Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 321 The Great Victory

Chapter 321 The Great Victory
But the memorial of the officials of the Ming Dynasty is really tolerable and unbearable.A very simple thing can make them talk about Tang Zong and Song Zu, from the three emperors and five emperors, from the sages and sages, to the ancestors and ancestors.

Since most officials of the Ming Dynasty were well-versed in poetry and books, the memorials they wrote often quoted classics and had beautiful words.The only shortcoming is that there is too much nonsense, which completely ignores the practical purpose of being concise and concise in classical Chinese.

It is said that something happened to Zhu Yuanzhang when he was in office: Ru Taisu, then Minister of the Household Department, once gave a memorial, and Zhu Yuanzhang asked someone to read it to him, but it took an hour and a half (three hours) to read half of it. The terrible thing is that after reading it for so long, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't understand what Ru Taisu was going to say in this memorial.Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the number of people to check the number of words, and there were already more than 1 words.Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he ordered someone to call Ru Taisu into the palace and beat him severely.

It's a pity that this matter did not alert the ministers. When the ministers wrote the memorial, they wrote it as they should. It seems that if they don't write it like this, they will not show their level, their talent, and their knowledge of the past and the present.

Li Jing really hated this kind of practice by officials of Ming Dynasty. In the past, some officials in Pingyang Mansion also had this habit. Li Jing's punishment for them was to let them stand in front of all the officials holding the things they wrote. Read it aloud ten times without drinking water.

In this way, whoever writes stinky and long writing will suffer the most.After suffering, the officials naturally have a long memory, and the things they say later tend to be simple and direct.

It took Li Jing nearly a year to completely get rid of the problems of the officials of the Pingyang Mansion. Now facing those officials of the imperial court who have not received a lesson, Li Jing knows what they wrote even if he thinks with his toes thing.

Li Jing has so many things to do now, how can he have time to read the nonsense of these officials?Naturally, he didn't even look at it.

While Hong Chengchou and others went up to persuade Zhu Youjian not to march in person, they led the army to march towards the capital quickly, and arrived in the capital in just a few days.

Before Hong Chengchou and others arrived in Beijing, Chen Dazhuang and Cao Wenzhao had already led their troops to the capital.After these two men led their troops into Beijing, Li Jing's troops in Beijing had reached more than [-] people.

With enough troops, Li Jing immediately ordered the two to start preparations. This military parade was planned in advance.

Through this military parade, Li Jing really restrained those few feudal officials with heavy troops in their hands with his mighty military power, thus mastering the command of these troops.

Li Jing believed that as long as Cao Wenzhao led his troops to continuously defeat the Qing army on the frontal battlefield, he would be able to fully control these troops by then.

In addition, after careful consideration, Li Jing finally decided to appoint Li Dingguo as Cao Wenzhao's deputy.

In this decisive battle with the Qing army, Cao Wenzhao served as the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, but because the Jishi Army attacked from two directions, it was necessary to arrange a deputy for Cao Wenzhao.

There are two people who are capable of serving as deputy, one is Li Dingguo and the other is Zhuzi.

In terms of ability, Li Dingguo and Zhuzi are comparable, but Li Dingguo has been fighting with Cao Wenzhao for these years and is better at attacking, while Zhuzi is stationed in a corner all the year round, and he is more inclined to defend.

Considering the characteristics of two people fighting, Li Jing decided to leave the pillars to guard the capital, and the only ones left for the pillars were the three thousand Jishi army and the Beijing garrison of the Ming army.

Only 3000 people were left to defend the capital, not because Li Jingtuo looked down on the Qing army, but after careful consideration.

Because once the news of Zhu Youjian's personal conquest came out, after the Qing army learned about it, the normal reaction must be to besiege the emperor's personal conquest troops with all their strength.

In this way, the pressure on the defense of the capital will be greatly reduced. Even if the Qing army wants to take the opportunity to attack the capital, according to Li Jing's battle plan, the pressure on the defense of the capital will only be in the north, mainly at Deshengmen and Andingmen. At most, add Xizhimen and Dongzhimen.

With 3000 people defending the four gates, and with the weapons and equipment of the Jishi Army, as long as they don't leave the city to take the initiative to invite battle, it is more than enough.

As for the other city gates, they were handed over to the Beijing camp for defense. Li Jing was not worried about whether the combat capability of the Beijing camp was too poor, because these people basically had no strength.

What Li Jing had to deal with in the early stage was the Qing army in the south of Gyeonggi. It would be difficult to find the Qing army. If the Qing army took the initiative to attack the city gate in the south, it would be in Li Jing's arms. Li Jing could order Cao Wenzhao at any time Return to the division first to destroy the Qing army that attacked the city.

You must know that although the Qing army ran fast as cavalry, Cao Wenzhao's troops were not riding donkeys. When the Qing army came to attack the city with its front feet, Cao Wenzhao could catch up with its back feet to encircle and annihilate.

Li Jing has calculated everything, but unfortunately he still overlooked one thing: that is the banner.

Because Cao Wenzhao is not only flying the flag of Cao Zi, but also the banner of the Jishi Army.

The Jurchens still remember the names of Cao Wenzhao and Ji Shijun.

Some Jurchen soldiers who survived the Battle of Datong are still terrified when they think of the scene back then.

And this time the general of the Qing army who led the invasion of Ming Dynasty, King Azige of Wuying County, just participated in the last battle of Datong.

This time, Azig's troops went smoothly in entering the customs. They even won 56 battles in more than ten states and counties, including Changping, Shunyi and others.More than [-] people and animals were captured, and countless money was plundered.

Azig was about to grab a few more and lead his troops back to the pass. He didn't expect that Emperor Chongzhen would personally lead the conquest. Hearing the news for the first time, Azige was overjoyed. He felt that this was a good opportunity. The credit for this time is too great to add.

However, Azig immediately learned that it was Cao Wenzhao who accompanied Emperor Chongzhen's imperial conquest, and that the army led by Cao Wenzhao turned out to be [-] Ji Shijun.After receiving the news, Azig trembled in his heart.

The phrase that appears most often in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is "so-and-so is brave and intrepid, and should not be feared." Almost all literati and advisers believe that warriors have only two arms and strength, and they are all brainless fools.

Some people in later generations commented on Azig, and also said that he was brave and foolish.

But this kind of evaluation is obviously wrong. If Azig is really brave and foolhardy, how could he be repeatedly entrusted with important tasks by Huang Taiji and Dorgon?

In fact, Azig's use of troops has his own unique features.

Especially after suffering the great loss of the Jishi Army in Datong, Azig was highly vigilant against the Jishi Army, even if he was rewarded by the assassins lurking in Pingyang Mansion. After knowing that Li Jing only brought three thousand infantry into King Jingqin, Azig Still be cautious.

In order to guard against the [-] infantry led by Li Jing, Azig deployed all his troops and attacked in multiple ways.

Azig believed that even if he attacked Li Jing's troops, with the speed advantage of the cavalry, even if Li Jing's [-] infantrymen had great abilities, they would have nothing to do with him. At most, they could only eat one of them.

However, Azig never expected that Li Jing would cover Chencang secretly and arranged for a troop to enter the capital early on, not to mention that Cao Wenzhao would bypass the Qing army and enter the capital first.

Li Jing's arrangement did hide the truth from Azig, but the banner revealed the identities of Cao Wenzhao and Ji Shijun.

After learning that Cao Wenzhao was again in charge of commanding this time, and seeing Cao Wenzhao's troops attacking the Qing army south of Beijing in two ways, Azig knew that the Qing army south of Gyeonggi was about to face disaster.

In the Battle of Guantunbao in Datong, Azig had a deep experience of Cao Wenzhao's tactics.

In the case of Cao Wenzhao's absolute superiority in weapons, he still digs holes, sets up traps, lays ambushes, and uses all kinds of methods.This time, there are more than [-] soldiers including the Jishi Army, the capital division and the local troops. With so many troops, Cao Wenzhao can use them to his heart's content, and Cao Wenzhao is not sure what method he will use.

Azig quickly judged the situation, and then quickly issued an order that stunned all his subordinates. The Qing army to the south of Beijing broke through on its own, and the Qing army to the north of Beijing split into two groups and quickly retreated outside the pass.

Azig's order was not untimely, but he still ignored Cao Wenzhao's attack speed.

As soon as Azig's order was handed down, bad news came back one after another. Cao Wenzhao and Li Dingguo swept across the Qing troops in the south of Gyeonggi with a devastating force. The total of [-] Qing troops in the six south of Gyeonggi was almost wiped out. .

Upon hearing the news, Azig didn't hesitate any longer, and led his troops back north quickly, and fled back to the outside of the pass from Xifeng Pass.

The other Qing army stationed in Changping and Shunyi was ambushed by Cao Bianjiao and other troops at Dushikou when they returned north. Except for a small part of them who fled back, most of them were wiped out.According to post-war statistics, more than [-] enemies were wiped out in this campaign.

So far, the battle of Gyeonggi is over.

In the Battle of Gyeonggi, more than [-] Qing soldiers were wiped out, and more than [-] captured people were rescued.

Li Jing was not very satisfied with this result. The main reason for his dissatisfaction was that the main force of the Qing army led by Azig fled back outside the pass.

However, Li Jing also knows that the battlefield is changing rapidly. It doesn't mean that you can achieve the desired effect with a thorough arrangement. What's more, due to the limited troops invested by the Jishi Army in this battle, it is impossible to plan too comprehensively.

But for the entire Ming Dynasty, this battle was an unprecedented victory.

In particular, this great victory was achieved under the emperor's personal conquest, which made countless officials even more excited.

All of a sudden, congratulatory memorials from officials from all over the country were sent to the capital like snowflakes.

Qianqing Palace.

After the war, Zhu Youjian and Li Jing summoned Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting and others to discuss matters.

Pointing to the mountain-like memorials, Li Jingchong arched his hands to Zhu Youjian, looked at the crowd again, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, what do you think of these memorials?"

Zhu Youjian looked at the mountain of memorials, shook his head and sighed: "This time, I am personally driving the conquest, and I know that this great victory is the result of Li Aiqing's military use, and has nothing to do with me."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "The emperor's words are wrong. The emperor's personal conquest has greatly boosted the morale of our soldiers. Just for this alone, the emperor's credit can be recorded in the annals of history. The emperor said that he has no merit, and the minister is not great. agree."

Zhu Youjian was very useful when he heard about it.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "However, can this battle change the current situation between Daming and Donglu? Can it also reverse the decline of Daming? I'm afraid it can't?"

Zhu Youjian nodded lightly: "Although I don't understand military affairs, I also know that this battle alone can't change anything at all! My Ming Dynasty is still at a disadvantage against the Eastern Captives militarily."

Li Jing looked at Zhu Youjian, and couldn't help nodding his head slightly. It seemed that Zhu Youjian hadn't been dazzled by the victory yet.

(End of this chapter)

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