blocked. Confined.

Now occupying Lingchuan, both the land area and the population of Lingchuan are much higher than that of Hongshanling. At this time, Li Jing has to consider far more things than when he was in Hongshanling. The so-called standing at a high position has a natural vision It is also much wider.

Lingchuan was captured by the rebel army, and the administration and commerce were all destroyed. This is a bad thing, but also a good thing.

For Li Jing, there are obviously more benefits, and it is Li Jing's opportunity to flex his muscles.

Li Jing decided to establish his own set of administrative personnel in Lingchuan, and then set up a set of commercial teams.

Li Jing can't follow the path of the rebellious army to support war with war, he wants to take the path of development.

The destruction of the city by the rebellious army is an opportunity for his development, so he must keep an eye on the footsteps of the rebellious army, not to stop the rebellious army, and not to let the rebellious army destroy too much.

(End of this chapter)

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