Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 333 Seventh Rank Staff

Chapter 333
Because in this case, he couldn't tell which gangster was powerful, let alone which gangster leader was capable.

When Zong Chao was indecisive, Li Jing suddenly appeared. He first took control of Pingyang Mansion, and then went to Henan for disaster relief, beheading and killing hundreds of corrupt officials.Then Li Jing sent troops to Datong, annihilating tens of thousands of Houjin troops in World War I.

Upon hearing the news, Zong Chao was shocked, and immediately began to focus on Li Jing, and began to carefully observe Li Jing's style of doing things.

Through understanding, Zong Chao discovered that Li Jing's government orders in Pingyang Mansion were incompatible with the imperial court. At that time, Zong Chao judged that Li Jing might rebel in a short time.

However, Li Jing's actions were completely beyond his expectations. Although Li Jing went to Beijing to control the situation, he still respected the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. Everything was completely different from Zong Chao's expectations.

At this time, Zong Chao began to calm down and carefully analyze the government orders implemented by Li Jing, and understood Li Jing's personality through Li Jing's behavior style.

After careful analysis, Zong Chao knew that his opportunity had come.

But Zong Chao knew that he still lacked a platform to meet Li Jing for the time being.

It just so happened that Ma Wu was serving as the admiral of the Security and Vigilance Department at this time, and he was recruiting book offices everywhere. Although Zong Chao didn't know what the Security and Vigilance Department was responsible for, Zong Chao knew that the department Li Jingxin established must be a department with real power, and Li Jing would definitely pay close attention to this matter. Department, if you can join this department, you don't have to worry about not seeing Li Jing in the future.

Therefore, after hearing the news, Zong Chao went to apply without hesitation, and finally, with a good handwriting, he was able to apply for the job successfully.

Sometimes luck can't stop it. Zong Chao never expected that the first thing Ma Wu would do after taking office would be to abolish Jinyiwei, let alone that Ma Wu would let himself be in charge of recording matters on the spot.

Through observation, Zong Chao found that although Ma Wu acted in full accordance with Li Jing's orders this time, he did not deeply understand Li Jing's intentions. At that time, Zong Chao suddenly had an idea in his mind that he wanted to quickly approach Li Jing through Ma Wu. So Zong Chao boldly put forward his opinion on Ma Wu's inappropriate handling of things to Ma Wu.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Ma Wu began to pay more attention to him and asked him to wait for Ma Wu to come back at the Yamen.

After Ma Wu left, Zong Chao thought a lot about what would happen after Ma Wu met Li Jing, but Zong Chao never expected that Li Jing would come to the Yamen to meet him in person, and the current emperor would come with Li Jing.

The moment he saw Li Jing and Zhu Youjian, Zong Chao fell to his knees almost subconsciously.

Seeing that Zong Chao fell to his knees almost without thinking, Li Jing couldn't help but smile.

This Zong Chao is indeed very clever, but he is not as courageous as he imagined.

After waving his hand, Li Jing said, "There's no need to be formal, just get up and answer."

Zong Chao kowtowed a few times and then got up. At this time, Ma Wu and Wang Chengen each moved a chair and invited Li Jing and Zhu Youjian to sit down.

He stretched out his hand to Zhu Youjian, and when Zhu Youjian was seated, Li Jing just sat down. Seeing Ma Wu and Wang Chengen separated on both sides, Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "There are not so many rules here, so don't stand up and sit down." Come on, let's talk together."

Seeing Li Jing's kind attitude, Zong Chao was amazed, he really couldn't connect the Li Jing in front of him with the one he imagined.

In Zong Chao's imagination, Li Jing must be serious and majestic, who would have thought that he would be so approachable?

Seeing that Ma Wu and Wang Chengen took chairs and sat down beside Li Jing, they were obviously used to Li Jing's way of doing things, so Zong Chao knew that Li Jing was not pretending.

Zong Chao secretly observed Li Jing, and Li Jing was also observing Zong Chao.

Perhaps because of his poor family background, Zong Chao's appearance looks much older than his actual age. He looks a little old, but his eyes are very energetic. Li Jing can tell that this person is very shrewd just by looking at his eyes.

But at this time, Zong Chao's eyes were obviously a little flustered, and he hadn't gotten used to the fact that the emperor and Li Jing came to see him.

Seeing that Zong Chao was a little cautious, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm just going to see with the emperor who can point out my brother who has been with me for many years, and I want to have a few words with you by the way."

"The late students don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so please take care of them," Zong Chao said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head: "It can't be said that you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. I heard what you said, Brother Wu, and your guess was right about how to deal with Jin Yiwei. You don't have to belittle yourself on this point."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "It can be seen from this incident that you still know me to a certain extent, but obviously you only know me, but you don't know my fifth brother, let alone the relationship between me and fifth brother. relationship and affection.”

Speaking of which, Li Jing turned his head to look at Ma Wu, patted Ma Wu's arm lightly, then turned his head to look at Zong Chao and said, "My fifth brother is shrewd and decisive in his work, otherwise I wouldn't have appointed him as such Important position. He failed to understand my intention this time, but because he was new to the high position, he was afraid of doing something wrong. I only need to mention him afterwards, and he will understand what I mean. Let me say this, can you Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing this, Zong Chao wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and said, "I understand, thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

Li Jingjing nodded, and nodded Zongchao with his hands: "It can be seen from this incident that you still understand my thoughts better, and you also have the courage to recommend yourself. Although there is an element of speculation, it is still very valuable I will not bury a talent like you, especially your handwriting, which is much better than my fifth brother and I."

"Hehe, the commander is too modest. Given your years of writing, it is already extremely high to be able to write at this level." Wang Chengen said with a smile.

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "I know my own affairs, and I will never be able to write this handwriting in my life. We will not lose that person, and we will find someone to re-transcribe everything we write."

Zong Chao was shocked when he heard that, he really didn't expect Li Jing to admit that he couldn't write well.

Immediately, Zong Chao felt ecstasy again. If he could help Li Jing to transcribe the government order, it would be a step up to the sky.

But thinking about how there is a lack of book offices around Li Jing, it is impossible for such an important job to fall to a newcomer like himself.

Thinking of this, Zong Chao's fiery heart quickly calmed down.

Li Jing saw Zong Chao's exact expression. Seeing that Zong Chao's expression changed and finally calmed down, Li Jing nodded silently.

When Zong Chao calmed down completely, Li Jing said with a smile: "You should work under Fifth Brother first, help Fifth Brother make suggestions, fill in gaps, and accumulate some practical experience before letting Fifth Brother be promoted to you."

"Thank you Marshal, Wan Sheng will spare no effort to assist the Admiral." Zong Chao said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Ma Wudao: "Fifth brother, Mr. Zong is a talent, don't neglect him, I think you also lack a staff secretary, let Mr. Zong take this position."

"Yes!" Ma Wu responded with a bow.

After hesitating for a while, Ma Wu continued: "Commander, but the secretary office around me has no rank, will this wrong Mr. Zong?"

Zong Chao was speechless for a while, and thought: "I can serve as your staff, I don't know how many people are fighting for this position, who cares what grade?"

Zong Chao didn't know that Ma Wu said this for his own sake, because not having a grade means not being in the editor, and another meaning of not being in the editor is that there is no fixed salary.

This is why after Ma Wu hired him as the book office, he had to go to the account to receive the reward after finishing the work.In fact, Ma Wu's book office is actually a wage for doing one thing, and the wages have to be paid by Ma Wu himself.

The reason why Ma Wu rewards so much money at one time is that Ma Wu rarely uses the book office, and one reward of silver is enough for the book office for a long time, so that the book office won't resign, and Ma Wu doesn't need to temporarily Employment book office.

Hearing Ma Wu mention Zong Chao's grade, Li Jing nodded slightly, pondered for a while and said, "Fifth brother, at your level, you should also be equipped with a fixed staff and book office. How about this, you can report to the Military and Political Department. , Give Mr. Zong a seventh-rank title. In the future, your staff and book office will have to be customized, and we must have a system to follow in doing things."

"Yes! Commander." Ma Wu clasped his fists and said.

Then Ma Wu turned to Zong Chao and said, "Mr. Zong, don't hesitate to thank the commander-in-chief. You are now a serious official of the imperial court. How many people will never make it to the seventh-rank official in their lifetime. Fortunately, the commander-in-chief actually promoted you directly."

"Thank you for your promotion, Wansheng." Zong Chao didn't hesitate, and immediately knelt down in front of Li Jing and thanked him.

Li Jing waved his hand, sighed and said, "It's not what I want to promote officials like this. We appoint officials based on their merits. We should try to avoid situations like today. Alas! When did Shangguan not have the privilege to promote people at will? Only then will our system truly mature."

Looking at Zong Chao, Li Jing continued: "Zong Chao, I hope you don't disappoint me, you must help Fifth Brother well, and you must make some achievements. If you fail the exam this year, I will Open you personally."

"Don't worry, Marshal, Wansheng will live up to the trust of Marshal," Zong Chao said hastily.

Li Jing nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Ma Wudao: "Ma Wu, you have to handle the affairs of Jin Yiwei carefully, remember, big crimes must be punished, small crimes must be punished, and the original officials should be appointed according to the situation. You dealt with Luo Yangxing very well, but you handled the rest too lightly. Well, I won’t say much, you can decide on your own, and I’ll go out with the emperor.”

Ma Wu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Marshal, with your words, I will know what to do. You can turn around later, and Ma Wu will definitely handle it for you."

Li Jing patted Ma Wu's shoulder lightly, nodded emphatically, looked back at Zhu Youjian and said, "The emperor only sees me handling official duties this day, let's go, I will accompany you to go shopping and relax.

(End of this chapter)

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