Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 156 Lingchuan County Magistrate

Chapter 156 Lingchuan County Magistrate
After thinking for a while, Gao Qi said to Li Dingguo: "Well, when you go to Zhang Chu's place, just tell me what I said, and arrange you to go to the Qianfeng camp."

Li Dingguo was overjoyed, what is the vanguard camp for?That is the most elite unit under Gao Qi. The battalion officer Zhang Chu is a veteran who came from Zhengzhou together with Gao Qi. The battle is worth fighting.

Li Dingguo happily went to report to Zhang Chu, while Gao Qi looked at Li Dingguo's back and thought about it. After a long time, Gao Qi called a soldier and gave a few words in a low voice.

The soldier looked dazed, but hurried to Zhang Chu to deliver the message.

After hearing Gao Qi’s message, Zhang Chu pondered for a while, and then understood what Gao Qi meant.

Gao Qi's words are very simple, only two and a half sentences, the first half sentence: Ding Guo An Guo; then the first sentence: Only Ding Guo can stabilize the country; the second sentence: Ding Guo must first Ding Guo.

Zhang Chu is the senior leader of Li Jing's subordinates. He knows the name of Li Jing's son. After hearing these few words, he knows that Gao Qi is reminding him that he must protect Li Dingguo. Even if he dies, he cannot Let something happen to Li Dingguo.

The first thing Zhang Chu did was to arrange for Li Dingguo to enter the first team of the vanguard battalion, which was the most capable unit under his command. Then he called the team officer and gave an order: Let Li Dingguo make contributions as soon as possible.

Zhang Chu knows very well that the best way to ensure the safety of Li Dingguo is not to bring him by his side, but to let him be promoted. The bigger the official, the more people he has under his command, and the safer he is. However, under Li Jing’s subordinates As a soldier, unless someone with exceptional ability can be promoted exceptionally, otherwise, if you want to be promoted, you must make meritorious service.

Zhang Chu saw the problem very clearly, but he was not good at handling the matter. He asked someone to bring such a sentence to the team officer. Are you running away?Wouldn't it be a meritorious service to catch up and beat him up?
So the team officer didn't think much about it, and took Li Dingguo and a group of men out of the city to chase Li Zicheng and others to the east..
Li Jing didn't expect that he would cause so many troubles when he sent Li Dingguo to practice in actual combat. At this moment, he was watching his subordinates give out porridge to the victims.

Li Jing roughly estimated that there were more than 3000 victims, most of whom were old people and children.

Judging from the clothes of these people and the utensils in their hands, Li Jing concluded that most of them were local people, because although the clothes of these people were also stained with a lot of dust, they were relatively clean in general. If he fled from afar, the clothes might have lost their shape a long time ago.

Seeing the bewildered expressions on these people's faces, Li Jing sighed softly. The food in these people's homes was obviously robbed by Gao Yingxiang's bandits.In fact, to say that people like Gao Yingxiang are thieves is to exalt them. These people are a group of rogues, roving thieves who grab wherever they go.

If Li Jing hadn't come in time, these people in front of them would have joined the army of rogues soon.

Li Jingzheng sighed with emotion, and the two soldiers sent by Hutou came to report: "Report to Commander, County Magistrate Zhou has been found!"

Li Jing nodded and said, "Bring him here."

The two soldiers responded, turned around and left, and brought a middle-aged man with them after a while.

Li Jing took a closer look at this person. He was about 34 to [-] years old, with a medium build and a relatively handsome appearance. It could be seen from his eyes that this person was very nervous.

Li Jing smiled and said, "You are the county magistrate of Lingchuan? What's your name?"

The man hastily gave a deep salute, and then said: "Your Majesty Zhou Hengchen, I have met the Commander!"

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled, "Don't be afraid, just do what I say, and I won't make things difficult for you."

Seeing Li Jing's kind attitude, Zhou Hengchen finally let go of his hanging heart, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "I have been ordered by my father, if there is anything I need to do, I respectfully ask the Commander-in-Chief."

Li Jingjing nodded, pointed to the victims who were receiving porridge and rice in front of him, and said, "You should do two things right now. The first thing is to reassure the people. You should immediately organize your staff and send the names and family addresses of those who were destroyed by the bandits." Count it out, and then release food to the victims, and distribute it to those who have fled from outside. The second thing is to sort out the land and population accounts in Lingchuan, and list the unowned land and the land in dispute .”

Zhou Hengchen's face suddenly showed embarrassment when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he finally said: "Marshal, to be honest, the government of Lingchuan County doesn't have much food. It’s because I can’t provide food for disaster relief. In addition, Xiaguan is alone now, and doing these things is definitely not something that Xiaguan can do alone, and someone must help.”

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said: "I know your difficulties. You don't need to manage the food. I will provide all the food. My people will help you with the food distribution. As for the statistics of land and population, you can post notices to recruit those who can The people who wrote the book will come to help, and I will pay the salary, including your salary."

Zhou Hengchen was overjoyed, bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Marshal!"

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "As long as you do these things well, you are thanking me."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing waved to Zhou Hengchen, turned around and went to the county government office.

When he arrived at the gate of the county government office, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Li Jing looked back and saw that Zhou Shitou had returned with his men.

Li Jing stopped in his tracks and asked, "How is the situation in the city?"

Zhou Shitou hurriedly said: "Commander, the guards have arrested three soldiers who did not obey the order and trespassed into the houses, and killed more than a dozen local ruffians who took advantage of the fire. I heard that General Gao's law enforcement team also arrested many of them. Few people."

Li Jingjing nodded and said, "Give the three soldiers who entered the house to Gao Qi's law enforcement team, and let Gao Qi deal with them together."

"Yes!" Zhou Shitou replied, and ordered four soldiers to escort the three soldiers to the law enforcement team.

At this moment, the three soldiers suddenly heard shouting: "Commander! Please forgive me! The brothers are really poor, so they entered the empty house, hoping to get something to supplement the family."

Li Jingwen was startled when he heard that, how poor is his family?

After thinking for a while, Li Jing waved to those people, and several personal soldiers hurriedly escorted the three people over.

Li Jing looked at the three people carefully, and found that he didn't know any of them. He knew that these people had fled to Hongshanling from other places in the past two years.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said, "Where are you from? How did you go up the mountain?"

The three people immediately lowered their heads when they heard this, and one of them murmured, "The villain is from Yichuan, Shaanxi. When Wang Zuogui led a rebellion, the villain's house was destroyed by the bandits, so he had to flee with his family. When I arrived at Hongshanling, I was taken in by the Marshal, and I stayed in Hongshanling."

Li Jing said sharply: "Your home was destroyed by bandits, so you had to flee everywhere. Then let me ask you, what is the difference between you and those bandits when you enter someone else's house now? You said that your family is very poor, and I will help you." Let me ask you, have I ever been short of your salary?"

The man shook his head and said: "The commander-in-chief has never shorted the villain's food and salary, but the villain's family has too many people, and my grandfather and my mother are even sick in bed. My family has no land, and I only rely on my one or two a month. The salary is not enough, and I have to borrow money from others almost every month."

"Why doesn't your family go to work? I remember Zhang Ao told me that a large number of people are needed to work in the mountains." Li Jingqi said.

The man smiled wryly and said, "There has been no work on the mountain for a long time. Even if there is a little work, we, outsiders, can't do it. The locals don't have enough to do it. Besides, my grandmother and sister are the only ones who can work in my family."

Li Jingwen was stunned when he heard this.

After thinking about it, Li Jing asked, "How many people are there in your family?"

"There are thirteen people in the villain's family." The man hurriedly said.

"So many? Who are there?" Li Jing was shocked.

The man hurriedly reported the population of the family: two grandparents, two parents, a widowed sister with two children under ten years old, his own two husbands and wives, and four children.

After hearing what this person said, Li Jing was stunned.

Li Jing knew that due to the rising prices, one tael of silver was really not enough to support the livelihood of so many people, let alone two sick patients and six growing children?

Li Jing then asked about the family status of the remaining two people. The situation of these two people was similar to that of the one just now.

Li Jing sighed and said: "The three of you who violated our military orders should be punished for their crimes, but their feelings are pitiful. If I kill the three of you, the rest of the family may have no way out! Besides, your family is in such a difficult situation. I was at fault for ignoring them. Stone, untie their ropes and let them go to the law enforcement team to explain the situation clearly, and then each of them will receive eighty boards."

"Thank you, Commander, for not killing me!" The three hurriedly kowtowed to the ground.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Get up, I'll let Zhang Ao investigate the matter of your family, and then provide monthly subsidies according to your situation, you go."

Several soldiers stepped forward to untie the rope for them, but the three shook their heads and walked towards the law enforcement team with their arms tied.

After those three people left, Li Jing thought for a while, then turned to a soldier and said, "Go to Gao Qi and ask him to tell the law enforcement team that if the situation in those people's homes is similar to the three of them , let them go, and spare them the death penalty!"

"Yes!" The soldier led the order and hurried to find Gao Qi.

Seeing that Li Jing had finished handling the crime, Zhou Hengchen cupped his hands and said, "The commander-in-chief handles things wisely, and I admire him!"

Li Jing shook his head, waved his hands, and said, "Lack of law enforcement makes Magistrate Zhou laugh."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But I don't regret it. According to the military order, they have indeed committed a capital crime, but if I kill them, I am afraid that their family will not be able to live. You know The law is nothing more than human feelings, sometimes as long as it can achieve the purpose of warning."

Zhou Hengchen nodded upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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