Chapter 376

The only person Zhu Youjian believed in and delegated power to was Yuan Chonghuan. Unfortunately, Yuan Chonghuan didn't understand politics at all. He didn't understand what the city of Beijing meant to Ming Dynasty. Jianren couldn't bear it, and finally took Yuan Chonghuan down for questioning after the war.

In fact, many of the people used by Zhu Youjian are talents, such as Yuan Chonghuan, Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting and others are all real talents.

Among these people, apart from Yuan Chonghuan, who died early, Li Jing was also using it, but the result was completely different from when Zhu Youjian used it.

Cao Wenzhao led the army to fight, needless to say the small battles, more than [-] Jin troops were annihilated in the Battle of Datong, Zhang Xianzhong's troops were wiped out in the Battle of Anqing, more than [-] Jin soldiers were wiped out in the Battle of Gyeonggi, and then led the army to wipe out the three major tribes of Mongolia .

In these four battles, except for the battle of Gyeonggi, which was dispatched by Li Jingju, Cao Wenzhao had full command of the other three battles.No elbows were thrown.

Since Hong Chengchou served as the governor of the western theater and the chief envoy of Shaanxi, he has been encircling and suppressing bandits while governing the local area, and Shaanxi has gradually begun to recover.

Lu Xiangsheng served as the governor of the Southern Military Region and also served as the chief envoy of Henan, and he also did a great job.

If it was Zhu Youjian, how could he be at ease when he saw that these three governors were armed with heavy troops?It is inevitable that the supervising army will be arranged to supervise these people.

Seeing Zhu Youjian's sudden silence, Li Jing smiled, knowing that Zhu Youjian might feel something again.

Raising his wine glass, Li Jing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, let's have a drink. Let's not think about those troublesome things when it's Chinese New Year. Come on, I'll toast the Emperor, and wish us all a bright future."

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian raised his wine glass and smiled and said, "This is very true. For the sake of the early rejuvenation of Ming Dynasty, you and I drank this glass."

After all, the two looked at each other with a smile, and drank a toast at the same time.

Putting down his wine glass, Li Jing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, although the clock will take some time to develop, it is the right time to invest now."

"Why is that?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

Li Jing suddenly withdrew his smile, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, let's put aside the status of the royal family for the time being, and only talk about business. You said that the people of the Academy of Sciences spent a lot of time, a lot of manpower and energy, and a lot of money. Can the things researched by money give the technology to the merchants in vain?"

Zhu Youjian quickly shook his head and said, "Of course not. Let's not say that the imperial court spent so much money, but the time and energy spent by the Academy of Sciences cannot make people use this technology in vain."

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's right. Now people in the Academy of Sciences are only studying things on paper, and the investment is not too big, but when it comes to actual production, it will inevitably consume a lot of materials. These materials don't just fall from the sky. If I give this technology away, even if it is given to you, how do you tell me to explain it to the Academy of Sciences? If it spreads out, countless people will scold me for harming the public and private.”

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Zhu Youjian knew that in Li Jing's current position, money was no longer his concern.Fame and people's hearts are what he values ​​most, and he will definitely not do it if he bears such infamy.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Youjian said: "If you let me invest now, you don't need the court to pay for it. In this way, when I use this technology in the future, others will have nothing to say, right?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's right, but to be honest, I'm afraid it's not enough for your hundred thousand taels of silver alone. This is what I think, this technology, the Academy of Sciences and the imperial court should get some benefits, Academy of Sciences If you don’t have money, you will provide technology. The imperial court will pay part of the research expenses, and I will personally subsidize some. Adding your 10 taels of silver, we will pool more than 30 taels of silver, and the final profit will be shared by you, the Academy of Sciences, and the imperial court. Part of it, what do you think?"

"Then isn't your money wasted for nothing?" Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "Your Majesty, let me tell you the truth, in fact, I don't intend to leave too much property to my children and grandchildren."

"If you don't leave the money to your children and grandchildren, who will you leave it to?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

Li Jing sighed and said: "I'm afraid that my children and grandchildren will not seek to make progress when they live in a worry-free life in the future, and will become a prodigal son who sits and eats. In that case, leaving too much money for them is tantamount to harming them. Therefore, I plan to put the money Donate to the country, donate to the Academy of Sciences for research purposes, since it is a donation, what dividends do I need?"

Zhu Youjian couldn't help being silent when he heard this, and really couldn't figure out why Li Jing had such an idea.

In Zhu Youjian's mind, it is only natural for parents to save property for their children and grandchildren, but Li Jing is not going to leave property for their children.

You must know that Li Jing's property was not accumulated in a day or two. Li Jing once said that he had accumulated it for ten years, which means that it took Li Jing at least ten years to accumulate these properties.

After ten years of operation with Li Jing's ability, I'm afraid Li Jing himself can't figure out the exact amount of property. Although Zhu Youjian doesn't know either, he can still guess the approximate figure.

Just because Ma Wu can spend more than 40 taels of silver to subsidize him every year, we can see how profitable Jingji Company is.Zhu Youjian conservatively estimated that the annual profit of the Jingji firm in the capital must be three to four million taels of silver.Otherwise, how could Ma Wu continue to open so many stores and buy so many properties?

Li Jing's industries are spread across the thirteen provinces of Ming Dynasty. Even if other provinces are not as profitable as the capital, at least half of them should be there. To be conservative, one province is calculated at 20 taels of silver a year, and twelve provinces That's 240 million taels.

The profit is 240 million taels, so the money invested should be at least five times the profit, or even more.

In other words, if Li Jing sold all his family property and exchanged it for silver, he would have at least 1000 million taels of silver.

More than 1000 million taels of silver, if you don’t want it, you don’t want it. It’s hard for Zhu Youjian not to admire it.

However, Li Jing's words also touched Zhu Youjian a lot. Back then, if Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor, hadn't considered too much for the descendants of future generations, the descendants of those vassal kings would not have produced some waste material.

Thinking of seeing Li Jing's children in Pingyang Mansion, Zhu Youjian couldn't help admiring Li Jing even more.

Li Jing has very strict requirements on his children, especially his eldest son Li Anguo. Li Anguo has been studying in ordinary schools like ordinary children since he was a child, and he also plays with ordinary children when he is playing.

If someone hadn't told Zhu Youjian that the child in the crowd was Li Jing's son, even if Zhu Youjian was killed, he wouldn't believe that Li Jing's son would play with ordinary children, Zhu Youjian couldn't figure it out, Li Jing Why do you want to educate your son like this.

In fact, it’s not just Zhu Youjian who can’t figure it out. A few years ago, when Li Anguo reached the age of enlightenment and Li Jing sent his son to school, even the old brothers who had followed Li Jing for many years couldn’t figure out why Li Jing wasn’t there. The family asked the teacher to teach the children, but instead sent the children to school.

You know, most of the students who teach in the school are children. These people can't even pass the exam of scholar. What knowledge can they teach children?It can also teach a hundred surnames and the Three Character Classic.

Seeing that their own children were studying and studying with their husbands all day long at home, while Li Jing's son was playing and wasting his time in the school, Gao Qi and others finally couldn't sit still, and asked Li Jing why he let his son do nothing.

Li Jing's explanation for this is that Li Anguo is only five or six years old, just at the age of playing. It is really difficult for the child to recite poems all day long. He wants his son to have a happy childhood.

In addition, Li Jing also told Gao Qi and others that he did not plan to let Li Anguo take over his class in the future.Li Jing said that if Li Anguo is not a material for political career, it would not be a good thing for Li Anguo if he is pushed to the top.

As for Li Anguo's future, everything will come naturally.

It's a pity that Li Jing didn't explain it, but when he explained it, it attracted accusations.If it weren't for Li Jing's accumulated power over the years, Gao Qi and others might have retaliated against Li Jing with old punches.

Regarding this, Li Jing could only smile helplessly, knowing that although Gao Qi and the others had followed him for many years, they could not understand his thoughts after all.

Seeing that they could not persuade Li Jing, Gao Qi and others immediately approached Yuan Keli to discuss Li Anguo's education, and got Yuan Keli's support.

If there is one person in this world who can control Li Jing, it is probably Yuan Keli.In Li Jing's house, Yuan Keli's words are more effective than Li Jing's.

Under Yuan Keli's mediation, Li Jing finally compromised and agreed that after Li Anguo came back from the school, he would find another teacher to teach Li Anguo.

In fact, with someone like Yuan Keli in the family, why is there any need to ask for a husband?In addition, Yuan Keli was worried about letting others educate Li Anguo, so he naturally did it himself.

Yuan Keli not only taught Li Jing's son himself, but also asked Xu Guangqi and others to come to Li's residence to teach Li Jing's son from time to time.

With the teaching of teachers like Yuan Keli and Xu Guangqi, Li Anguo indeed knows more than many children of the same age.

When Zhu Youjian saw Li Anguo in Pingyang Mansion, he didn't feel that he was different from other children among the children, but when Li Anguo saw him alone, Zhu Youjian found that Li Anguo's words and deeds were very calm , seems to have the wind of being a father.

Compared with Li Anguo, Zhu Youjian knew that his son was far behind.

It's not that his son Zhu Cihong is stupid than Li Anguo, let alone that Zhu Cihong's education is not as good as Li Anguo's, but that Zhu Cihong's life atmosphere is not as good as Li Anguo's.

Because he often plays with ordinary children, Li Anguo has a very cheerful personality, far from being feared by various rules like Zhu Cihong, who is restrained when he sees adults and elders.

Who is Zhu Youjian?That was a political veteran for many years, and he quickly understood why Li Jing educated his son in this way.

Li Jing himself started from the bottom class and knew the life of the bottom class people very well, so his governance strategies were all inclined to the common people, so Li Jing was able to win the support of the common people.

Li Jing let his son go to school with the children of the poor, in fact, to let his son understand the living conditions of the bottom people.If Li Anguo succeeds Li Jing in the future, since he knows what life is like at the bottom, he will know how to treat the common people.

(End of this chapter)

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