Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 191 The King

Chapter 191 The King

Wang Ziyong knew who this woman was without looking back. There was only one female leader in the 36th Battalion, and that was Ying Shanhong.

Wang Ziyong pointed to the city wall of Yicheng County and said: "At first I didn't know what his intention was, but when we attacked Yicheng just now and found out that the people defending the city were with these guys, I understood Their intentions. His grandma, this bastard wants to use us as a saboteur, he wants us to run in the direction of Jiezhou and help him break Jiezhou."

"Fight Jiezhou? Just because we can beat Jiezhou?" Yingshanhong asked doubtfully.

Wang Ziyong smiled wryly and said: "Originally we fought on our own, even if we wanted to break up the state, we didn't have the ability, but now you see how many people we have? This is the purpose of them blocking us and not letting us divide our troops. These guys The leader of the leader is really powerful, knowing that we can't defeat Xiezhou alone, so he forced us to form a group, what a bastard, and when we take down Xiezhou, he will drive us away. It's really a good idea what!"

"How can this person have such a great ability? Can he still control us in Jiezhou?" Yang Liu'er asked.

"I don't know if he has this ability, but I know that although Jiezhou is a big land, it is a dead place. The Yellow River is to the west and the Yellow River is to the south. If you go in, you can't get out." Wang Ziyong said.

Yang Liu'er, Ying Shanhong and the others nodded at the same time.

Yin Fu in Jiezhou, these people have been coveting for a long time, but no one went to Jiezhou to plunder. One is that they are not sure about capturing the counties in Jiezhou, and the other is that they are afraid of being blocked by the government and army in Jiezhou. It is difficult.

Wang Ziyong continued: "This time when we attacked Yicheng County, we originally wanted to use this passage to join King Chuang in Zezhou, but we were blocked under the city. Let's attack again, and we will run to Zezhou after we capture it. If you can’t win, go back and negotiate with these people.”

"Negotiation? What kind of negotiation?" Azalea asked doubtfully.

Wang Ziyong shook his head, although Yingshanhong is a woman, but her character is really careless, she doesn't understand such a simple reason.

This army does not want to choke them because they are useful, and they hope they can help break up the state, then they will use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate, and if they do not agree to their conditions, they will choke this army. Give him a dead end.

It should be said that the way of thinking of the rogue bandits is very similar. Gao Yingxiang was forced to do nothing by Li Jing at the beginning, and he also thought of negotiating with Li Jing. Then Li Jing spent five thousand shi grains to buy Gao Yingxiang to cooperate, and finally occupied two counties in Pingyang Prefecture. Two counties in the state plus one county in the state.

Now Wang Ziyong also thought of negotiating with Li Jing, but unfortunately Wang Ziyong didn't have Gao Yingxiang as a bachelor, so he even wanted to capture Yicheng before the negotiation.

He didn't know that it was Li Jing's husband Yuan Keli who was stationed in Yicheng County. If Yuan Keli made a mistake, Li Jing would kill him even if he chased him to the ends of the earth.

Seeing the soldiers withdrawing, Wang Ziyong waited for the leaders to regroup these people.

These people are all elite troops drawn from various families, and since it is the first time they have joined together to fight, it is inevitable that they will be a little unfamiliar with the cooperation.

Wang Ziyong and others believe that after the familiarization and cooperation just now, they will be able to attack the city in one go next time.

After some cheering, encouragement and rewards promised by the various leaders, the soldiers were gearing up and preparing to attack again.

The drums sound, the attack begins!
But to their surprise, there was suddenly no gunfire this time.

Last time, it was because people were constantly being shot and killed during the attack, which interfered with the order of their attack, which prevented their numerical advantage from being brought into play. Now that there was no interference, the rogues rushed towards the city wall with shouts.

As more and more rogues gathered under the city wall, hundreds of gray-clothed soldiers suddenly appeared on the city wall. These soldiers held smoking objects and threw them into the crowd. As these objects fell, there were continuous violent explosions in the crowd. There was a sound, and immediately there were stumps and broken arms, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The rogues who were left behind and survived by chance didn't dare to move forward, so they ran back as fast as they could.

It's a pity that no matter how fast they ran, they were not as fast as the bullets. Immediately there was a gunshot like popping beans, and hundreds of rogues were thrown to the ground in an instant.

The gunshots came and went quickly, and after a burst of gunfire, the soldiers on the city wall quickly moved to other places.

As for the wounded under the city wall, no one paid any attention to them. No matter how loudly they screamed for help and begged for mercy, the soldiers on the wall didn't even look at them.

This time the accident happened too fast. Before the bandits rushed to the city and climbed up the wall, there was an explosion, followed by gunshots. By the time Wang Ziyong and others came back to their senses, hundreds of soldiers had already died. More wounded soldiers shouted for help under the city wall.

"Quick! Quick! Mingjin retreats!" Wang Ziyong suddenly woke up and shouted hastily.

"Dangdangdang!" The gong sounded quickly, and the bandits retreated quickly.

Looking at Yang Liuer, Yingshanhong and other leaders, Wang Ziyong saw that these people were as surprised as himself.

"What kind of weapon is this? It seems to be thrown by hand?" Yang Liu'er was still in shock.

Wang Ziyong shook his head hastily, he had never seen such a weapon before.

"What should I do? Do you want to attack again?" Ying Shanhong asked cautiously.

Wang Ziyong was about to speak, at this moment, he suddenly heard a sharp piercing sound from behind, followed by a loud noise that shook the sky.

Wang Ziyong and others hurriedly turned their heads and saw a burst of dust and smoke rising from the rear. When the smoke cleared, they saw a large pit with a radius of several tens of feet in the crowd. Shredded clothes, countless soldiers fell to the ground around the pit, screaming loudly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ziyong and the others were stunned again. It took a while before they came back to their senses, and then they found that two hundred steps away from the rear team, a man stared at them coldly with bow and arrow.

This man is single-handed, facing thousands of bandits without fear, his courage is really amazing, but it is not this man's courage that shocked Wang Ziyong.

At first glance, this person does not seem to have anything special, the clothes are very ordinary, the age is not very old, at most 30 years old, and the appearance is also very ordinary, but when you look closely, you find that this person is very different.

There were obviously nearly a hundred cavalry behind this person, but Wang Ziyong only took a glance and focused all his attention on him alone.

There seems to be a halo around this person. When you see him, you will be attracted to him involuntarily, thus ignoring the people around him.

This person was just riding casually on the horse, but Wang Ziyong clearly felt an aura emanating from this person. Wang Ziyong had seen this kind of aura on Cao Wenzhao before, but the aura emanating from Cao Wenzhao It's just a murderous aura, and the aura on this person seems to be more terrifying than the murderous aura.

The air of the king!
When the king was furious, his corpse fell thousands of miles away, and Wang Ziyong felt that the thousands of troops he led were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of him.

Wang Ziyong smiled wryly, and suddenly knew who the person in front of him was.

This man must be the leader of that army.

It was Li Jing and his personal troops who came.

After Li Jing learned that many camps had been emptied by the rogues, he knew that he had fallen for the rogues' plan to hide the situation, so he hurriedly made arrangements and rushed to Yicheng with his own soldiers.

When Li Jing arrived, just as the bandits were attacking the city, the Pioneer Battalion began to throw grenades.

The Pioneer Battalion used grenades, indicating that the defense was already very tight. Li Jing didn't have time to think about it, and immediately assembled the compound bow, and then shot a blasting arrow. The blasting arrow was filled with the most advanced explosives in the future. The effect of a hundred grenades is even greater.The arrow shot into the camp of the rogues, and there was no living person within a radius of tens of feet, and even the rogues outside were affected.

After Li Jing shot one arrow, he took another arrow, but this arrow was not shot.

Li Jing believed that the rogues who were suddenly severely injured must be terrified at this time, and now the arrow is more deterrent than not being shot.

Sure enough, the bandits panicked when they were hit suddenly. Several bandit leaders yelled and cursed to restrain the confused soldiers with great difficulty.

After a while, a man behind the rogues suddenly rode his horse through the rear, came to Li Jing and clasped his fists and said, "For the king's own use, he is the leader of the 36th Battalion. May I ask your high name?"

Hearing that this person claimed to be Wang Ziyong, Li Jing couldn't help but looked him up curiously.

Wang Ziyong, who is less than 40 years old, is tall, with a dark complexion, a Chinese character face, and his eyes are very lively.

Seeing that Wang Ziyong dared to step forward and talk to him, Li Jing admired his courage.

Li Jing looked over the crowd to look in the direction of the city wall, and saw that most of the rogues had already returned, and there were faint screams of wounded soldiers from below the city.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing put away the compound bow, cupped his fists and said, "I'm Li Jing."

"Your Excellency is the leader of the army that has been chasing me for days?" Wang Ziyong asked.

Li Jing smiled and nodded without saying a word.

"Leader Li, I see that your attire is not an official soldier. I don't know why you led your troops to squeeze my brothers from the 36th Battalion? The people from the 36th Battalion don't seem to have offended you?" Wang Ziyong said, clasping his fists.

Li Jing put away his smile, pointed at the formation of the rogues, and said, "I'm not an official soldier, and the people from the 36th Battalion did not offend me, but what the 36th Battalion did offended me."

Wang Ziyong wondered: "I don't know what we did to make Chief Li angry, but I hope you can tell me."

Li Jing shook his head and said: "You killed officials and rebelled just to get enough to eat. There is no conflict with me, but every time you pass by, you will loot everywhere, causing people to die. How can the people be blamed?"

Wang Ziyong smiled wryly and said, "The 36th Battalion has 10 people. How can we solve the food and clothing costs without looting?"

Li Jing looked at Wang Ziyong and thought, "No wonder the imperial court calls you bandits. You only know how to plunder and supplement supplies. How can you make it happen?"

Li Jing would not teach Wang Ziyong how to supplement supplies, some things are useless.

Although Wang Ziyong and the 36th Battalion began to fight together, each leader had his own calculations, and they did not form a group at all. The strength can't hold the territory that has been laid, how can we talk about self-sufficiency if we can't even hold the territory?
 Ask for a monthly ticket and give a reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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