Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 155 Military Genius

Chapter 155 Military Genius
Administration and commerce can be destroyed, but the rebellious army cannot be used to coerce the people into rebellion. If there is no population, it is useless to occupy many cities.

Li Jing was contemplating himself, when Xing'er brought tea and said, "General, please use tea."

Li Jing casually pointed to the side of the desk and said, "Leave it alone."

Xinger put the teacup on the table and was about to step back. Suddenly, Li Jing came to his senses, stopped writing and looked up at Xinger and asked, "Why are you bringing the tea? Where is my soldier?"

Xing'er hurriedly knelt down and said: "Report to the general, the servant has been rescued by the general, and there is nothing to repay her. I can only do some things like serving tea and water to show my heart."

"Get up, my subordinates don't have the custom of kneeling and talking. You just said you were rescued by me? When did I save you?" Li Jing asked.

Xing'er stood up and said, "General Xie, the rebellious army has occupied this place, isn't it the general who beat the rebellious army away? If the general didn't beat the rebellious army away, how can slaves survive?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled: "My soldiers told you, right? Don't listen to their nonsense. I don't know why you entered the Zhou family, but you can go home anytime now, and the Zhou family will not make things difficult for you. Well, I'm afraid you don't have any money with you, so I'll give you ten taels of silver and arrange for someone to take you home."

"Thank you General for your kindness, but I sold this servant to the Zhou family when I was young. I don't know where my home is? Where does the General want me to go?" Xing'er said.

Li Jing pondered for a moment and said, "Well... how old are you this year?"

"After this year, I will be seventeen." Xing'er said.

Li Jing thought for a while and said: "I'm not yet 17 years old, how about it, since you have no home to go, don't stay here with me. I will send someone to take you to my wife. After a year or two, let my wife be in the army." How would you like to choose a man of similar age to be your husband-in-law?"

"It's all up to the general," Xing'er said.

"Well, let's go." Li Jing waved his hand, then picked up the pen and continued writing.

After a while, suddenly heard a noise coming from outside, Li Jing turned his head to listen, and said to Li Dingguo: "Go and see what's going on outside?"

"Marshal, I'll take a look." A soldier next to him bowed and said

After that, the soldier turned around and went out.

After a while, the soldier came back, clasped his fists to Li Jing and said, "Commander, some poor people are queuing up outside to get the porridge when they heard that we are releasing food and porridge here."

Li Jingwen put down his pen and waved to Li Dingguo and several soldiers, "Let's go out and have a look."

It can be said that he attaches great importance to Li Jing, the disaster victim, because these people can not only farm and work, but also his potential source of soldiers, especially those young people.

The biggest reason why Hongshanling has been able to increase thousands of battle-ready soldiers in a few years is that the wars in Shaanxi and Shanxi continued, and a large number of ordinary people were forced to leave their homes and flee everywhere.

Almost all the refugees who fled to Lin County, Hui County and Qi County were taken in by Li Jing.

Although taking in these victims has added a great burden to Hongshanling, Hongshanling has also gained a lot. You must know that not only the elderly and children are fleeing, but also young adults and women, especially those young women. Solved the biggest problem.

Because at least half of the soldiers under Li Jing were still single, these women came to the mountain and solved the problem of many people getting married at once.

After these people get married, the second benefit is manifested.

Because most of the people who fled together were related to relatives, and a family married a daughter, some people were also related to their in-laws, so these outsiders quickly merged with the aborigines of Hongshanling, and everyone's centripetal force was strengthened.

Another advantage is that the population of Hongshanling has increased. Although there is not much land allocated to them, there are more people working.Without these people, the military factory would not be able to produce so many bullets.

The last advantage is that a large number of young and strong people have joined Li Jing's team, so that Li Jing no longer has to worry about recruiting troops.

Compared with these benefits, the little burden that Hongshanling bears is nothing at all.

In fact, there are only two biggest burdens for taking in disaster victims, one is food and the other is housing.

Food is not a big problem, because in recent years not only sweet potatoes, potatoes, and high-yielding crops such as corn have been grown in the mountains, but these crops have also begun to be grown in the surrounding areas.

Of course, Li Jing ordered people to forcefully promote it in the early stage.

Rich households like Yang Baifu planted under Li Jing's strict orders at first, but when the first season's harvest came out, not only did these people no longer resent Li Jing, they even began to be grateful to Li Jing.

Because the output is too high, far beyond their imagination.

Even if [-]% of the tax is paid, the rest is much higher than before.

At this time, there is no need for Li Jing to promote it anymore, and the common people are not stupid. They will still pay for this. Therefore, after the second year, almost all the surrounding areas of Hongshanling will be planted. on these crops.

With so many people supplying food, it is not difficult to feed tens of thousands of victims.

The difficulty is the problem of living.

Because around Hongshanling, almost all the land has been planted with grain, so there are not many places available for building houses.

Fortunately, these people are not picky, as long as they can build houses, all the places at the foot of the mountain that cannot grow food have been used.

After solving the two items of food and lodging, these victims began to live with peace of mind.

It can be said that through resettling these victims, Li Jing and his staff have accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with people's livelihood affairs.

Among them is Gao Qi.

When Li Jing came out with Li Dingguo and others, there was already a long queue outside the Yamen. Dozens of soldiers held sticks in their hands to maintain order in the crowd. Anyone who wanted to jump in line, or didn't want to line up, was all beaten with sticks by these people. Called out.

Li Jing looked up to the front of the long dragon, and saw more than a dozen cauldrons steaming, and a few firefighters beside him were distributing food to the victims in line, each with two sweet potatoes and a bowl of porridge.

"Father, why didn't Uncle Gao send a few more people to distribute the food? Wouldn't the people behind be able to eat as soon as possible?" Li Dingguo asked suspiciously after watching for a while.

Li Jing touched Li Dingguo's head, smiled and said: "Do you think it will be quick like this? In fact, it may not be, you think, there are only a few pots in total, distribute as you said, and the contents of the pot will be distributed in a while , and then all the pots have to be re-cooked. Now it’s time to cook one pot after sending it out, and when the time comes, the things cooked in the pot just now will be cooked again, so there will be no pause.”

Li Dingguo thought for a while, then clapped his hands suddenly and said: "I understand. This is called taking turns to fight. It's just like fighting. If the one in front is tired from fighting, he will rest for a while, and the one in the back who is not tired will go up and fight. When the one behind is tired, the one in front will fight." Those who have rested have rested, so they can continue to fight."

Li Jing scratched his head, how can this child be associated with wars in everything, is there any connection between giving porridge and wars?I originally wanted to tell the child how to allocate manpower and handle affairs reasonably in the future through the matter of giving up the porridge, but who would have thought that he would be involved in the war.

Li Jing had always suspected that Li Yichun was Li Dingguo, but now he was almost certain that this child was the famous Li Dingguo in history.

Because this man is a military genius.

What is a military genius is a person who knows how to fight without going to any regular military academy, or even reading pirated books on the art of war.

The representative figures are Zhu Yuanzhang and Chang Yuchun.

Cao Wenzhao is such a person, and so is Li Dingguo!

Why do you say they don't read books on the art of war?The reason is very simple, if they are illiterate, or have very little literacy, they will not be able to read books even if they are given them.

Of course, these people later began to study by themselves and began to read some books on the art of war, but one thing is certain, when they became famous, they must still be illiterate or semi-illiterate.

Li Jing was a little worried before. He was worried that if Li Yichun became the later Li Dingguo, after the living environment changed, he wondered whether this person could still become the famous Li Dingguo.

Now it seems that his worries are a little unnecessary. A person who can even associate porridge with war, if not a military genius, at least has to be a military madman.

Li Jing lowered his head and pondered for a while. The original Li Dingguo grew up through actual combat, so should he also be allowed to participate in actual combat now?But he is only 12 years old this year, so it seems a bit young.

Suddenly Li Jing couldn't help laughing. The original Li Dingguo joined the rebel army when he was ten years old. Now he is 12 years old, which is two years later than before.

"Dingguo, do you want to go to war with your uncle Gao?" Li Jing suddenly lowered his head and asked.

Li Dingguo was surprised when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed.

"Really? Father agreed that I would go to war with Uncle Gao? That's great, I'll go to Uncle Gao right now!" Li Dingguo said hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Not busy, I have to tell you a few words before you leave! You have to remember, after you are with your Uncle Gao, you will no longer be able to call me father on the surface. You have to fight for it by your own efforts." For promotion, you can't make people think that you are my son to get the promotion, understand?"

Li Dingguo nodded vigorously: "My child understands, I started as a soldier when I got to Uncle Gao's place, and I can't call Uncle Gao an uncle anymore, I have to call him a general."

"Good boy!" Li Jing gently touched Li Dingguo's head and smiled.

After thinking about it, Li Jing continued, "However, you still have to call him uncle in private, otherwise your Uncle Gao will be unhappy. Go ahead and find your Uncle Gao."

"Yes! Marshal! Dingguo resigns!" Li Dingguo said happily.

After speaking, he turned around and ran away, for fear that Li Jing would regret it.

After a while, Li Dingguo saw Gao Qi in Gao Qi's military tent.

Hearing that Li Jing agreed to let Li Dingguo join him as a soldier, Gao Qi agreed after a little thought.

Gao Qi watched Li Dingguo grow up with his own eyes, and knew that this child would never lie to himself about such a thing, not to mention that he was a soldier by Li Jing's side, but he was just an ordinary soldier with Gao Qi, whichever is less important Which is more important, he himself understands it if he thinks about it.

(End of this chapter)

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