Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 174 Occupying the Copper Mine

Chapter 174 Occupying the Copper Mine
Seeing that Chen Dahu's eyes were about to burst into flames, several people in the crowd hesitated for a moment, and finally took out a few more things and threw them on the ground.

"Gou Sheng, strip these people's clothes for me. If there is nothing else, each person will get [-] boards. If there are any leftovers, I will cut them off immediately." Chen Dahu said angrily.

Ding Gousheng nodded, and walked towards several people. At the same time, several soldiers around Chen Dahu drew their knives and stepped forward.

Those few people were bachelors, and before Ding Gou could do anything, they took off their clothes, shaking each time they took off.

Seeing that these people were not hiding, Chen Dahu looked at the rest of the people, and then everyone began to undress.

After these people finished taking off, Chen Dahu ordered his soldiers to go up and check, and seeing that there was nothing to hide, Chen Dahu waved them to put on their clothes.

Ding Gousheng completed the inspection at this round, and then there were several other rounds, and almost every round had someone hiding items.

Chen Dahu was furious, and ordered his soldiers to beat each of the guards twenty times.

Several sentry officers knew that the supervision was not effective, so they dared not resist, and honestly received twenty blows.

When the soldiers finished fighting, Chen Dahu stared at the crowd with a sneer and said with a sneer: "Let's forget this time, I just pretend I don't know about it, if there is another time, you can decide for yourself!"

Everyone shouted and dared not.

Chen Dahu nodded, seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Chen Dahu didn't dare to delay, ordered the mine supervisor's family to be tied up, and then Ding Gou's remaining sentry team was left to be responsible for loading the property, and the others waited to escort the mine supervisor to the mine. advance.

When they arrived at the mine, the miners had already started to work. With the mine supervisor in hand, the officers and soldiers guarding the mine did not dare to resist. Chen Dahu and others easily occupied the copper mine, and seized thousands of catties of smelted copper from the smelting place. of copper ingots.

After arresting the officers and soldiers guarding the mine, Chen Dahu then began to sweep around the mine.

Within a few miles away from this mine, several extremely small mines were discovered. Chen Dahu knew that these were all secretly mined by private individuals, and no matter who opened the mine, all the copper was confiscated. Then all the miners in these places were escorted to work in the official mine.

After occupying the copper mine, Chen Dahu left a sentry to guard, and the rest of the people immediately dispersed, each team formed a group, and went to the surrounding areas.


On this day, Li Jing was dealing with official duties in the county government of Jiangxian County, when his own soldiers came to report, Ding Gousheng came back.

Li Jing was stunned, he couldn't help but stop writing, and thought: "Ding Gousheng? Isn't that Chen Dahu's subordinate? How did he come back? Before Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and others left, he deliberately confessed that he went out to pretend to be a traitor No order to enter the city. Why is this Chen Dahu so muddled in his work, and he is not afraid of being seen and revealing his identity."

After thinking about it, Li Jing asked, "Did Gouzeng come back by himself, or with a team?"

The soldier said: "Officer Ding Shao came back with Young Master Dingguo who brought the property."

Li Jing was taken aback again, why did Gao Qi send Dingguo to pick up the property, what happened to these people?
"Let them in." Li Jing waved to the soldier.After speaking, Li Jing picked up his pen and continued to review the official documents.

The soldier was ordered to go out, and soon Li Dingguo and Ding Gou entered the county government.

Seeing Li Jing, the two of them knelt on one knee and clasped their fists together, saying, "See you, Commander!"

Li Jing looked up at the two of them and said, "Get up, you two sit down for a while, and I'll finish this document."

Hearing this, Li Dingguo hurriedly got up and ran to the side of the book case to help Li Jing grind it, but Ding Gou stood up in front of the hall without taking his seat.

After a while, Li Jing read the official document, picked up a pen and wrote his name on the back, and then gently put the pen on the pen holder.

Seeing Ding Gou standing with his hands tied, Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sit down, is it because Dahu has something to ask you to come back, or you have something to do? Alas! I'm so confused, your little girl is about to pass a hundred days, right? Are you missing a child?"

Hearing that Li Jing remembered that his daughter had passed a hundred days, Ding Gousheng fell to his knees with a thud, kowtowed three times, and said, "Marshal, Gousheng has done something wrong and I'm ashamed of you."

Li Jing's expression froze, and he thought to himself: "Ding Gouzuo came back to admit his mistake in person, I'm afraid he made a serious mistake, he came to ask himself to intercede."

After thinking about it, Li Jing asked, "Isn't it because I made a mistake of beheading?"

Ding Gou left shook his head and said: "Brother is confused, when he went down to work, he took property privately."

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, taking property privately is a felony.

When the law was first enacted, in order to prevent his followers from stealing property, Li Jing imposed extremely severe punishments for the crime of stealing other people's property.

Anyone who steals property worth more than 200 taels of silver will be executed without mercy.

The value is between 100 taels and 200 taels of silver, and the rod is one hundred, and they are expelled from the team.

The value is between 50 taels and 100 taels of silver, the staff is [-] taels, the rank is lowered by one level, the military salary is deducted for one year, and no promotion is allowed within one year.

The value is less than 50 taels of silver, the staff is forty, the military rank is lowered by one level, the military salary is deducted for half a year, and it cannot be promoted within one year.

And this is only a punishment for soldiers. If an officer makes a mistake, except for the first rule, the penalty will be doubled and he will be dismissed.

Ding Gousheng took the initiative to tell himself about this matter, hoping to reduce the punishment. Could it be that he took property worth more than 200 taels?
"How much money did you take?" Li Jing asked in a deep voice.

"Brother took a golden lock." Ding Gousheng said in a low voice.

Li Jingqi said: "A golden lock? How much is that worth?"

Ding Gousheng said: "It's worth ten taels of silver at most."

Hearing that it was only worth ten taels of silver, Li Jing heaved a sigh of relief and said in his heart, "As long as it's not more than 200 taels, it's fine, otherwise I'll have to use a knife on my old brother."

Immediately, a question arose in Li Jing's mind: "Gou Sheng, you are not short of money, are you? What are you doing with that golden lock?"

"Brother, my little girl is almost a hundred years old. I think that golden lock is exquisite, so I want to give it to my girl." Ding Gou said in a muffled voice.

Li Jingwen was furious when he heard this: "You bastard! You dare to take property for yourself just because of this? You want a golden lock, come back and ask me for it, will I not give it to you? Even if it costs money to buy it, why don't you take ten taels of silver Can't come out? Just because of this, you broke the rules. You, are you trying to piss me off!"

"Brother, brother is wrong, I am ashamed of brother." Ding Gou left kneeling on the ground, kowtowed.

Li Jing waved his hands and said in a deep voice: "Get up, your crime is not fatal, why do you ask me for favors? Go to the law enforcement office and explain the matter clearly, and you will be punished as you want."

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. If Ding Gousheng only took this little thing and came to ask for favors for this little punishment, then his favors would be too worthless.

As soon as Li Jinglue thought about it, he knew that there must be something wrong with this matter, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Ding Gousheng, do you have something to hide from me? Could it be that you took more than this money?"

"No, no, brother really only took one golden lock." Ding Gousheng was startled and said hastily.

Li Jing said angrily: "What's going on? For such a trivial matter, Chen Dahu wouldn't let you come back? Could it be that Chen Dahu also took the money?"

Ding Gousheng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no!"

"Then what's going on, tell me what happened in detail." Li Jing said angrily.

Ding Gousheng responded, and then told what happened at that time in detail.

I heard that Ding Gousheng was instigated by his subordinates to take the golden lock, and almost everyone in his sentry took money. Li Jing finally understood why Ding Gousheng came to him, and all the people who cooperated with him Break the law!
Seeing Li Jing's face sinking like water, Ding Gousheng was startled, and hurriedly shut up.

"Go ahead!" Seeing that Ding Gou remained silent, Li Jing shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Ding Gousheng responded, and continued talking while looking at Li Jing's face.

Hearing that more than half of the half of the battalion led by Chen Dahu took property privately, Li Jing's eyes shrank instantly, and a blade-like light flashed out.

Seeing Li Jing's eyes as if he wanted to kill someone, Ding Gouzeng's heart trembled, and he hurriedly explained how to deal with Chen Dahu.

After hearing Chen Dahu's disposition, Li Jing nodded silently, and said in his heart: "Finally, Dahu has lived up to his expectations, and this disposition is very appropriate."

Seeing Li Jing's pale face, Ding Gousheng finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After listening to Ding Gousheng's narration, Li Jing sighed in his heart, took a look at Ding Gousheng and said, "Go back first, and go to the Law Enforcement Office after the matter is over."

Ding Gouzeng nodded, cupped his fists at Li Jing, and hurriedly turned and left.

Seeing Ding Gou left the door, Li Jing shook his body and felt dizzy for a while. He hurriedly pressed his temples with both hands, and it took a while to recover.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Li Jing's expression was not right, Li Dingguo hurriedly asked.

Li Jing waved his hand and said after a while: "Why are you escorting the property, where is your Uncle Gao?"

Li Dingguo hurriedly said: "Uncle Gao took us to pick us up in person, but after Uncle Ding met and talked with Uncle Gao for a while, Uncle Gao couldn't make up his mind and asked me to come with Uncle Zhang Chu."

Li Jing nodded silently, it seems that Ding Gousheng is not completely confused yet.

Gao Qi is in charge of the law enforcement team, Ding Gousheng must have told Gao Qi about this after seeing Gao Qi.

Ding Gousheng thought about it and understood that if he didn't see Gao Qi, he would greet him first. Gao Qi couldn't find anything wrong with him, but since he saw Gao Qi, if he didn't tell him, it would be disrespectful to Gao Qi. It can even be said that he looked down on Gao Qi.

If you make a mistake and disrespect the law enforcement chief, or even look down on the law enforcement chief, you will be courting death. Even if he is an old brother, Li Jing will not intercede for him.

And Gao Qi must understand that now is definitely not the time to deal with this matter, but if such a big matter happened below, if he didn't deal with it, how would he convince the public in the future?Therefore, if Gao Qicai didn't follow, he should pretend he didn't know about it, so that he didn't have to deal with these people immediately.

Li Jing sighed, patted Li Dingguo's head lightly and said, "Dingguo, it's your Uncle Gao who is thorough in doing things! In the future, I will learn how to do things from your Uncle Gao, and you need to be more thoughtful."

"My child understands." Li Dingguo replied.

"Who is handing over the property outside?" Li Jing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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