Chapter 163
So Yang Liufeng suggested to Shen Zheng to distribute food to these people according to the area, and separate them from those in the east, west, south, and north of the city.

In addition, there is no need to make them line up, just let them stand in their respective areas, and the people who deliver the food will call their names, and whoever calls them will come up to receive the food.

Shen Zheng adopted Yang Liufeng's suggestion, so the speed of releasing grain was greatly accelerated.

Then Yang Liufeng discovered that many rich and well-to-do households were also caught in the crowd to receive food. Yang Liufeng immediately pointed out these people, but he did not agree with Shen Zheng's way of beating these people out, but suggested that Shen Zheng should People went to check the homes of these people to see if they had been looted by the rebels.

Shen Zheng immediately understood what Yang Liufeng meant. If they were all robbed, then these people who came to receive food would not be falsely claimed, and they could be given food. Otherwise, they would be severely beaten.

It was through these two incidents that Shen Zheng saw that Yang Liufeng's ability to handle affairs was outstanding, so he proposed to Li Jing that he would reuse him.

For people like Yang Liufeng, Li Jing would naturally not let them go.

The only thing Li Jing is worried about now is that this person will take concubines under the current conditions. In the future, when conditions improve, there will be more concubines, and the family will grow bigger and bigger. If he is given power, he may be corrupt and accept bribes. .

After thinking about it, Li Jing couldn't help being dumbfounded, if Yang Liufeng wasn't too poor to support his family, how could he go home?If he hadn't returned home, how could he have met him?It can be said that it is precisely because Yang Liufeng is poor that he has the opportunity to recruit him into his account.

Yang Liufeng entered the study room, glanced briefly at Li Jing and the others, then turned to Zhou Hengchen and said, "My lord, I don't know how to call Wansheng here, what can I order?"

Zhou Hengchen smiled, waved his hand to signal Yang Liufeng to sit down, then pointed to Li Jing and the others and said, "Chen Xing, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Li, and it was Mr. Li who brought him to drive away the bandits this time." Help from my subordinates. This is Mr. Yuan, Mr. Li's tutor, this Mr. Shen, you have met before! Be careful, this time we in Lingchuan can provide so much food to the victims, it is all thanks to Mr. Li and Mr. Shen Help."

Yang Liufeng stood up and bowed to Li Jing and the others: "Late generation Lingchuan elders, thank you Mr. Li, Mr. Yuan, and Mr. Shen for your help."

Li Jing stood up with a smile and said, "I don't dare to do it. Mr. Yang is capable of handling things, and Li admires him."

Seeing Li Jing get up, Zhou Hengchen hurriedly stood up and said, "Mr. Li, please sit down. Be careful, and you sit down too."

Seeing Zhou Hengchen's uncomfortable expression, Li Jing smiled, stretched out his hand to Yang Liufeng to please sit down, and then turned around and sat down.

After the two sat down, Zhou Hengchen continued: "Careful, just now Master Shen told the county that your work has been done well these few days, and I also told Master Shen and Mr. Li about the situation at your home. Mr. Li Promise, help you solve the problems at home."

Upon hearing this, Yang Liufeng bowed to Li Jingyi and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "It's just a little effort, Mr. Yang, you don't have to be polite."

Zhou Hengchen thought for a while and then said: "Be careful, to tell the truth, this time the bandits broke the city, the county treasury was robbed of all the money that was used to distribute salaries, and now all of us rely on Mr. Li issued it, so we all have to obey Mr. Li's arrangement."

Yang Liufeng was stunned when he heard this.

Yang Liufeng is not stupid, he naturally understands what the county magistrate said. Including the county magistrate, all the salaries of those working in the yamen are provided by Mr. Li in front of him.

The so-called taking people's money to eliminate disasters, if you don't know who you should work for, then go home hungry.

Now Yang Liufeng finally understands why Magistrate Zhou dared to recruit so many people to do things. In fact, these people were recruited by Mr. Li in front of him.

Otherwise, even if the county magistrate Zhou was killed, he would not dare to recruit so many people. To feed so many people, even if the entire Lingchuan was emptied, he might not be able to support them.

You must know that the financial system of the Ming Dynasty is different from that of later generations. The Ministry of Households (central finance) does not allocate funds to local officials for payment. Talk about disaster relief, clean up rivers, etc.

The salaries of local officials can only be settled locally, and the money is not taxed, that is, apportioned.

So who will pay the apportionment? It can only be the peasants and small landlords.

It is distributed to those who have the largest proportion of people and the least land.

Normally, there are not many people in a county who need to pay wages, and even if farmers apportion some, they can fully afford it.

But now is not a normal situation. Now Lingchuan has not only encountered a drought, but has just been robbed by bandits. At this time, even if the farmers are apportioned according to the normal number, the farmers will not be able to pay it. The county magistrate Zhou recruited so many people at once. Forced to rebel?
Although County Magistrate Zhou was greedy for life and afraid of death, he would never do such a foolish thing.

Yang Liufeng had always wondered why Zhou Hengchen recruited so many people, and now he finally knew the reason.

The reason is the person sitting in front of him now.

But then Yang Liufeng had doubts again, why did Mr. Li recruit so many people?Have money but nowhere to spend it?
Seeing that he was wearing very simple clothes, he was obviously not the type of prodigal. Thinking that this person had a large number of troops and provided a lot of food to help the victims, Yang Liufeng came to a conclusion that this person was trying to win people's hearts, and he was plotting evil .

But even if he knew that this person was plotting something wrong, what could Yang Liufeng do?His own family is now dependent on others for support!
It's not that Yang Liufeng doesn't have integrity, if he were the head of the family, he would definitely reject Magistrate Zhou.But he still has his own parents, if he refuses, what will his parents do?He can force his wife, children, concubines and servants to die with him, but he cannot force his own parents.

Yang Liufeng thought for a long time, finally sighed inwardly, and nodded silently.

Li Jing, Yuan Keli and others all noticed Yang Liufeng's inner struggle.

However, Li Jing and Yuan Keli were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, while Shen Zheng and Zhou Hengchen were a little nervous.

Shen just couldn't bear to part with the talent in front of him, while Zhou Hengchen was afraid that Yang Liufeng's refusal to agree would hurt him.

Seeing Yang Liufeng nodding at this moment, the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Li Jing and Yuan Keli looked at each other, and the two exchanged eyes quickly, then Yuan Keli nodded and said, "Shen Xing, you must be very curious about the army in Lingchuan City, right?"

Yang Liufeng nodded.

Yuan Keli laughed and said: "This army is called Jishi Army, and the leader is this Mr. Li, Li Jing, and Li Jimin."

"Ji Shijun? Li Jimin? Ji Shi Anmin?" Yang Liufeng murmured.

Yuan Keli nodded and said: "That's right! Proceed carefully. You can see the current situation. Shaanxi and Shanxi are already in chaos. If it weren't for the Jishi Army in Lin County, between Qi County and Hui County to Lingchuan, there would be bandits You have already entered Henan at this time. You must have seen what the rogues did. Even if you haven’t seen what the officers and soldiers did, you must have heard of it. Devastated."

Yang Liufeng nodded silently.

After a while, Yang Liufeng said: "Mr. Yuan, I don't know what the purpose of the Jishi Army is? Is it just to help the world and the people?"

Yuan Keli smiled approvingly and said: "Good question, let me ask you first, in your opinion, how should the current situation help the world and the people?"

"This... must rely on the emperor's sage, the ministers are capable, and the soldiers will use their lives." Yang Liufeng thought for a while and said.

"Hehe, then do you think that the current emperor is a sage king, and all the ministers are virtuous ministers?" Yuan Keli laughed.

Yang Liufeng thought for a while, shook his head and said, "This is beyond what Wansheng can say."

Yuan Keli sighed and said: "If you can't say it, you dare not say it, and you don't know it."

Yang Liufeng refused to accept it and said: "I have been studying in the capital for four years, and I know a lot about court affairs. How can you say that I don't know?"

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "You said you know a lot about the affairs of the court, so let me ask you, why did Governor Yuan die?"

Yang Liufeng was startled: "You mean Yuan Chonghuan?"

Seeing Yuan Keli nod his head, Yang Liufeng said proudly: "Yuan Chonghuan colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. His crime is unforgivable. He killed it with great joy!"

"Hahaha!" Yuan Keli couldn't help laughing when he heard that.

Suddenly, Yuan Keli stopped laughing and said: "You said that Yuan Chonghuan was collaborating with the enemy and traitorous to the country. Let me ask you, what benefits can Yuan Chonghuan benefit from building slaves and tartars?"

"What benefits can I give? Naturally, it is money and status! No, Yuan Chonghuan is the governor of Ji Liao. He is already an extremely human minister, so what if he is given a higher status as a slave? As for money, it is even more impossible. Yuan Chonghuan is in office. Asking money to give money, asking people to give, how can money buy it." Yang Liufeng said to himself.

Yang Liufeng thought for a long time before he could figure it out, and finally said discouragedly: "Please advise, sir."

Yuan Keli sighed and said: "Yuan Chonghuan has his own way to kill, but this person is absolutely impossible to collude with the enemy and betray the country. In addition, this person leads the army and has excellent tactics. Unfortunately, his strategic vision is too poor. Compared with his teacher, Mr. Sun, he is really It's far inferior. The emperor's human vision is far from his political skills."

After a pause, Yuan Keli continued: "In addition, Yuan Chonghuan has been in prison for almost a year, why was he suddenly executed? In fact, it was just someone using it to suppress political opponents. Although Yuan Chonghuan died unjustly, it is really unfair to kill him for this crime. .”

"How does Mr. know about these things?" Yang Liufeng wondered.

Yuan Keli looked at Yang Liufeng, sighed, and shouted outside the door: "Hutou, go to my room and fetch the letter from the capital."

After a while, Hutou pushed open the door and entered, and put a stack of letters in front of Yuan Keli's desk.

Yuan Keli pushed the letter forward and said: "Be careful, you can read it carefully."

Yang Liufeng was about to read the letter, when Yuan Keli suddenly stretched out his hand to press the letter, and said to Yang Liufeng seriously: "You have to think about it, how will you deal with these letters after you read them?"

Yang Liufeng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood why Yuan Keli said that.

 It's 50 words, and the plot has entered a real climax period. I hope you will give me a reward, a monthly ticket.Recommended ticket support!It also gave my fragile heart a little bit of comfort, oh, oh, let's smash it all!

(End of this chapter)

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