Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 196 The Great Wedding

Chapter 196 The Great Wedding

The emergence of plague is closely related to drought, and the plague virus is generally carried by wild rats.Due to the severe drought, mice in the wild could not find food, so they could only go to densely populated places to compete with humans for food. Humans would become weaker if they were not full, and rats would also be weak if they did not eat. Get sick, wild rats come to the places where humans live, and house rats are infected with plague virus.

There are many ways to spread the plague, the most direct one is the fleas on the rats. When the fleas bite people, they transmit the virus they carry to people.

In addition, there is the most tragic way, the wild rats will run to the places where humans live if they have nothing to eat. Similarly, those who can’t eat will also go to the rats, they will dig the grain in the rat holes to eat, what’s more, even Rats eat them all.At this time, it is difficult not to be infected by the plague.

In fact, Li Jing didn't know the pathogenesis of the plague, but he knew something about the most basic thing, that is, the rats carried the virus.

Li Jing told the situation of the plague that he knew in detail, and then Yuan Keli knew what the plague he experienced was going on, and understood that the current situation really cannot avoid the occurrence of the plague.

After listening to Li Jing's explanation, Yuan Keli nodded and said: "Jimin, although the plague cannot be avoided, we must do our best to minimize the epidemic. In my opinion, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. , we will implement various measures.”

Li Jing said yes.

Yuan Keli didn't hesitate, and quickly wrote down the few things Li Jing said just now, and then signaled Li Jing to continue.

Li Jing actually didn't know much about how to prevent and control the plague. The measures he mentioned were mostly the means of preventing the spread of infectious diseases in later generations, such as how to prevent and control water pollution, how to disinfect, and sterilize.

Of course, in view of the characteristics of the spread of the plague, it is necessary to eliminate rodents and fleas.To eliminate these things, especially fleas and mosquitoes, people's living habits need to be changed.

At that time, most of the people in the north slept on kangs, with grass on the soil kang, straw mats on the grass, and then bedding.The grass under the straw mat is where fleas like to haunt.

In addition, most common people do not take a bath, and their personal living conditions are extremely poor. It is conceivable that if the hair of the ancients is not washed for many years, there will be many small animals infesting it. White lice and fleas must be indispensable.

As for dark and humid places like stagnant pools and stinky ditches, which are conducive to the breeding of mosquitoes and rats, they should be eliminated as much as possible.

At the same time, in order to prevent respiratory infection, protective masks such as masks have to be produced.

Moreover, prevention alone is not enough, and treatment is also needed. Although there is no particularly effective method or method to treat the plague at this time, not all people infected with the plague died. After all, some people got better after treatment.

The so-called planning for a rainy day, while there is still time, try to find those experienced doctors to sort out the prescriptions for the successful treatment of the plague as soon as possible, in case of emergencies, and prepare a large amount of medicinal materials at the same time.

When Yuan Keli wrote down all the aspects listed by Li Jing, both of them were in a daze after reading it.

This is obviously not a small project, and there are too many aspects involved.If the common people below do not cooperate, these things cannot be accomplished at all.

But it is really difficult to get the common people to cooperate.

For example, on the issue of laying grass and straw mats on the kang, the common people will not let him spread grass and straw mats, so what should he spread?You can't just spread your luggage on the kang, can you?
Take bathing for example. It has been a habit for many years for ordinary people not to take a bath. If he doesn't want to take a bath, can his clothes be stripped off?

There is also the issue of disinfection, what to use for disinfection, and how to do the mask?Etc., etc.

Although there is still time, some things can be slowly told to the people, but some things must be resolved.

For example, the issue of convenience.Ordinary people generally build a simple urinal at one end of the house, which poses a huge health and safety hazard and must be changed.

There is also the problem of drinking water.

Ordinary people do not have one well per household. Generally, several households share one well, and some even a village shares one well.Of course, the manhole cover does not work, and dead mice, dead cats, and rotten dogs may all fall into it.

Problems like this cannot be solved by the common people themselves, they must be solved by the government, and even by strong means.

Li Jing and Yuan Keli looked at each other for a while, and they both saw each other's decisive attitude.

"It's done, even if it delays military development!" Li Jing clenched his fist and said vigorously.

"I support you, but you don't need to be pessimistic. The military factory should produce and still produce, and the existing soldiers should train and train. At most, the conscription will be delayed." Yuan Keli patted Li Jing and said.

Li Jingjing nodded. The military factory cannot be stopped, nor can the existing soldier training. No matter what, he must have the strength to protect his own territory.

With Yuan Keli's support, Li Jing had an idea in an instant.

Ordinary people can't use grass and straw mats, so they use paper for bedding, and at worst they build a paper mill.

With a paper mill, a printing factory must be built. We can’t just use paper to pave the people’s kang, but we must also focus on education. For the education of the next generation, we have to print a large number of books.

It is not enough to have books alone, but also to have brushes. If there is another brush factory, and if there are brushes, there must be ink, so then build another ink factory and an inkstone factory.

It's a bit off topic, let's continue to study the problem of plague.

To prevent plague, we must find a way to disinfect. Slaked lime can be used for disinfection, and bleaching powder can also be processed with slaked lime.Then build a slaked lime processing plant, and you can also build a cement plant by the way. There will be too many things to build in the future. If you don’t use cement and use wood, it’s no wonder that future generations don’t scold themselves for being prodigal.Although there is no modern equipment, it doesn't matter, if it is a big deal, it will be done by people.

Lime factories and cement factories are harmful to people, and a mask factory and a glove factory must be built first. The laborers are the hardest, and labor protection supplies must be provided.

Isn't it just building a factory?I have a net worth of several million taels, so what are you afraid of!When a county builds a factory, it has the right to arrange jobs for the local people.

Anyway, ordinary people have to spend the money they earn, and in the end they have to spend it on their own Jingji one-stop business.

Moreover, I now have tens of thousands of troops and need a lot of non-staple food to mobilize the people to raise pigs, chickens, and sheep.

Also, the water system in this area is so developed, isn't Yangliufeng building a reservoir, so much water is a resource, don't you want to raise fish and grow hair?
Taking the pen from Yuan Keli, Li Jing dipped it in ink, and then began to record his thoughts just now.

Seeing Li Jing write down the names and specific uses of each factory on the paper, Yuan Keli was dumbfounded. This kid seems to be going big!To build so many factories, this is to spend a lot of money!


Beijing, Qianqing Palace.

While flipping through the memorial that Xu Guangqi sent up, Zhu Youjian said to Wang Chengen beside him, "What happened to Xu Guangqi's complaint?"

Wang Chengen replied in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I heard that he was overworked and fell ill while compiling the almanac. The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital said after seeing it that Xu Guangqi is very old and really can't work anymore."

Zhu Youjian nodded, sighed and said, "If that's the case, then be sure. It's just a pity for this talent!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a pen and approved the letter on the back of the memorial, and then handed the memorial to Wang Chengen.

Wang Chengen hurriedly took the memorial from Zhu Youjian.

Wang Chengen was about to send the reviewed memorial to the cabinet, when Zhu Youjian suddenly asked, "Have you decided on a successor?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Chengen almost fell over.

Wang Chengen is very clear about the meaning revealed by this sentence, that is, I know what you are doing, are you trying to lie to me?No way!

Wang Chengen hurriedly turned around, kowtowed.

Zhu Youjian waved his hands and said, "Get up, no matter what, we still need to choose someone who can do things."

Wang Chengen said thank you, wiped his sweat secretly, thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, someone honored the servant 3 taels of silver, and the servant sent the silver to the palace in a while."

Zhu Youjian sighed. It's a shame that the majestic emperor of the Ming Empire would rely on such low-handed means to make money!
After waving his hand, Wang Chengen hurriedly kowtowed and left with the memorial.

After Wang Chengen left, Zhu Youjian lost his mind for a while, then picked up the memorial and continued to review it.

It's just that almost all the news reported in the memorial is bad news. Either there is a rebellion by the people here, or there is a demand for money and food. Zhu Youjian saw that his head was as big as a bucket.

Just when Zhu Youjian was full of confusion, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall, and then Wang Chengen shouted: "Your Majesty, great joy, great joy."

Zhu Youjian was stunned. Is there a happy event?What happy event?Then Wang Chengen, the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet Zhou Yanru, and Minister of the Ministry of War Xiong Mingyu hurried in.

The three of them looked happy and did not kowtow when they saw Zhu Youjian, especially Xiong Mingyu held the memorial in his hand and said out of breath: "Your Majesty is overjoyed, Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen and Lintao Commander Cao Wenzhao reported that Shanxi has won a great victory. Cao Wenzhao led [-] elite troops to defeat the rogue bandits in the area of ​​Lu'an Mansion, beheaded four leaders of the rogue bandits, and captured more than [-] bandits. Wenzhao has never been ordered, and dare not cross the border to pursue."

Before Zhu Youjian could finish digesting the news, Zhou Yanru continued: "In addition, Zijinliang and other rogues were defeated by Cao Bianjiao and Li Jing in Huozhou, and the rogues fled all the way to Jiangzhou, Puzhou and Jiezhou, etc. Li Jing and Cao Bianjiao pursued along the road, successively recaptured the states and counties along the way, captured more than [-] rogues, and have now besieged the rogues in the Jiezhou area. This is the report sent by Cao Bianjiao."

"Oh?" Zhu Youjian took the report and read it carefully, and then his face showed joy: "Good! Good! Cao Wenzhao is a strong city in the country, and Li Jing, who is recommended, is also a rare talent. Pass on my will, Cao Wenzhao was promoted to be the general of Shanxi, and the crown prince was added as Shaobao. Li Jing was promoted to be a general in Shanxi, and he was awarded the general of the town. Jiangzhou, Puzhou and Xiezhou were all guarded by Li Jing."

Zhou Yanru and others knew that Zhu Youjian was rarely so happy, and they knew that Li Jing was promoted by leaps and bounds, so they didn't dare to refute Zhu Youjian's enthusiasm.

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(End of this chapter)

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