Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 322 Abolition of 8 Shares

Chapter 322 Abolition of stereotyped writing
"Then what do so many courtiers mean by these memorials? Do you think that Daming can rest easy from now on? Or do you think that Daming can launch an offensive against the Eastern Captives now?" Li Jing asked, pointing to the memorials.

Hong Chengchou and the others looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly at the same time.

Although they haven't read the memorials written by others, they are very clear about what is written in these memorials, because some of these memorials are written by them.

After glancing at Hong Chengchou and the others, Li Jing continued, "Daming is in troubled times right now. There are captives from the east outside and bandits on the inside making trouble everywhere, and natural disasters occur from time to time in various places. Why do you only win one battle and let everyone take care of it?" Have all these difficulties been left behind?"

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed, arched his hands at Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty, I said before that the Eastern Captives will be pacified within one year, and the rogues in Ming Dynasty will be calmed within five years. One person is not enough, all the officers and soldiers need to work together, in order to unify the power, I implore the emperor to authorize the ministers to change the military system, so that the ministers can mobilize troops to pacify the Eastern captives and rogue bandits."

Zhu Youjian smiled wryly, glanced at Li Jing, and said in his heart: "You are so fast, you actually want me to delegate power now."

However, Zhu Youjian knew that Li Jing was talking to him in a nice way to save face. If he didn't agree, Li Jing would immediately turn his face and deny others. Instead of asking for trouble, it's better to take the initiative.

Wanting to understand this section, Zhu Youjian immediately said: "I have approved Li Aiqing's request. I not only authorized Li Aiqing to change the military system, but also authorized Aiqing to rectify the bad government. I believe that Li Aiqing will be able to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty."

"Your Majesty is wise, Li Jing must do his best and die." Li Jing hurriedly got up and gave Zhu Youjian a deep salute.

Zhu Youjian hurriedly said, "Li Aiqing is alive."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Jing said.

After all, Li Jing stood up, turned to the ministers and said, "Since the emperor authorized Li Jing, then Li will not be impolite. From now on, Li Jing will implement a new policy. I hope that all colleagues here will cooperate. Li is ugly Speaking of which, if anyone disobeys Li's order, don't blame Li for being rude."

Cao Wenzhao and others hurriedly stood up, saluted Li Jing together and said: "We will follow the command of the commander in chief!"

Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting and others looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes. Then they slowly got up, bowed to Li Jing and said: "I will follow Li Dudu's order."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Colleagues, please sit down. Now Li Jing is promulgating the first decree. From now on, the army will be under the control of the Fifth Army Commander's Office and the Ministry of War. The Fifth Army Commander's Office is responsible for combat matters, and the Military Department is responsible for military affairs.

Second: the separation of military and political affairs in each province.The governors of each province are no longer in charge of military power, and the posts of governors of each province are abolished at the same time. The government orders of a province are all issued by the Chief Envoy Si Yamen.

Third: The Weisuo system was abolished, and the former provincial Weisuo were merged into the provincial generals' mansions, and the provincial generals were appointed by the five armies' governors' mansions. "

When Li Jinggang said this, Hong Chengchou suddenly got up and said, "Wait a minute, Dudu Li, there is something unclear about Hong. What does the military administration of the Ministry of War refer to? The army of each province is in charge of the general's office. Aren't you afraid that the generals of each province will support themselves?"

"Good question, the Governor can answer these two questions for you together, but before answering, Li Jing will ask Lord Hong a question first, and please answer truthfully." Li Jing said with a smile.

"Master Li, may I ask?" Hong Chengchou said.

"Master Hong, what do you rely on to contain the army's general?" Li Jing smiled.

Without hesitation, Hong Chengchou said, "Food, fodder and military pay."

Li Jing smiled and said: "That's good, but it's not enough. There is also the item of weapons and equipment. If there is no weapon and equipment, the army is a toothless tiger. Have you seen the combat effectiveness of the Jishi Army? I can tell you , if there is no continuous supply of ammunition, the fighting power of the Jishi Army may not be as good as your troops. In other words, as long as the supply of ammunition to the Jishi Army is cut off, the Jishi Army will become a display. I explain this way Master Hong understands Is it?"

Hong Chengchou pondered for a while and said, "Master Li, does it mean that the Ministry of War is in charge of the supply of weapons and ammunition?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "It's a little short. The promotion and transfer of generals who are mainly in charge of the Ministry of War is the military administration. As for weapons, equipment and ammunition, they are in charge of the Logistics Department of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion."

Smiling, Li Jing continued: "Here, let me first explain to you what department the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion is. This Fifth Army Commander's Mansion is not the other Five Armies Commander's Mansion, and it's not our Five Armies Commander's Mansion before the Ming Dynasty.

The Dudufu of the Five Armies actually refers to the five military regions. For example, the Dudufu of the Chinese Army is responsible for the garrison of the capital. It can also be called the garrison of the capital, or the Zhili Military Region.

The former military governor's office is responsible for fighting against Mongolia and the Eastern Captives, and it can also be called the northern military region.By analogy, there are also the Southern Military Region, Eastern Military Region, and Western Military Region. The armies of each province are under the jurisdiction of these five major military regions. "

Seeing Hong Chengchou and others listening intently, Li Jing continued: "Since the five major military regions are in charge of the troops, they cannot manage the logistics. Therefore, the logistics department must be listed separately. Then who is in charge of the logistics department? We know that sometimes the leaders of the major military regions The war is likely to be entangled, and at this time, the generals of the provinces or even a single military region may no longer be able to command. At this time, a higher-level command department must be set up. It was out of this consideration that the emperor set up the governors of the five provinces."

With that said, Li Jing turned his head to look at Zhu Youjian, and Zhu Youjian nodded hastily upon hearing this.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "But the position set up by the emperor, to be honest, has too much power, and no one can rest assured if it is changed, so how to deal with this problem? What I mean is to set up a position above the five major military regions. The higher-level Dudu's Mansion, this Dudu's Mansion is the Dudu's Mansion of the Five Armies, also known as the Great Dudu's Mansion.

There are three chief officials in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, namely the Metropolitan Governor and the Left and Right Governors.It consists of four departments: the Staff Department, the Logistics Department, the Equipment Department, and the Military and Political Department. The chief officers of the above four departments are on the same level as the left and right governors and half a level higher than the five governors.

I don't need to explain what the first three departments of these four departments do. I will only explain to you the functions of the Military and Political Department here.

The Ministry of Military and Political Affairs is responsible for supervising senior generals and dealing with senior generals who break the law or make mistakes. To put it bluntly, this department is responsible for military law, and another function is to issue military regulations and military ideological management.

In addition to the four departments under the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, the Ministry of War must also be added.

In this way, the military affairs of the country are jointly handled by the chief governor, the left and right chief governors, the chief officers of the four ministries, the minister of the Ministry of War, and the chief governors of the five military regions.

Among them, the two positions of the left and right governors can be concurrently held by the chief officials of the four ministries or the Minister of the Ministry of War.

In addition, in the future, our Ming Dynasty will also establish a special navy and other military branches, and these military branches must have separate military officers.These military chiefs will also become members of the Metropolitan Government in the future.

I believe that with so many people holding the country's military power and restraining each other, no one will rebel, right?
And we also have the trump card of the household department. After all, the military expenditure is paid by the household department. If there is no money, there will be no military salary. The generals can't let the soldiers work for them without military salary, right? "

Hearing what Li Jing said, everyone present could not help but chuckle.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing's face became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "But there is one thing, all military chiefs must be senior generals who understand military affairs, know how to fight, and can command wars. Duties, so that these people will not command indiscriminately during wartime.

Here I want to ask Master Hong, Master Lu and Master Sun.The three of you are both civil servants and military commanders, but you can only hold one position. I will give you several positions to choose from.

If you choose a civil position, you can serve as the chief envoys of Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan. The ability of three people is more than enough for this position, and it is no problem to join the cabinet in the future.

If you choose a military position, I still have the position of the commander-in-chief of the three military regions. Our Ming Dynasty is surrounded by turmoil. I will use troops abroad in a few years. Leave a name in history. "

"This..." Hong Chengchou and the others hesitated for a while.

To tell the truth, although they were generals who commanded troops and fought in wars, because they were civil servants, they still looked down on warriors in their bones, so they didn't want to take up military posts.

However, Li Jing only gave them the position of chief envoy, which was far different from their current position, and Li Jing said that he would use troops abroad in the future.

Seeing that the three hesitated, Li Jing smiled and said: "I know the three have a lot of concerns, I can tell you that in the future, although the state will still have to take an exam to select talents and appoint officials, it will never select talents based on stereotypes. In the future, it will never happen that you can become an official just by writing a few articles. A few adults don’t need to think that literati are great and warriors are vulgar.”

Hong Chengchou and others were shocked when they heard the words: "If you don't take the stereotype test, what's the test?"

"Practical learning is a test of real talent and learning." Li Jing said with a smile.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of several people, Li Jing smiled and said: "Three adults, you three have been fighting bandits or governing the country for many years. Excuse me, can the stereotyped essay help you put down the bandits? Can you?" Help you manage the place?"

Hong Chengchou and the others shook their heads without hesitation: "No!"

Li Jing sighed and said, "That's right! Stereotyped essays can't do anything but write articles and couplet poems, so what's the use of us officials learning stereotyped essays? Is it right to let our officials write articles and couplet poems all day long?
Students spend several years, ten years, or even decades learning these useless things. Even if they pass the exam, they will be mediocre in the end.Look at the officials of the Ming Dynasty, what else can they do besides playing tricks!What's the use of these officials if something goes wrong and you can't even come up with an idea? "

Hong Chengchou and others were silent when they heard this.

 There are 100 million words, please give me some strength!
(End of this chapter)

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