Chapter 193
Yicheng County is the channel connecting Pingyang Prefecture and Zezhou. If you get stuck here, the rogues will not be able to enter Zezhou.

The rogues captured Quwo and could not get rid of Li Jing's siege. Thinking of Zezhou, they would have to attack Yicheng County, or take a detour to enter Zezhou.

Therefore, as long as Yicheng County is in Li Jing's hands, the initiative is still in Li Jing's hands.

Someone inquired and learned that Yuan Keli was leading people to treat the wounded soldiers, so Li Jing hurriedly sent someone to take Yuan Keli back to the county government.

After a while, I saw two soldiers supporting Yuan Keli back.

Seeing Yuan Keli's haggard face, Li Jing's heart tightened. He hurriedly stepped forward to help Yuan Keli sit down, then poured a cup of hot tea to Yuan Keli and said, "Sir, you are tired."

Yuan Keli took the teacup and took a sip, then put the teacup on the table, sighed and said, "I'm really old, I can't go to the battlefield anymore."

Li Jing walked behind Yuan Keli silently, rubbed Yuan Keli's shoulder lightly and said: "Sir! From now on, you will always be in command, and stop doing hard work like fighting and killing!"

Yuan Keli turned his head to look at Li Jing, seeing Li Jing's concerned look, Yuan Keli patted Li Jing's hand lightly with his backhand and said, "Jimin! Your tone is not right! You are a person who does great things, How can you be a mother-in-law?"

Li Jing shook his head and said: "What's wrong with doing big things? You can't be a mother-in-law when you do big things? You are always my husband, and I always treat you like a father in my heart. Is it okay for a son to honor his father?"

Yuan Keli patted Li Jing's hand lightly, sighed and said, "Jimin! When you came back with your troops and encountered a large army of rogues, did you do anything to them?"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "No, I talked to the leader of the 36th Battalion, Wang Ziyong, for a while, and put them back."

Yuan Keli nodded: "Very good! Well done! You didn't act rashly! When I heard the explosion outside the city, I was afraid that you would wipe out these gangsters in a fit of anger."

Li Jing shook his head and said: "At that time, when I saw the rogues attacking the city, I really had the idea of ​​destroying them. Later, I saw that the city wall was not broken, so I gave up this idea."

Yuan Keli remained silent, and said after a while: "As a commander, you must put the overall situation first, and don't worry about temporary gains and losses. Sometimes even if you suffer a little loss, it's nothing. Our goal now is to win Puzhou Reconciliation states, and after taking these two states, someone needs to attract the attention of the imperial court, so we must not attack the bandits too hard at this time."

Li Jing nodded slightly. He also considered this problem, so he resisted the urge to kill Wang Ziyong and others.

Suddenly, Li Jing remembered that he had been appointed as the garrison of Jiangzhou, and said immediately: "Sir, Ma Wu got the news from the capital that the emperor appointed me as the garrison of Jiangzhou. How should I deal with this matter?"

"How could the emperor know that you are there? And he also made an exception to promote you to defend Jiangzhou?" Yuan Keli wondered.

Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "Cao Wenzhao somehow persuaded Xu Dingchen to write a letter to the emperor."

Yuan Keli snorted, pondered for a while and said, "Although Cao Wenzhao is a rough man, he is still very shrewd in his actions. This is to put a shackle on you."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's right, as long as I take up the post of Jiangzhou's defense, then all the officials in Jiangzhou can tell me what to do."

Yuan Keli nodded silently. This is the trouble for being an official of the imperial court. You must know that Jiangzhou is not one county, but three counties, and there are a lot of officials such as Zhizhou.

How could so many local officials be bribed?As for house arrest or surveillance, it is simply not practical.

Because there are many things involved, such as dealing with the Shanxi Governor's Yamen, dealing with the Shanxi Chief Envoy, dealing with the officers and soldiers of various bandits, etc., all need local officials to come forward, Li Jing can't come forward to do these things by himself Things, it's easy to expose Li Jing's situation at this time.

When the time comes, the higher-ups will question Li Jing, will Li Jing turn against him?

Li Jing has no official or position now, but he has a heavy army in his hands. As long as Li Jing doesn't show his dissatisfaction, the local officials will never find trouble for themselves, let alone take the initiative to provoke trouble. Everyone is not stupid. What will happen to them will not be clear.

Li Jing has no official position, and those local officials have to listen to him respectfully, and it is inconvenient to hold an official position.

Yuan Keli thought for a while and said: "Since the news came from Ma Wu, I think the appointment of the imperial court will come down soon. This matter cannot be stopped. The key is how to deal with it."

Li Jing nodded hurriedly.

Yuan Keli continued: "For the current plan, one is not to defend Jiangzhou, and the other is to use our people to serve as local officials in Jiangzhou... By the way, how long do you think it will take for Wang Ziyong and others to win the battle?" Puzhou reconciles the two prefectures?"

Li Jing thought for a while and said: "It is not difficult to win several counties, but the difficulty is that the two prefectures of Linjin County and Anyi County, especially Anyi County, are not easy to fight. If you go down to Anyi County, your strength will definitely be greatly damaged."

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "We can't let Wang Ziyong and the others lose too much, or the rogues will lose the ability to contain the officers and soldiers, which is not good for our development. If it doesn't work, let's help him, and we must take it down as quickly as possible. Puzhou reconciles the state."

Li Jing smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. I will send a troop under the banner of the 36th Battalion to use cannons to help Wang Zi use them to attack the city. With our help, I estimate that Puzhou and Jiezhou will be destroyed within a month at most. can take them all.”

Yuan Keli pondered for a while and said: "If it's a month, then we have to think carefully. The appointment has not yet been made, and even if it is done, it can be delayed for a while. The faster the better, wait for these places to be defeated, let Cao Wenzhao find Xu Dingchen, and recommend our people to serve as Jiangzhou, Puzhou, Jiezhou Zhizhou, Tongzhi and other officials. If you don’t agree, this guard you don't do it."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Then I have to let Wang Ziyong and those people do it quickly."

Yuan Keli suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, being an official in the imperial court is not without any advantages. At least it will be much more convenient for us to recruit troops."

Li Jing smiled wryly. This might be his only advantage of being a garrison. There is no way to do it. Although the conditions offered by Ji Shijun are very good, after all, there is no imperial conscript to justify the name.

Seeing that Yuan Keli was a little tired, Li Jing hurriedly ordered his soldiers to serve Yuan Keli to rest, while he went outside to check on the treatment of the wounded soldiers.

In fact, the number of people who died in direct combat with cold weapons is actually very small, and most of the deaths of soldiers are caused by the lack of timely treatment of injuries.

Li Jing attached great importance to the wounded soldiers. When forming the army, he hired a large number of doctors as military doctors.

Li Jing is well aware of the value of wounded soldiers. Having experienced bloody battles, wounded recruits can quickly grow into veterans.

Seeing that dozens of doctors were constantly busy, Li Jingting nodded.

Seeing Li Jing coming to see the military doctor for treatment, Zhang Chu hurried over.

Li Jing waved his hand to stop Zhang Chu from saluting, and asked directly, "How many soldiers died in battle? Can they be properly settled?"

Zhang Chu said sadly: "Commander, one person was killed in the vanguard battalion, 14 were seriously injured, 37 were slightly injured, 210 and eight recruits were killed, more than 540 were seriously injured, and more than [-] were slightly injured. My condolences to the families of those soldiers who died in battle It is said that all soldiers who died in battle will be compensated according to the standards of regular soldiers."

Li Jingjing nodded. Although Yuan Keli mobilized troops in time, the Vanguard Battalion came back in a hurry after all. Coupled with the small number of people and the defense of the city wall, the superiority of firepower could not be exerted, which caused a large number of casualties of the recruits.

The fact that so many recruits were killed or injured shows how fierce the battle was, and the victory of this battle is inseparable from Zhang Chu's dispatch and command.

Patting Zhang Chu's shoulder lightly, Li Jing said: "Zhang Chu, back then you and Da Hu Er Leng and others were promoted to battalion officers at the same time, and only your rank was the lowest. You won't blame me, will you?"

Zhang Chu shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, elder brother, I often talked about elder brother when we drank together with old brothers such as Lao Sun, Gao Qi, and Da Qing. They all said that if there was no elder brother, we would not be where we are today." I don't know how to repay my elder brother. They all said that I can only sell my life to my elder brother in this life. Not to mention that my elder brother is still working hard to promote us, even if I am a soldier under my elder brother, I am willing. Break up, the eldest brother was angry and didn't promote me to the military rank, Lao Zhang knew it."

Li Jing waved his hands and said: "I know what you guys are doing. Anyway, I was wrong back then. Today you have made great contributions. I will make up for what I owed you back then. I will raise your rank by one level. Those who participated in the battle today How do you feel about recruiting all recruits under your command?"

Zhang Chu hurriedly said: "Brother, Mr. Yuan is the first to be able to defend Yicheng County today. Mr. Yuan is well dispatched, and he is also a pioneer. In addition, all the soldiers worked hard to protect the county. Zhang Chu dare not accept this great contribution .”

Li Jing smiled, nodded to Zhang Chudao: "We have been old brothers for many years, I don't know what kind of person you are? You can understand my thoughts, and it is your greatest contribution to keep Mr. Yuan well." .In addition, you should report all the meritorious service of the soldiers who participated in the battle today. Those who should be rewarded should be rewarded, and those who should be promoted should be promoted."

Zhang Chu scratched his head and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, brother, brother also wants to ask for reward. Today I found a talent. He fought bravely and killed at least four rogues by himself. I saw Huanxi at that time and promised him, We must make an exception and promote him to the vanguard camp."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You should be rewarded for your merits. Promotion before the battle can improve the morale of the soldiers. What's the name of this person? Bring me to see."

Zhang Chu said with a smile: "This guy's name is Sun Huacheng. Needless to say, he was brave in battle, but he is not very polite. How dare he call himself Lao Tzu in front of me!"

"Hahaha, your soldiers call themselves Lao Tzu in front of you? Good job! Come on, show me!" Li Jing laughed.

Zhang Chu smiled and led the way with Li Jing to the temporary military camp in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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