Chapter 303
Wen Tiren did not expect that Wang Chengen would not plead with Zhu Youjian but directly refute himself, let alone that Wang Chengen would dare to ridicule himself. Hearing this, he couldn't help being furious, and immediately pointed at Wang Chengen and said angrily: "The eunuch still dares to be above the court!" Let me tell you, someone, take this thief down!"

As soon as Wen Tiren finished speaking, Wang Chengen looked at him with a half-smile.

Wen Tiren was taken aback, and immediately understood that Wang Chengen had just intentionally provoked himself and made him make a mistake.

Sure enough, Zhu Youjian looked at Wen Tiren after hearing the words and asked: "Wen Tiren, I have my own opinion on how to deal with Wang Chengen. When will it be your turn to issue orders?"

Seeing Zhu Youjian's anger, Wen Tiren was terrified, and hurriedly knelt down in front of the hall and said: "My minister is rude, I hope Your Majesty will calm down."

Seeing that Wen Tiren didn't make any excuses, Zhu Youjian calmed down a little, waved his hands and said, "Wen Aiqing, get up, I think you are also thinking about the Ming Dynasty and don't care about it with you. But what Wang Chengen said just now is not bad, he just got it Only with my consent can I speak in the court hall, and you should not get entangled in this matter."

Wen Tiren hurriedly said: "My minister obeys the order."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand and said, "I'm tired, let's retreat."

Wen Tiren hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the emperor!"

Zhu Youjian shook his head, got up and left the dragon chair.

It was also helpless for Zhu Youjian to retreat so quickly. Because of Wen Tiren's sudden interruption, his original plan to study the system implemented by Li Jing in Pingyang Mansion could not proceed.

Zhu Youjian is a veteran in the political arena, and he knows exactly what Wen Tiren's purpose is for targeting Wang Chengen just now.

Wen Tiren seems to be reprimanding Wang Chengen for intervening in politics, but he is actually diverting his attention to interrupt Zhu Youjian's next move. Of course, it would be even better if he could take Wang Chengen down by this.

It's just that Wang Cheng'en reacted very quickly and counterattacked immediately, which made Wen Tiren lose his word and acted beyond his authority, which led to Zhu Youjian's actions.

Fortunately, Wen Tiren's reaction was not slow, he immediately admitted his mistake, and at the same time agreed not to pursue Wang Chengen's interference in politics.

In this round of confrontation, Wen Tiren and Wang Chengen had a draw, no one got advantage, and no one suffered.

But Zhu Youjian, who eased the conflict between the two, became the loser of this round, because his intention could no longer be conveyed.

These ministers in the court are all good people. After seeing the situation just now, they already understand Zhu Youjian's intentions and Wen Tiren's intentions.

If Zhu Youjian mentioned to study the system of Pingyang Mansion again, he would immediately be counterattacked by the officials.

In particular, those systems formulated by Li Jing involve their own interests. This group of people must risk their lives to get Zhu Youjian to give up this idea.

And this time all the ministers must be huddled together, and Zhu Youjian couldn't even find a helper.

Of course, no matter how happy the ministers are, Zhu Youjian will not be afraid, because Zhu Youjian has ways to deal with these people.

Zhu Youjian is afraid of those officials.

Zhu Youjian has been taught how many times these officials in the imperial court are so pissed. These people are completely incapable of doing business, but if they are to make trouble, one of them can stand up to several.

Moreover, these guys want to find something to do when they have nothing to do, and now they take the initiative to deliver it to their door. How can these grandsons catch such a good opportunity and let it go easily?At that time, all shit pots will definitely be smashed down.At that time, not only Wang Chengen and Li Jing would be attacked, but even Zhu Youjian himself and they would not let go.

Zhu Youjian still wants to live a few more years, and he doesn't want to fight with these professional brawlers, not to mention that Zhu Youjian knows that he is definitely not the opponent of these people

Therefore, Zhu Youjian retreated decisively and did not give these people any chance.

After getting down from the dragon chair, there was a door after a dozen steps, and Zhu Youjian suddenly stopped after turning around the door.

Seeing the two young eunuchs hastily knelt down to plead guilty, Zhu Youjian waved his hands hastily.

Wang Chengen stood aside and sighed secretly. He understood that Zhu Youjian was planning to eavesdrop on the minister's speech, and this move was very disrespectful.

In fact, the ministers did not dare to stay in the palace after retreating from the court, but they had to wait until Zhu Youjian entered the door before they could leave. That is to say, the time the ministers stayed in the palace was actually very short, so short that even There is not enough time for an exchange of views.

Although there is not enough time to exchange opinions, there must be enough time to flatter.

Seeing Zhu Youjian walk into the side door, someone immediately praised Wen Tiren, Gao Ming and so on.

Afterwards, all the ministers filed out of the hall.

Wang Chengen knew the reaction of the ministers without looking at it. He believed that Zhu Youjian knew it very well, but Zhu Youjian still wanted to hear it. This shows that Zhu Youjian still has a little hope, and it also shows that Zhu Youjian has changed. I'm not confident anymore.

For an emperor who is in charge of state power, this is not a good thing.

In particular, Zhu Youjian's character is inherently suspicious and fickle. If he is no longer confident, thinking about revitalizing Daming is tantamount to wishful thinking.


What Zhu Youjian didn't expect was that not long after this court meeting, another thing that annoyed him happened.

Speaking of which, the cause of this incident was Zhang Xianzhong's attack on Fengyang and the burning of the imperial tomb.

After the imperial mausoleum was destroyed, although Zhu Youjian let Hong Chengchou and other leading generals go, but a few people did not let go.For example, the magistrate of Fengyang, Yang Yihe, the governor of the water transport, Wu Zhenying, the patrol censor, and Yang Ze, the eunuch who guarded the mausoleum, were all arrested and sent to prison for interrogation.Among them, Yang Ze committed suicide, Yang Yihe abandoned the city, and Wu Zhenying guarded the border.

After these people were convicted and sentenced, Tang Kaiyuan, the supervisor of the Henan Army, accused Zhu Youjian of unequal treatment of civil and military officials.

Shu said: If you are a minister, you will punish him, and if you are a minister, you will be treated preferentially.The governor was often arrested in case of accident, and the general took the lead in appeasing.The civil servants hold back their hands and do nothing, but the military generals support their soldiers and are self-respecting, reckless and unrestrained.Once there are police officers, they will hesitate to patrol and retreat, that is, strict orders will be issued repeatedly, and they will be like deaf ears.

Tang Kaiyuan hopes that Zhu Youjian can treat civil and military ministers fairly, so that civil and military can use their lives.

Zhu Youjian was furious after reading this book, and ordered Tang Kaiyuan to be dismissed.

Thanks to Zuo Liangyu and others interceding, Zhu Youjian calmed down and ordered Tang Kaiyuan to deal with the crime.

The matter of Tang Kaiyuan's Shangshu was just settled, and Chen Qixin, who was in the Huai'an martial arts examination, also played the disadvantages of Chen Shi.

Chen Qixin said in the memorial: There are three major diseases in the world today, one is to select candidates for subjects, the other is to employ people for qualifications, and the third is to select people based on knowledge and deeds.

The first two of the three questions Chen Qixin said are relatively easy to understand. The third question actually said that after Zhu Youjian became emperor, he only valued Jinshi, and Jinshi often regarded himself as a scholar and was easy to form cliques.

It's strange to say that Chen Qixin's memorial moved Zhu Youjian, and he was directly appointed as the Ministry of Officials to Shizhong.

Later, Liu Zongzhou, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, also went to Shushu to express his grief and indignation at the difficult time.

Looking at the news sent by Ma Wu, Li Jing couldn't help shaking his head.

It so happened that Yang Liufeng came to Li Jing's office to report on work this day, and seeing Li Jing's worried look, he asked what happened.

Li Jing didn't hide it from him, and immediately handed over the memorials of the above-mentioned people to Yang Liufeng for him to read.

Yang Liufeng took the memorial and looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but wonder: "Marshal, what these three people said in the memorial is very reasonable! Wansheng can't see anything wrong with it."

Li Jing looked at Yang Liufeng, sighed, and said, "Tang Kaiyuan is just a scholar, Chen Qixin is full of nonsense, and Liu Zongzhou flatters the emperor directly. However, the emperor is serious with Tang Kaiyuan and promotes Chen Qixin, who is full of nonsense. The sycophant Liu Zongzhou ignored it."

Yang Liufeng wondered: "No way, I think what they said is right."

Li Jing smiled, shook his head and said: "Careful, some things can't just be right or wrong on the surface, you have to analyze it according to the actual situation. Why do I say that Tang Kaiyuan is a scholar, because he doesn't understand the current situation. To what extent. Let me ask you, now that there are rogues everywhere in the world, who will be relied on to put down these rogues?"

"Naturally, it depends on the soldiers' lives." Yang Liufeng said without hesitation.

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's right. To eliminate the rogues, of course it depends on those soldiers. Let me ask you again, who was responsible for the destruction of Fengyang last time?"

Yang Liufeng hesitated for a moment and said, "This...should be the responsibility of Hong Chengchou and the generals leading the battle, right?"

Li Jing smiled: "Although Hong Chengchou and others cannot be blamed entirely, they must bear most of the responsibility. If it is true to Hong Chengchou and others, these generals who lead the army will all be beheaded, then I ask you, kill them." After leaving these people, who will put down the rogues? Is it relying on Tang Kaiyuan? Or relying on those civil servants?

But the imperial mausoleum was destroyed, and a scapegoat was necessary for such a big incident. Since the leading generals could not be killed, it was natural to take those local officials for surgery. Tang Kaiyuan didn't understand why the emperor did this at all, let alone the emperor's crime The intention of Jizhao.That's why I said that Tang Kaiyuan went to Shushu because of his scholarly spirit, and he was just complaining about those civil servants who were killed. "

When Yang Liufeng heard the words, he pondered for a while, then nodded silently.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Let me talk about this Chen Qixin again. This Chen Qixin seems to be pointing out the bad government, but in fact he hopes that the emperor will lower the threshold for appointing officials. Chen Qixin was born in the martial arts examination. The chance of being an official is not great, so he went to this memorial. However, the emperor didn't see through his intentions at all, and directly appointed him an official position. This kind of behavior is actually called speculation."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Finally, let me talk about this Liu Zongzhou. You can see that his memorials are full of words, 'The emperor used the funds from the world to rejuvenate the fortune, and at the beginning of his ascension, he was determined to be peaceful." What? In the three dynasties of Tang and Yu. 'What'? The emperor is sage and wise, but the ministers can't obey the emperor, but use all gratifying techniques to listen to the master. This makes the country's opinions more complicated, and the cure is more difficult, and the ministers are hurt.' It's all flattery, and the implication is that it is the responsibility of the ministers to reach the stage where Ming Dynasty is today, and the emperor has no responsibility. Moreover, there is not a single reasonable suggestion in the whole article. This person is really a great Confucian in vain, and he is really an embarrassment to scholars. .”

After hearing Li Jing's words, Yang Liufeng hastily re-read Chen Qixin and Liu Zongzhou's memorials. After reading it, Yang Liufeng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Gently patted Yang Liufeng on the shoulder, Li Jing sighed: "Be careful, we can't use such a person! You are our employing supervisor, your eyes should be brightened, don't choose such a waste material as an official .”

Yang Liufeng hurriedly bowed to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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