Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 304 Unbelievable Appearance

Chapter 304 Unbelievable Appearance

Not long after Yang Liufeng finished his business and left, the soldiers reported that Cao Wenzhao had returned.

After Cao Wenzhao destroyed Zhang Xianzhong, he seized a large amount of money and food. Since Cao Wenzhao's troops were all cavalry, it was inconvenient to escort so much food back. Just in the past two years, disasters began to occur in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so Cao Wenzhao On the way back, they released food along the road to relieve the victims.

Li Jing greatly appreciated Cao Wenzhao's move, thinking that Cao Wenzhao had considered far-reaching issues and lived up to his reputation as a famous general.

Li Jing is very clear about the purpose of Cao Wenzhao's doing this, which is not just as simple as helping the victims.

If it was just to help the victims, I am afraid that he would not do it if he gave Cao Wenzhao money. Cao Wenzhao's real purpose was actually to buy people's hearts, and to buy people's hearts for Li Jing.

Although even the emperor wants to sell Li Jing's face, Li Jing's name is not well-known in Daming, and may not be as famous as the leader of the rogues.

People who know Li Jing are basically in Shanxi and Henan provinces. To be more specific, it should be Pingyang Mansion and Datong plus Lingchuan in Shanxi, and Kaifeng Mansion, Zhangde Mansion and Henan Mansion in Henan. .

After leaving these two provinces, no one knows who Li Jing is.

But Cao Wenzhao is different. Cao Wenzhao moved to various parts of the Northwest Central Plains, and repeatedly defeated bandits. His name has already spread all over the country, especially after beheading Zhang Xianzhong. Zhao's name is resounding.

Now Cao Wenzhao is helping the disaster victims in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the future, as long as you stand up and tell people in these places that Li Jing is my boss and I did this on the orders of the boss, the people will immediately support Li Jing. It is much more effective than Li Jing coming forward in person.

This is why Li Jing said that Cao Wenzhao is a famous general.

The real famous generals don't just think about the tactical level, they think more about the strategic aspect.

For example, Huo Qubing, Huo Qubing dared to drive Shanyu Wangting directly with only a thousand cavalry. That battle was considered from a strategic level. front.

Huo Qubing's approach is a typical use of tactical means to achieve strategic goals.

Cao Wenzhao's approach is a typical use of political means to achieve strategic goals.

The methods of the two are different, but the purpose is the same.

Therefore, both of them are worthy of the name of famous generals.

Hearing that Cao Wenzhao had returned, Li Jing hurriedly stood up to greet him.

Seeing Li Jing coming out personally, Cao Wenzhao hurriedly bowed to salute.

Li Jing stretched out his hands to hold Cao Wenzhao's arms, helped Cao Wenzhao up, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Brother Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou praises you as a good general in the world, you are unparalleled in the world, and your name is indeed worthy."

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said, "If the commander hadn't made arrangements in advance, how could Wenzhao have accomplished such a remarkable feat?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not talking about Brother Wen Zhao's destruction of Zhang Xianzhong. How can Zhang Xianzhong be compared with Brother Wen Zhao? What kind of feat is it to wipe him out? I'm talking about your subsequent disaster relief actions."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Wen Zhao has been following the commander-in-chief for several years. If he doesn't understand the commander-in-chief's mind, isn't that a disappointment to the commander-in-chief's love?"

Li Jing punched Cao Wenzhao hard on the chest, and then said with a smile: "You don't have to put money on my face, it should be your credit or your credit. But I don't have anything to do right now." Things reward you, so I can only invite you to drink. Shen Xing bought me a few jars of good wine before, and today you come back, we brothers will give him a jar."

"Hahaha, it's better than any other reward to be treated to a drink by the commander in chief. But if you only treat me to a drink, it's a bit petty." Cao Wenzhao laughed.

"That's fine, we're not going to get drunk today." Li Jing said with a smile.

Cao Wenzhao laughed and said, "Let's forget it, if the commander-in-chief is drunk, wenzhao will probably be scolded."

Li Jing waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's rare for me to get drunk, so just give me a day off to rest."

When Cao Wenzhao heard this, he couldn't help feeling sore, he held Li Jing's arm and said, "Marshal, you have to take care of your health! Our Daming will point at you, Marshal."

Gently patted the back of Cao Wenzhao's hand, Li Jing smiled and said: "I can't do it alone, it depends mainly on everyone."

As he said that, Li Jing suddenly patted his forehead, and then said with a smile: "I'm so confused, I actually talked to Brother Wen Zhao at the door for a long time, I'm rude, I'm rude, come on, please come in!"

Cao Wenzhao's heart warmed, and he hastily stretched out his hand and said, "Please, Commander!"

Li Jing smiled and returned to the study together with Cao Wenzhao's hand.

Sitting down in the study, Cao Wenzhao took out an account book from his arms and handed it to Li Jingdao: "Commander, this is the list that was seized from Zhang Xianzhong this time. Please have a look at it, Commander."

Li Jing took it, opened it casually, took a look, and suddenly said in surprise: "So many?"

Cao Wenzhao nodded, with an expression of admiration on his face: "Zhang Xianzhong is a fucking bastard who can rob, and he robbed 47 taels of silver alone. When I checked the accounts, I thought the people below made a mistake. Well. After careful questioning, I found out that this amount of silver is nothing at all. If the jewels he robbed were converted into silver, it would be at least 100 million taels."

Li Jing sighed and said: "That's why I asked you to eliminate Zhang Xianzhong. This man killed too much. I don't know how he ruined Fengyang Mansion this time, alas!"

Cao Wenzhao was silent when he heard this, and after a while he said: "The area around Fengyang Mansion is almost white land. When I saw the situation in Pingyang Mansion, I really regret not doing it earlier."

Li Jing was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "It's not your fault, I know you are thinking about the overall situation. If it were me, I wouldn't do anything."

Cao Wenzhao nodded silently, but thinking of the scene of Fengyang Mansion, he felt a little uncomfortable after all.

After a long time, Cao Wenzhao suddenly said: "By the way, I will bring back a few people this time."

"How many people? Who are they?" Li Jingqi asked.

Cao Wenzhao pondered for a while and said: "It's from the Marshal's Mansion. I met them when I was releasing food in Suzhou. At that time, they were buying people from Ren Yazi."

Li Jing was taken aback: "People from my house? Go to Suzhou to buy someone?"

Cao Wenzhao nodded and said: "At that time, I was afraid that I would make a mistake, so I specially asked a few veterans who had followed the commander-in-chief to identify them. They all said that they were undoubtedly from the commander-in-chief's mansion. Later, I asked those people , They also admitted that they were from the Marshal's Mansion, and said that they were ordered by the two wives to go to Suzhou to buy a maid."

"Bang!" As soon as Cao Wenzhao finished speaking, Li Jing slammed the table and said angrily, "Nonsense! I have issued a strict order that no one can buy or sell human beings. Why are the two wives so ignorant and take the lead in violating the rules I set?" Xiao Wu! Go to the back house and call the two ladies over, and I'll ask them what's going on!"

Seeing that Li Jing was angry, Cao Wenzhao hurriedly stood up and said, "Calm your anger, Commander, and listen to Wenzhao's words."

Li Jing waved his hand and signaled Cao Wenzhao to sit down: "Brother Wenzhao, you don't have to do this. If you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

Cao Wenzhao clasped his fists and said: "Commander, please forgive Wenzhao for saying something unpleasant. The commander-in-chief's decree is only valid in Pingyang Mansion. If Madam doesn't buy people in Pingyang Mansion, it is not considered a violation of the commander-in-chief's rules." .”

Li Jing shook his head and said: "Brother Wenzhao's words are wrong. Even if the wife did not violate the rules I set, but they took the lead in buying people from other places and came back, wouldn't others follow suit? Then wouldn't the rules I set come true? decoration?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said: "Marshal, Wen Zhao disagrees with this statement. Wenzhao has something to ask the Marshal, and I hope the Marshal can clarify my doubts for me."

"Brother Wenzhao, may I ask?" Li Jing said.

"Excuse me, Marshal, why do you think those people sold their children?" Cao Wenzhao asked.

Li Jing frowned and said: "Then you can't afford to support yourself, so you sell your sons and daughters."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Pingyang Mansion is getting better and better under the management of the general. Naturally, there is no need to sell children and daughters, but what about other places? There are many families who can't survive elsewhere. They don't sell their children. Don't wait Starve to death? In my opinion, Madam bought these children, in fact helping these families.”

"This..." Li Jing pondered for a moment.

After a while, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Wenzhao, tell me the truth, how many people Madam bought this time, and what kind of people they are."

Hearing this, Cao Wenzhao suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Wu, and then said: "To be honest, most of the people my wife bought this time were children, and most of them were girls. I think they should be maids, but there is one of them. Girl, tsk tsk! Commander, Lao Cao doesn't have much knowledge, so he really can't describe the girl's appearance, the commander-in-chief had better see it with his own eyes."

"Huh? Brother Wenzhao, what do you mean? How come the more I listen to it, the more I don't like it? It doesn't seem like you're complaining?" Li Jing asked suspiciously.

Cao Wenzhao said with a wry smile: "I didn't mean to sue my wife. Does the commander-in-chief think that Wenzhao is a meddlesome person?"

Hearing this, Li Jing pondered Cao Wenzhao's words carefully. Don't say it, it sounded like a complaint, but it really wasn't a complaint.

Combined with Cao Wenzhao's last words, Li Jing suddenly understood Cao Wenzhao's intention.

Cao Wenzhao must have seen the girl's beauty, so he moved his mind, or Cao Wenzhao planned to get it as a gift for himself, but he didn't want the girl to be from his own house, so Cao Wenzhao didn't dare to do it.

However, Cao Wenzhao did not give up after all, so he personally brought back the people in his mansion. Presumably Cao Wenzhao thought that once the two wives saw the girl, he would not let him see it, so he notified her first. Own.

Thinking about this point, Li Jing gave Cao Wenzhao a hard look, then smiled wryly, "Brother Wenzhao, you see, I am a womanizer."

Cao Wenzhao shook his head hurriedly: "If the commander-in-chief is a womanizer, there will be no more honest gentleman in this world."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't need to praise me. Li is definitely not a gentleman, but he really doesn't like women. Besides, I don't believe that there are women more beautiful than the two wives in this world."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter whether Mrs. Cao is beautiful or not, and it doesn't matter what the commander-in-chief says. You have to see it to find out."

Cao Wenzhao had met Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu before, but Cao Wenzhao still said that, in fact, he meant that Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu were not as beautiful as that girl.

Li Jing believed in Cao Wenzhao's vision. Cao Wenzhao said that Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu were not as beautiful as that girl, so they must not be as beautiful as that girl.

Suddenly Li Jing became curious, wanting to see what the girl Cao Wenzhao said looked like.

(End of this chapter)

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