Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 188 Sad Spring Chapter

Chapter 188 Sad Spring Festival

The 36th Battalion is actually a loose alliance, and there is no affiliation relationship between the leaders. Although Wang Ziyong is the leader, he cannot issue orders to these leaders. These leaders usually fight on their own.This time everyone was able to get together because they were beaten too hard by Cao Wenzhao. If they did not unite, they would have to defeat Cao Wenzhao one by one sooner or later.

Even so, these leaders are still thinking about their own calculations.

For example, now that there are government troops in the north of Huozhou, everyone knows that although Cao Wenzhao himself did not come, they are also Cao Wenzhao's troops, and the commander is Cao Wenzhao's nephew Cao Bianjiao.

The fact that Cao Bianjiao and Cao Wenzhao can be collectively called Big and Small Cao is by no means a vain name. The rebel army suffered no less than Cao Bianjiao's suffering at the hands of Cao Bianjiao.

Cao Bianjiao's army must be tough, and no one wants to chew on it.

But it’s impossible not to fight. The officers and soldiers definitely didn’t come to Huozhou for tourism.

Now these people are discussing who will deal with Cao Bianjiao and who will deal with the unidentified troops.

In these people's minds, these two troops must be the village warriors organized by rich businessmen, officials and gentry, which is a soft persimmon.

Wang Ziyong and others argued for a long time, and finally decided that Wang Ziyong, Chong Tianzhu, Huntian Wang and others should deal with Cao Bianjiao, Ge Liyan, Jiu Tianlong and others to deal with the unknown troops on the east and west sides.

And everyone has decided that after Ge Liyan, Jiu Tiaolong and others defeat the enemies on the east and west sides, they will immediately go north to deal with Cao Bianjiao together.

Everyone had just discussed the countermeasures, and someone from below reported that the enemy army didn't seem to intend to fight in the field, and they didn't camp outside the city, but drove straight in, approaching the city wall.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the news, this is against the rules.

This posture seems to think that the people in the city are afraid to fight, and they are directly preparing for the siege.

You must know that rogues are not good at defending the city. In fact, Huozhou has no supplies for defending the city. The supplies for defending the city were exhausted long before Wang Ziyong and others broke the city. These people can come up with a bunch of siege equipment come out.

Rogues are better at field battles. They fight if they can beat them, and run away if they can't. This is the main combat idea of ​​​​rogues.

Hearing that the enemy army was going to surround the city gate, all the leaders were anxious, and they all went back to rectify their soldiers and horses and prepared to go out of the city to fight.

It's a pity that the army of tens of thousands of people is not so easy to rectify. When they gather all the troops, the enemy has already cornered the city.

Wang Ziyong and others wanted to open up their positions and fight in the field, but unfortunately the enemy troops ignored him at all, especially the enemy troops on the east and west sides. Was blasted back.

Wang Ziyong and the others were taken aback. The enemy troops on the east and west sides were more powerful than the officers and soldiers. This weapon was too scary. When the shells fell, they exploded in pieces.

Now Wang Ziyong and others have only one way left, one is to reject the city and defend it, the other is to go out from the south gate and go around the city to face the enemy.

However, after experiencing the power of the enemy's cannons, no one had the guts to confront the enemy head-on. As for defending against the city, it was even more impossible. The enemy's shells had all hit the city, so who would dare to stay on the city wall? Come on, don't you think you can't die fast enough?

Wang Ziyong and others came up with an idea at the same time, abandoning the city and fleeing.

The enemy army also seemed to have guessed the intention of Wang Ziyong and others. After blasting Wang Ziyong's troops back to the city with cannons, they sent someone to shoot a letter into the city.There are only a few words in the letter: I'll give you half a day, pack up and get out!You're welcome to be late!
Seeing this letter, Wang Ziyong and others were puzzled by Zhang Er's monks. Why did the officers and soldiers give them time to prepare to escape?Don't have any conspiracy, right?

Turning around and thinking about it, I felt that there would be no conspiracy. What kind of conspiracy is needed with such a powerful weapon?Wouldn't it be over just to bombard it directly?

Wang Ziyong and others thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on, but one thing was certain: staying in the city would definitely not work.

After discussing with Wang Ziyong and others, they decided to abandon the city and flee. At the same time, they also decided that after abandoning the city, everyone went in separate ways, each choosing a direction.

But what Ling Wang Ziyong and others didn't expect was that they could only flee to Hongdong County, and there were enemy troops everywhere.

The number of these enemy troops was not large, only three to five hundred, but Wang Ziyong didn't dare to challenge these people at all, because the black artillery in front was really scary.

Wang Ziyong and others had no choice but to run to Hongdong County hand in hand.

The Spring Festival in the fourth year of Chongzhen may be the saddest Spring Festival for Wang Ziyong and others.

Since leaving Huozhou, he has not stopped.

After taking down Hongdong County, they only rested for one night, and the pursuers caught up. Without saying a word, they directly bombarded them. Wang Ziyong and others had no choice but to go on the road.

What surprised Wang Ziyong and others was that the enemy army was not chasing after them. On the contrary, they let them rest when they were tired, and let them eat when they were hungry. popped up.

After Wang Ziyong and others were beaten a few times, they understood that as long as they ran according to the route they set, they would be fine, otherwise they would be beaten.

Wang Ziyong and others ran all the way to Xiangling County, and finally found a chance to get rid of the enemy's pursuit.

To the south of Xiangling County is Quwo, to the east is Yicheng County, and to the west is Jishan County.

Among them, the direction of Jishan County was not blocked by enemy troops, and there were enemy troops in Quwo and Yicheng counties, but the troops in these two counties were not many.

Wang Ziyong and others in Quwo County will not go, because this county is in the middle, and if it cannot be attacked in a hurry, it will be surrounded by the enemy on all sides.

Jishan County is obviously the road opened by the enemy army, but it is too close to Shaanxi. After Hejin is Hancheng, there is Hong Chengchou's garrison there. Once Hong Chengchou gets angry and sends troops into Shanxi, they will not have a good life pass.

Wang Ziyong and others planned to conquer Yicheng County, and then turned east to cross Qinshui to Yangcheng to join Gao Yingxiang's troops.

Gao Yingxiang never imagined that he was having a good time in Yangcheng, and he actually attracted the wolf.

During this period of time, Li Jing and the various units of the Ji Shi Army were also exhausted, especially the two units of Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao.

Since the day of the expedition, the men and horses of these two battalions have not had a good rest.

After Wang Ziyong and others were driven out of Huozhou, they began to divide their troops to intercept at various intersections to prevent Wang Ziyong and others from escaping from these intersections.When the bandits led by Wang Ziyong were sleeping, they had to rush to the place designated by Li Jing overnight to set up defenses.

The strength of the Zhou Daqing and Wang Ermao battalions alone cannot block so many intersections. Therefore, the logistics troops led by Li Jing also blocked the intersections. Arrived at Xiangling County.

When they arrived in Xiangling County, the Jishi Army's headquarters couldn't hold on anymore.

So Li Jing ordered all the ministries to rest for a day before pursuing.


Sitting in the tent, Li Jing looked at the letter sent by Ma Wu and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

This Cao Wenzhao really has a lot to do, what kind of official do you ask for yourself if you have nothing to do!Jiangzhou was defended, and he was also awarded the rank of General Mingwei of the fourth rank.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing shook his head, threw the letter aside, and picked up another one.

After watching for a while, Li Jing's expression suddenly became solemn.

This letter said that Kong Youde, a guerrilla general in Dengzhou, Shandong, suddenly rebelled, broke through all counties, and now surrounded Dengzhou.

The Shandong rebellion had nothing to do with Li Jing, but there was a person in Dengzhou who Li Jing cared about very much.

This man is called Sun Yuanhua, and he is the governor of Dengzhou.

Li Jing knew Sun Yuanhua in later generations, because he was an artillery expert in the late Ming Dynasty.

After Fang Fang joined the Ji Shi Army, Li Jing learned that Sun Yuanhua was actually Xu Guangqi's schoolmate, and had a close relationship with the group of foreign friends from Portugal.

Li Jing doesn't want to miss such a talent, but Sun Yuanhua is the governor of Dengzhou, and he is old-fashioned. It is almost impossible to subdue this person, but now Li Jing's opportunity has come.

Because Sun Yuanhua's subordinate Kong Youde rebelled.

Kong Youde was originally a subordinate of Mao Wenlong, the commander-in-chief of Pidao in Liaodong. Mao Wenlong was killed by Yuan Chonghuan, and his subordinates fell apart. The Ministry came to Dengzhou to vote for Sun Yuanhua.

When Kong Youde arrived in Dengzhou, he was quite obedient, and Sun Yuanhua did whatever he asked him to do, but Sun Yuanhua did something stupid.

Dashou, the ancestor of Liaodong, built a city on the Daling River and was besieged by Jin soldiers. He mobilized reinforcements everywhere, and Sun Yuanhua sent Kong Youde to Liaodong to support him.

People like Kong Youde let him out alone, and it would be hell if nothing happened.

It is said that the cause of the incident was because of a few chickens. Several soldiers under Kong Youde’s subordinates ate enough of the rough food and light food along the way. Maybe they wanted to improve their food. Quickly, someone caught the chicken after eating it.

Stealing a chicken is a trivial matter, and if someone catches them, the big deal is to pay someone for the chicken. Unexpectedly, the people in this place are more aggressive, so they beat up these soldiers severely.

There was a mess, Kong Youde heard that his brothers had been beaten, he immediately exploded, and led his subordinates to ransack the village.

What to do after looting?Zongbing would be beheaded if he plundered a place, but Kong Youde didn't want to be caught and beheaded obediently, so he decided against it.

So Kong Youde led his troops back to Dengzhou Prefecture.

Sun Yuanhua asked him to engage in technical skills, but he was not good at fighting at all. In a war with a professional rogue soldier like Kong Youde, Sun Yuanhua was no match at all.

The local officers and soldiers in Dengzhou fought several battles with Kong Youde, but they were defeated by Kong Youde, so they had to retreat to the city to defend. Fortunately, there were artillery defenses in the city, and Kong Youde could not attack for a while.

Ma Wu's letter stated that Kong Youde and the officers and soldiers of Dengzhou Prefecture were in a confrontation, but Li Jing knew that Kong Youde would break into the city soon.

Because there is Geng Zhongming in Dengzhou City.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming are brothers in trouble, Kong Youde rebelled, how could Geng Zhongming stand still?
Kong Youde rebelled against Li Jing, and he didn't care about it, and he didn't want to, but when it came to Sun Yuanhua, Li Jing couldn't ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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