Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 192 Absolute Strength

Chapter 192 Absolute Strength
Now the strength of the official army is much stronger than that of the rogues. The more rogues there are and the greater their strength, the harder the imperial court will fight.

In addition, these bandit leaders are all stumbling blocks to what Li Jing wants to do. Li Jing will get rid of them sooner or later, and he will not teach them how to strengthen their strength.

However, before eliminating these people, the value of these people must be brought into play to attract the attention of the court. Only if these people continue to make trouble, the court and the official army will not pay attention to Li Jing's Ji Shijun.

What Li Jing has to do now is fish in troubled waters.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said: "Boss Wang, I will show you a way, I wonder if you would like to listen?"

Wang Ziyong clasped his fists and said, "Leader Li, please tell me."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Now you lead the army to the west to capture Jishan County, enter Puzhou, and then capture Jiezhou, Puzhou and Xiezhou Yinfu, it will not be a problem if you want to supplement the supplies of your more than [-] troops. "

When Wang Ziyong heard it, it was exactly the same as his previous speculation, and he was suddenly startled and uncertain.

The terrain of Puzhou and Xiezhou is flat, which is suitable for cavalry to fight. He led his troops into Jiezhou. Once the army tied his pockets, when Cao Wenzhao's Guanning cavalry arrived, who would be able to resist?

Seeming to see Wang Ziyong's doubts, Li Jing smiled and continued: "I know what you are worried about, and I can tell you the truth, I am bound to win the two sites of Puzhou and Jiezhou, even if you want to stay there, I will I won’t agree, but when you finish fighting Jiezhou, I will open a path for you to leave Jiezhou, what do you think?”

Wang Ziyong thought for a while and finally slowly shook his head. The risk of entering Jiezhou was too great. How could he bring his subordinates into the dangerous place just because of Li Jing's words?
Seeing that Wang Ziyong did not agree, Li Jing sighed and said, "Since Chief Wang does not agree, then I have nothing to say. I will take Puzhou and Jiezhou by myself, but I can only deal with you before taking these two states."

"Leader Li, you are not an officer, why are you pressing me so hard, you are so anxious, my 36th Battalion's more than [-] troops are not easy to provoke." Wang Ziyong said angrily.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "One hundred thousand army? Do you believe that I broke up your so-called one hundred thousand army in one battle?"

Wang Ziyong was silent when he heard this.

He knew that Li Jing was not talking big. Li Jing was talking about breaking up the 36 troops of the 10th Battalion, not destroying them.You must know that the [-] army occupies a huge area, and Li Jing only has a few thousand troops. Even if these [-] people are driven into a ravine, it is impossible to surround them. No matter how sharp the weapons are, it is impossible to wipe out the [-] army. Lose.

But there is actually not much difference between breaking up and destroying.

These 10 people belonged to more than a dozen leaders. Once they were broken up, it would be difficult to get together again, and it was impossible for Li Jing to give them another chance to gather the broken soldiers.

If it wasn't for the fear of the troops breaking up, they wouldn't have been forced to Xiangling County by Li Jing.

While Wang Ziyong was hesitating, he suddenly heard the sound of running in the distance, and soon he saw a group of people and horses appearing in front of him.

The number of this army is not too large, and it does not exceed 2000 people.

But as the troops got closer, Wang Ziyong gradually saw the weapons carried by those people.


There are at least fifty artillery pieces.

Wang Ziyong was puzzled, and he never figured out why this army could run around with artillery on their backs.Ordinarily, the power of such a light artillery should be very limited, but the power of the artillery used by this army is far beyond his imagination.

Seeing Hutou arriving with his troops, Li Jing smiled and said to Wang Ziyong: "Boss Wang, you see my troops have already rushed back, I think you must have trouble getting through Yicheng, I might as well tell you , you can’t go to Quwo County. You have only two options now, one is to go back to Xiangling to rectify the troops and horses to fight with me, and the other is to go west and capture Jishan County, you choose yourself!”

Seeing that the enemy had started to attack, Wang Ziyong smiled wryly in his heart. If he didn't agree at this time, it's hard to say whether people like him can return to Xiangling County.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Ziyong said, "I'll go back and organize the troops to attack Jishan."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "After you occupy Jishan County, you will then attack Hejin County, and then Wanquan, Yishi, Linjin, Xinghe and other counties. After taking Puzhou, you will attack Xiezhou and take Anyi. After the county, go north to capture Xia County. If you want to go back to Zezhou at this time, I will let you open a road. If you don’t want to go to Zezhou, then you can go south to capture Pinglu County, and even enter Henan. "

Hearing Li Jing's words, Wang Ziyong's face was extremely ugly, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn, you have actually drawn up our marching route. It seems that it has been planned a long time ago. If I don't agree , I think they are not going to let us go."

Then Wang Ziyong said in his heart: "However, this kid is very familiar with the geographical location of Puzhou and Jiezhou. This person is really talented! I don't know how much time he spent studying the terrain of Puzhou and Jiezhou."

You must know that there are no planes in the sky at this time, let alone satellites. All the maps are drawn by hand, and only professionals can do this.

Bandit leaders lead troops to fight unless they are fighting in places they are familiar with. When they go to fight in unfamiliar places, they all rely on local guides to lead the way. It is impossible to plan the marching route like Li Jing. They basically count where they fight .

Fortunately, Wang Zi has been in Shanxi for more than a year, from the south to the north, and from the north to the south, and he has a good understanding of some prefectures and counties in Shanxi.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ziyong suddenly asked: "There seems to be a Wenxi County in Xiezhou. Doesn't this county need to be hit?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "You'd better not think about Wenxi County, which is now occupied by me. Jiang County and Yuanqu are also my territory now, so I said that you want to go back to Zezhou, I will open a passage for you."

Wang Ziyong was surprised to hear that Wenxi County, Jiang County and Yuanqu County were all owned by Li Jing.

Wang Ziyong glanced at Li Jing secretly, and thought: "This is really a biting dog that doesn't bark! His grandma's! I haven't even got a piece of land since I beat him to death. This kid is good, he didn't say a word. Already occupying five counties. This time I use Lao Tzu as a knife, I am afraid that Puzhou and Xiezhou will also be occupied by him."

Immediately, Wang Ziyong sighed secretly, even if he knew he was being used as a knife, so what?Even in a dilapidated county like Yicheng County, he used more than 8000 elite troops and failed to take it down. What qualifications do he have to bargain with others.

Wang Ziyong now finally knows that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless.If he can capture Yicheng County, there is still room for bargaining with Li Jing, let's forget it now, if he makes a condition at this time, he can only bring himself to humiliate himself.

Seeing that Wang Ziyong was silent, Li Jing smiled and continued: "Boss Wang, there are some things that everyone understands, and it would be boring to say them. But you can rest assured that I, Li Jing, keep my word, and I promise to give it to you." If you let a way out, you will let a way out for you. I think you should be very clear about where Puzhou and Jiezhou are, as long as you can bring your subordinates out of Jiezhou, then you will definitely not lose money on this trip."

Wang Ziyong nodded silently, knowing that Li Jing acquiesced in his looting in Puzhou and Jiezhou, or implied that he killed those officials and gentry, so as to clear the way for Li Jing to enter Puzhou and Jiezhou in the future.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ziyong said: "Chief Li, I have to discuss this matter with several other leaders. After all, I am not the only one who has the final say on the 36th Battalion."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's natural, but I hope you can move faster. I believe that Cao Wenzhao will level up all the people in the direction of Lu'an Mansion in a short time. Once Cao Wenzhao turns here, then your department will It will be very troublesome to come out of Jiezhou again."

Wang Ziyong cursed in his heart: "Damn it, you are threatening me with Cao Wenzhao. Is this warning us not to play tricks?"

Thinking about how many times I suffered big losses at the hands of Cao Wenzhao, I felt even more helpless.

If Cao Wenzhao came after him, it would not be as simple as the troops being dispersed. With Cao Wenzhao's character, he would never give up until he was killed.

Thinking of such a troop chasing after him all day long, Wang Ziyong felt a chill in his neck, and immediately nodded and said, "I'll discuss it with the leaders immediately."

Li Jingjing nodded, waved his hands behind him, Hutou hurriedly ordered the soldiers to put away the cannon.

Then Li Jing clasped his fists and said, "Then I'll wait for the good news from the king, everyone please!"

Wang Ziyong nodded, cupped his fists at Li Jing, and steered his horse back to the rear.

After a while, the bandit army began to retreat.

Seeing the army of rogue bandits going away, Li Jing ordered Hutou to lead his troops into the city.


Looking at the city, Li Jing ordered Hutou to arrange for people to carry those wounded into the city when he saw some seriously injured bandits laying down in a pool of blood and screaming.

After entering the city, he saw wounded soldiers everywhere. Li Jing sighed, feeling really regretful in his heart.

Li Jing knew very well that the battle in Yicheng was entirely his own responsibility. He used his entire army to squeeze the nearly [-] troops of the rogues, and all the troops in the counties were emptied. , it should not have ordered the ministries to rest for a day when the rogues were forced to Xiangling County.

Li Jing completely underestimated the ability of the rogues. He thought that the Jishi army was tired, so the rogues should be tired too. Ji Shijun is much stronger.Therefore, he never expected that the rogues would send elites to attack Yicheng County overnight.

If it wasn't for Yuan Keli's insight into the opportunity, he transferred Zhang Chu back in advance, and recruited recruits, Yicheng County might have been lost.

From this point, it can be seen that Yuan Keli's strategic vision is indeed very powerful.

Yuan Keli didn't care about Quwo, not because he concluded that the rogues would not attack Quwo, but because in terms of geographical location, Quwo was not as important as Yicheng County.

(End of this chapter)

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