Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 195 The Plague

Chapter 195 The Plague
Li Jingjing nodded, although what Yuan Keli said was arrogant, but Li Jing also knew that Yuan Keli was still worried, so he was silent for a while and said: "Sir, within three years, I will make Puzhou, Jiangzhou and Jiezhou change into a new look Let me show you."

Yuan Keli waved his hand, gently pushed open the window, looked outside, and sighed: "Jimin, Chinese New Year is almost here, I want to settle down a bit. Let Yingying bring the child. And the Princess, Isn't she too young? It's time to give someone a name."

Li Jingwen was stunned when he heard this, why did Yuan Keli change the subject?Well, what he wants to see is what he does, not what he says.

But Yuan Keli thought it was understandable for children, no matter how wise he was, he was an old man after all, how could an old man not like children, but why did he bring up the princess?

Sighing, Yuan Keli continued: "Jimin, take it all over, I'm getting old, I like to be more lively during the Chinese New Year."

Hearing this, Li Jing suddenly had the idea of ​​slapping himself in the face, he was really confused, how many years has the old man not been home?He has a wife and children himself!Why don't the old people miss home when they are away for many years?It's just that he can't go home at all now.

Yuan Keli is an official with the official title of the second rank. If he were at home, the family would be full of people, and countless officials would come to visit.

Moreover, Emperor Chongzhen ordered him to recover, Yuan Keli was never at home, and the matter was left alone, but after returning home, he had to write a letter explaining where he had been in the past few years, but he could not explain clearly to the emperor where Yuan Keli had been in these years.Once the explanation is not clear, it is likely to be charged with deceiving the king.

At that time, the entire Yuan family might be affected. In order to help Li Jing, Yuan Keli really has a family and cannot return.

Since Yuan Keli can't go home, he should bring all his family members over. As for the consequences of taking over, Li Jing can't care about it at this time. Anyway, as long as he is in his territory, even the emperor will do nothing to the Yuan family. .

Li Jing wiped his face and said, "Sir, I know what to do."

After speaking, Li Jing hurriedly called the soldiers to come in.

The soldiers outside the door didn't know what happened, so they hurried in and said, "Commander, what happened."

Li Jing waved his hand, pointed at the soldiers and said in a deep voice: "You guys will go back to Hongshanling immediately, and order Chen Guozhu to take five hundred elite horses to Suizhou, and bring all of Mr.'s family to me. Tell Zhuzi, you must not scare Mr. family members, and try not to disturb the local government.”

After a pause, he continued: "After taking Mr.'s family to Hongshanling, ask Zhuzi to bring his wife and children to Lingchuan. When he arrives at Lingchuan, ask Gao Qi to send troops to escort them over."

Seeing that Li Jing was in such a hurry, several of the soldiers thought that something serious had happened, and they didn't dare to neglect. They saluted Li Jing and Yuan Keli, and hurried out.

Yuan Keli nodded to Li Jing, shook his head and said, "You, after tossing about being a teacher, you also have to toss with your family members. It's freezing cold, why bother to mobilize the teachers, not to mention that no matter how fast the pillars are, I'm afraid it will be too late a year ago." Can't make it through."

Seeing that Yuan Keli didn't directly object, Li Jing knew that the old man agreed, and immediately said with a smile: "It's okay, Zhuzi is only responsible for picking up people, we have everything we need at home, even if we need to bring some commonly used things, we have It won’t take long to consign it by car or horse.”

Yuan Keli shook his head and said nothing more.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "Sir, I told Zhang Chu just now that all the recruits from Yicheng should be incorporated into the Pioneer Battalion. In this way, it is no longer appropriate for the Pioneer Battalion to use the previous organization, so I just Raise Zhang Chu to one level."

Yuan Keli nodded: "I will send the promotion paperwork later..."

At this moment, Hutou walked in.

Yuan Keli smiled and said: "I'll take care of this matter, the tiger head is here, I'm afraid I have something to say."

Hutou kowtowed to Yuan Keli, and then bowed to Li Jing and said: "Father, the wounded soldiers outside the city have been treated, but there are still a large number of dead. Many brothers said that they came to attack us, and they do not want to bury them." , How to arrange it specifically, I also ask my father to show me."

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "The dead are the most important, so why bother with the dead, let's order them to be buried properly."

"Yes! But there are probably nearly a thousand rogue dead. How can we have so many coffins? Besides, it's cold now, and burial is also a hassle. Why don't we just dig a big pit and bury them together?"

Yuan Keli heard this, and sighed: "There are so many people, it can only be a little rough, let's prepare a straw mat for everyone!"

Li Jing nodded silently, and just about to agree, a sudden flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and hurriedly said: "No!"

Hutouqi said: "Then how to deal with it?"

Li Jing waved his hand and asked seriously: "Don't worry, let me ask you, when we entered the city, how did you deal with those people who were killed in the city?"

Hutou thought for a while and said: "This matter was handled by Mr. Yang and the others. I heard that it seemed that those with relatives handled it themselves. Those without relatives just dug a hole and buried them."

Li Jing said solemnly: "No, it can't be handled like this."

Seeing Li Jing's solemn face, Yuan Keli suddenly understood, and hurriedly said seriously: "Yes, we can't deal with it hastily. Be careful that the corpse will rot and there will be plague when the weather is warm."

"Plague?" Hutou was startled when he heard that.

Yuan Keli nodded, sighed and said: "You are young, you have never experienced the plague, and you don't know the horror of the plague. In the eighth year of Wanli, when I was 19 years old, the plague in Shanxi spread all the way to the territory of Henan. If you die from that plague, you can die." There are millions of people! In the 38th year of Wanli, there was another plague in Shanxi, alas! Every time there was a plague, at least more than [-] people died.”

"Ah? So powerful? So many people died?" Hutou exclaimed.

Yuan Keli nodded silently, and then described the situation of several plagues during the Wanli period.

Yuan Keli was born in the 41st year of Jiajing and grew up in the Wanli period. He knows very well what happened in the Wanli dynasty.

It is impossible for Yuan Keli to be unaware of the horrific plagues that occurred in the Wanli Dynasty. Every time after a severe drought, it was either a locust plague or a plague. The common people called it the big head plague, or the great plague.Every time the plague, at least tens of millions of people died as a result.

Generally speaking, when it comes to the Wanli Dynasty, many people know about Zhang Juzheng's reform, Li Shizhen wrote "Compendium of Materia Medica", and even Matteo Ricci.

However, few people know that droughts occurred during the Wanli period, and large-scale plagues (plague) broke out many times. The more serious ones almost always started from Datong, Shanxi, and spread to the southeast.

Although Yuan Keli didn't know what caused the plague, he knew that if a large number of corpses were not handled carefully, once they were exposed, there would be dire consequences.

The deaths in the five counties under Li Jing's jurisdiction were not just a few people, but dozens of people, that was tens of thousands of people. Once so many corpses were exposed and decomposed, it would be a disaster for the people living nearby.If a plague breaks out because of this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Li Jing was inexplicably shocked after listening to Yuan Keli's narration. Although Li Jing did not personally see the plague scene Yuan Keli mentioned, after all, he had received many years of education in later generations and knew that what Yuan Keli described was actually the plague, also known as plague. Black Death.

Not to mention the plague in ancient times, even if the plague broke out in modern times, it would be a headache.

Yuan Keli and Li Jing looked at each other, and said slowly: "Jimin, this matter is no small matter, it must be handled properly!"

Li Jingjing nodded, turned to Hutou and said, "Hutou, pass on our military order that the dead bandits outside the city must dig deep pits and bury them. If they can't be buried deep, they will all be burned with fire."

Seeing that Yuan Keli and Li Jing paid so much attention to it, Hutou knew that the matter was of great importance, so he immediately embraced the order and went out to arrange for people to dispose of the corpse.

Then Li Jing called his own soldiers and ordered him to inform Zhang Chu to send troops to dig up and burn all the corpses that were simply buried in various counties when the rogues broke the city before.

Seeing that Li Jing finished making arrangements, Yuan Keli let out a long sigh of relief, and then realized that Li Jing's complexion was a bit ugly, and couldn't help but wonder: "Jimin, what's wrong with you."

Li Jing shook his head, walked outside the house, and said to the guard at the door: "I have something to tell my husband, no one is allowed to come in and disturb me."

The soldier took the order and hurriedly ordered the gate of the county government to be closed, and at the same time ordered several soldiers to patrol outside Li Jing's house.

Seeing Li Jing being so careful, Yuan Keli asked in surprise, "What happened?"

Li Jing helped Yuan Keli onto the bed to prepare, then said softly, "Sir, do you still remember that I am from a later life?"

Yuan Keli nodded slightly.

Li Jing continued in a low voice: "Actually, I don't know how I got here, but in the process of my coming, I saw many things that I had never heard of before. When I heard you talking about the plague just now, I suddenly remembered When I came here, I saw pictures of the plague. The dead people I saw were exactly the same as what you just described, and I can tell you with certainty that the plague I saw definitely happened during the Chongzhen period. If I remember correctly If so, there will be at least two major plagues during the reign of Chongzhen."

As he said that, Li Jing closed his eyes and thought about it again carefully, and then said with certainty: "One time should have happened a year or two before the fall of the Ming Dynasty, and the other time should have happened in the six or seven years of Chongzhen."

"What? There were at least two plagues during the reign of Chongzhen? Where did it appear?" Yuan Keli was shocked.

Li Jing sighed and smiled wryly: "It's in Shanxi, in our area, and then spread to Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Beijing and other places."

"This... this... what should I do? Jimin, is there a way to prevent the plague from happening?" Yuan Keli asked anxiously.

Li Jing shook his head lightly and said, "It's unlikely to be avoided, but I can find ways to reduce the number of deaths."

"It's okay to reduce the death rate of the population! What's the way?" Yuan Keli said anxiously.

Li Jing smiled wryly and said: "This method is definitely not feasible in a day. First, the garbage in the city must not be dumped indiscriminately to avoid the breeding of rats. Second, excrement must not be discharged indiscriminately to pollute water sources. Third, rodent eradication..."

"Wait, what does it have to do with mice?" Yuan Keli wondered.

It was only then that Li Jing remembered that Yuan Keli didn't know that the plague he experienced was actually a plague. In fact, people at this time could not have imagined that a small mouse would cause such great harm to people.

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(End of this chapter)

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