Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 162 A Star Among Stars

Chapter 162 A Star Among Stars
Leaving aside whether this man named Yang Liufeng has the ability, the key is that his status is easy to use, he can be an official if he is a man, and he doesn't commit himself to being a thief easily.

To recruit such a person, you can make an advertisement to promote it.

"Quickly tell me how this person was recruited." Li Jing said hurriedly.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zheng shook his head and said, "I don't know how this person was recruited. You have to ask County Magistrate Zhou about this."

"Hutou, call County Magistrate Zhou." Li Jing called out to the door.

Outside the door, the tiger's head responded, and after a while, county magistrate Zhou came running in a hurry.

Li Jing waved his hand to signal Magistrate Zhou to sit down, and then asked, "Do you know a man named Yang Liufeng? Tell me about his situation."

County magistrate Zhou didn't know that Li Jing suddenly asked about this person, but how dare he ask more about Li Jing?Dang even introduced Yang Liufeng's situation in detail.

After County Magistrate Zhou finished speaking, Shen Zheng recounted in detail what Yang Liufeng had done in the past two days.

Li Jing finished listening, and said to County Magistrate Zhou: "County Magistrate Zhou, please invite Yang Juren to come to the county government office, I want to see this person."

Magistrate Zhou hurriedly said, "I'll call him over right away."

Li Jing didn't ask someone to call Yang Liufeng here, firstly, because he was afraid of frightening this person, and secondly, because the name was not correct, these people were recruited in the name of County Magistrate Zhou, and they were called randomly in Li Jing's capacity. Famous Juren met him, who do you think you are?

But calling Yang Liufeng over as the county magistrate is different. First, Zhou Hengchen is the magistrate of Lingchuan, and second, Yang Liufeng is now working under Zhou Hengchen.

Hearing that the county lord had summoned him, Yang Liufeng came to the county government soon.

When he arrived at the study, Yang Liufeng was obviously taken aback, didn't the county lord want to see him?Why are there so many people?

And when he first saw Yang Liufeng, Li Jing was also obviously taken aback, this person is a bit too handsome.

Yang Liufeng, courtesy name Shenxing, is 29 years old this year.

Many people think that anyone with a name like Yang Liufeng is basically a powerless scholar, even Li Jinggang thought so when he heard the name.

But in fact, Yang Liufeng's physical fitness is excellent, and it is not too much to describe it as a tall and straight figure with a bee waist and ape arms.

Also don't look at Yang Liufeng's more elegant name, but if you judge from the name that Yang Liufeng's father is a cultural person, it would be wrong.

Yang Liufeng's father was an authentic farmer who couldn't read a single character. He named him this name. It is said that the two willows at the door of Yang Liufeng's house were swayed by the wind on the day Yang Liufeng was born, so his father gave him Yangliufeng. The name of the wind.

Although Yang Liufeng's father was a farmer and couldn't read a single word, he knew very well that his son had to study if he wanted to succeed, so his father sent Yang Liufeng to the county school when he was very young.

Yang Liufeng was very competitive. At the age of 17, he was admitted as a student, and at the age of 22, he was admitted as a scholar.

At that time, people in Lingchuan said that there was a child prodigy in this county, and this person would definitely be a Jinshi in the future, and he would be a high official in the future.

Yang Liufeng lived up to expectations and won the exam at the age of 25.

This time, not only the Yang family was elated, but even the people of Lingchuan were also sensationalized. You must know that in Lingchuan, there haven't been many people from top to bottom for hundreds of years.

But unfortunately, in the second year's palace examination, Yang Liufeng failed.

Yang Liufeng was not discouraged, he stayed in the capital for three years and continued to take the exam, but unfortunately he failed again.

Yang Liufeng originally wanted to continue the exam, but he couldn't do it anymore, because his family was already too poor.

Ordinarily, such a thing should not have happened. You must know that Yang Liufeng did not need to spend money to study in the capital, and after he was elected, the imperial court would give him some salary every month. Although these salary is not much, it can support five or six families. Still no problem.

It's a pity that the Yang family has a large population, and the salary is not enough.

Since Yang Liufeng was elected, the Yang family is no longer the old Yang family. In the past, Yang Liufeng's father was called Old Man Yang, but now everyone calls him Master Yang.

To be a master is to pay attention to face. Of course, maids and servants are indispensable, and Yang Liufeng will be a high-ranking official in the future. Can there be fewer people who come to propose marriage?It doesn't matter if you have a wife, can you be a concubine?
As a result, the Yang family has changed from a small family of five people to a large family of more than 20 people.

How can so many people be able to support themselves with Juren's salary.

So when he failed the Jinshi examination for the second time, Yang Liufeng went to the Ministry of Officials to report, hoping to be a part-time official, but unfortunately he was not selected.

After the interview, the official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs shattered his dream of becoming an official with one sentence. This sentence means that there is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not firm. Just wait.

Most people will have doubts about such a conclusion. Yang Liufeng is not eighteen 23 years old, but 29 years old. How could the officials of the official department give such comments?
Here I want to talk about whether North Korea regards men as handsome and mature standards.

From Li Jing's point of view, if Yang Liufeng comes to the modern age, then those so-called idol stars and the creamy niche should all be remade. He is simply the star of the stars!

It's a pity that people in the Ming Dynasty saw people differently from Li Jing.

In the Ming Dynasty, the criterion for judging a man's handsomeness was not only his appearance, but also his beard.

The best beard is that of Mr. Guan Gongguan, with five long beards, which can flow in the wind, but the beard is not good, it is the characteristic of bandits.

It's a pity that Yang Liufeng doesn't have a beard, and there are a few here and there, not even a goatee.

Yang Liufeng was not selected by the Ministry of Officials because he didn't grow a beard.

Yang Liufeng didn't continue to wait in the official department, he went home.It was impossible not to go home. The family members sent a message saying that his father was sick and might be dying soon.

Not long after Yang Liufeng returned home, Gao Yingxiang led troops into Lingchuan, but was driven away by an unidentified army the next day.

Yang Liufeng is not a nerd, the rebellious army suddenly ran away, and then a group of unknown teams came to the city, he naturally had to carefully observe who these people were, Yang Liufeng soon discovered that these people were different from the rebellious army, even Better than the army.

You must know what Yang Liufeng saw and heard all the way from the capital back to Lingchuan, not only was the rebellious army making rebellion, he also saw the virtues of the officers and soldiers.

He knew very well that sometimes, the official army was even more aggressive than the chaotic army.

When the rebels robbed, they didn't distinguish between targets, but the targets of killing were generally those landlords, officials, and wealthy businessmen, but some officers and soldiers even killed ordinary people, and once they did it, they basically killed them all.

But this army is not like this, not only did Qiu commit no crimes, but also maintained order, and finally gave away porridge to relieve the disaster, Yang Liufeng was very curious about this army.

But Yang Liufeng didn't put his energy into paying attention to this army. He is having a headache now, how can he treat Lao Tzu's illness? sick.

Just when Yang Liufeng was having a headache, good news came from the county government.

As far as Juren's identity is quite useful, Zhou County Magistrate was the first to hire him, and his position was deputy county magistrate.

After being appointed, the first thing Yang Liufeng did was to borrow money from County Magistrate Zhou, or advance his salary, the reason being to treat Lao Tzu's illness.

County magistrate Zhou was not short of money, so he directly gave Yang Liufeng five taels of silver, and then told Yang Liufeng that if he didn't have enough money, he would ask for it again.

Yang Liufeng was so grateful for this that he almost knelt down and kowtowed to Magistrate Zhou.

The way Yang Liufeng repays County Magistrate Zhou is to work, and he earnestly completes everything assigned by County Magistrate Zhou.

The job of the county magistrate is to manage food and horses. Of course, Lingchuan basically has no horses now, mainly food.In addition, what is different from the work of the county magistrate in the past is that Yang Liufeng is not in charge of collecting grain now, but releasing grain.

This was almost never happened before. The former county treasury was the Tiger Cave, so if you go in, don’t even think about getting out.Especially in the past two years of drought and poor harvests, it is not easy to collect food, let alone release food?
Although Yang Liufeng is a juren, but he grew up in a poor family and knows that the life of a farmer is not easy.He knew that the grain harvest had failed in the past two years, the rebel army came to loot again, and the current living conditions of the people in Lingchuan, and he also knew what it meant to release grain at this time.

This is not only a matter of saving lives, the key is to stabilize the hearts of the people in this county.

As long as the people's hearts are stable, there will be no chaos in Lingchuan, and as long as there is no chaos, production can resume.

Yang Liufeng also knew that the grain in the warehouse in Lingchuan County was not from Lingchuan, but was brought over by that unidentified team, which can be seen from the attitude of those unidentified people towards the person in charge of the grain distribution.

This person is over fifty years old. Judging from his body maintenance, he must be a rich man, but he wears very ordinary clothes.This man didn't seem to have much style, but the soldiers guarding the county treasury and patrolling the streets all respectfully respected Mr. Shen when they saw him.

The instruction Yang Liufeng got from County Magistrate Zhou was to cooperate with Master Shen in releasing food, and then Yang Liufeng learned that Master Shen's name was Shen Zheng.

Yang Liufeng could see that Shen Zheng was very serious in his work, and Shen was distributing food according to the account books in his hand.

This account book records Lingchuan's population data in detail, with the household as the unit, the name of the head of the household, and the names of the members of the family, all of which are clear.Yang Liufeng admired the efficiency of these people very much, and it took only a few days to calculate such detailed data.

Seeing that Shen Zheng kept comparing the names of the people who received the food in the account book, Yang Liufeng couldn't help frowning.

It is very troublesome to compare the names of people in this way, so is there any way not to be so troublesome?

While distributing food, Yang Liufeng thought about it. Although Yang Liufeng didn't have much practical work experience, some people's brains are easy to use. When Yang Liufeng saw the people queuing up to receive food, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Yang Liufeng knew these people, two lived in the east of Lingchuan County, two lived in the west, and one lived in the north.

Yang Liufeng knew very well that when counting the population, it must be counted by piece, otherwise the people who counted the population would be too busy.

(End of this chapter)

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