Chapter 197
Zhu You checked the memorial, looked at Xiong Mingyu and said, "One of the rogues fled to Hebei, and the other was trapped in Jiezhou. How can we wipe them out?"

Xiong Mingyu hurriedly said: "The large bandits in Shaanxi and Gansu have been determined. Although there are small bandits rampant, it is not a cause for concern. You can order Hong Chengchou to send a team to Jin to assist Li Jingqing in suppressing the bandits in the prefecture. In addition, we can send a team to the frontier. According to my opinion, the governor of Xuanda Zhang Zongheng, Zuo Liangyu, Zhang Yingchang, Ai Wannian and others will clear up and suppress the remnants of the rogues who have flowed into Hebei."

After hearing Xiong Mingyu's idea, Zhu Youjian nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Youjian is good at playing politics, but he is completely second-hand when it comes to fighting, otherwise he wouldn't be fooled by Yuan Chonghuan's five-year plan to flatten the Liao Dynasty.In addition, Zhu Youjian is definitely not the kind of person who is not suspicious of people, especially after suffering a big loss from Yuan Chonghuan, he has no trust in the people below.

It is said that he had just promoted Cao Wenzhao to be the general soldier of Shanxi, so Cao Wenzhao should be consulted on the matter of suppressing bandits in Shanxi. Mingyu.

What's even more outrageous is that Xiong Mingyu actually arranged for Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng to lead his troops to wipe out the bandits. The rank of Xuanda Governor is not lower than that of Shanxi General Army. Cao Wenzhao, the newly appointed Shanxi General Army, has completely become a show.

As for the chief assistant Zhou Yanru who asked him to recite poems against him, it was okay to play tricks, but he didn't know anything about marching and fighting.

Wang Chengen felt that such an arrangement seemed a bit wrong, but he was a eunuch, how could he dare to talk too much about such a big matter as appointing generals to send troops to fight?
After finalizing the matter of eliminating bandits, Zhou Yanru took out another memorial and said, "Your Majesty, this is a local official recommended by Governor Xu Dingchen of Shanxi. Please have a look at it."

Zhu Youjian accepted the memorial in doubt, and just after a few glances, he slapped the table and said angrily: "What the hell is Xu Dingchen doing? Are all the officials at all levels in Pingyang Prefecture dead? He actually recommended a businessman as the prefect of Pingyang Prefecture .Look! Look! Only this Zhou Hengchen still has some clues, at least he used to be the magistrate of Lingchuan County. This Yang Liufeng, Juren, candidate of the Ministry of Officials, is proposed to be the magistrate of Jiangzhou. , is it worthless to be an official of the Ming Dynasty? What kind of stuff have you recommended!"

Xiong Mingyu took a look at Zhou Yanru, bowed and said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, most of the officials at all levels in Pingyang Mansion were killed by thieves, and there are really no officials left."

"No one is available? Those guys in the thirteenth supervisory censor and six divisions are not human! Pick a few and let them experience how a magistrate is, so that they don't have to spend all day looking for trouble. " Zhu Youjian said angrily.

Hearing Zhu Youjian's words, Zhou Yanru was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "The emperor speaks carefully."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yanru glared at the official in charge behind the emperor, and shouted: "Don't forget, Your Majesty is just joking."

Only then did Zhu Youjian remember that there was a living officer behind him monitoring his words and deeds.

Living officials are also called living orders, and some are called living doctors or living sheren. These people are equivalent to the emperor's clerks, responsible for recording the emperor's words and deeds, and they work in two shifts.

The white shift is held by a historian or a minister close to the emperor. Needless to say, the emperor's words and deeds are recorded in the history books, and the person responsible for recording is the historian. Sima Qian who wrote the historical records is the historian.Sometimes, for some other reason, the emperor did not have a historian around him, so the ministers around the emperor would do this job. For example, the Imperial Academy gave lectures, that is, the group of people who taught the emperor, and they were sometimes responsible for this job.

The daily life note of the night shift is recorded by the eunuch, that is, the eunuch, which records the private life of the emperor, such as where the emperor sleeps every night, who he sleeps with, how many times he does work in a night, and the time he works. Long and short, etc., as well as the concubines in the harem who were inconvenient, who vomited and diarrhea, etc., were recorded.

The main purpose of recording this is to prevent the bloodline of the royal family from being messed up. To put it bluntly, it is afraid that the emperor will pull up his pants after work and refuse to recognize him, or that the harem will eat wild food and pretend to be a fake.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not dare to offend two kinds of people.

The first type is the Yanguan, that is, the thirteen supervisors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the six divisions. As long as these grandsons catch the emperor's pigtails, they will curse and not discuss.

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang was such a good person, because an eunuch below was caught by the censor because he did something wrong, he finally ran out of the palace to apologize to the censor (Zhou Guanzheng, Xuncheng censor, the lowest-ranking censor).

The second type is the group of people who are in charge of daily life.

Because the emperor cannot read the daily notes, which means that many words that are not good for the emperor may be recorded, and the emperor himself does not know.

No matter how powerful the emperor was, he was afraid of being infamous in the history books, ridiculed by future generations, and even ridiculed by his descendants.

Therefore, once the emperor did something wrong, he had to please these people, begging them to show mercy and delete the wrong words.

Of course, there are still emperors who are not afraid of being scolded. For example, the professional player Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao, and the carpenter Emperor Zhu Youxiao later, they are not afraid of leaving a bad name in the history books.

But Zhu Youjian is different. He only wants to be a good emperor who can rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, so he is afraid of being scolded.

But if Zhu Youjian's words just now are spread, not only will he be infamous in the history books, but it is estimated that the officials will point to his nose and scold him every day.

Thinking of the possible consequences, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but tremble, and looked at the living officer begging for mercy.

Fortunately, the living officer was very interesting. He took a pen and crossed out what Zhu Youjian said just now.

The living officer was not a fool, he knew what the consequences would be if the words just now were spread, and he was unwilling to offend the emperor for such a thing.

But after the moment just now, Zhu Youjian lost his temper, thought for a while and said: "Let's do it according to Xu Dingchen's wishes, but Zhou Hengchen will be the magistrate of Pingyang Mansion, and as for that Shen Zheng, let Zhou Hengchen be his deputy. As for the officials below, let Xu Dingchen and Zhou Hengchen figure it out."

"The emperor is wise!" Zhou Yanru and Xiong Mingyu said in unison.

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "I'm tired, you go."

Zhou Yanru and Xiong Mingyu bowed and retreated, while Wang Chengen looked at their backs, thought for a while and finally said nothing.

Naturally, Wang Chengen's petty actions couldn't be hidden from Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian frowned and said, "If there's anything, just tell it straight, what's wrong with being sneaky!"

Wang Chengen was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, I don't know if I should say it or not, so don't be offended if I say it."

Zhu Youjian waved his hands and said, "But it's okay to say."

Wang Chengen thought about his choice of words and said: "Your Majesty, since you have appointed Cao Wenzhao as the general army in Shanxi, why did you let Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, go to Shanxi to oversee the army to wipe out the bandits?"

Zhu Youjian was taken aback when he heard this, and was about to scold Wang Chengen for talking too much, when he suddenly realized the meaning of Wang Chengen's words, and promoted Cao Wenzhao to be the general soldier of Shanxi, wasn't it just to let him wipe out the rogues in Shanxi?Then why bother to call the governor?Isn't it all right?

But Zhu Youjian has always been headstrong, so how could he admit his mistake, so he snorted and said, "What do you know about court affairs?"

Wang Chengen knew Zhu Youjian's character very well, and after hearing Zhu Youjian's tone, he knew that Zhu Youjian had realized his mistake, otherwise, he would not simply reprimand him and settle the matter.


Jingcheng, Jingji Restaurant, private room on the second floor.

Ma Wu held the teacup, took a sip, and then turned his head out of the window.

At this time, a young man dressed as a second child suddenly pushed the door in and said, "Fifth Master, the prince is here."

Ma Wu nodded and said to the young man, "Please come up, Eunuch Wang, and tell Eunuch Wang that it is not convenient for me to pick him up."

The young man nodded and went downstairs, soon there were footsteps coming from the corridor, and then he heard the little girl say: "My lord, please, the fifth master has been waiting for a long time."

Then one person snorted softly, and the door opened again.

"Hehe, Eunuch Wang, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you doing recently? Please forgive me for not meeting Ma Wu far away." Ma Wu stood at the door and bowed, then smiled softly.

Eunuch Wang waved his hands and said, "Master Ma is careful in handling things, which is in line with our family's wishes. If you come out to greet us, it will be troublesome if people see our family with you."

Ma Wu smiled, poured a cup of tea for Wang Gonggong, stretched out his hand and said, "Please sit down, Wang Gonggong, let's see what you want to eat today?"

Eunuch Wang sat down, picked up the teacup and took a sip, shook his head and said: "It's getting late, and the palace gate is about to close. We really don't dare to sit for a long time, let's wait another day."

Ma Wu smiled lightly and said: "It seems that the emperor can't leave Wang Gonggong for a moment. If so, let's change another day. Wang Gonggong, please take this receipt."

As he said that, Ma Wu took out a receipt and handed it to Wang Gonggong: "It's almost Chinese New Year, take this little money and give it to the people below as a reward, pocket money."

Wang Gonggong was also not polite, took it over and took a look, and saw that it was a 5000 taels of bank note that could be redeemed in Jingji bank in time, and then smiled and said: "The shopkeeper Ma is too polite, and you have to pay again. "

Ma Wu smiled and said: "What is the prince talking about? If there is no prince's help these few years, how can Ma Wu be able to do business in the capital with peace of mind?"

Eunuch Wang shook his head with a smile and said: "Master Ma, our family will help you, and you will help us too. Well... the emperor has nothing serious to do today, so let's have a drink."

Ma Wu was overjoyed, and asked the prince what he wanted to eat. The prince waved his hand, obviously knowing that Ma Wu had already made arrangements, and asking him to order food was just a matter of occasion.

Ma Wu smiled, opened the door and told Xiao Er to serve the food, as expected, it had been arranged long ago.

Immediately Ma Wu smiled and said: "Grandfather, it's not very nice for those attendants you brought to wait below, I arranged a table for them next to them."

The prince smiled and said nothing.

This prince is Wang Chengen.

 Ask for a monthly ticket and give a reward

(End of this chapter)

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