Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 183 The Priceless Treasure

Chapter 183 The Priceless Treasure
Now Li Jing has strength, but Xu Guangqi is already old. At this time, Li Jing doesn't want the old man to work hard anymore!

But at this moment, Xu Guangqi's student unexpectedly fell from the sky, so how could Li Jing not be excited?It seems that God knew that Li Jing wanted to save the fate of the Chinese nation, and seeing how hard he had worked so hard, he sent such a person here.

Moreover, Fang Fang is also a good friend with Song Yingxing, and has learned a lot from Song Yingxing.

You know, Song Yingxing is also a great scientist!

Li Jing knew three Ming Dynasty scientists: Li Shizhen, Xu Guangqi, and Song Yingxing.

Needless to say, the first Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist, as long as he has read books and taken medicine, there is no one who does not know him.Not only Chinese people know it, foreigners also know it.

The second is Xu Guangqi.

The third one is Song Yingxing, a scientist of nature and technology, whose masterpiece "Heavenly Creation of Things".

What is this great man researching?He studies how to breed new varieties of crops such as rice and barley, studies new varieties of animals and plants after hybridization, and studies the effects of soil, climate and cultivation methods on crops, etc. He is the ancestor of Mr. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice.

Moreover, Song Yingxing not only studied crops, but also studied metal minerals. Song Yingxing was the first to clearly point out that zinc is a metal, and found a method for smelting zinc. At the same time, he was the first to smelt zinc and copper into brass. The brass we use now, It was the old man who fiddled with it.

The above two items belong to Song Yingxing's achievements in science, but his greatest achievement should be the book "Tiangong Kaiwu", which describes various agricultural and industrial technologies. , and there are illustrations in it, even if you don't know a word, you can understand this book.

Song Yingxing also wrote some other scientific works, but Li Jing is not very clear about those.

Li Jing was stunned for a while, then suddenly walked to the door and pushed it open, then put his hands together facing the sky, and murmured: "God has eyes! God has eyes!"

Then Li Jing shouted: "Shitou, come in!"

For Li Jing, this equation is a priceless treasure. Does he want to be a soldier?Even if Fang Fang knocked out a hair, Li Jing would be heartbroken to death.Fang Fang wants to go to the battlefield to fight, it's fine if Li Jing doesn't know, but now that he knows, don't even think about it.

Not only will Li Jing not let Equation go to the battlefield, but he also wants to keep Equation far away from the battlefield, the farther the better, and he will also send heavy troops to protect him.

After a while, Shi Shi hurried over, saw Li Jing standing at the door, and hurriedly asked, "Marshal, did you call me?"

Li Jing nodded and said, "Come in with me."

After speaking, Li Jing turned around and walked into the house. Shi Shi went in without knowing it, and hurriedly followed.

After entering the room, Li Jing pointed to Fang Fang and said to Shi Shi: "Look at this man clearly. From now on, you and your subordinates will protect him just like you protect me. He will lose a hair and scratch his head." I can't spare you even a little bit of skin!"

"Ah?" Not only Shitou, Yang Liufeng and Fang Fang were shocked when they heard this order.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the three of them, Li Jing smiled and said, "Do you think my order is a bit strange?"

The three nodded, then hurriedly shook their heads.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "What's wrong with that? I'm not a tiger, so I can still eat you?"

Seeing the three of them was a little embarrassed, Li Jing knew that his majesty was getting stronger day by day, and his subordinates no longer dared to joke with him.

Shaking his head, Li Jing restrained his smile and said seriously: "That's because you don't know the value of Mr. Fang, maybe Mr. Fang himself doesn't know. But to me, Mr. Fang alone is worth more than all my belongings."

"Ah!" Only Shitou and Yang Liufeng were left surprised.

Because the two of them knew very well how much all of Li Jing's belongings were worth together. Based on the properties under Jing's name alone, they could pay Li Jing at least 100 million taels of silver every year. As Li Jing occupied more and more territories , Li Jing's industry is bound to grow bigger and bigger.

Now the five counties occupied by Li Jing are covered with Li Jing's industries, and the two signboards of Jing Ji and Shen Ji can be seen almost everywhere in the five counties.

Although Fang Fang didn't know how much Li Jing's property was, but seeing the surprised expressions of Yang Liufeng and Shitou, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Li Jing must not be ordinary rich, but quite rich.

"Am I so valuable? Why don't I know?" Fang Xin asked.

Seeing that Fang Fang was full of doubts, Li Jing smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, since you have joined the Ji Shi Army, you have to listen to me. I know that you signed up with me to avenge the bandits, but I can't let you You go to fight, and leave the war to me, whichever bandit you want to kill, I will kill that bandit for you."

Although Li Jing spoke kindly, it was in an unquestionable tone. Fang knew that it was useless for him to go to the battlefield to fight the bandits himself.

Equation is not a fool, a fool can't be a scholar at the age of 23, and won the exam at the age of [-], let alone make friends with a scientist like Song Yingxing, and let Xu Guangqi accept him as a student.

Fang Fang clearly saw that Li Jing's body was trembling when he put his hands together just now. Fang Fang did not believe that a man who commanded thousands of troops would be so unstable, and Li Jing even sent his own soldiers to protect him .

Li Jing's words and demeanor just now were obviously very agitated, even a little out of control. Even a blind person can see his love for him, how can Equation not see it?

At this time, if Fang Fang still insists on his own opinion and insists on going into battle to fight against the bandits, then he is ignorant of flattery, or he is called a tendon.

The so-called scholar dies for his confidant. Although Fang Fang doesn't know why Li Jing values ​​himself so much, he still knows the ethics of a scholar.

Fang Fang didn't have time to think about it, and immediately fell to the ground, kowtowed and said: "Student Fang Fang is highly valued by the Marshal, and from now on, I am willing to do my best for the Marshal."

Seeing Fang Kneeling, Li Jing hurriedly pulled Fang up: "Sir, please stand up, Mr. Li Jingde is really lucky to help you."

While speaking, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hutou standing in the corner of the room holding a cloak, knowing that Hutou saw that he was talking to Mr. Yuan and others and didn't dare to disturb him.

Li Jing waved to Hutou, took the cloak from Hutou's hand, and put it on Fang Fang: "It's cold, sir, don't freeze."

"Thank you, Commander!" Fang Fang hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand, took the equation and sat down and said, "Mr. Fang, I have a few things that I want you to do. These few things are much more useful than you going to fight in the army, or indirectly eliminate the bandits!"

Hearing that Li Jing said it was to eliminate the rogues, Fang Fang seemed a little excited, raised his eyebrows, cupped his hands and said, "Commander, please tell me, the students will do their best to repay the kindness of the Commander."

Li Jingjing nodded, and said seriously: "The first thing, I want you to set up subdivisions and corresponding departments according to Mr. Xu's original proposal. I want to set up a science academy, and you will be the dean."

Hearing that Li Jing wanted to set up an Academy of Sciences, Fang Fang was shocked. An Academy of Sciences cannot be done by one person or one place, because it requires not only a lot of financial and material resources, but also all kinds of talents. It needs to gather the strength of the whole country.

However, looking at Li Jing's seriousness, Fang Fang felt that Li Jing seemed to have already planned to set up a science academy, and he should be prepared in terms of financial and material resources.

But Fang Fang is very suspicious of how many talents Li Jing can have under his command. You must know that most of the talents at this time are in the capital, by the emperor's side, those who study astronomy are in the Qin Tianjian, those who study medicine are in the Imperial Hospital, and those who study knowledge are in Hanlin. hospital……

The equation is self-determined, Li Jing continued: "Besides being the dean, you also have to be a professor and teach others knowledge. If you can attract friends who are interested in researching science like you, it will be even better. All right."

Fang Fang nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, Yuan Keli suddenly interjected: "No solution, take the time to write a letter to your teacher to persuade him, he is powerless in court affairs, let him come out and visit old friends."

Fang Daqi, this Mr. Yuan speaks very grandly!He even said that Xu Guangqi was helpless in the affairs of the court. Who the hell is he?

He asked the teacher to come out to see his old friend, did he mean himself?There are not many people who can make friends with teachers!
Suddenly, Fang Fang thought of someone, and his heart jumped a few times.

"Mr. Yuan's honorary title is Jie Huan, or Xian Xian Lay?" Fang Fang asked cautiously.

Yuan Keli smiled and said: "It's hard for someone to remember the old man's name."

As soon as Yuan Keli finished speaking, Fang Fang and Yang Liufeng got up hurriedly, knelt down to Yuan Keli with a plop, and then kowtowed three times.

Yuan Keli shook his head, put his hand up and said: "There is no need to be polite, get up!"

Fang Fang bowed and said: "I didn't expect the students to meet Mr. Jie Huan here. If the teacher knew about it, he would be very happy."

Yuan Keli nodded slightly: "How is brother Zixian?"

Fang Fang shook his head slightly and said: "Teacher is busy with everything, and his body is not as good as before."

Yuan Keli heard that he was silent, and after a while, he sighed and said: "What can that Lao Shizi official do, after all, brother Zixian can't see it!"

Fang Fang nodded silently.

Yuan Keli turned his head to look at Yang Liufeng and said, "Shen Xing, you are doing very well, very well, I am very pleased."

"Thank you for your compliment, sir. I didn't know that my husband was Mr. Jiehuan before I was born. Don't blame me for being rude!" Yang Liufeng bowed hurriedly.

Yuan Keli shook his head with a smile and said: "The old man is just a bad old man, he doesn't pay much attention to it. Be careful, you have to do your best in the Academy of Sciences in the future, and you must set up the Academy of Sciences with Wujie."

"Yes, Wansheng will live up to Mr.'s expectations!" Yang Liufeng said.

Seeing Fang Fang and Yang Liufeng being so respectful in front of Yuan Keli, Li Jing finally saw how influential Yuan Keli was in Qingliu.

Think about Yuan Keli's disciples and old officials all over the world, if this Qingliu leader is allowed to ascend to the top, those scholars will not...

Li Jing was thinking about it, and suddenly found Yuan Keli looking at him with a half-smile, Li Jing secretly scolded himself for being confused, Yuan Keli was taking a huge risk to be with him.

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(End of this chapter)

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