Chapter 175
"It's Grandpa Shen and Mr. Yang." Li Dingguo said.

Li Jingjing nodded and said, "Go and see your Grandpa Yuan. Your Grandpa Yuan is not in good health these days. Don't tell your Grandpa Yuan those unhappy things."

Li Dingguo responded and ran to the back house.

After Ding Gousheng's incident, Li Jing was in no mood to continue with his official duties, so he walked out of the county government office after thinking about it, and went to Shen Zheng's place to have a look.

Seeing Li Jing approaching, Shen Zheng smiled and said, "Jimin is here."

Li Jingjing nodded, walked to Shen Zheng's side and asked softly, "How much is the material shipped this time?"

Shen Zheng took a few lists and handed them to Li Jing, saying: "The copper that has been counted is 4 jin, the grain is 3 shi, and the silver is more than [-] taels. There are still some jewelry that have not been counted. There are more than [-] taels."

Li Jingwen was taken aback and said, "So much copper?"

Shen Zheng nodded and said, "I asked Gou Sheng secretly, and he said that the copper brought back by Chen Dahu's team was robbed from the mine supervisor's house, and I guess it's the same elsewhere."

Li Jing is overjoyed, now there are materials to make bullets and shells.

Li Jing has been afraid to make guns because there are not enough bullets and shells, and there is no ammunition. Is it rusty?Now that there is copper, more guns and cannons can be made.

However, it is winter now, and the reservoir is about to freeze. If we want to manufacture a large number of guns and bullets, we have to wait for the next spring, at least four or five months.

The water system around Zhongtiao Mountain is well developed. As long as there is enough manpower, several small reservoirs can be built in four to five months. The supplies are delivered there.

It's just that the occupation of these counties is still not stable at the moment, and it may take some time to organize manpower.

Li Jing thought for a while, then called Hutou over and said, "Hutou, send someone to send a message to Zhao Shuangxi quickly, and start working hard to make guns before the freeze. I will send him [-] jin of copper and bullets afterwards." Make as many shells as you can."

"Yes!" Hutou took the order, and hurried out to arrange for someone to deliver the message.

After Hutou left, Li Jing looked at Shen Zheng and asked, "Father-in-law, how is Jixian's shop in Lingchuan doing? If the arrangements are made there, let him and Du Laojiu come over immediately."

Shen Zheng nodded and said, "I see, I'll send someone to tell him right away."

"Then you are busy, I still have a few official documents to deal with." Li Jing said.

Shen Zheng waved his hand, turned around and continued to count his belongings.


Li Jing returned to the county government office to finish processing the remaining official documents, and was about to go to the back house to visit Yuan Keli, when he suddenly heard the sound of drumming outside the government office.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that it was the big drum erected outside the county government office to make the common people complain about their grievances.

When Li Jing came to the Jiangxian county government office, the county government office had been completely destroyed from the inside to the outside. The most complete preservation of the entire county government office was the big drum next to the main entrance of the county government office and the stone lions on both sides.

Li Jing expressed his understanding of this point, because according to the usual style of the rogues, after the rogues invaded the county, the first target was the county government, killing the officials inside and looting everything inside.

It is estimated that the rogues put their minds on the county government, so they ignored the drum outside the door, at most they thought it was in the way and pushed it away.As for the stone lion, the rogues are not idle, who would smash that thing?If it is placed in the county government office, it may be smashed.

To be honest, when Li Jing entered the city, he didn't even think that the county government would still exist. With the style of rogues, it was a miracle that he didn't set fire to the county government when he abandoned the city and fled.

In addition, when Li Jing entered the county office, he did not find a living person, only a large number of corpses in various corners.

When the soldiers of the Jishi Army were burying the bodies, Li Jing asked them to count them, and there were 680 people in total.Among them, there are less than 100 people wearing official clothes, including yamen servants, jailers, masters, book offices, etc., and the rest are basically family members who are officials or errands.

And among so many dead, there was no young woman.

Li Jing knew exactly where those young women went, they should all be taken away by Gao Yingxiang's men.

Seeing so many people die at that time, Li Jing blamed himself. If he could force Gao Yingxiang to be tighter, so many people would not have died.In Lingchuan back then, Gao Yingxiang didn't kill so many people. At most, he killed officials and rich people, and robbed them of their property.

After entering the county government office in Jiang County, Li Jing ordered people to repair the county government office briefly, and then asked people to set up the drum again. Unfortunately, more than ten days have passed, and no one has come to knock on the drum. drum.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of drums, and Li Jing's heart suddenly arose. Now that there is no county magistrate in Jiang County, he will be the county magistrate once again.

For Li Jing, there are not many such opportunities, because the court will appoint a new county magistrate in a short time, and Li Jing will not engage in such pranks at that time.

Putting the official documents on the table, Li Jing hurriedly called Hutou to lead people to stand in line in the lobby.

There is no way, the servants in the yamen have long since died, and they can only be temporarily acted by the soldiers.

It's a pity that these people, like Li Jing, have never done this, and the lobby was noisy for a while.

Finally, Li Jing knew that the yamen servants stood in two rows when they were on duty, so he hurriedly ordered everyone to stand in separate lines.

However, there are not many yamen servants standing in the yamen, but Li Jing has more than 200 personal soldiers, which are divided into two rows and stand directly at the gate of the county yamen.

In addition, the yamen servants are holding sticks in their hands. At that time, they will knock and shout at the same time. Li Jing's soldiers are all sabers. What's more, they even pulled out half of the knife.

Li Jing couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, and only then did he realize that it would not be so easy for the county magistrate to sit in court without rehearsal.

Li Jing waved his hand, indicating to open the door, the order was quickly passed to the door, and the two guards at the door raised their hands and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a group of people in disheveled clothes rushed in, but these people hurriedly stopped after taking a few steps, and then looked around nervously.

It's no wonder that when you go to the county government to report a case, who is not afraid to see a group of soldiers who are not soldiers, and people who are not government servants lined up in two rows, with half drawn knives in their hands, as if they are ready to kill people at any time?
After watching for a while, one of them asked the guards on duty: "Big brother, is this the county government office?"

After getting an affirmative answer, the man ran out without hesitation. Unfortunately, the people behind were squeezing in without knowing what was going on inside. How could they get out?

Seeing the chaos at the door, Li Jing knew that these people regarded him as a rogue.

Sighing, Li Jing knew that this joke would not work.

If one or two people come to complain, it’s okay to joke with them, but with so many people coming to the county government, something must have happened. As for what will happen, Li Jing knows it all, it must be because they were kidnapped robbed.

Those rogues were originally arranged by Li Jing. The soldiers who suppressed the bandits have been arranged in the past few days, and when the common people come to complain, he will send troops to encircle and suppress the rogues.How could Li Jing continue to joke at this time?Once the common people are scared away, it will be difficult to find someone.

Wanting to clarify this festival, Li Jing hurriedly ordered his soldiers to bring these common people to the front of the hall.

After the soldiers escorted the people in, Li Jing waved the soldiers to retreat, then walked down the hall, and said to the people: "Fathers, folks, I'm sorry, I'm Li Jing, it's Lintao President General Cao Wenzhao’s new recruits, we have just joined the army not long ago, so we haven’t changed our costumes yet, so I frightened you all, and Li is here to apologize to everyone.”

Hearing that Li Jing was full of nonsense, the few soldiers left in front of the hall admired him. It is easy to tell nonsense, but it is not easy to open your mouth without thinking.

Of course, there are so many loopholes in this nonsense, and those who have seen the world will definitely not be able to fool it, but it is not a problem to fool these ordinary people who have not seen the world.

Sure enough, hearing that it was the deployment of Cao Wenzhao's new recruit, the common people immediately felt relieved.

One of them hurriedly said: "So it's General Li, you have to decide for us!"

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, what happened, speak slowly."

"Can you not be in a hurry! The villain's house has been robbed by the bandits. These people are all from the same village as the villain, and they have all been robbed by the bandits. General, hurry up and send troops!" the man said anxiously.

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Which village are you from? Where are you? How far is it from the county? Is the road good? How many rogues are there? Where are they going? You asked me to send troops without telling me anything, how could I?" Send troops? How many troops? Where to send troops?"

"Is there still so much to say about fighting bandits?" The man asked doubtfully.

Li Jing smiled and said: "That's natural, forget it, you don't understand if I explain to you, so just tell me what I just asked."

The man hurriedly said: "The villain is from Beiliu Village, in the north of the county seat, about .."

The man explained it in detail according to what Li Jing asked, and after listening, Li Jingjing nodded and smiled and said, "There are only four or fifty bandits, so I can send a sentry to deal with them. Just wait, I will send troops right away."

The villager was overjoyed and said, "Thank you General, thank you General."

Li Jing ignored him, turned around and said to a soldier beside him: "Give me an order to order Zhou Shitou to bring a sentry force to accompany them to Beiliu Village to wipe out those bandits."

"Yes!" The soldier hastily sent an order.

Soon, there was the sound of queuing up outside, and after a while, Zhou Shitou ran in and said, "Commander, the troops have assembled."

Li Jingjing nodded, pointed at the group of villagers and said to Zhou Shishitou, "You run with them once, and wipe out that gang of rogues."

Zhou Shitou clasped his fists, turned around and said to the group of villagers, "Lead the way ahead."

The group of villagers kowtowed to Li Jing a few times, then hurriedly got up, and hurried away with Zhou Shitou.

After the group of villagers had left, Li Jing let out a sigh of relief, shook his head and smiled at the soldiers around him: "It seems that the magistrate of this county is not so easy to be! I will never do this job again!"

The few soldiers were not easy to answer, they just smiled and said nothing.

 New week, give some strength! !
(End of this chapter)

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