Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 187 Attacking Huozhou

Chapter 187 Attacking Huozhou
"Yes!" Chen Erhu clasped his fists and said.

Li Jingjing nodded, and then continued: "I'll give you three days. After three days, I want you to seal the two city gates in the east and west of Huozhou. Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, commander, if you can't do it within three days, you will behead the last general." Zhou Daqing said loudly.

"Hehe, Lao Zhou can do it. If I can't do it, wouldn't it be embarrassing to the commander? Don't worry, the commander will arrive within three days." Wang Ermao laughed.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "You two must keep in touch at all times. After sealing the city gate, I will wait for my general order. I will tie up my pockets so that I can attack the city. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao responded in unison.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Go!"

Zhou Daqing, Wang Ermao and Chen Erhu clasped their fists at Li Jing, then waved to his subordinates, and quickly left Li Jing's tent.

Chen Dazhuang gave a few instructions to a sentry officer, and the sentry officer hurriedly followed Zhou Daqing and others out of the account.

Seeing Zhou Daqing and others leaving, Hutou hurriedly said: "Marshal! What about me?"

Li Jing turned his head and looked at the tiger's head: "Of course you act with me, don't you still want to leave me behind?"

"Didn't you let me be the battalion officer? Why do you keep me by your side?" Hutou scratched his head.

Li Jing glared at the tiger's head: "There is no need to escort the logistics supplies! The rogues don't need to intercept them! You will fight the battle, so what are you in a hurry for?"

"Oh!" Hutou bowed his head in response.

Li Jing patted Hutou's head lightly and said: "Hutou, as the commander of an army, you can't just think about fighting, but also think about many things. You should know that I was ready to send troops more than ten days ago, right?" ?”

Hutou nodded. As Li Jing's personal captain, if he didn't even know when Li Jing was going to send troops, then he was too unqualified as a personal captain.

Li Jing continued: "Then let me ask you, why did I delay sending troops until today?"

Hutou hurriedly said: "Because the recruits don't have clothes to keep out the cold, the commander-in-chief was delayed in preparing winter clothes for those soldiers."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Yes, without winter clothes, how can those soldiers go out to fight in the severe winter? These winter clothes are the guarantee for soldiers to fight in winter, and so is the food. Without food, soldiers still cannot fight. There are also firewood and coal for heating. Also, if there is no firewood and coal, how can the soldiers sleep at night in such a cold day? In fact, the battle is the logistics, and the logistics can’t keep up. If you don’t need the enemy to fight, you can’t carry it yourself.”

Hutou nodded and said in a low voice: "Thank you for the teaching, father, my son is taught!"

Li Jing sighed lightly and said: "We have never traveled so far to fight a war before. This is the first time. It is a test for our logistics supply, and how to ensure the safety of logistics is even more a test."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "The recruits we recruited this time have not been trained for a short time and don't know anything. You can't count on them to fight. The most important thing is to help everyone strengthen their courage. I will take them out, mainly Let these recruits see what it's like to fight. To put it bluntly, let them practice their courage. In addition, these people can just help us transport those logistics supplies, but can I manage so many people alone? The fourth you brought The battalion is not only responsible for protecting the security of the logistics, but also directing the actions of these people, the burden on you is much greater than that of Zhou Daqing and the others attacking the city."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Besides, if we go north along the way, we will inevitably have to fight the bandits, so you don't have to worry about not having a fight."

Hutou thought about it carefully, it really is the case. The total number of rogues headed by King Zijinliang for himself is at least [-]. Even if the weapons of the Jishi Army are sharp, it is too much to rely on the two battalions of Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao to eliminate so many people. Impossible, there are plenty of opportunities for me to want to fight.

Seeing that Hutou understood what he meant, Li Jing waved his hand, gave some instructions to the three commanders of the fourth battalion, and then asked them to go out and get ready.

The logistics troops need to escort food and grass, so the speed of action is naturally not as fast as that of the lightly armed vanguard. Fortunately, Li Jing has prepared well in advance, and the food and grass are escorted by trained recruits. Although the training time is short, they are still stronger than civilian husbands a lot.Therefore, when the vanguard troops led by Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao arrived in Huozhou, the two sides were only one day away.

In fact, Li Jing's logistics troops still need to undertake combat tasks. The task of these people is to scare the rogues and make them escape along the route Li Jing has drawn. This is why Li Jing uniformed the recruits.

Li Jing believed that as long as Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao fought well, the bandits would never dare to fight these recruits.

Rude Yu can still make up the number, not to mention that the soldiers of the Jishi Army are all dressed in the same way, and the rogues will definitely not be able to tell these people are recruits.

After Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao led their troops to Huozhou, Li Jing ordered them not to attack the city without authorization, but ordered someone to send a letter to Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke, asking them to seal the north of Huozhou and assist the Jishi Army in attacking the city. , After the city was broken, the two led the officers and troops into the city. If they had spare power, they could send some soldiers to continue to follow the bandits and cooperate with the Jishi Army.

After receiving Li Jing's letter, Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke did not hesitate, and immediately led the army to set off from Fenxi, and arrived in the north of Huozhou City in less than a day.

After receiving the news that the officers and soldiers were ready, Li Jing immediately ordered the two ministries of King Zhou to attack the city.


Huozhou City.

Zijin Liang Wang himself finally took a breath after entering Huozhou.

Wang Ziyong rebelled against King Huntian and others in the spring of the first year of Chongzhen. It was Wang Jiayin's deployment. After Wang Jiayin and Shen Yikui died, Wang Ziyong was pushed to be the leader of the 36th Battalion because he participated in the rebellion early and had relatively old qualifications.

Wang Ziyong has made it through, and has become the leader of the rebels.

Facts have proved that it is not easy to be the leader of the rebellion in this period. The first bird was shot, and the government and army suppressed the bandits. It is those leaders and brains, Wang Jiayin, Shen Yikui, and their future friends in the Red Army, Yang Laochai, Du San, Li Dusi, Wang Zuogui and other leaders were successively encircled and suppressed by the army, and finally all were killed.

Wang Ziyong was lucky. For some reason, Cao Wenzhao, the biggest enemy of the rogues, did not deal with him, but ran to deal with Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang.

Without Cao Wenzhao, Wang Ziyong was really not afraid to deal with other officers and soldiers. This guy gathered more than ten bandits with more than [-] people and conquered several counties, and even attacked Taiyuan.

Not wanting to stab a hornet's nest, Cao Wenzhao gave up Gao Yingxiang and killed him aggressively. He started from Pingyang Mansion and went all the way to Taiyuan, beating all the gangsters to flee.

Wang Ziyong organized tens of thousands of horses to fight against Cao Wenzhao in the Taiyuan area. Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao was too fierce and lost consecutive battles. Wang Ziyong had no choice but to fight a guerrilla with Cao Wenzhao.

It's a pity that it's useless to fight guerrillas. The Guanning Iron Cavalry led by Cao Wenzhao pursued closely, biting Wang Ziyong and others and did not let go.

Seeing that his troops were wiped out by hundreds today and thousands tomorrow, Wang Ziyong finally understood that his troops would be wiped out soon after going on like this. It's gone.

Wang Ziyong discussed with the Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, Cao Cao Luo Rucai, Laohui Ma Shouying and others, and everyone split up and ran all the way to Pingyang Mansion and all the way to Lu'an Mansion.

After going around in circles with Cao Wenzhao in Taiyuan, Wang Ziyong and others fled to Taigu and began to divide their troops southward in two ways.

Sure enough, after Cao Wenzhao pursued to Taigu County, he was not sure which rebel army was in the two directions. After several days of delay in Taigu County, he decided to attack the rebel army in the direction of Lu'an Mansion. Get rid of Cao Wenzhao's pursuit.

In the process of escaping southward, Wang Ziyong reunited the rogues who had scattered and fled, and then launched an attack on Huozhou.

Huozhou is Zhili Prefecture, and the city defense is much stronger than the county seat, but it is a pity that Huozhou has only one thousand households, and the troops defending the city are seriously insufficient. However, there were too many bandits, and the city couldn't resist the attack from all directions. Huozhou City only lasted for a day before it was captured by the king himself.

After occupying Huozhou, Wang Ziyong learned that Cao Wenzhao was fighting all kinds of bandits in Lu'an mansion at this time, so he immediately settled down in Huozhou in a grandiose manner.

After Cao Bianjiao occupied Fenxi County, Wang Ziyong became nervous for a few days, but when he found that Cao Bianjiao hadn't made any moves, he immediately calmed down and prepared to celebrate the New Year in Huozhou.

In Wang Ziyong's mind, the officers and soldiers should also be preparing for the New Year, and they will definitely not fight him during this time.

Wang Ziyong made a good judgment. The officers and soldiers are indeed preparing for the New Year, but there is still one army that is not preparing for the New Year.

On this day, before Wang Ziyong got up, he listened to the report from his own soldiers. An official army appeared in the north of Huozhou City, and at the same time, two unidentified troops were found on the east and west sides.

"What banner is it playing? How many people are there?" Wang Ziyong asked while getting dressed.

"The people on the east and west sides are not the army, they don't have banners, and the number is not large. They only look like a thousand or so. The army in the north is flying the Cao character flag, and the number is about [-]. It seems to be Cao Wenzhao. troops." said the soldier.

Hearing that Cao Wenzhao was coming, Wang Ziyong was confused for a while, isn't Cao Wenzhao in Lu'an Mansion?When did you come here?
Then I saw several people coming in a hurry, and one of them entered the door and said, "Brother Zijinliang, it's not good, Cao Wenzhao is calling!"

"Brother, don't listen to Yang Liu'er's nonsense. He is trembling when he hears the word Cao. The army in the north does not have that cavalry unit. It is not Cao Wenzhao, but Cao Bianjiao, Cao Wenzhao's nephew." Another person said.

Wang Ziyong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was not Cao Wenzhao, and said with a smile, "Sit down, brothers."

At this time, a few more people came outside, and these people were the leaders of the 36th Battalion, namely Chong Tian Zhu, Ge Li Yan, Xing Hong Lang, He Sha Shen, Chuang Tia Tian, ​​Hun Tian Wang, Scorpion Cube, and Dian Deng Zi. , Not Sticking Mud, Nine Dragons and others.

(End of this chapter)

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