Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 377 That Day

Chapter 377 That Day

If Li Anguo is not an official but a businessman, because he knows what the common people need, he will naturally do business according to his liking, and it will be difficult not to make money.

In addition, Zhu Youjian knew very well what Li Jing meant by what he said to his subordinates. What Li Jing said could be said to be both true and false, or in other words, he was advancing with retreat.

Because Li Jing was only a general in Shanxi at that time, it was impossible or inconvenient to arrange for his son to take his place. If Li Jing was gone, the people under Li Jing could tolerate others taking over the power created by Li Jing ?

Even the successor appointed by Li Jing may not be able to secure this position, but the only one who can convince everyone is Li Jing's son.

Zhu Youjian very much suspected that Li Jing said those words on purpose, making everyone think that Li Jing was not paving the way for his son, but that they forcibly pushed Li Anguo up, so that no matter what happened in the future, Li Anguo would have something to say, at least will be invincible.

It's like when I first came to the throne, I had to resign several times in a row. In fact, it was just an act to make others think that I didn't want to be emperor, and everyone forced me to do it.

It's just that he was just acting on the spot, but Li Jing was preparing for ten or twenty years later.

Even Zhu Youjian suspected that Gao Qi and others had seen through Li Jing's mind, or that they had already communicated with each other and were acting out a play for others to see.

But is that necessary?At that time, Li Jing was only a small general from Shanxi Province, and at most he had control of three acres of land in Pingyang Mansion. Did he need to spend so much effort?

Suddenly Zhu Youjian was startled. If Li Jing died without entering Beijing, with Gao Qi and others' loyalty to Li Jing, it is very likely that Li Anguo would support Li Anguo and raise the flag to rebel. Where there is room for the army to fight back, I am afraid that the city of Beijing will be broken by three attacks and five divisions.

Assuming that Li Jing died now, his throne might still be in jeopardy. With no one able to hold him in place, Gao Qi and his gang would definitely overthrow him and make Li Jing's son the emperor.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian didn't care why Li Jing didn't leave property to his children, he just hoped that Li Jing could live for a few more years, and nothing went wrong.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Brother Li, although I can't understand your thoughts, I know that you are always right in seeing things. I am ashamed of this. Come on, let me offer you a toast." .”

Li Jing raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "There is no one who is right in everything in this world. Even a saint can't do this. The emperor praises me too much."

"Hehe, Brother Li is too modest, I'm afraid a saint can't match Brother Li's great talent." Zhu Youjian laughed.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Youjian drank up the wine and pointed the cup to Li Jingliang.

Li Jing smiled and drank the wine in his glass.

Zhu Youjian looked at Luo Yangxing and said with a smile: "Luo Aiqing, Brother Li has treated you so kindly, don't you respect Brother Li?"

Hearing this, Luo Yangxing picked up the wine glass hurriedly, got up and said: "Your Majesty, this minister is just a wine companion. You are having a happy conversation with the commander-in-chief. How dare this minister intervene. Now that the emperor gives this minister a chance, naturally he must respect the commander-in-chief." A glass of wine. Besides, I have to respect not only the Marshal, but also the Emperor."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Hehe, Brother Luo, you really should toast the emperor with a glass of wine. Actually, I will invite you to accompany the emperor for dinner tonight, just to give you a chance to toast the emperor with a glass of wine. As for the reason, I won't say anything Yes, everyone agrees."

Zhu Youjian smiled, waved his hands and said, "Why do you mention him in the past, it's rare to be happy today, don't talk about those unpleasant things, Luo Aiqing, you respect the commander first, and then respect me."

Luo Yangxing smiled wryly, and thought: "People are really different. When the emperor talks to Li Jing, he calls himself me, but when he talks to himself, he calls himself Zhen."

After thinking for a while, Luo Yangxing said: "Your Majesty, I originally wanted to respect the Emperor first, but since the Emperor ordered my minister to respect the commander first, I should obey. Please forgive me for disrespecting the Emperor."

Zhu Youjian shook his head, pointed at Luo Yangxing and said, "Your temperament can't be changed. It's okay to be cautious. After all, there is no big mistake in being careful, but why are you so cautious when drinking? You are so wordy. After respecting the commander-in-chief I am fined with three drinks, and then get out, I am not happy to drink, and I am impatient to drink with you."

"My minister obeys the order." Luo Yangxing said hurriedly.

To be honest, Luo Yangxing really didn't want to eat with Zhu Youjian and Li Jing, because he didn't have the right to speak when Zhu Youjian and Li Jing were together. Zhu Youjian and Li Jing didn't move their chopsticks, so he just Being able to sit still is as uncomfortable as it can be.

Now that Zhu Youjian told him to go away, Luo Yangxing was like hearing the sound of heaven. After toasting Li Jing a glass of wine, he quickly drank three glasses in a row, and then toasted Zhu Youjian.After Zhu Youjian finished drinking, Luo Yangxing left without hesitation.

Seeing Luo Yangxing pouring wine down his stomach as if desperate for his life, Li Jing was really amused when he saw it.

However, Li Jing could understand Luo Yangxing's feelings.Luo Yangxing was promoted and reused by Zhu Youjian, but in the end he devoted himself to his own command. Although the Ming Dynasty had not been changed, Luo Yangxing could not bear the infamy of being a seller and seeking glory, but the infamy of betraying the old master could not be escaped.

Under normal circumstances, when reporting work, Luo Yangxing usually reports to Ma Wu and asks Ma Wu to tell him. Even if he comes to report in person, he will leave as soon as he finishes speaking and rarely stay, so as not to face himself and Zhu Youjian at the same time. embarrassing.

But today Luo Yangxing sent Song Yingxing and Tu Shaoying to see Li Jing. Li Jing was happy after seeing Song Yingxing, but he ignored Luo Yangxing, and Luo Yangxing also knew that Li Jing would still ask about Jiangxi. He didn't dare to resign. Fortunately, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian's attention was focused on Song Yingxing at that time, and Luo Yangxing didn't think there was anything wrong.

After Song Yingxing and others left, Luo Yangxing realized that he had to face Li Jing and Zhu Youjian alone. Although the atmosphere at the wine table was harmonious, Luo Yangxing felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

Knowing Luo Yangxing's feelings, Li Jing would not force him to stay with him. Seeing that it was getting late, Li Jing also got up by the way.

"Brother Li, what are you doing? Don't you want to leave too? Haven't you finished the matter yet?" Zhu Youjian asked hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "It's too late, it's not appropriate for me to stay in the palace. Anyway, there is no rush to build the factory, let's talk about it another day."

"What are you afraid of? I will stay in the palace tonight. I will live here in Dongnuan Pavilion. I will live in Kunning Palace." Zhu Youjian said displeased.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Li Jing shook his head and said helplessly.

"You're not in a hurry, but I'm in a hurry! You said I don't have anything to do now, and I finally have something to do. Can you not be in a hurry?" Zhu Youjian said.

With that said, Zhu Youjian turned his head to look at Luo Yangxing and said, "Don't wait for the commander-in-chief, go back by yourself."

Luo Yangxing responded, bowed to Zhu Youjian and Li Jing each, and then walked out of the room quickly.

Li Jing was helpless, and beckoned to Xiao Wu: "Someone tell the people outside to go back and rest, don't wait for me."

Li Jing asked the guards and the coachman to go back to the mansion, and agreed to spend the night in the palace.

Xiao Wu nodded, went out and called a guard, and asked him to notify the guards, coachman and others waiting outside the palace to return to the mansion.

When Xiao Wu went out, Zhu Youjian smiled and said to Wang Chengen: "Go and get a bottle of Guyuan wine made for me by the imperial hospital."

Wang Chengen was startled when he heard the words, then nodded and got up to get the wine.

Li Jing looked at Zhu Youjian and said, "Is the emperor feeling unwell?"

Zhu Youjian shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with my body, but the medicinal wine prepared by the imperial physicians is not for curing diseases, but for strengthening the body. Brother Li works day and night, and his body is getting thinner and thinner. I will send you a few bottles later. See how it works."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "I don't need that, and there is nothing wrong with my body. The reason for my weight loss is mainly due to lack of sleep and irregular meals. When everything in the country is on the right track, I won't be like this."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said: "Da Ming has accumulated evils for a long time, and it will take at least three or five years to see success if you want to restore the decline. Brother Li, Da Ming is now relying on you to steer the helm. If you fail, the current situation may be in vain. Therefore, you must take care of your health!"

Li Jing didn't expect Zhu Youjian to care about him so much. After thinking silently for a while, he vaguely guessed Zhu Youjian's thoughts, so he smiled and nodded slightly.

At this moment, Wang Chengen came in with a wine bottle.

Zhu Youjian took the wine bottle and opened it, poured a glass for Li Jing, and poured another glass for himself, and then said: "The imperial doctor said that you can't drink more of this wine at a time, at most two taels."

Li Jingjing nodded, picked up the wine glass and smelled it, and found that the smell of the wine had faded a lot, probably because of the infiltration of medicinal herbs.

After taking a sip, I felt a rush of hot air flowing down my throat and reaching my stomach. After a while, I felt my limbs warm up.

"Good wine, good stuff." Li Jing praised.

Hearing Li Jing's praise, Zhu Youjian also took a sip, and then said with a smile: "Brother Li is really knowledgeable, just take a sip, and you will know whether the wine is good or not."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't think that I rarely drink alcohol. In fact, I like drinking very much. I don't drink because I am afraid of delaying my work. I still have a little research on alcohol."

Sighing, Li Jing continued: "Actually, my greatest wish is to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters after the Ming Dynasty is rejuvenated. I don't care about world affairs, plant flowers every day, drink some wine, and spend my old age peacefully."

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian was silent for a while, then raised his wine glass and said, "Brother Li, if there ever comes a day, I will surrender the throne to the crown prince, and you and I will live in seclusion in the mountains together."

"Hehe, I hope this day will come true soon. Come on, Your Majesty, let's have a toast for this day." Li Jing laughed.

"Do it!" Zhu Youjian raised his glass and said.

The two drank all the wine in their cups, and Li Jing then gave Zhu Youjian a rough explanation of how the factory should be built and operated.

In the end, Li Jing said: "Your Majesty, the Eunuch Wang is a talented person, and he is loyal to the Emperor. I think these factories can be handed over to the Eunuch Wang to manage."

Zhu Youjian nodded, looked at Wang Chengen and said with a smile: "Cheng'en, it's rare that the Duke of the State values ​​you so much. You must work hard, and don't let the Duke of the State live up to his expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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