Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 182 Equations

Chapter 182 Equations
All the members of the current cabinet quickly reached a consensus, and then the chief assistant Zhou Yanru drew up a new policy, which Cao Huachun took back for approval by the emperor.

Zhu Youjian was faster, approved on the spot, and then sent it back to the cabinet.

Seeing that the emperor acted so resolutely, the cabinet did not dare to be negligent, and hastily asked the Ministry of War for the record, and at the same time prepared various procedures, and then quickly sent it to the governor's office in Shanxi.

At this time, Li Jing was busy preparing how to deal with the rogues, completely unaware that he had become Ming Wei's general and Jiangzhou garrison.


The county government of Yicheng County.

Li Jing looked at the map while analyzing the current situation.

Since Cao Wenzhao defeated Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong in Taiyuan, Wang Ziyong led the rest of his troops to circle around Taiyuan, and then turned around and went south to capture Huozhou.

Originally, Cao Wenzhao was going to deal with the king himself with all his strength, but after receiving Li Jing's letter, Cao Wenzhao finally agreed to Li Jing's conditions after much consideration, and turned to Lu'an Mansion to deal with the eight kings and Laohui and other rogues .

In this way, Wang Ziyong was given a chance to breathe. While gathering the defeated troops, several bandits also began to move closer to Wang Ziyong.

Hearing the news, Li Jing was both excited and a little apprehensive.

What is exciting is that Wang Ziyong finally gathered together several rogues who were scattered in various places, so that the rogues have enough troops to take down Jiezhou, and Li Jing's confidence in occupying Jiezhou is much greater.

What is disturbing is that it is too difficult for such rogues to force them to go south to Jiezhou.

If you beat them hard, they might scatter like birds and beasts, but if you beat them lightly, they might not be able to move. This scale is really hard to grasp.

Fortunately, the threat from Lingchuan was finally lifted. A few days ago, two bandits from the southeast of Shanxi crossed Lu'an Mansion and entered Zezhou territory. Gao Qi lived up to Li Jing's expectations and resisted the enemy from outside Lingchuan. Three lines of defense were set up in the area, and the two rogues were beaten to the ground, and the rogues were driven back to Lu'an Mansion, so that Lingchuan would not be ruined by the rogues.

This prevents the Jishi Army from fighting on both sides, which would put too much pressure on logistical supplies.

Thinking that Gao Yingxiang was still making trouble in Yangcheng, Li Jing ordered someone to send a letter to Gao Qi, and asked Gao Qi to divide his troops to closely monitor Gao Yingxiang. Gao Yingxiang's movements.The few counties that Li Jing had won had finally stabilized, but he didn't want Gao Yingxiang to take advantage of him when he dispatched troops.

Li Jinggang conveyed the order, and the soldiers reported that Mr. Yuan and Mr. Yang had arrived.

Hearing that Mr. Yuan and Mr. Yang were here, Li Jing couldn't help being stunned. Why did they come together?
Mr. Yuan and Mr. Yang mentioned by the soldiers are Yuan Keli and Yang Liufeng.

Yuan Keli was in good health, and Li Jing was afraid that he would be tired, so he asked him to recuperate in Jiang County, while Yang Liufeng was now in charge of the government affairs of Jiang County and Quwo County, so he was too busy to touch the ground.

Li Jing knew that it must be a big deal for Yuan Keli to come to him, otherwise, Yang Liufeng only needed to come.

"Hurry up and invite Mr. Yuan and Mr. Yang to come in, Hutou, hurry up and make a pot of hot tea for your grandfather Yuan." After speaking, Li Jing quickly ran out of the house.

As soon as Li Jing went out, he saw two soldiers helping Yuan Keli into the yard. Li Jing hurriedly stepped forward to support Yuan Keli: "Sir, why are you here in such a cold day?"

"Jimin, Shen Xing and I discovered a talent, and we came here specially to introduce you." Yuan Keli laughed.

Li Jing was startled, and then saw that there was another person behind Yuan Keli and Yang Liufeng.

"Yang Liufeng pays homage to Shuai Jing!" Seeing Li Jing looking over, Yang Liufeng saluted, then turned around, pulled the person behind him and said to Li Jing: "This is an equation, there is no solution. There is no solution, I haven't seen it yet." handsome!"

"Feng has seen the handsome man!" The man hurriedly saluted.

There was no solution to the equation, Li Jing was stunned for a moment, and secretly wanted to laugh, the name was so well obtained!

After waving his hand, Li Jing said, "Proceed with caution, there is no solution, no need to be polite, it's windy here, let's talk in the house."

Yang Liufeng nodded, and walked into the house with Li Jing supporting Yuan Keli.

After entering the room, Li Jing helped Yuan Keli sit down on the warming bed, moved the stove to Yuan Keli's side, and poured Yuan Keli a cup of hot tea.

Yuan Keli took the teacup and smiled, "Jimin, I think you're about the same as Xiaodie."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Sir, it is only natural for students to be filial to their teachers."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing poured a cup of tea for Yang Liufeng and Fang Fang, but Yang Liufeng and Fang Fang dared not speak.

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sit down, be careful, you are tired these days, I should pour you a cup of tea. You don't have to be polite, Mr. Fang, I don't have so many rules."

"Thank you, Commander!" Fang Fang hurriedly said.

Yuan Keli put down his teacup, pointed to the equation and said to Li Jing: "Jimin, Wujie is a talent, you have to make good use of it."

Li Jing knew that Yuan Keli was very good at seeing people, and he would not praise people easily, so he would never be wrong if he said that this equation is a talent.

Nodding his head, Li Jing looked at the equation carefully.

Equation is about 30 years old, with a long melon face, slightly sunken eyes, and looks very haggard.

Seeing that Fang Fang's clothes were a bit ragged, Li Jing frowned, turned his head to look at Yang Liufeng and said, "Be careful, why didn't you change Mr. Fang's clothes? It's such a cold day, wearing such clothes, what should I do if I froze? Tiger Head, fetch my cloak!"

Yang Liufeng smiled wryly and said, "Wujie wants to wear military uniform, but he won't wear other clothes if I give him."

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment. He knew that wearing a military uniform meant serving as a soldier. However, the five counties under Li Jing’s jurisdiction were not only recruiting soldiers, but also recruiting educated talents. Soldier?

"Wujie wants to wear a military uniform? What's the matter?" Li Jingqi asked.

Fang Fang got up and saluted and said, "I want to tell you, Commander-in-Chief, the students want to give up their pens and join the army, and wipe out the bandits."

Seeing Fang Fang's expression of grief and indignation, Li Jing waved his hand to signal Fang Fang to sit down and talk.

Fang Fang saluted again before sitting down, and then began to explain why he wanted to join the army.

Equation, word Wujie, born in Longxi County, Gongchang Prefecture, Shaanxi Province, born in the 32nd year of Wanli, 31 years old this year.

At the age of 16, Equation passed the examination as a scholar and was known as a prodigy in the local area. In the fourth year of Tianqi, he passed the examination at the age of 23, which caused a sensation in the local area. However, he failed the examination in Beijing the next year. After Chongzhen ascended the throne, he took the examination twice. Both failed.

He met Song Yingxing during the examination in the first year of Chongzhen, and the two had a good chat. Under the influence of Song Yingxing, Fang Fang began to get in touch with agricultural techniques, which coincided with Xu Guangqi's recovery. He was proficient, so he worshiped Xu Guangqi as his teacher and began to study science. During this period, he also met missionaries Long Huamin, Luo Yage and other foreigners.

After four years in the Chongzhen Examination, Fang failed the exam again, so he did not want to take the exam again. Fang wanted to stay in Beijing to continue his studies with Xu Guangqi, but the bandits captured Longxi. Fang hurried back to his hometown and found that the house was completely destroyed and his family members were nowhere to be found. After many inquiries, Only then did I realize that all the family members had died at the hands of the bandits.

Fang's family was ruined, his grief and indignation were inexplicable, and he was determined to wipe out the bandits.

At that time, most of the rogues in Shaanxi were wiped out under the encirclement and suppression of the government army, and the remnants fled into Shanxi. Fang Fang saw that there were basically no rogues in Shaanxi, so he traveled all the way to Shanxi via Xi'an and Tongguan, hoping to join Cao Cao. Wen Zhao's troops wiped out the bandits.

At this time, Cao Wenzhao's troops happened to defeat the rogue king's self-use department in Taiyuan, and the rogues began to flee to the south of Shanxi. Soon Cao Wenzhao moved to the direction of Lu'an Mansion.

Fang Fang traveled northward day and night, and when he passed through Jiang County, it happened that Li Jing's Jishi Army was recruiting soldiers. Fang Fang thought that the rogues were going to Pingyang Mansion soon, so why not serve as a soldier here to fight against the rogues, so he signed up to join the Jishi Army.

When Fang Fang applied for registration, Yang Liufeng happened to be present. Seeing that Fang Fang behaved like a scholar, Yang Liufeng went up to ask a few words. Yuan Keli.

Yuan Keli and Xu Guangqi are close friends, and when they heard that they were students of old friends, they asked them carefully.Hearing that what the formula said was basically consistent with what Xu Guangqi had learned, Yuan Keli was overjoyed, and immediately brought Yang Liufeng and Fang Fang to see Li Jing.

After listening to the experience of the equation, Li Jing sighed lightly. He knew why Yuan Keli valued the equation so much, because the equation was Xu Guangqi's student.

Xu Guangqi's achievements in mathematics are extremely high. When the calendar was revised in the second year of Chongzhen, Xu Guangqi gave a memorial to Chongzhen and discussed in detail the extensive application of mathematics, and mentioned ten aspects at the same time.

The first is the astronomical calendar.

The second is water conservancy projects.

The third is temperament.

The fourth is weapons of war and military engineering.

The fifth is accounting and financial management.

The sixth is various construction projects.

The seventh is machinery manufacturing.

The eighth is geographic surveying.

The ninth is medicine.

The tenth is to make timers such as clock leaks.

Xu Guangqi once suggested to carry out research in these areas, and each discipline should set up a corresponding institution.

When Li Jing knew that Xu Guangqi had made such a proposal, he could only describe it as shocking.

The institutions that Xu Guangqi proposed to set up are the Academy of Sciences.

If the Academy of Sciences was established at that time, what would China be like in the future?
Li Jing couldn't even imagine it.

It is a pity that Xu Guangqi's Academy of Sciences was approved by Chongzhen, but due to various reasons, it was only a flash in the pan.

Xu Guangqi also did something that had a profound impact on modern Chinese science or mathematics, that is, he translated "The Elements of Geometry", and it was published in the Wanli period. Li Jing once read this book.Unfortunately, due to some reasons, Xu Guangqi only translated the first six volumes.

In addition, Xu Guangqi also wrote a book on agriculture, which is "The Complete Book of Agricultural Administration". Although this book has not been officially published at this time, a lot of content has already been circulated.

To be honest, Li Jing once thought about kidnapping Xu Guangqi to Hongshanling when he learned that the Academy of Sciences had failed. Unfortunately, Hongshanling was still weak at that time, and even if he kidnapped Xu Guangqi, he couldn't do much.

(End of this chapter)

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