Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 332 Zong Yongchao

Chapter 332 Zong Yongchao

In fact, people around Li Jing and people who know Li Jing have seen Li Jing's smile, and they all know that Li Jing's smile is actually harmless at all.

Of course, Ma Wu was one of the people who knew Li Jing well. Seeing Li Jing's deep eyes flashing away, Ma Wu was really nervous, but Ma Wu quickly realized that Li Jing was not targeting him.


Seeing Li Jing looking at him, Ma Wu hastily took out the booklet from his pocket and handed it to Li Jing, "Commander, this is my preliminary opinion on how to deal with the Jinyiwei group, please read it first."

"So fast? It seems that fifth brother is very good at handling official affairs!" Li Jing said with a smile as he took the booklet.

Ma Wu smiled and said: "I'm afraid that the result of the handling will not meet the Commander-in-Chief's wishes, so I will first show the Commander-in-Chief my preliminary opinion."

Li Jingjing nodded, opened the booklet and read it carefully.

After reading it, Li Jing frowned slightly, and handed the booklet to Ma Wudao: "Fifth brother, it seems that the way you handled this matter is not like your previous style of doing things, do you have some other thoughts in your mind? Especially the last sentence, you obviously left yourself a way out. Brother Wu, I entrusted you with the Superintendent of Security because I hope you can make a great career, and it is not appropriate for you to be so cautious."

Based on the friendship between Li Jing and Ma Wu, Li Jing's remarks can be regarded as extremely serious criticism.

Ma Wu blushed when he heard the words, looked at Li Jing, and suddenly summoned up his courage and said: "Brother, brother, I understand, I'll go back and deal with it again."

Li Jingjing nodded, and lightly patted Ma Wu on the shoulder: "Fifth Brother, you just have to do it boldly, no matter what happens, brother will take care of you."

Ma Wuzhong nodded emphatically: "Brother, don't worry, brother has taken care of it."

Seeing Ma Wu turning around to leave, Li Jing pondered for a moment and said suddenly: "Fifth brother, wait a moment."

Upon hearing this, Ma Wu turned around and said, "Brother, what else do you want?"

Li Jing stretched out his hand and said, "Show me the notebook again."

Ma Wu didn't know why, but he still took out the notebook and handed it to Li Jing.

Li Jing took the booklet and read it again, and suddenly asked, "Fifth brother, who gave you the idea of ​​the last sentence?"

"Ah! Brother, how did you see that?" Ma Wu said in surprise.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Fifth brother, we have known each other for not a year or two, don't I know what you are like? When did you hide your mind from me? The last sentence is obviously not you The style of doing things, if you say that no one guides you, I don't believe it."

Ma Wu scratched his head, and gave Li Jing a thumbs-up: "Brother's eyes are as bright as a torch, you can see all these details, brother admires."

Li Jing pulled Ma Wu's fingers away, and said with a smile: "Stop flattering me, and don't give me sloppy eyes. Tell me, who is this person? How did he tell you?"

Ma Wu smiled and looked at Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "The emperor and the prince are very clear about these things, so you can just say it."

Ma Wu smiled, and immediately relayed what the book office said to Li Jing.

After listening to Li Jing, he pondered for a long time and asked, "What is this person's name? What is his background?"

"This man's name is Zong Chao. He is an outstanding scholar. His family is extremely poor. A few days ago, when I recruited books, I saw his good handwriting, so I hired him." Ma Wu said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "This person is very accurate in judging people and things, and he is very scheming. He is a talent for working as an assistant, but this person is a bit bold, you have to use it carefully."

After pondering for a while, Li Jing continued: "This person wants to take this opportunity to let you recommend him in front of me. How about this? You bring him to me for a while, and let me see how this person's character is? If there is no problem with the quality, let him serve as a staff member under you."

"Brother, I didn't recommend him in front of you." Ma Wu said hurriedly.

At this time, Wang Chengen laughed and said: "Brother Ma Wu, you are a fan of the authorities. Think about it, this Zong Chao is just a scholar. If you are asked to recommend him in front of the commander-in-chief, why don't you beat him out with a big stick?" He knows that the commander-in-chief knows you well, and he will be able to see the mystery from this book. He will definitely ask you who gave you the idea. If you tell him, it is tantamount to recommending him in front of the commander-in-chief. .”

"Damn it, is this kid playing tricks on me? Wait until I get back to see how I deal with him!" Ma Wu scolded bitterly after hearing the words.

Wang Chengen smiled and said: "Brother, you are wrong again. This man is indeed as the commander-in-chief said. He is a talent. If you can make good use of it, you will really be able to help him."

After speaking, Wang Chengen glanced at Li Jing.

Ma Wu is not stupid, after hearing what Wang Chengen said, he immediately understood what Wang Chengen meant.

I didn't understand Li Jing's meaning this time, and similar situations may occur in the future. If there is such a person around me who reminds me, then I won't make similar mistakes again.

And if there is such a person by my side, I can hand over many head-scratching things to him, saving myself a lot of time and energy.

Wanting to understand this point, Ma Wu immediately said: "I'll bring this kid here to show my elder brother, and my elder brother will check for me to see if it can be reused."

Li Jingwen frowned and said, "Fifth brother, your attitude is not quite right. This Zong Chao is a talent. If you want to use him again, you have to respect him. How can you be full of brat nonsense."

Ma Wu chuckled: "Didn't he take advantage of this? My brother felt uncomfortable, so I had to talk about it. Don't worry, brother. If this person is really capable, I will call him Mr. in the future."

Speaking of this, Ma Wu looked at Zhu Youjian, and suddenly said: "Brother, it seems inappropriate for me to bring him into the palace, right? Why don't we talk about it later?"

Li Jing pondered for a while, nodded slightly, looked at the note Yuan Shu sent and said: "Wait a moment, I will finish reading this note, and then I will go out to see him in the palace."

"Brother went out of the palace to meet him? Isn't he too flattering?" Ma Wu said in a daze.

Li Jing smiled and said: "There is nothing to praise or not to praise. As long as this person is talented, what's the matter if I go to meet him?"

Seeing that Ma Wu wanted to say more, Li Jing waved his hand: "Okay, let's not talk, I'll read this report first. Xiao Wu, you go and prepare. The emperor will leave the palace with me in a while. The emperor is bored these days. I By the way, go out with the emperor."

Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately forgot the unhappiness just now.

In fact, through Ma Wu's report just now, Li Jing asked Ma Wu to speak directly about Zong Chao's suggestion in front of him, and Zhu Youjian already understood Li Jing's thoughts.

Now that Li Jing wants to implement the New Deal, he needs a lot of talents. At this time, as long as he, the emperor, can do things for Ming Dynasty, Li Jing will use it without hesitation.It doesn't matter even if these people play some tricks and tricks in front of Li Jing.

But Li Jing has a bottom line, that is, he will never allow anyone to interfere with the power in his hands, because once Li Jing loses power, all his efforts will be in vain.

Zhu Youjian knew that his idea of ​​using the title to gain a certain amount of power just now had touched Li Jing's bottom line, so Li Jing had to warn himself.

Zhu Youjian knew that Li Jing's cryptic warning this time had saved him a lot of face. If it were him, he might have taken Li Jing down.

Zhu Youjian knew that there was no shortage of emperors in Ming Dynasty, and others could still be emperors without Zhu Youjian.Even if Li Jing didn't want to change his family, he could find a lot of candidates from Lao Zhu's family.

Old Zhu's family has nothing else, there are plenty of people who are qualified to be emperors.No matter who Li Jing supports to be emperor, these people will not know and dare not have any thoughts.

But Li Jing still allowed himself to be the emperor, and allowed him to do some things for the country and the people, which showed that Li Jing still valued him very much.

Thinking of being valued by Li Jing, Zhu Youjian couldn't help being a little proud.At the same time, he was impressed by Li Jing's measure.

In all dynasties, I have never seen a powerful official like Li Jing. If Li Jing were replaced by Cao Cao, he would have been imprisoned in the palace long ago. Not to mention Shanxi, he would not even be able to leave the palace gate. .

Zhu Youjian was thinking wildly, while Li Jing had already read the article.

Putting the pen on the pen holder of the table case, Li Jing stretched his arms, then looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Xiao Wu responded.

Li Jingjing nodded, and said to Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen, "Let's go."

Wang Chengen and Zhu Youjian nodded hastily.


Coming out of the palace, Li Jing went straight to the Si Yamen, the Commander of Jin Yiwei.

Originally, according to Li Jing's intention, he wanted Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen to go to the city first, but Zhu Youjian insisted on refusing to go to Jinyiwei's yamen with Li Jing.

Li Jing also knew that if he was not by his side, Zhu Youjian would not dare to wander around with ease, so after thinking about it, he agreed that Zhu Youjian would meet Zong Chao with him.

Zong Chao, courtesy name Yongchao, is 36 years old this year, a Gongsheng student in Tianqi for four years, and has failed many times since then. Because of his poor family, he really couldn't pass the exam, so he had to abandon the imperial examination and make a living by writing letters for others.

Although writing letters to others could not make much money, during this period, Zong Chao began to contact the bottom social groups and accumulated a lot of life experience. At this time, Zong Chao began to understand that it is impossible to govern the country by relying on the Four Books and Five Classics.

So in his spare time, Zong Chao began to read books that he had never read before, especially those subsets of classics and history.

Through reading these books, coupled with years of contact with people of all kinds, Zong Chao learned to observe words and expressions, and learned to analyze and judge through details.

It's a pity that in this era when the imperial examination determines everything, no matter how capable Zong Chao is, as long as he doesn't win the examination, he will never be able to make his mark.

Zong Chao, who has been in a state of poverty, even once wanted to join the rogues.

It should be said that many years of practical experience helped Zong Chao. Although Zong Chao wanted to join the rogues, he didn't want to hang out with the rogues casually.Zong Chao is observing, he wants to see which rogue army is worthy of his refuge.

During the observation of Zhong Zongchao, he found that the rogue bandits and the official army have been in a see-saw state. For a certain period of time, the rogue bandits are powerful, but after a while, the official army will exert their strength to suppress the momentum of the rogue bandits. However, due to various reasons, the official army It is also impossible to completely eliminate the bandits.

This situation made Zong Chao extremely entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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