Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 323 The Symbol of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 323 The Symbol of Ming Dynasty

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing suddenly stood up and said proudly: "I know that this move may offend scholars all over the world, but Li is not afraid. At worst, Li doesn't need these scholars. I will train talents myself. I can't train them in five years. , then ten years, if not ten years, then 20 years.

And I believe that there must be people who care about the country, and there must be officials who are willing to do things for the people. As long as Ming has such people, it will be revived sooner or later. "

Seeing Li Jing's courage, Hong Chengchou and others were shocked.

Reformers have never been as courageous as Li Jing.It's not that Li Jing doesn't know the consequences of offending scholars all over the world. Li Jing's actions will inevitably be insulted by scholars all over the world, and he will be splashed with sewage by the National People's Congress, which may leave him with eternal infamy.

After pondering for a while, Lu Xiangsheng suddenly said: "May I ask how General Li plans to take the practical examination?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Assessment based on position. For example, in the selection of talents by the household department, those responsible for collecting taxes must understand mathematics, those in charge of grain must understand agronomy. Those in charge of rivers must understand water conservancy, and those in charge of criminal names must understand law.

And I plan to implement two methods of talent selection, in addition to examinations, you can also recruit talents.Because I know that some people may fail the exam, and we cannot discard these talents.

Of course, it doesn't mean that someone recommended by others must be a talented person. These people still need to be assessed to test their actual ability.

In addition, in the future, we will evaluate talents from the following two aspects. First, they must have virtue, and second, they must have ability.To have both ability and political integrity, morality should be put first.

As for how to judge the ability of officials, I tried the test method in Pingyang Mansion, and the effect was good. I plan to promote it throughout the Ming Dynasty.

In the future, whether officials can be promoted or promoted and reused will be determined according to their performance in the assessment.I believe that after a few years, Daming's officialdom will be at peace. "

After listening to Li Jing's words, Hong Chengchou and others suddenly turned their eyes to Zhu Youjian.

There is only one reason why these people look at Zhu Youjian, because Zhu Youjian is the emperor.

There are many reforms in Chinese dynasties, but most of them fall short. Even if they succeed, the reformers will end up not very well.

In the eyes of Hong Chengchou and others, the success of Li Jing's reform depends on the emperor.

Obviously, Zhu Youjian understood the meaning in the eyes of these people.

Zhu Youjian sighed softly in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, dear friends, since I have authorized Li Aiqing, I will not interfere with Li Aiqing's affairs, and I have decided that I will not interfere in political affairs in the future. I think Have a few years of leisure."

After a pause, Zhu Youjian continued: "In addition, I am going to issue an edict. Since then, the emperor will no longer interfere in government affairs, and all government affairs will be handled by the cabinet and officials from the six ministries."


When Hong Chengchou and others heard this, they couldn't believe their ears. The emperor had completely handed over power.

Hong Chengchou and others are so smart, thinking that Li Jing suddenly entered the palace, and then the emperor ordered a large number of officials to be brought down, and then promoted a lot of names of officials who had never heard of it before, and now they are directly handing over power, several people thought After thinking about it for a while, I immediately understood what happened.

"Your majesty is in his prime, and he is very wise and powerful, how can he just think about living a leisurely life?" Lu Xiangsheng said suddenly.

Zhu Youjian smiled wryly: "Wise and powerful? I'm afraid I can't afford this four-character comment!"

Shaking his head, Zhu Youjian sighed and continued: "I have been on the throne for more than nine years. In the past nine years, I have worked hard, but Daming has not improved at all. Look at my hair, a lot of it is gray. I am only 26 years old. But it looks like 46. I'm tired!"

Lu Xiangsheng stared blankly at Zhu Youjian, sighed inwardly, and finally stopped talking.

The hearts of Lu Xiangsheng and others are actually very contradictory. These people are familiar with history books, and they are in high positions. They know that courtiers and emperors have been fighting for the power of governance throughout the dynasties.

From the bottom of their hearts, they didn't want the emperor to have too much power, but when they suddenly found out that the emperor had lost power, their hearts were in a state of turmoil, both happy and somewhat unacceptable.

I am happy because the country will be in charge of these ministers in the future.The reason why they can't accept it is because the books they have read since childhood taught them to be loyal to the emperor. Now that the emperor suddenly has no power, how can they accept it for a while?
Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng and others were suddenly silent, Li Jing said: "The emperor's non-interference in government affairs does not mean that the emperor loses his majesty. You must remember that the emperor will always be the emperor of Ming Dynasty, the king of the people of Ming Dynasty, and the symbol of Ming Dynasty! Congratulations from time to time, courtesy is indispensable. If someone feels that the emperor has no power and therefore despises the emperor, don't blame Li for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing coldly glanced at everyone present.

Shen Zheng and the others have not yet opened their mouths. After hearing Li Jing's words, they knew that Li Jing's words were intended for them. Everyone hurriedly got up and said: "We will follow the order of the commander in chief."

Li Jingjing nodded and waved for everyone to sit down.

After everyone sat down, Li Jing continued: "The military system is finished, let me talk about the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. We have an army of one million in the Ming Dynasty, but we can't even defeat a hundred thousand Eastern captives. It is a joke to spread it. Why is it so? ? Who will tell?"

Hong Chengchou and the others looked at each other, and finally Hong Chengchou got up and clasped his fists at Li Jing and said, "In Hong's opinion, the main reason is that the Ming treasury is empty and the soldiers are often in arrears of payment, so the soldiers have no intention of fighting."

Li Jingjing nodded and waved for Hong Chengchou to sit down.Then he said lightly: "Master Hong's words are not unreasonable, but according to Li, this is not the main reason. Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Taizu didn't have the money to pay the soldiers under him. If you don't pay, you will always lose the battle!"

Speaking of this, Li Jing continued with a smile: "Of course, after the Taizu won the battle, the money captured was still used to pay the soldiers, otherwise the soldiers would have nothing but wind."

Everyone laughed lightly when they heard the words.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "But the captured money is definitely not enough to pay the soldiers. Then what did the Taizu rely on to encourage the soldiers to fight bravely? I think the most important thing is the land.

We all know that when Taizu raised his army, most of the soldiers who followed him had no room or a row, and it can be said that they could not survive.Taizu encouraged his soldiers by distributing the captured lands to his soldiers.The soldiers who got the land would naturally fight to the death to repay the Taizu, while the soldiers who did not get the land would be more courageous in order to get rewards for their meritorious service. "

At this moment, Hong Chengchou clasped his fists and said, "Master Li, we all know what you said, but the land was all in the hands of the Yuan people during the Taizu period. Soldiers are fair and honest, but now who are we grabbing land from?"

Li Jing sneered and said, "From whom? From those rich officials and gentry who don't pay taxes, from those princes, aristocrats and bureaucrats who are greedy for money and enclosing land. If I don't steal it, their money and land will be lost sooner or later." Snatched by refugees who rebelled because they couldn't survive."

Hong Chengchou laughed and said nothing.

Shaking his head, Li Jing continued: "A few days ago, I discussed with the emperor that the Huangzhuang outside the city reduced its land holdings to 300 mu. In addition to the crackdown on corruption the day before yesterday, and the investigation and punishment of a large number of enclosed lands, the total number of these lands is about There are about [-] million mu. But I don’t want to use these lands to motivate soldiers, but to demobilize them.”

"Dismiss the soldiers? Why?" Hong Chengchou wondered.

Li Jing turned his head and glanced at Zhu Youjian, sighed softly and said: "The soldiers in the Beijing camp are either old and weak, or old soldiers who have not been trained for many years. What's the use of the soldiers? It's better to be dismissed and recruited again. But these soldiers are also my Ming people, and they don't need to be dismissed, so we have to leave a way for them to survive. I am going to distribute these lands to the demobilized soldiers so that they can make a living."

"These lands have been distributed, what will Mr. Li use to motivate the soldiers to fight bravely?" Hong Chengchou wondered.

Li Jing pointed to the northeast: "The land in Liaodong is the land that Li used to motivate the soldiers."

Seeing that Hong Chengchou and the others looked puzzled, Li Jing smiled and said, "Eastern Liaodong was originally the territory of our Ming Dynasty, and it would be perfect to award the land there to the meritorious soldiers who regained the territory.

Some people may think that Liaodong is a place of bitter cold, and think that soldiers are unwilling to resettle their families to Liaodong.Here I can solemnly tell you that Liaodong is actually a real treasure land. Although the winter there is a bit cold, it has four distinct seasons and is very suitable for farming, especially for those high-yielding crops. "

Speaking of this, Li Jing walked to the gate of the palace, looked in the northeast direction and said, "After Jinzhou, there is the Liaohe Plain, where the terrain is flat and the water system is developed. If the water conservancy facilities are built well, it will not be possible to turn it into the granary of Daming. Impossible. I plan to subdue the land in the east after I have pacified it, and reward the soldiers who have done meritorious service. In the future, the soldiers will be disarmed and returned to the fields, so that they can live there for the rest of their lives."

Turning his head to look at Hong Chengchou and the others, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said, "I heard that the Jurchens only know how to hunt nomads and don't know how to farm. I don't really believe this. I will let the soldiers watch with whips. The Jurchens farm, I don't believe those Jurchens can't learn to farm."

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed after hearing this.

After laughing for a while, Lu Xiangsheng suddenly said: "Marshal Li, what I heard from you is that you plan to quell the Eastern captives within a year, and then plan to pacify the Central Plains bandits. The rogue bandits in the Central Plains took advantage of this opportunity to make a move, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with them in the future."

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said, "Hehe, Mr. Lu is very worried, but how can we use the whole Ming army to deal with the Eastern Captives? I only need to use [-] Ji Shijun to wipe out the Eastern Captives.

But to be honest, I don't want to use all the main force of the Jishi Army to deal with the Eastern Captives.This is what I think, the Jishi Army has 5 people, and we are going to set up five military regions. I plan to deploy [-] Jishi troops in each military region, so that the strength of each military region can be relatively balanced.

Then let the veterans of the Ji Shi Army lead the new with the old, and soon a group of new recruits can be trained.With this batch of recruits, our military strength will be sufficient, and then we will be able to quell the rogues everywhere, and we can also use troops abroad to quell the barbarians. "

(End of this chapter)

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