Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 181 Jiangzhou Defense

Chapter 181 Jiangzhou Defense
Cao Wenzhao's troops continued their efforts and caught up with the remnants of Man Tianxing that night, killing more than [-] people, and Man Tianxing only led more than [-] people to escape.

Afterwards, Cao Wenzhao turned around and attacked in the direction of Lu'an Mansion. He fought fiercely with the rebel army in Zhangzi County, Changzhi County, Gaoping County, Tunliu County, Xiangyuan County and other places. Six or seven bandits.

The bandits didn't dare to fight their front, so they turned around and headed towards Hebei.

Seeing that the new year was approaching, Cao Wenzhao stopped pursuing and led his troops back to Gaoping on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, while Li Dingguo led his troops back to Lingchuan.



The Forbidden City, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian sat on the dragon chair, coldly watching the officials below fighting each other again, and suddenly felt powerless.

Zhu Youjian can't remember how many times this has happened. It seems that every time an official is appointed, these people below will pinch him once, and the pinch will be endless.

He really didn't know what to quarrel with these seven-rank county magistrates, and after arguing for more than a month, the Ministry of officials had a lot of candidates, why couldn't they send a few people to Shanxi to be county magistrates?

Zhu Youjian smiled wryly. He knew why the following people were arguing. In the same year, the teachers, students, and subordinates were all inextricably related to those county magistrate candidates. They didn't want to send their own people to That broken place in Shanxi.

But didn't Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, give a memorial a few days ago saying that the rogues in Shanxi have almost been wiped out?Most of the rogues in Shanxi have been wiped out, and they are all safe. Why is no one willing to go?Could it be that Xu Dingchen is lying?

Sighing, Zhu Youjian's thoughts flew back to a few years ago.

Zhu Youjian still remembers that when the cabinet was rebuilt after the eradication of eunuchs, he nominated more than a dozen candidates who could join the cabinet, but none of them were approved, and none of the candidates was not scolded. There is a problem with this. The eunuch said, in short, there is no good person.

Zhu Youjian was very helpless, and finally thought of a very unique method, a piece of divination, that is, drawing lots.Those who are caught join the cabinet, and those who are not caught should do what they want.

Zhu Youjian didn't know if the ancestor would come out of the ground and scold him when he learned about this move, but Zhu Youjian really had no choice.

Shaking his head and concentrating for a while, he wanted to listen carefully to what the following people were going to say, but in the end he failed, he couldn't understand what these people were saying.

He called these ministers to discuss the selection of people to be county magistrates in several counties in Shanxi. Why did he suddenly start citing scriptures again?Is it so troublesome to choose a county magistrate?
Zhu Youjian suddenly regretted killing Wei Zhongxian. If Wei Zhongxian was still there, how dare these grandsons do this?I can't kill you!
Thinking of Wei Zhongxian, Zhu Youjian couldn't help turning his head to look at Cao Huachun beside him. Although this man was honest, he had contacts with the Donglin Party, and it would be impossible to count on him.

Zhu Youjian turned his attention to Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet. This person should be said to be capable, but unfortunately he is a bit timid. Although he is not a member of the Donglin Party, he dare not offend the Donglin Party members. When there is an argument in the court, it is always overwhelming.

Zhu Youjian shook his head, sighed, and decided to end the farce.

Zhu Youjian coughed lightly, and the frothing minister who was talking below saw that the emperor was about to speak, so he hurriedly shut up.

"Since the candidates waiting to be filled by the Ministry of Officials are not suitable, let's not use it! According to my will, Xu Dingchen is ordered to select talents on the spot in Shanxi." Zhu Youjian said.

"Long live the Holy Spirit!" All the ministers heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then flattered.

But there are always people who don't know what's interesting. At this time, the only ones who dare to come out to make trouble are those officials.

Perhaps because he felt that he did not perform well today, a certain official felt that this was an opportunity, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Long live the report, most of the officials in Shanxi counties are lacking, how to select talents on the spot? Besides, most of the local officials are greedy and incompetent. , I hope His Majesty will think deeply."

Zhu Youjian was furious when he heard this, and looked at the speaker coldly, then suddenly smiled and said: "I understand what the Qing family means, is the Qing family planning to recommend themselves? Well, you choose a county to take office immediately. Let's go. The Ministry of Officials will file for him later, and retire!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Youjian didn't wait for the fool below to reply, got up and left the dragon chair and walked to the back of the hall.

Seeing the emperor get up, the eunuch on duty shouted loudly: "Back the court!" All the civil and military officials of the court left one after another, leaving only the speech officer who had nothing to do to smack his mouth and cry bitterly.

Returning to the Qianqing Palace from the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Zhu Youjian was sullen. None of the following people can do anything.

It should be said that Zhu Youjian was indeed a hardworking emperor. Although he was angry, he still did what he should do. After taking a sip of tea and taking a breather, Zhu Youjian began to review the memorial.

It may be that Zhu Youjian was not angry enough today, and there was no good news in the memorial. Either the county was lost again, or he was asking him for food and money.

Zhu Youjian sighed, he knew that the household department had no money, but the key was that his inner money had no money either.When Yang He took office, it took him a lot of effort to get 10 taels of silver.

No food, no money, it's hard to be a family!

"Your Majesty, take a rest! The Chinese New Year is coming soon, Your Majesty should relax a bit." An eunuch next to him said with a cup of hot tea.

Zhu Youjian glanced back and saw that it was Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was holding the pen. He nodded slightly, and after confirming the three words on the memorial, he put down the pen, took a sip from the teacup.

Putting down the teacup, Zhu Youjian patted the chair beside him lightly and said, "Cheng En, come sit down and chat with me."

"I don't dare, I can just stand and talk to the emperor." Wang Chengen said hastily.

Zhu Youjian nodded, looked at Wang Chengen and said, "Chengen, the treasury has no money, and the internal funds have no money. Is there any way?"

Wang Chengen didn't expect Zhu Youjian to tell him this, and he was a little flustered. He knew Zhu Youjian very well, and he knew that Zhu Youjian hated eunuchs interfering in politics the most.

After thinking for a while, Wang Cheng'en replied: "Your Majesty, there is no way for a servant to do this. Your Majesty is wise and will definitely come up with a way."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and glanced at Wang Encheng: "I know you still have a way. I heard that you have a lot of money. How did you do it? Can you teach me?"

When Wang Chengen heard this, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Your Majesty, this slave is completely sincere to His Majesty, and I will never dare to deceive you in the slightest. A few days ago..."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "I don't want to hear these things, I just want to ask you, aren't you afraid of being impeached? Then even I can't keep you."

Wang Chengen rolled his eyes, suddenly understood, and said immediately: "The servant will immediately make a list of the money and hand it over to the inner treasury, so that no one will make irresponsible remarks."

Zhu Youjian was noncommittal, and said after a while: "Be careful in the future, don't make too much noise. Well, I heard that you bought a house in the city, and it would cost a lot of money, so keep some for yourself. "

Wang Chengen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and hastily kowtowed three times: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "Go ahead, and work with your heart in the future."

Wang Chengen kowtowed again, and then got up to leave.

Seeing Wang Encheng leave, Zhu Youjian shook his head, he was really helpless.

The household department has no money, and the household department asks him to pay his internal money whenever he has something to do, but he has no internal money to send, and he is about to pawn the dragon robe. What if he doesn't get money?
Although he knew that Wang Chengen would use this to make a lot of money, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Not long after Wang Chengen left, Cao Huachun hurried in with a memorial: "Your Majesty, this is the Shanxi memorial just sent by the cabinet, and there will be a reply from the cabinet later, please read it!"

Zhu Youjian was taken aback for a moment, what happened in Shanxi?Zhu Youjian took the memorial in doubt, and took a quick look.

Suddenly Zhu Youjian's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly read it again carefully, and then looked at the cabinet's reply behind him.

After reading it, Zhu Youjian was furious: "What is this Zhou Yanru going to do? Why did you refute the reward in the newspaper?"

Cao Huachun hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the Li Jing reported by Cao Wenzhao and Xu Dingchen is white."

"Bai Shen? What's wrong with Bai Shen? It's not that he was promoted to be a civil servant. Look, look, he helped Cao Wenzhao smash the bandits and captured more than [-] people. This kind of credit is only reported to the defense. What do they want to do? ?” Zhu Youjian said angrily.

"Your Majesty calm down, the cabinet just finds it strange why this Li Jing followed Cao Wenzhao to fight in Lu'an Mansion, but the garrison was placed in Jiangzhou. Moreover, this Li Jing is just a wealthy businessman, but he recruited six thousand townspeople. How could he So much money? The cabinet wonders if Cao Wenzhao and Xu Dingchen took bribes from others." Cao Huachun said hastily.

Zhu Youjian smiled coldly: "What do they know? Is this the rogue who asked Li Jing to help them fight Jiangzhou? A bunch of pig brains."

Cao Huachun hastily sent a little flattery: "Your Majesty is wise."

Seeing that Zhu Youjian's expression eased, Cao Huachun continued: "However, what the cabinet said is not unreasonable. A wealthy businessman actually recruited six thousand Xiangyong. This is not quite right!"

Zhu Youjian nodded, then waved his hand and said: "Leave him alone, give him a garrison position, General Jiamingwei, as for other things, wait until the rogues in Jiangzhou are leveled. If the cabinet disagrees, you Just tell them, whoever disagrees with me will let them do Jiangzhou's defense."

Cao Huachun sighed secretly, knowing that the emperor is impatient, as long as he can destroy the bandits.A white body has directly become a Mingwei General of the fourth rank. Although General Mingwei is only a false title, he can't give it just by saying it.

Coming out of Qianqing Palace, Cao Huachun hurried to the cabinet deacon's room and told the cabinet members the emperor's intentions.

Everyone can see what happened in the court today, and the fate of that speech officer is still in sight. Whoever dares to touch the emperor's bad luck at this time, the emperor will definitely not let him go. Gotta go on guard.Where is Jiangzhou now, and where to serve as a garrison?If you want soldiers but you don't have soldiers, you want money but you don't have money, isn't that courting death?
(End of this chapter)

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