Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 315 Appointment Edict

Chapter 315 Appointment Edict
Shaking his head, Zhu Youjian stood up and said, "In that case, I will follow you to have a look."

Li Jingjing nodded, and winked at Xiaowu and Wang Chengen.

Xiaowu and Wang Chengen understood, and hurriedly stood beside Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian looked at Xiaowu, then at Wang Chengen, and shook his head helplessly.

It is not so easy for the emperor to drive. Generally speaking, after the whole set of ceremonial guards are completed, there are not thousands of people.

But Zhu Youjian knew that now was not the time for him to show off. Looking at Li Jing's posture, although he didn't want to take away his emperor's seat, if Li Jing was angered, who knew what Li Jing could do?

In order to win Wei Zhongxian, Zhu Youjian pretended to be his grandson for nearly two years, and his patience is far beyond human reach.

Zhu Youjian didn't speak at the moment, but let Li Jing arrange it.

Naturally, Li Jing didn't understand what kind of ceremonial guards the emperor needed to travel, not to mention taking the emperor to ransack the house this time, the simpler the better.

At that moment, Li Jing told Wang Chengen to simply prepare.

There were a lot of people in the palace. Under the strict supervision of Li Jing's subordinates, Wang Chengen arranged dozens of people to carry out the guard of honor that Zhu Youjian was walking in the palace.Then 200 people were drawn from the imperial army, and they followed Zhu Youjian to ransack the house.

When the guard of honor was ready, Li Jing asked Zhu Youjian to leave the hall, and just as Zhu Youjian was boarding the car, he suddenly stopped and said, "Li Jing, do you know who I remembered just now?"

Li Jing smiled slightly and said: "If my guess is correct, the emperor must have thought of Wei Zhongxian, right? Does the emperor think that today's scene is very similar to that in those days?"

Zhu Youjian stared at Li Jing and said slowly: "You are better than Wei Zhongxian, and Wei Zhongxian didn't dare to be so domineering in front of me back then!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "The emperor compares Li Jing to Wei Zhongxian, and Li Jing disagrees. What did Wei Zhongxian do for Daming? It's just a disaster for the country and the people. But Li Jing's actions are worthy of heaven and earth I am worthy of all the people of the Ming Dynasty. Even if I meet the former emperors of the Ming Dynasty in the future, Li Jing dares to say in front of them that Li Jing is saving the Ming Dynasty. Your Majesty, whether you regard Li Jing as Cao Cao or Wei Zhongxian, Li Jing doesn't even care. Li Jing will do what he has to do."

Zhu Youjian nodded silently when he heard this, and then started to get on the Luanjia.

Seeing Zhu Youjian getting into the Luanjia, Li Jing waved his hand, and Wang Chengen hurriedly led the way.

From the bottom of my heart, the reactions of Zhu Youjian and the courtiers were somewhat beyond Li Jing's expectations.

In Li Jing's imagination, even if he successfully entered the palace, there must be a fierce dispute with Zhu Youjian and the courtiers. Many ministers might fight to the death and fight themselves desperately. Li Jing even made a precautionary measure. If not, prepare for the massacre.

However, the unexpected cooperation of Zhu Youjian and the ministers made Li Jing's original arrangement like a heavy punch on the cotton.

Li Jing never expected to enter the process of ransacking the house so soon.

In the part of ransacking the house, Li Jing originally planned to kill some lawless ministers, and then show the evidence to Zhu Youjian, so that he can become famous as a teacher.

But the ministers did not fight as Li Jing imagined, so Li Jing could not deal with these officials rashly.If these officials are not dealt with, the people Li Jing originally arranged will have no place.

Therefore, Li Jing could only show some officials' corruption and bribery materials in advance.

But these materials alone are not enough, there must be real evidence, otherwise others can say that they are framing, and if they want to prove that what they said is true, the best way is to let Zhu Youjian take a look in person, which can not only attack Zhu Youjian's confidence can take down those lawless ministers and make room for his subordinates.

On the way to raid the house, Li Jing kept thinking about the reaction of the courtiers. After thinking for a long time, Li Jing finally figured out why the ministers reacted like this.

The reaction of the ministers is normal. In the past dynasties, when a dynasty perished, except for a very small number of upright ministers who would rather die than surrender, most of them surrendered, and the new emperor basically used these things to buy people's hearts. Minister, and then they will continue to be their officials.

It's as if a company is merged by another company, and most of the employees will be retained.

In those ministers' minds, Li Jing was just talking about it just now. It won't be long before Zhu Youjian will be abolished, and then he will become emperor himself.

Thinking about this point, Li Jing suddenly felt a little bitter. If even the literati lose their integrity, then the nation is basically hopeless.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing suddenly turned his head to look at Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty, what do you plan to do with those ministers? I'm talking about those ministers who have not broken the law."

Zhu Youjian was slightly stunned: "There are no ministers who broke the law? Why should I deal with them?"

Li Jing smiled, knowing that Zhu Youjian hadn't thought of anything deeper.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Jing sighed and said, "Your Majesty, please think carefully about my words before answering."

Zhu Youjian frowned, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I can't think of why I should deal with those courtiers."

"Your Majesty, if Huang Taiji led the Qing army into the palace today, how do you think the ministers would react?" Li Jing continued.

Zhu Youjian realized something when he heard the words, pondered for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's the same as the reaction just now."

Li Jing nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing, was silent for a while, and suddenly felt a pang of sadness in his heart.


The emperor personally led a team to ransack the house, which had never happened before the Ming Dynasty. No matter how arrogant the family members of the officials below were, they did not dare to be arrogant in front of the emperor, so they had to obediently open the door.

Seeing the hot faces of the soldiers of the imperial army, Li Jing glanced at them coldly, then pointed at them and shouted: "Listen to me, I know you are usually bastards, you are used to copying houses, and you are used to criminal officials' houses." property, but who dares to take something privately today, don't blame Li Jing for being rude!"

Only then did the imperial guards remember that today not only the emperor led the team, but also some soldiers of unknown identity guarded them, and their thoughts of wanting to take advantage of the sheep suddenly became cold.

Seeing the terrified faces of the guards, Li Jing waved his hands: "Let's do it!"

To say that the imperial guards are indeed veterans in raiding houses, their actions are far more skilled than Li Jing's subordinates, and they seem to know where the property of the corrupt official's house is hidden. courtyard.

Ordering Xiaowu to open the box, Li Jing stretched out his hand to Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty, please have a look."

Seeing the boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, Zhu Youjian felt confused for a while. After a while, he said bitterly: "This group of thieves, Daming's military salary is not enough to make ends meet every year. It turns out that they all joined this group of corrupt officials. purse."

Li Jing smiled and said: "This is still a small amount, but only tens of thousands of taels. How about more? Your Majesty, let's go to the next one?"

Zhu Youjian rubbed his forehead, waved his hands and said: "I have a headache, I don't want to go, Li Aiqing will handle it by herself!"

Having said that, Zhu Youjian suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Li Jing with a wry smile and said, "Go as you please!"

Li Jing shook his head: "Your Majesty, what Li Jing said earlier is true, and he has no dissatisfaction with the Emperor, so there is no need for the Emperor to worry too much. However, if the Ming Dynasty does not reform, it will really perish. I implore the Emperor to adopt Li Jing's suggestion and implement a new policy. .”

Hearing the words, Zhu Youjian stared at Li Jing, and after a while, he sighed softly and said, "I can't stop you from doing what you want, you can do whatever you want!"

Li Jing smiled: "Then the humble minister has the audacity to ask the emperor for an official position."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "You can be any official you want, and I will give you a seal later."

Li Jing arched his hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty, then let's go back to the palace."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing turned his head and said to Ma Wu: "You lead people to continue raiding the house, and use your people first to keep accounts, and then I will order Yang Liufeng to take over."

"Yes!" Ma Wu replied.

Li Jing waved his hand, signaling Wang Chengen to turn his head back to the palace.

After returning to the palace, Li Jing ignored those officials, but followed Zhu Youjian to Qianqing Palace, and then Li Jing dictated, Zhu Youjian wrote, and a series of edicts were quickly drafted.

However, Zhu Youjian's appointment of Li Jing is quite strange, such as the first appointment.

Zhu Youjian thought that after Wen Tiren and other cabinet members were dismissed, Li Jing would definitely serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet, but the name of the first assistant was not Li Jing, but Yuan Keli.

Even the second assistant is not Li Jing's name, but Xu Guangqi.

Li Jing's name is only the third.

Then Li Jing's appointment was beyond Zhu Youjian's expectation, and Li Jing asked himself to be the governor of the five army governor's mansion.You must know that the Great Governor of Ming Dynasty is just a false post and has no real power.

But Zhu Youjian immediately knew that Li Jing's position would definitely not be a false one. Li Jing, the governor, is the real governor, and all the soldiers and horses in the world will be under his jurisdiction.

Li Jing's name in the cabinet is only ranked third, and he has asked for another post that seems to be just a false one.Zhu Youjian couldn't help secretly admiring Li Jing's political skills.

Zhu Youjian knew very well what Li Jing's purpose was for doing this. Li Jing didn't want to stand out all of a sudden and arouse fierce opposition from civil officials and generals in various provinces and places.

In particular, Yuan Keli and Xu Guangqi are highly respected in Daming. With them as the first payment and second assistant of the cabinet, none of the civil servants and military generals below dare to object.

When they get over it, Li Jing is probably unshakable.

The only thing Zhu Youjian didn't understand was when Yuan Keli and Xu Guangqi became Li Jing's helpers.

Then Li Jing threw out three more important appointments. First, he appointed Cao Wenzhao as the Minister of the Ministry of War, the former governor of the army, and the general of Pingbei.Then came the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Governor of the Central Army, Gao Qi, the Great General of Zhenguo, the Governor of the Rear Army, and Sun Meng, the Great General of Dingguo.

In the next series of appointments of generals, Zhu Youjian had never heard of any of the names.

After the appointment of military generals, the chief officers of the other five ministries will be appointed. Zhou Hengchen will be the servant of the Ministry of Officials, Shen Zheng will be the servant of the Ministry of Households, Yang Liufeng will be the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, Fang Fang will be the servant of the Ministry of Industry, Yuan Shu will be the servant of the Ministry of Rites, and Yu Leting will be the servant of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The censor of the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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