Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 161 Willow Wind

Chapter 161 Willow Wind

Yuan Keli and Gao Qi acted quickly, and within less than a stick of incense, they prepared all the promotion documents, and then Yuan Keli took out Li Jing's seal and stamped them on.

Then the three of them began to study what Ji Shijun should do next.

In fact, Yuan Keli and Li Jing had settled on the general policy just now, and now they are only discussing the specific details, that is, how to make the rebellious army led by Gao Yingxiang move at the pace of Ji Shijun, which is not a simple matter.

You must know that the Ji Shi Army is now an enemy and not a friend to the Chaotic Army. Even a friendly army is unwilling to be cannon fodder for others, let alone an enemy army?
With the strength of the Jishi Army, it is not difficult to defeat, defeat or even eliminate Gao Yingxiang's rebellious army. The difficulty is to make the rebellious army obedient and follow the route designated by the Jishi Army.

This is not encirclement, just squeeze. If Gao Yingxiang was so easy to manipulate, grass would have grown on the grave, how could he get to this point?

What's more, encirclement is so easy to do?Even if tens of thousands of people gather together and surround a circle with a group of people, how many people are needed?Li Jing's current number of people is probably only half a circle around.

Generally speaking, if one army wants to encircle another army, it must do so under certain conditions.One is that the number of people is much higher than that of the opponent, and ten will surround them.The second is that the other party is blocked in the city. As long as the city gate is blocked, the people inside will not be able to get out. The other is to use terrain, such as rivers, mountains, cliffs, canyons and other geographical environments to block them.

However, Gao Yingxiang's current location is in Zhaojialing Village. The terrain here is very open, and there are only some low hills around it. It is impossible to encircle it here.

Now Li Jing just trapped Gao Yingxiang's people here, that is to say, he just blocked a few roads leading to the outside world from Zhaojialing Village. There is no way to take him.

Of course, until the last moment, Gao Yingxiang would definitely not do this, and it would not be in Li Jing's interest.

As for the people who squeezed Gao Yingxiang, it would be unrealistic to open a gap for him.Although the art of war says to encircle three gates and one, it still depends on where the opening is opened.

Li Jing wanted Gao Yingxiang's men to run in the direction of Zhongtiao Mountain. This required passing through Lingchuan, and the opening was opened in this direction. Gao Yingxiang had the guts to go out from this opening!
Not to mention the direction of Lingchuan, even if an opening was opened for him in another direction, would he dare to run out from the opening?How did he know if you had an ambush?Did you dig a hole for him to jump into?

If he doesn't dance, squeezing him will only make him fight Ji Shijun desperately. Li Jing doesn't want to fight Gao Yingxiang to death.

Can't be surrounded, can't be beaten, this is the situation Li Jing is facing now.

Li Jing, Yuan Keli, and Gao Qi studied the map for a long time. Li Jing finally put his hands together and said, "I have no choice but to negotiate with Gao Yingxiang."

Yuan Keli nodded and said, "We can only negotiate with Gao Yingxiang."

Gao Qi scratched his head and said, "We just beat him so badly, can he talk to us?"

Li Jing glared at Gao Qi: "Now you know that you beat him badly? You still want to protect Tian Liangyu and Ding Guo, these two bastards!"

Gao Qi smiled awkwardly and said, "Then I can't kill them, I'll go back and beat them hard."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled, "Well, don't tell me this, the law enforcement team is under your control, let them beat these two people hard, I have to trust you."

After laughing, Li Jing pondered for a while and continued: "Actually, it's not impossible to talk about it. You must know that we still have more than 5000 captives. Although most of them are old and weak, women and children, there are still more than 1000 young and strong after all. Fightable soldiers, if these people are returned to Gao Yingxiang, I think we can still talk about them."

Yuan Keli nodded and said: "Gao Yingxiang can ignore those old, weak, sick and disabled, but he can't ignore these more than 1000 people. I think so, let's pick a few eloquent people from among the prisoners, and let them go back and tell Gao Yingxiang what we mean. Tell Gao Yingxiang."

Li Jing thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's do it this way! Also tell Gao Yingxiang that after passing through Lingchuan, I will give him three thousand shi of grain. I guess he may not have much grain in his hand."

Gao Qi wondered: "Give him back the food? But he has tens of thousands of people, and three thousand shi of food can't last for a few days!"

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's enough for his subordinates to go to Hengqu. If you give too much, his subordinates will have no energy to fight with him."

Gao Qi pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

After Gao Qi finished speaking, he bid farewell to Li Jing and Yuan Keli, and left the Lingchuan county government office with his own soldiers.

After Gao Qi left, Li Jing asked Hutou to find Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng was busy distributing grain these few days, and stayed at the granary all day long. When he heard that Li Jing was looking for him, he hurried over.

Seeing Shen Zheng's tired face, Li Jing hastily poured a cup of tea for Shen Zheng, and then said, "Father-in-law, just leave some things to the people below. You are so old, don't get tired .”

Shen Zheng picked up his teacup and took a sip, waved his hands and said, "I'm not worried about the new guys, I'm afraid they'll be greedy for food, so I have to keep an eye on them."

Li Jing smiled and handed the promotion papers to Shen Zheng and said, "Then you don't need to keep an eye on yourself, right? Are there Er Zhuang and them? If you keep staring like this, I might as well call Zhang Ao over! You The old man and his husband rested here at the county government office, and told Hutou and the others to do it if there was anything to do."

Shen Zheng shook his head and said: "I've been staring at it for the past few days, and it's not useless at all. I found a person who is quite talented, but I don't know his character yet. I'm going to observe for a few more days. Reuse it!"

Li Jing said with a smile: "There are not many people who can catch your eye, old man! Who is this person? Call and let Mister take a look for you. Mister has a good eye for people."

Yuan Keli laughed and said: "You're talking nonsense. You can tell what a person looks like. How can you tell his character? The key is to see how he does things. Besides, I think people are different from Brother Shen. Judging a person mainly depends on his ability, and Brother Shen mainly chooses people based on their character, even if they are less capable, it doesn't matter."

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that Yuan Keli was teaching him how to employ people.

Yuan Keli and Shen Zheng are in different positions, and the way they choose to employ people is different.

Yuan Keli has been an official for many years, and his main criterion for employing people is ability. It doesn't matter if you are a little greedy or a little messy.

And Shen is a businessman, and now he is in charge of logistics materials. He has to look at his character when he employs people. If his character is not good, the stronger his ability, the greater the harm. With such a person, it is estimated that the materials will be stolen and sold in a short time empty.

What about Li Jing?How should Li Jing employ people?

What Li Jing lacks most now is talents, and he lacks a lot of talents.

For Li Jing, even if this person's character is poor, as long as he has the ability.

Li Jing can completely arrange the work of these people according to their shortcomings.For example, those who are greedy for money can not be allowed to be responsible for matters related to money, and those who are treacherous can not be allowed to deal with personnel matters.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when the water is clear, there will be no evil.

If people were employed according to Hai Rui's standards, Li Jing would not be able to find a single person.

And if Li Jing's subordinates are all people like Hai Rui, it's hard to say whether he can accomplish anything, because Hai Rui is a dead-headed person.

Some people don't look back until they bump into the south wall, and Hai Rui doesn't look back after bumping into the south wall. This person doesn't know what flexibility is.

At that time, Xu Jie, the chief assistant of the cabinet, had a feeling of promotion and life-saving grace for him. When Xu Jie retired and went home to take care of himself, because Hai Rui found out that he occupied too much farmland, he was almost beaten to death by Gao Gong in the end.

If Li Jing wants to change the fate of Ming Dynasty, the people who use it must first know how to adapt. Like Hai Rui, who was planning to implement the system established by Zhu Yuanzhang during the Jiajing period, how can such rigid and dogmatic people use it?

A person like Hai Rui is only suitable for dogmatic jobs, such as being the director of the Education Bureau (education), and he does a good job in this job. Guan'er, that's because the people who use him are confused.

If Xu Jie knew that he would end up in Hai Rui's hands back then, let alone promotion, he would be worthy of him if he didn't kill him.

A person like Hai Rui can only be a model worker, hang a sign on him and let him take care of things, the common people may not be bullied, and their living standards may be improved, but if the local economy is to develop, it still needs to be done. wait.

Compared with those outstanding politicians of his time, Hai Rui's political level can only be regarded as the level of a kindergarten class.

Not to mention the level of politics, even the ability to deal with people and things, he is far behind his contemporaries Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others. Even compared with Yuan Keli, Hai Rui's level is too far behind.

Hai Rui is a typical dogmatist. If he were to be a teacher, he would probably teach a bunch of elms.

He is far inferior to Yuan Keli in this regard.

Yuan Keli is Li Jing's teacher, but Yuan Keli never directly tells Li Jing how to do things or how to think about problems. He always uses a discussion tone or uses examples to wake up Li Jing.

Even if Li Jing's strategic goal was wrong, Yuan Keli would not point it out directly, he just analyzed the current situation with Li Jing, and when he finished speaking, Li Jing would naturally understand that his strategy was wrong.

Like the way of employing people, Yuan Keli never told Li Jing how to employ people. He only reminded Li Jing through things like Shen Zheng's employing people today.

Li Jing was awakened by Yuan Keli, and knew that his standards for employing people should not be the same as Shen Zheng's, so he immediately smiled at Shen Zheng: "This person can be in the eyes of his father-in-law, but we should listen to how he handles affairs."

Shen Zheng said with a smile: "This man's name is Yang Liufeng, his character is Shenxing, and he comes from a family background."

"Juren?" Li Jing and Yuan Keli asked in surprise at the same time.

You know, Li Jing's subordinates have the highest diplomas and are scholars (Yuan Keli is not counted as Li Jing's subordinates). Now that a Juren suddenly appeared, how could Li Jing not be overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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