Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 160 Preparations for Military Expansion

Chapter 160 Preparations for Military Expansion
Seeing the soldiers in front running back one after another, no matter how Gao Yingxiang tried to stop them, Gao Yingxiang had no choice but to retreat.

After finally retreating to the spacious place, Gao Yingxiang hastily counted the troops, good guy, just a while ago, the former army lost 800 people.

Gao Yingxiang sighed secretly, let's go back, this place can't be passed, if there are a few more times, the tens of thousands of people under him will be eaten up.

Gao Yingxiang never imagined that the enemies who attacked him were already at the end of their strength, and he could survive it as long as he gritted his teeth again.

Because when Tian Liangyu brought the brothers from the first team out, he was only planning to make a small fuss and go back after getting some benefits. Therefore, the soldiers didn't carry many bullets and grenades.

If the first team didn't act without authorization, they could go back to replenish supplies and ammunition before returning, but Li Dingguo knew very well that Tian Liangyu's actions had actually disrupted the deployment of his adoptive father. If his father doesn't deal with him, uncle Gao and Zhang Chu can't spare him either.For the current plan, the first team can only rely on the strength of the first team to beat Gao Yingxiang until he dare not move in order to deal with foster father, Gao Qi and others.

Li Dingguo also knew that the first team was short of ammunition, so when he informed Zhou Daqing to cooperate, he borrowed a lot of bows and arrows from Zhou Daqing. Otherwise, after fighting so many battles in the past two days, the bullets would have been exhausted long ago.

There is another key reason why Li Dingguo became a famous general in history, that is, he not only has a strategic vision, but also has courage.

When he saw Gao Yingxiang's troops began to retreat, he ordered the pursuit.

In modern movies, it is usually the chief who holds a pistol and then shouts loudly: "Comrades, for what, go!"

Li Dingguo didn't have a pistol, he held an unlit grenade, and then shouted loudly: "Brothers, kill!"

The so-called painting according to the gourd, the brothers of the first team held up the grenade, screamed and rushed towards the enemy. It was inevitable that some of them who had no eyesight lit the grenade and threw it at the enemy.

However, it can be regarded as a crooked attack. This way, the deterrent effect is better. From time to time, the slow-moving rebels are blown up by the grenade, and their arms and legs are missing. Many rebels who could not escape immediately knelt down and surrendered. .

Li Dingguo led these temporary subordinates and chased for more than three miles in one go, and did not withdraw until the terrain opened up in front, but at this time, Gao Yingxiang's rear team had already run back to Zhaojialing Village.

Seeing the complete victory, Li Dingguo didn't dare to harass him any more, and returned to Lingchuan with the prisoners and the captured supplies.

After listening to Gao Qi's narration, Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "What about those two guys, why didn't you bring them to see me?"

Gao Qi scratched his head and said, "Brother, I also know that I can't hide this matter from you, but I have to ask you for mercy. If you want to blame me, you can blame me."

The old brothers from Hongshanling all know that Li Jing is nostalgic. If he makes a mistake, as long as it is not a big mistake that must be killed, calling Li Jing the eldest brother can generally be favored, and the punishment can be lighter.

However, Gao Qi privately called Li Jing big brother not only for pleading, but mainly because of the friendship between the two people who have known each other for many years. brother.

Just like Ma Wu, Li Jing has been calling him Brother Wu for many years, and it has never changed.

However, Sun Meng was always called Old Sun, and Sun Meng always called himself Old Sun when speaking in front of Li Jing in private.

Of course, few people in Hongshanling dared to talk to Li Jing like this.

Hearing Gao Qi addressing him as his eldest brother, Li Jing sighed and said, "You pleaded with them yourself, what else should I pursue? However, you have to do a good job in dealing with the aftermath of this matter. You can't let your subordinates just because Dingguo is my son." Hu Lai. I was lucky this time, and Gao Yingxiang was not beaten away. What if he escaped? It would disrupt our deployment."

Gao Qi nodded and said, "I know what to do. I'll beat them later. But Dingguo has done a great job this time, should he be promoted? We will punish him if he has done something wrong, and he has to reward him for his meritorious service."

Li Jing shook his head and said, "What's the promotion? A 12-year-old kid who was promoted after only a few days as a soldier? What do others think?"

At this time, Yuan Keli said with a smile: "Jimin, there is a way to promote the virtuous and not to avoid relatives. In my opinion, Dingguo should indeed be promoted. First, Dingguo really has this ability, and secondly, rewards and punishments are clearly defined to convince the public. As for the age Size doesn't matter at all, do you select talents based on their age, but mainly on whether they have the ability."

"Yes, Mr. Yuan is still wise, big brother, this matter is settled like this, I will promote Dingguo to be a hundred-president later." Gao Qi said hurriedly.

Li Jingwen was stunned when he heard this, and the two co-authored the matter, but it seems a little bit too much to be directly promoted from a small soldier to Baizong, right?

It must be known that Gao Qi promoted Li Dingguo from an ordinary soldier to Baizong at once. This was not only the promotion of the position but also the promotion of the military rank.

The military rank system implemented by Li Jing is mainly to determine the treatment of soldiers and officers, not the position. The military rank is mainly linked to the salary and treatment of the soldiers.

Of course, at the officer level, you must have a military rank that matches your position.

Bai Zong must be an officer to serve, that is to say, he must be at least a second lieutenant.

Li Dingguo was young, and Li Jing asked him to be a soldier by his side, but he was treated like a third-class soldier.

From a third-class soldier to a second lieutenant, it is equivalent to being promoted to six ranks at once.

Except when Hongshanling first implemented the military rank system, Li Jing directly appointed Gao Qi, Ma Wu and others as officers, and there has never been such an example since then.

Even Chen Dahu and others were promoted to officers after being promoted to sergeant after passing the assessment. As for Zhuzi, who had been the captain of the personal guard for more than two years, his rank was only gradually promoted.

In addition, due to the arrival of Yuan Keli, Li Jing's troops have been reorganized. It is no longer the simple formation of a small team of ten people and a large team of a hundred people, but the organization of the Ming army.

However, the organization of the army during the Ming Dynasty was very chaotic, and many armies had different organizations. The organization used by Li Jing was a compromise of the various organizations of the Ming Dynasty and then adapted from the three-three system of later generations.

Li Jing's troop organization is as follows: five people in the army, one leader in the army, one tenor in the second army, one chief in the army, three in the team, one chief and one deputy captain, one sentry in the third team, one chief and one deputy sentry officer, The three whistles are the general, and there is one chief and one deputy general, and the three generals are the battalion, and there are one chief and deputy battalion officers.

Including the Huotou army, a team of battalion officers and soldiers, and a team of scouts, the total strength of a battalion is about 100 people.

However, Gao Qi's department has two establishments, one is a battalion of normal establishment, and the other is Zhang Chu's vanguard battalion, which is based on the previous establishment.

There are only more than 500 people in the Pioneer Battalion, and there are only two brigades below, each with more than 200 people, and the remaining one hundred people are under the command of Zhang Chu himself.

In the vanguard battalion, the lowest rank soldier is also a private first class. In other battalions, a sergeant can be a corporal or even a sergeant, but in this battalion it may be just an ordinary soldier.

At first Li Jing wanted to break up the team under Zhang Chu, but Gao Qi refused to agree with anything, saying that he wanted to build an army with the most combat effectiveness, and he would not let go of a single soldier. Li Jing had no choice but to compromise in the end.

In fact, Li Jing also knew why Gao Qi did this, because Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and Zhou Huhu had always been unconvinced by Gao Qi. It's still status but they always overwhelm them.

Leaving Gao Qi with a fist force and fighting a few tough battles in the future will make the three of them less sarcastic.

But Li Jing also imposed a small punishment on Gao Qilue, that is, the military ranks of Zhang Chu and the following two team officers were not promoted.

The battalion officers of other battalions are all majors, but Zhang Chu is a captain, and the two battalion officers are even second lieutenants.To put it bluntly, they are punished in terms of military pay.

For this reason, Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and Zhou Huhu often made fun of Zhang Chu, saying that they were all battalion officers, but he was just a captain, so that Zhang Chu would salute them when he saw them.

Usually at this time, Zhang Chu will let the three of them pull the team out to compete with his battalion, and Zhang Chu wins most of the results.

For this result, Chen Dahu and the others were not convinced, because at least half of their subordinates were auxiliary soldiers. They used auxiliary soldiers to fight against the elite of the main soldiers.

For Chen Dahu and others' small private actions, Li Jing pretended not to notice it. After learning from Yuan Keli, Li Jing also knew some ways to control his subordinates. Only a little conflict between subordinates is conducive to leadership.Of course, this conflict can't be too big, and the subordinates can't cause internal friction, Li Jing can't tolerate it like that.

Li Jing is also very clear about Gao Qi's small plan.

Gao Qi wanted to promote the military ranks of Zhang Chu and others by appointing Li Dingguo.

Because in the new establishment, at the captain level, officers generally start to serve as officers, and only a very small number of captains have the rank of sergeant.As for the sentry officer, that is, the Bai Zong that Gao Qi just mentioned, it must be a military officer, that is to say, the minimum must be a second lieutenant.

If Li Dingguo serves as a second lieutenant, then his superiors, including Tian Liangyu and the two team officers, will naturally be promoted to lieutenant. Li Jing guessed that Gao Qi's plan should be to let Li Dingguo serve as a lieutenant, so that the rank of the team officer can be improved. Promoted to captain, and battalion officer Zhang Chu can be promoted to major as a matter of course.

Thinking that I have suppressed Zhang Chu for several years, it is time to promote his rank.

So Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother Gao, let's do as you want! But Dingguo's military rank should not be too high, I think it should be a second lieutenant. As for Zhang Chu, Tian Liangyu and others should also be promoted together, Zhang Chu Promoted to lieutenant colonel, two team officers promoted to captain, you go back and go through the promotion procedures, and come back to ask for your seal."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing turned to Yuan Keli and said, "Sir, let Gao Qi, Sun Meng, Ma Wu and Shen Zheng be promoted to major generals this time. As for Chen Dahu and others, I think they can also be promoted to one level." .”

Yuan Keli nodded, knowing that Li Jing was preparing for the expansion of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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