Chapter 316
Similarly, these people appointed by Li Jing are all deputies, and their principal positions are vacant.

The purpose of such an appointment is naturally the same as before.

Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing and sighed in his heart. Li Jing was not a few years older than him, but his political skills were extremely powerful.

After the appointment edict was issued, Li Jing poured a cup of tea for himself and Zhu Youjian, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, we have one last edict to issue."

Zhu Youjian took a sip from the teacup and asked curiously, "What edict do you want to issue?"

"The imperial conquest!" Li Jing said seriously.

"What? You want Zhen Yu to conquer? Do you want me to die in Donglu's hands?" Zhu Youjian was startled, and the hand holding the teacup trembled suddenly.

Li Jing shook his head, stared at Zhu Youjian and said: "I have mobilized Cao Wenzhao's army to go north. Cao Wenzhao will enter Beijing the day after tomorrow at the latest. Then I will accompany the emperor to the expedition. I only have one request for the emperor."

"Tell me." Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jing looked at Zhu Youjian and said slowly: "After this battle, the emperor's prestige will reach its peak, please let the emperor live a leisurely life in the future, and ignore political affairs. I will formulate new laws, From now on, the emperor will only be a symbol of Ming Dynasty and will no longer interfere in government affairs."

"Good trick, you are trying to exalt me, and then make everyone think that I have retreated bravely, right?" Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing and sneered.

Li Jing stared at Zhu Youjian, and suddenly smiled: "Your Majesty, do you think that your position as emperor is interesting? Let me tell you the truth, I don't covet your position as emperor at all. If it's not for the great Ming Dynasty, for One billion people of the Ming Dynasty, I have long since lived in seclusion with my wife and children in the mountains, and I will not do these things if you ask me to do them."

Sighing, Li Jing continued: "Do you know why I don't let you interfere in government affairs? In fact, I am not targeting you, I am targeting the emperor's system. So far, the Ming Dynasty has experienced sixteen emperors and seventeen dynasties (Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen I have worked for two terms and used two years), it can be said that except for a few Ming emperors, most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty are incompetent, and some mediocre ministers were appointed, so the Ming Empire has been in decline, and it is already the end of the world when it comes to the emperor I'm powerless. I dare not put the future of the Ming Empire on the emperor who doesn't know whether he is wise or stupid, so I let the emperor not interfere in government affairs."

"Then you can guarantee that all those who handle government affairs are capable ministers?" Zhu Youjian said, staring at Li Jing.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't dare to protect, but I dare to protect the system. I will formulate a system for selecting capable ministers and officials. In the future, I will use the system to select people. Only in this way can I protect my country forever .”

Hearing Li Jing repeatedly mentioned Daming Jiangshan, Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said: "Li Jing, when you commented on the previous emperors of Daming Dynasty, you seemed to have a lot of criticism, why do you care about Daming Jiangshan so much?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the previous emperors of the Ming Dynasty and the country of the Ming Dynasty are completely different things. The country of the Ming Dynasty seems to have been brought down by the Taizu, but in fact it belongs to the hundreds of millions of people of the Ming Dynasty. And no matter which dynasty Replacement, the land of the Central Plains will always be the place where the descendants of Yan and Huang live.”

After a pause, Li Jing said solemnly: "I will never allow foreigners to invade the territory of our Han people. In addition, I have complaints about the past emperors, but only for their ability to govern, not for this country. In fact, there are many people in Ming Dynasty. I still have a lot of admiration for the policy."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Zhu Youjian wondered.

Li Jing said solemnly: "Since the founding of the country by the Taizu, there has been one national policy that has never changed, that is, no marriage, no compromise, even if the emperor is captured, he still will not compromise. Throughout the dynasties, only our Ming Dynasty has this backbone. Moreover, Daming adheres to the emperor's guarding the gate of the country, and this kind of courage is even worse than that of the previous dynasties. Your Majesty, let me tell you the truth, as long as I have the integrity of Daming, I have to keep Daming's name."

Zhu Youjian was silent when he heard this.

After a long time, Fang said: "Li Jing, you told me not to interfere in government affairs in the future, are you going to let me stay in the forbidden palace for the rest of my life?"

Li Jing shook his head: "Your majesty, you still have many things to do if you don't care about government affairs. In the final analysis, our Daming is still under your rule, and the people of Daming are still your people in the final analysis. But how do the people of Daming live?" Do you know? I’m afraid you don’t know? You can take a look around and really understand the people’s livelihood. If you have any good suggestions, will the courtiers not adopt them? Also, the great Ming Zhongxing, Fanyi countries will definitely Sending envoys to Beijing to pay homage to you, as the emperor, you represent our Ming Dynasty, and all etiquette systems must still be based on you."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "In the end, I just bear the title of emperor, so I can't do anything about it?"

Li Jing stared at Zhu Youjian and said: "Your Majesty, I am not underestimating you. Although your political skills are very good, you are far behind in terms of employing people and governing. In fact, it is not difficult to be a good emperor. You can select good talents and reuse talents. But you ask yourself, which virtuous minister have you appointed? Let me give you an example, you once brought Mr. Xu Guangqi into the cabinet, then I ask you, you said Mr. Xu Guangqi is a virtuous person Minister?"

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said: "Xu Guangqi, who has both ability and political integrity, should be a good minister. I have high hopes for him, and I promoted him to the cabinet and appointed Xu Guangqi. I don't think I misunderstood him."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are wrong. Xu Guangqi's ability to govern is far inferior to his ability to study knowledge. Xu Guangqi once suggested that you start a science academy, right? This is what he is good at. I can tell you that I am in Pingyang Mansion The Academy of Sciences has been established, and Master Xu Guangqi is the president of the Academy of Sciences.

Speaking of this, Li Jing sighed lightly: "It's a pity that Mr. Xu is already old. If it had been ten or even twenty years earlier, the Academy of Sciences might not have made much research results."

Shaking his head, Li Jing continued: "There is also Governor Sun Yuanhua of Denglai. Do you think Sun Yuanhua is a talent?"

Zhu Youjian nodded and said: "Of course Sun Yuanhua is a talent. I promoted him as governor of Denglai just because he saw his ability in ordnance."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Governor of Denglai is a leader in war. Do you think that Sun Yuanhua has written several military articles, so you think he is qualified for governor of Denglai?"

Seeing Zhu Youjian's displeasure on his face, Li Jing knew that his sarcasm was a little too heavy, so he cupped his hands at Zhu Youjian, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't blame the emperor, Li Jing speaks a bit straight."

Zhu Youjian waved his hands and said, "Forget it, no matter how harsh your tone is, I can only bear it now."

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "Sun Yuanhua is also a person who is only suitable for learning. He doesn't understand people's hearts at all. If he is an official, especially leading an army, he will suffer a big loss. Sun Yuanhua is good at developing artillery, let him enter the Ministry of Industry Engaging in artillery research is the most suitable for him.

I set up an Ordnance Bureau in Pingyang Mansion, and Sun Yuanhua is the director of the Ordnance Bureau. Now the artillery used by the Jishi Army is all developed by him.During the Battle of Datong, Cao Wenzhao gave full play to the power of the artillery, which made the Eastern Captives so helpless to fight back.It is no exaggeration to say that even if you exchanged [-] frontier troops for Sun Yuanhua alone, I would not exchange them for you. "

Seeing Zhu Youjian's disbelief, Li Jing smiled and said, "Cao Wenzhao will enter Beijing in two days. Then we will go out together. I will show you the power of Jishi Army's artillery."

Zhu Youjian nodded silently.

At this moment, Li Jing's personal soldiers reported outside the palace that Zhou Hengchen and others had entered the palace.

Li Jingwen listened, looked at Zhu Youjian and smiled and said: "These new ministers, the emperor will meet you."

Zhu Youjian said with a wry smile: "You said see you, then see you."

Li Jingjing nodded and waved to the soldiers, who hurried out of the palace to lead the others.

Zhou Hengchen and others were less than two days away from Li Jing. After Li Jing entered the city, he stayed for one night and was busy for half a day the next day. Zhou Hengchen arrived just after Li Jing had grasped the situation in the palace.

Not long after arriving in Beijing, these people received the imperial edict issued by Li Jing and Zhu Youjian. Seeing the appointment in the imperial edict, Zhou Hengchen and others were both surprised and delighted. They were surprised that Li Jing had entered the main center so quickly. They were delighted that, Li Jing actually used them so much that he promoted them to be the heads of various departments.

These people have followed Li Jing for a long time, and they know that Li Jing is far-sighted in his actions, and they also know that the current situation is very delicate, Li Jing's foothold has not yet been firmly established, and it will take a period of transition.

Li Jing does not want to make Daming mess up now, and the reason why he didn't directly let them take up the main positions is because he is afraid of causing fierce opposition from the local officials in various provinces.

In addition, although they are only deputy positions, they are actually the heads of various departments. Promotion is only a matter of time, and there is no need to rush at all.

Therefore, after receiving the edict, these people immediately wanted to enter the palace to thank Li Jing.

What they didn't expect was that Li Jing was with the emperor and sent a message for them to have an audience with the emperor.

Upon receiving this news, Zhou Hengchen and others were a little dazed for a moment, not knowing what Li Jing's intentions were.

On the way into the palace, Zhou Hengchen asked Shen Zheng: "Lord Shen, you have been with the Marshal the longest, and you are also the Marshal's father-in-law. What do you mean by the Marshal? Is it to test us or really let us see the emperor."

Hearing Zhou Hengchen's question, Shen Zheng also scratched his head a little, and he was not sure what Li Jing was thinking.

From a normal point of view, their officials were given by Li Jing, and they have nothing to do with the emperor, so they can only thank Li Jing if they want to thank the emperor, wouldn't they be ungrateful villains?If Li Jing was trying to test them, they could guess what would happen in the future even if they thought about it with their toes.

But what if Li Jing was sincere instead of tempting?Then if they didn't follow Li Jing's order, they would also go around without food.

Shen Zheng thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what Li Jing's intentions were. Although Shen Zheng was close to Li Jing, he was good at business, but he was far from being poor in politics.

Suddenly, Shen Zheng remembered that before he entered Beijing, his daughter and Zhu Huiyu had specifically explained to him that when he went to Beijing, he would listen to whatever the commander-in-chief said. Don't make wild guesses, otherwise, you will miss the commander-in-chief. Handsome event.

(End of this chapter)

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